New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 9 Preventing gynecological diseases and making women bloom beautifully

Chapter 9 Preventing gynecological diseases and making women bloom beautifully (1)
There is a sentence in the "Huangdi Neijing": "Yin and Yang are secret, and the spirit is even."Only when yin and yang are balanced, can a person be healthy and healthy.

Brown sugar and ginger branch water, warming the palace and dispelling the cold, warming a woman's life

Cold is a great harm to women. According to yin and yang, women belong to yin and men belong to yang. A negative constitution is inherently cold, and a positive constitution is inherently hot. Therefore, women should use mild heat to neutralize their negative constitution. Only when you are cold can you not get sick or get sick less.

Lips and teeth depend on each other, gynecological diseases don't let men stand by

"It's your problem."

"How could it be me? It's your business."

This is a newly married couple who are blaming each other while seeing a doctor.Both of them were sick. The woman took out the laboratory test report from the hospital, and the diagnosis on it was fungal vaginitis with abnormal leukorrhea; the man was diagnosed with balanitis, which was also caused by fungus.The two people took their diagnosis results as evidence and came to wait for the verdict from me, the "doctor judge".

The woman was very excited and kept chattering, trying to clarify her innocence. She said that she was very hygienic, and she often used Jieeryin, Fuyanjie and other lotions to clean her vulva, and she never had anything wrong Thoughts, but I just don't understand it, so I still get infected by paying attention like this.Due to my inexperience, I thought I had contracted some kind of STD at first, but now, although it wasn't STD, I always felt that it was caused by my husband's problem, and I even wondered if he was unfaithful to me and indirectly infected me.

The man feels wronged even more, he is the victim, and it is clear that the other party infected him, otherwise how could he contract the disease after sex.

Very simple, the culprit of this disease is mold, so who and where does this mold come from?very simple.I asked the man to take off his pants and looked at the man's external genitalia, and the truth became clear at a glance. This was the root cause of the two people's illness and quarrel.

The foreskin of the man's penis is too long, and the glans is only exposed to less than 1/3, so that under the foreskin is the hiding place of mold. Mold, as the name suggests, is a moldy fungus.Originally, when there is no sex life, this situation is not a serious harm, but it is different when there is sex life.During sexual life, when a man has sex and his penis becomes erect, he directly transmits the fungus to the other party.Although washing after sex, it is impossible to wash off all the mold.This is especially true for men. Sometimes they just wash it with water or don’t wash it at all. After the foreskin covers the glans, the bacteria left in it will breed in large numbers. Growth and reproduction at high temperature, repeated like this, will become a vicious circle, leading to balanitis in men and vaginitis in women. This is the real cause of the disease.

Both men and women have to wash after sex. I told this lady not to use various lotions, but to use water that feels slightly hot at about 40°C, and add a Chinese patent medicine injection of berberine in it, just two milliliters. After washing There is no need to rinse with clean water, so that the berberine can exert its medicinal effect better and longer.The man also uses this method to wash. After cleaning, do not rinse with clean water. Wait until it is dry before sending the foreskin back. This is so that the berberine drug can penetrate into the muscle layer; Only by giving bacteria a hiding place can the source of infection be completely cut off, which is one of the reasons why many people now go to surgery for circumcision.

Injections extracted from Chinese medicine components of berberine are also widely used in clinical practice by western medicine. Western medicine uses it to treat various pathogens and bacteria. Chinese medicine uses berberine to dry dampness and detoxify, treat enteritis and damp heat.The concentrated berberine extracted by Western medicine technology has better antibacterial and therapeutic effects, and has always been regarded as a model for the western application of Chinese medicine.If it is a woman who has been diagnosed with pregnancy, even if Coptis chinensis is an ingredient extracted from pure Chinese medicine, do not wash it in this way.

They didn't get injections or infusions, they just washed like this for three or four days.When I came to the follow-up consultation, I told them not to use any liquid medicine to wash it, but to wash it with clean water under normal circumstances.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that after a normal sex life, both men and women will be thirsty. Many people are used to taking out cold drinks from the refrigerator and drinking them happily. This is a very wrong move.The kidney is the fire of the gate of life. During sexual life, the fire of the gate of life is burning vigorously. Drinking cold water at this time is like pouring a pot of cold water on the fire of the gate of life. If you are either impotence or premature ejaculation, when your kidney qi is exhausted, no matter what methods you use, you will be powerless.Remember that you can only drink warm water at this time, slightly hot water is better, it is not to quench your thirst, but to comfort your hard-working kidneys.

A scoop of warm water washes out a healthy and good woman
There is such a gynecological patient who accidentally contracted a gynecological disease because he went swimming. He went to the hospital for infusion and was cured after a lot of effort.When she told about her illness, she could see that she still had lingering fears.She said: "It's really scary. This way you can infect gynecological diseases. How can you go to public places in the future?" She said that she is very careful about this and pays attention to hygiene. At that time, she had to wash four or five times a day, and she was almost obsessed with cleanliness.Her theory is that the cleaner you are, the less you will get sick, but the more hygienic you are, the more likely you are to get infections and gynecological diseases.Because the colleague who went swimming together also went to play, and everyone else was fine, she asked me with doubts, should I wash it or not?

Undoubtedly, it must be washed, that is, it depends on how to wash, not to wash randomly, not to wash unrestrainedly like suffering from a cleanliness, this kind of washing will not only fail to achieve the effect of hygiene and disease prevention, but will also make the Vaginal immunity decreases, making it easier to get sick.

There are two kinds of washing: one is for health care, and the other is for healing.Hygienic washing refers to cleaning the vulva and nursing the vulva under normal circumstances.In the absence of genital itching, abnormal leucorrhea, vaginitis and vulvitis, you must only wash with warm water, because warm water will not disrupt the environment in which normal bacteria live in the vagina.

