Opening system: My wife has the appearance of a great emperor

Chapter 122 With one's own strength, against several suzerains

Chapter 122 Fight against hundreds of suzerains with one's own power

After dealing with the dark red giant dragon, Xuantang adjusted his breath.

Only then was he ready to leave the cave.

The claw marks on his clothes and the faint blood stains on his arms made him look very embarrassed.

outside the cave.

Fan Zian looked forward to it, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Brother Xuan, is it resolved?"

"Don't worry, that beast can't hurt me."

Xuan Tang said calmly.

Then, he glanced at the girl in Ge Zhi's arms, and said calmly, "The three of us cannot act together in the current situation."


Fan Zian was a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, wouldn't it be safer for the three of them to be together, and wouldn't the probability of winning be greater?
"Our goal is to get No. 1 as soon as possible. If the three of us act together and the resources we get are limited, if we divide them equally, when will we get No. 1?"

"So let's split up, Ge Zhi and I are in a team, and you are in a team alone."

Xuantang arranged calmly.

This arrangement can be said to be very reasonable.

Because in the battle of disciples, even if the disciples of the same sect won the first, second, and third place, then only the results of the No.1 disciple will be used to convert the points.

And to distribute Fan Zian, who was holding back, would allow him to gain points and contribute to the Dao League.

It can also allow Xuantang and Ge Zhi to hunt and kill monsters, and the speed of snatching tokens will be faster.


Fan Zian nodded.

Indeed, what Xuan Tang said was reasonable.

It's like sword alliance.

They just sent a Qin Tianwen, not even a team leader, probably because they were afraid that their teammates would hold them back.

Besides, with my own strength, although I can't fight many with one, I am afraid that few people are my opponents when it comes to heads-up.

"By the way, I just contacted the boss with telepathy, and he said that it is enough for you to absorb the blood god grass. That thing is of little use to him."


Fan Zian looked a little surprised.

Blood God Grass has the effect of forging muscles and bones. If he can take it, wouldn't his cultivation be at least doubled?

Xuantang nodded, and said: "Let's spread out, see you in a few days."

After finalizing the plan, Ge Zhi hugged the woman, followed Xuan Tang's pace, and left first.

At this moment, Fan Zian, who was a little ecstatic, unfolded his consciousness, and also turned around and headed for an extremely hidden retreat place.

outside world.

When Xuantang killed the giant dark red dragon, everyone was stunned.

The audience below was completely silent, but no one left.

This Daomeng, a dark horse that came out halfway.

Undoubtedly, this Wanzong Conference is even more interesting.

And the five emperors above asked themselves, would there be someone like Xuantang in this extreme east region.

The answer is no!
People like Xuan Tang were most likely born in the Divine Dao Realm or the Samsara Realm.

Anyway, it is impossible to be born in the extreme east region with extremely weak comprehensive strength.

Therefore, the Daomeng organization may actually exist!
After all, the facts are there.


Ten squares.

Li Tiandao was infinitely close to where the light beam was.

In the blink of an eye, they came to a volcano that was billowing with steam.

Into the eyes, the crimson land, from time to time burst out a ray of flames, among them, mixed with a few plants similar to dead branches,

Expanding his consciousness, he found himself at the waist of the volcano, and the light beam was at the top.

Li Tiandao silently felt the abundant spiritual energy around him, and he didn't feel the hot breath at all.

The state of the whole person is like being in a normal environment.

"Heh, although the ten directions are not big, I didn't expect that volcanoes, blood seas, valleys, all kinds of terrains exist."

Li Tiandao smiled lightly.

Following the strong aura of immortal cultivators above, he rushed away.

Groping all the way, Li Tiandao came to the top of the mountain.

There are many rocks there.

In the center of the chaotic rock group, a group of immortal cultivators surrounded a woman.

"Hehe, hand over the Huiyue Flag, don't continue to struggle!"

A ferocious-looking man smiled and said to the surrounding women, but the other party gave him a cold look.

Standing behind the boulder, Li Tiandao wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but when he looked closely, he sighed helplessly.

I saw that the woman who was surrounded and covered with scars was Liu Qin'er who entered with him earlier and said that she would ally with him.

At this moment, she is holding a Hundred Flowers Sword in her right hand that is very similar to the Emperor Rhyme Sword Li Tiandao gave to her daughter-in-law, and a light blue flag in her left hand.

The handsome and glamorous face was full of exhaustion, and the pink martial robe on his body seemed to have a few scratches, which were stained blood red in a large area.

One must know that even though Hundred Flowers Sect is a top sect, Liu Qiner also has the strength to crush everyone.

But on the opposite side, there are hundreds of suzerains of first-class sects!
It can be said that it is easy to deal with Liu Qin'er who is exhausted from pulling down the Huiyue flag.

What's more, just now she was attacked by several suzerains in turn, causing her spiritual energy to be damaged.

Several suzerains gradually approached, and Liu Qin'er collapsed completely due to the fierce aura.

I saw him kneeling on one knee, holding himself up to prevent himself from falling down.

Do you really want to use that trick?

But if he used that trick, he would die too.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Qin'er's face was as frosty, and she raised her head calmly, with a look of death.

It seems to be preparing to activate its own nirvana.

"Heh, Sect Master Liu, why struggle? Although you are a female fairy admired by thousands of people in the outside world, in the ten directions, anyone who holds three flags will be hunted down."

"That's right, Sect Master Liu, you'd better put down the flag obediently, otherwise, in the Ten Directions where there is no express rule that no killing is allowed, you may die on the spot!"

"What nonsense are you talking to her? You don't know this woman's character yet? Don't eat oil, salt, soft and hard, let's go together first, kill her first!"


Several suzerains stepped forward to warn them, but Liu Qin'er did not let go of the Huiyue Banner that was shining faintly in her hand.

At this moment, seeing that she was too tough, the faces of several suzerains revealed fierce expressions.

Quietly run the spiritual power and prepare for the attack.

And Liu Qin'er was not stupid, so she could see that someone was about to make a move, and when she was about to fight with her life, at this moment, a calm voice sounded, which made Liu Qin'er look happy.

"Hehe, it's not good for so many people to bully a weak woman."

As the voice fell, a young man in a white robe came slowly, crossed the crowd, and came to Liu Qin'er.

His robe is windless and automatic, and because he has been washed by the soul cleansing stone, he faintly reveals a sense of elegance.

"Master Li, you..."


Li Tiandao signaled Liu Qin'er not to speak, then took the Bright Moon Flag from her hand, smiled lightly and said, "Heal the wound quietly, and leave the rest to me."

In a word, Liu Qin'er felt reassured.

Do not know why.

In her eyes, Li Tiandao, who was only in the Infinity Realm, had such a reliable sense of security.

"Boy, who are you?"

Seeing that Liu Qin'er started to heal her wounds and gradually recovered her skills, all the suzerains frowned.

If Liu Qin'er recovers, they may have to pay a huge price if they want to capture the Huiyue Banner.

Thinking of this, people have already surrounded Li Tiandao from all directions!

(End of this chapter)

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