New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 10 Preventing gynecological diseases and making women bloom beautifully

Chapter 10 Preventing gynecological diseases and making women bloom beautifully (2)
Some people say that the first cold is nothing to worry about, and it will be fine if you carry it. However, because your body is too weak to handle it, the cold will pass through the skin and enter the stomach.Some people say, how do you know that the cold has entered the stomach?You didn't lead the way.This is the second step for the cold to enter the stomach. Look at the tongue coating. This time, it is not the thickness of the tongue coating, but whether there is water vapor on the tongue coating. When I tell patients how to diagnose the water vapor on the tongue coating, many people do not understand. I asked them to pick up the bottle and take a sip of mineral water. The tongue coating just finished drinking mineral water
There will be a "barking" layer of wet water vapor on the top, which is completely different from the tongue coating when you don't catch a cold. This is what Chinese medicine calls the water slippery coating, because the cold enters the stomach and intestines.It doesn’t matter if you still don’t know how to look at water slides, other symptoms will appear, such as stomach pain and loose stools caused by the cold entering the stomach. .

The cold will eventually enter the viscera, damage the muscles and bones, and damage the meridians, such as the heart palpitations caused by the cold entering the heart meridian and the arthralgia caused by the cold entering the meridians, such as the pain of osteoarthritis.Here we only talk about the damage that cold can easily cause to women's bodies.The cold is worse for women, and the cold will make women suffer, which is also the specialty of the cold.When Han wins, it hurts. When people fight, they will focus on the soft pinch, and Han is no exception. He will also focus on the weakest link of women, that is, the place where the Yin Qi is the most heavy-the Chong Ren Er Meridian and the uterus.The cold will cause the uterine wall of the uterus to convulse and induce pain, which is what we often call dysmenorrhea.The cold will make the blood in the uterus turn into blood clots and dark purple, which will aggravate the pain during menstruation and irregular menstruation.Therefore, it is not difficult to distinguish cold entering the viscera, just look at the scriptures and color, and know abdominal pain.Some people feel coldness in their lower stomach when they are in pain. Take a warm water bag to warm it up, and the pain will be relieved obviously.

In fact, simple physical therapy will seem a bit ineffective. Many women will choose to drink ginger soup. Cut the ginger into very fine powder, put it on the fire and boil it for 3 minutes, then add brown sugar. When catching a cold and causing dysmenorrhea and diarrhea , can drive away the cold in the body, brown sugar is warm in nature, and ginger can warm the middle and dispel the cold. While driving away the cold, it also has the effect of relieving pain. This is sending charcoal in the snow.We can add more fire when sending charcoal, that is, add some cinnamon sticks.Beat the cinnamon sticks into a fine powder, and add 4 grams when drinking ginger soup. You don’t need too much, just add the cinnamon stick powder twice a day. The function of yang qi, while neutralizing the cold air in women's bodies, can also lead the way for ginger, so that the medicinal properties of ginger and dispelling wind and cold are pervasive. It can not only treat dysmenorrhea, but also treat all arthralgia and pain caused by cold.

This article lets us know the harm of cold to women, and at the same time, let us see clearly how cold enters the stomach from the lungs and reaches the uterus. Let us learn to look at nasal mucus, water slippery moss, and menstrual blood. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: "Know yourself and know the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without imperil." We not only understand the source of cold, but also understand the way of cold damage to the body, so why not eliminate it?
To be a warm woman, first let the body warm up
Why are women most prone to cold limbs?Why are women more prone to menstrual disorders?Why is it easy to have fever and pain during menstruation, whether the menstrual period is at the front or the wrong time, and it is easy to have amenorrhea?Why are women most prone to soreness and pain in the waist and knees?Why are women most susceptible to leukorrhea?Why are women so afraid of the cold during breastfeeding during confinement?Why are women the most frigid?Most of the parties suffering from infertility are infertile because of women, etc., and there are many examples, it is impossible to list them all, and most of these problems are related to the word "cold".

When we think of cold, we first think of a concept of "catching cold". The cold in Chinese medicine is not just about catching cold. You who don’t understand traditional Chinese medicine may be confused. We have seen hand and foot twitches and leg cramps, and the limbs are curled up together. This is the cold. The characteristics of stagnation block Qi and blood together, block the traffic of meridians and Qi and blood, and cause a series of menstrual diseases.

During confinement and breastfeeding, a lot of yang qi has been consumed in the body due to fetal birth, so this is the time when yang qi is most deficient, which gives opportunities for confinement to occur. A woman has a fever and a cold because she catches a cold with the window open; she just washes a diaper with cold water and causes joint pain in her fingers, and she thinks it is rheumatism; her husband complains because she cannot be satisfied in sexual affairs; The secret recipe for having children everywhere... Various reasons are due to the fact that cold is the nemesis of women's yang energy. It can be seen that cold air is no less than a plague to women. A little carelessness gives cold air an opportunity to become a sick child.

While understanding the dangers of cold, we also need to learn to diagnose, because when cold sneaks in, it won't greet you.But no matter how secretive its whereabouts are, it will inevitably show its feet. The places where it shows its feet are the color of tongue coating, hands and feet, vaginal discharge and menstruation, low sexual function, and cold, cold, and pain in the lower abdomen.

When a woman suffers from typhoid fever, she should look at the coating on her tongue, yes, that’s it, and she can see it very accurately, so what exactly is she looking at?Look at the water vapor, look at the water vapor on the tongue coating. Some people say that I can't see the water vapor on my tongue coating no matter how I look.Let me teach you a way, look at the tongue first, then take a sip of water, and then look at the tongue coating after swallowing. The entire tongue coating and tongue body are wet. This is the slippery coating caused by cold in traditional Chinese medicine.If you see this kind of tongue coating without drinking water, it is an external symptom of cold air entering the inside and water vapor rising to the tongue.

