Opening system: My wife has the appearance of a great emperor

Chapter 121 Xuan Tang's Acting Skills

Chapter 121 Xuan Tang's Acting Skills
As the two air currents collided, bursts of strong winds were set off around.

Because Xuantang's strength is too strong, even if he only used three successes, the dark red giant dragon is still no match.

He was shot several meters away.

"Take that woman and Ge Zhi and get out of here quickly!"

Xuan Tang pretended to be in a critical situation, and said to Fan Zian.

However, he asked the two of them to leave with the woman, not simply to make the outsiders think that he and this dragon were on par with each other.

Rather, he was afraid that this dark red flood dragon in the True Origin Realm would suddenly leave him behind and attack Fan Zian and Ge Zhi instead.

You know, if you force yourself to suppress your cultivation, you won't be able to rush to them in the first place.

Even with the strength of the two of them, they can't stop them. Only by leaving first can they save their lives.


The giant dark red dragon, which was dizzy from Xuantang's punch, came back to his senses, and immediately hissed up to the sky, roaring incessantly.

A terrifying wave swept from the body of the twenty-foot Jiao!
"Brother Xuan, be more careful."

Fan Zian didn't dare to stay here for too long.

Because he knew very well that he and Ge Zhi were just holding back.

He quickly asked Ge Zhi to pick up the woman, and immediately fled along the original road.

And at this time, it was time to test Xuantang's acting skills.


Seeing Fan Zian leave, the blood dragon roared angrily and rushed up, but was blocked by Xuan Tang.

"Bang bang bang!"

Xuan Tang went up and punched it hard on the head twice.

Jiaolong gave him a backhand wag.





One punch and one tail swing.

One man and one beast fought like this for three hundred rounds.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome."

At this moment, the mysterious hall with a stick of incense in the battle with the blood dragon slowly landed on the path.

A look of impatience gradually appeared.

The armor of the other party's body was as solid as a rock. If he didn't burst out with his own cultivation of the infinite realm, it would take at least a day to consume this monster to death.

But he had no time to lose.

outside world.

In the auditorium, except for Concubine Bing, who had been paying attention to Shifang Realm, everyone else was dumbfounded.

"Unexpectedly, there is a dark red giant dragon dormant in this battlefield of ten thousand sects. If this creature comes out to make trouble, I don't know how many disciples will die."

"The point doesn't seem to be the giant dragon, but the disciples of the Dao League who are fighting against the giant dragon at the moment!"

"This disciple of the Dao League is not at a disadvantage against the giant dark red dragon whose strength is almost close to the limitless state! I really look forward to what will happen when he meets Qin Tianwen and Cheng Ran."

"Haha, if this person wins Cheng Ran or Qin Tian asked one of them, I think that in at most 200 years, there will definitely be another Zhang Xiaoyao in Tianyan Continent!"

Qi Caiyun, who was sitting next to Concubine Bing, was also shocked when she heard the discussions around her.

Those spectators with extremely high levels of cultivation all around compared Xuan Tang to Zhang Xiaoyao!

Speaking of Zhang Xiaoyao, he is the most legendary figure in Tianyan Continent so far.

Three-year-old Jindan, seven-year-old Nascent Soul, 11-year-old Zhenyuan, 17-year-old Wuji, can leapfrog to fight and defeat the strong in the void.

Before reaching the age of 30, the void is already complete, one step away from ascending to immortality.

And at the age of 50 founded the Holy League.

At that time, there were no seven major alliances on the mainland, only the Holy League, which dominated the entire Tianyan.

Unfortunately, when he was a hundred years old.

On the mainland, he was no longer seen, and the Holy League gradually declined and was replaced by the Divine League.

According to rumors, only the leaders of the Holy League in the past had the opportunity to know about Zhang Xiaoyao's whereabouts.

The rest of the people may have already forgotten him.

above the sky.

The five emperors looked at the Wanzong battlefield intently, with complicated emotions in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, this conference was several times more exciting than previous years.

Wanzong battlefield.

Just when Xuantang was about to erupt his true cultivation, he punched out the blood-red giant dragon.


The sound of rolling stones suddenly reached his ears.

It turned out that inadvertently, during the fierce battle between him and the giant dark red dragon, the entire mountain top trembled violently.

Now, rocks keep falling from the top of the cave!

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Xuantang's heart.

His eyes lit up instantly.

He immediately thought of a way to destroy the dark red giant dragon without revealing his true cultivation.

"Xuanwu Divine Fist!"

The light blue light instantly stepped up into the sky, thinking that the top would be a hard punch.

And in the air, he made a provocative gesture to the dark red giant dragon.


Seeing Xuantang's actions like this, the dark red dragon was extremely angry
Originally, there was still a sliver of rationality, but it was instantly replaced by a strong killing intent.

With a roar, it flew across a distance of three zhang in an instant, and shot towards Xuantang who had just landed!
For this move of the dark red giant dragon, Xuan Tang not only did not take any precautions, but instead looked at the top of the cave with burning eyes!


The expected thing finally happened.

Just now, Xuantang's punch seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back, finally causing the entire cave to collapse!
"dong dong dong"

Countless huge stones fell from the top of the cave, smashing towards the magma lake with terrifying force.

One of them happened to hit the head of the dark red giant flood dragon that came to attack Xuantang.

In an instant, the extremely powerful dark red giant dragon was hit by this boulder that fell from the sky!
Seeing this situation, Xuantang's eyes burst into a faint blue light, and his whole body moved instantly.

The magma lake has been buried by some huge rocks at this moment, Xuantang stepped on it easily, and used his strength to gallop towards the path he came from.

Along the way, some formations were laid.

By Li Tiandao's side, he has more or less learned some skills.


The boulder in the magma lake was suddenly overturned by a huge force from bottom to top. The twenty-foot body of the dark red giant dragon made it rush out from the bottom of the magma lake calmly. At this moment, it was discovered that the damned human had disappeared!
The crimson pupils of the dark red giant dragon contracted violently, and a strong evil spirit was exuded from its whole body.


Immediately there was a roar, as if he had identified a direction, and the twenty-foot dragon body shot out from the magma lake in an instant.

Crush countless boulders along the way, and chase towards the path where Xuantang disappeared!

But it didn't realize that as it broke through one after another formation, the hardness of its own body was gradually softening.

Finally, Xuantang stopped, and the dark red giant flood dragon chased after him.

The two broke out again in a seemingly very "intense" battle.

But this time, the blood-red giant dragon was obviously unable to do what it wanted.

In order to get the title of Best Movie King, Xuan Tang was bitten by the giant dragon on purpose, blood flowed profusely from his arm.

But he was stopped by his internal force.

"Heh, the performance is over, it's time to send you on your way."

After saying that, Xuan Tang suddenly rose into the air and punched Jiao's head hard.


With the final blow of Xuanwu Shenquan, the huge body of the dark red giant dragon finally collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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