Why do women emphasize watching water moss, because only in this way can we really tell whether women are really cold, and whether the cold air has entered the inside.Let's give another example. If a girl has dysmenorrhea, we usually think that the cold is causing the trouble. If you drink some ginger syrup, the pain will not be relieved but will intensify. Her tongue coating, her tongue coating and tongue body must be dry, sticky, and the tip of the tongue is red. It is obviously caused by heat. After detailed questioning, I found out that before her menstruation, she had a big meal of Chongqing hot pot. Drink some ginger syrup, what's the difference between adding fuel to the fire?
You can also tell the coldness by looking at the leukorrhagia and the color of menstruation. The leukorrhagia is large, like bean curd residue, and has no obvious odor. When dysmenorrhea, menstruation is not bright red, but dark purple and blood clots. This situation is also cold The stagnation and blockage make the menstrual blood stasis, and the cold air descends and stagnates and rushes to the second channel, causing abnormal leukorrhea.

When your husband complains that you are frigid, you touch your lower abdomen and waist, is it always cold? Why is it cold?That’s because there is no fire—Mingmen fire, it’s because the cold hurts the yang energy in your body, the “little stove” of the mission gate is dying, and this beam of fire is exactly the life that breeds life and the harmony of husband and wife the fire.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the combination of four diagnostic methods, including looking, smelling, asking, and feeling. If you carefully read the chapter on distinguishing cold air carefully, and combine reading the scriptures, taking off the skin, tongue coating, and touching the temperature, it will be no less than With the combination of four diagnostic methods, you will dissect the cold air in your body clearly, identify the cause, why worry about no cure?

There are many foods and medicines that dispel cold in our life, such as commonly used ginger, dried ginger in pharmacies, longan on fruit stands, cinnamon and peppercorns in dry and fresh seasoning shops, etc., all of which are warm in nature, pungent and dispelling cold Chinese herbal medicine, we can make porridge, stir-fry, decoct soup, or take powdered medicine orally, all of which can play a very good role in dispelling cold. For example, ginger water can cure dysmenorrhea, dried ginger can cure women’s abdominal pain, pepper can be applied externally to treat cold uterus, Cinnamon can warm viscera, etc., and I will not go into details about their effects one by one. While diagnosing cold and hurting the human body, these medicines can easily get rid of cold evil without seeking medical attention, and you will feel that cold evil is not The plague is just a "little thief" who dismisses it.

Quit hot and spicy, warm and tonic women are healthy

There are many women who have such "monthly letters" when they have menstruation, which is a sign. They are very irritable, difficult to control their emotions, see things that are not pleasing to the eye, always lose their temper, and feel headaches. This is coming. menstruation.Some women have nosebleeds or bleeding gums before menstruation, or even feel salty in their throats, and a mouthful of blood gushes up for unknown reasons. People always ask, is this normal?Of course it's not normal, it's because of the fever, it's a sickness.Not only that, the heat can also cause menorrhagia, painful urination, eclampsia and eclampsia during pregnancy, and decubitus and vaginal sores during breastfeeding, so women's heat injury should not be ignored.

During menstruation, upset, tantrums, and headaches are heat disturbances to the gods, and the gods are also "the house of Qingming", referring to the brain.Imagine that the flames are all burning upwards, and the highest position of the body is the "House of Qingming" - the head. Therefore, when you are injured and hot, the head reacts most strongly. The capillaries in the gums and nasal cavity are very fragile, and they are fried by heat. Roasting is also the most likely to rupture and bleed, forming epistaxis, teeth bleed and spit bleed in Chinese medicine.

In fact, heat evils, like cold evils, will take advantage of the weakest time of the body. There are three critical periods for women's physical weakness: one is when menstruation occurs, the other is pregnancy, and the third is breastfeeding.During menstruation, eating too much spicy and irritating food, high temperature and heat injury will lead to excessive menstruation, and the menstrual period will be extended from the original four or five days to seven or eight days or more than ten days; when pregnant, I always fear Catch a cold, wear too much, and make up for it, lest the child born will not have enough nutrition, and as a result, he will eat too much high-calorie food.Don't forget that when you are pregnant, you are hot, and your baby will also be hot, and you will also give birth to troubles, eclampsia, and fullness due to the heat, and you will also cause fetal fat due to overnutrition and too little activity. A catty is enough, but it turned out that more than seven catties was not enough, or even eight or nine catties. I could have had a normal delivery, but because the child was too big, I had to have a cesarean section. When I gave birth to a nine catty child, I was happy to see the big fat baby, but the child Not necessarily healthy, not only that, after the baby is born, the body will also be hot and poisonous, prone to eczema or sores.

Most breastfeeding women dare not eat spicy food, but there is another problem, they are afraid of catching cold, especially during the period of confinement, when the room is tightly sealed.I have visited several relatives and friends who are in confinement. When I enter the house, it is like entering a high-temperature steamer room. There are only six words: unpleasant smell and unbearable heat.Under such circumstances, can bedsores be avoided?Postpartum fever is even more uncommon.Besides, under such circumstances, if the mother's body is hot, the milk will also be hot, and it will be harmful to the child's health if it is eaten into the child's stomach.

It corresponds to the saying of traditional Chinese medicine: "Excessive heat will cause meat to rot, excessive heat will cause qi and blood to flow indiscriminately, and excessive heat will cause swelling and sores."

(End of this chapter)

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