Speaking of this, some people will definitely ask, isn’t having bacteria in the vagina a disease?Not necessarily, the vagina is an environment with bacteria, and it can also be said to be physiological bacteria. This physiological bacteria actually plays the role of a cleaner, which can resist the invasion of foreign uninvited guests (bacteria). Antibacterial Chinese and Western medicines for external washing, all of which are cleaned away, will cause imbalance in the vaginal flora, that is to say, destroy the self-regulation of normal bacteria in the vagina.To put it seriously, this kind of blind external washing is like a violent intervention, but it gives bacteria and viruses an opportunity to take advantage of.That's the case with the woman who was swimming as mentioned above, and this kind of cleanliness of washing outside has harmed her.

The washing method of treatment is to fumigate and wash the vulva with antiseptic potion of western medicine or decoction made of Chinese patent medicine.The function of western medicine is disinfection and antibacterial, in order to treat vaginosis such as trichomonas and fungus.Traditional Chinese medicine uses cnidium, flavescens, cork, etc. to clear away heat and dampness, detoxify and kill insects.If you have abnormal leucorrhea, jaundice, stench or bean curd residue, and the genital itching is painful, when you are diagnosed with vaginitis or vulvitis, whether it is trichomonas or fungus, you should immediately use lotion to get rid of these annoying To expel the bacteria, it is necessary to use western medicine disinfectant at this time.The method of operation is to wash the vulva with clean water first, and then use 0.1% bromogeramine disinfectant to rinse the vulva.Then, use the lotion of Chinese patent medicine, smoke it first and then wash it, and there is no need to wash it with clean water after washing, so that the medicine left in the vagina can fully exert its medicinal effect.

When using lotion, one thing to pay attention to is, don't think that the greater the concentration of the medicine in the external wash, the better the antibacterial and insecticidal effect, this is wrong.According to the anatomy of Western medicine, the vulva and vagina are mucous membranes, which are very fragile and are easily injured due to excessive drug concentration in the lotion.A few years ago, there was such a woman who was eager to treat her disease, and the amount of lotion was doubled compared with usual. As a result, the outer mucous membrane was burned and ulcers formed. It took half a month of external application of Yunnan Baiyao to cure her disease. it is good.Therefore, when women use lotion for external use, they must be mixed strictly in proportion, because the concentration of this proportion has been verified through clinical practice. Only in this way can the purpose of curing diseases without harming the body be achieved.

In addition, there is a very good external washing health care formula, which is simple and cost-effective, can prevent and cure diseases, and will not produce drug resistance like western medicine, and will not cause imbalance of vaginal flora. It is Houttuynia cordata. Go to the pharmacy to buy half a catty of Houttuynia cordata. It can be used for half a year. Use 3 grams each time, decoct in 2000 ml of water, and wash it 3 times a week. You can wash it every other day, or you can wash it for 3 days in a row.

We grow up in the big family of the earth. Unless we don’t eat fireworks in the world, we can’t avoid going to public places. Swimming, staying in hotels on business trips, bathing in public places, and having sex can all be washed with Houttuynia cordata. Worries will be eliminated quickly after washing.

Houttuynia cordata can clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and reduce swelling, and can treat gonorrhea, leucorrhea, eczema, scabies, etc. The most important thing is that it is a traditional Chinese medicine that can be decocted and washed outside. Not all Chinese herbal medicines can be decocted outside Washing, only a few Chinese herbal medicines such as grass and leaves have a therapeutic effect.Houttuynia cordata is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gynecological diseases. Western medicine is not inferior at all, and it is also widely used in clinical practice. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and treats gynecological diseases, cough, bronchitis, enteritis, etc., and has received good curative effects.

Using 3 grams of Houttuynia cordata decoction is not the amount for treatment, but the amount for health care external washing. After washing, it is also not necessary to rinse with clean water. While bringing you economic benefits, it also allows you to prevent gynecological diseases from Not yet.However, the amount of washing for health care also has medicinal properties. If you are a pregnant woman, washing too much will cause fetal gas, so don't wash too much.

Suppositories: love and hate, will use to be healthy

There are many women who have a soft spot for some gynecological suppositories. They have used all kinds of suppositories with Chinese and Western medicine ingredients, and it can be said that they are often used.When I have gynecological inflammation, I am embarrassed to go to the doctor, and then go to the hospital for serious illnesses. Minor illnesses can be solved by themselves, and there is no need for this.Whenever there are gynecological diseases such as leucorrhea, vulvar itching, etc., there is only one concept in my mind-inflammation.So I went to the pharmacy to buy some gynecological anti-inflammatory suppository and solved it by myself.Because of this little cleverness, many women who come to see a doctor use anti-inflammatory suppositories too much and for too long, which disrupts the normal environment in the vagina. Instead, they often suffer from vaginitis, vulvitis, and even cervicitis. Too many suppositories can irritate the vaginal wall, damage the vaginal mucous membrane, and cause cervical erosion. It was not a serious illness, but it caused a lot of gynecological diseases. I regret it!

In fact, it’s no wonder. At the beginning, because the amount of leucorrhea was a bit too much and there was a peculiar smell, I used some suppositories. Going down, every time I feel uncomfortable down there, I am used to using suppositories to solve it.

I remember one summer, a woman in her 30s came to see a doctor. She said that there was blood on the gynecological pad. At first, she thought it was menstruation, but when she thought about it, the last menstruation had just passed ten days, so it was impossible. She felt like her vagina was on fire. It was burning uncomfortably, and she also felt a little pain. She had used suppositories before, one at a time, and the effect was very good. The more she used it, the less obvious the effect was.

This time it was because the leucorrhea smelled very bad and the amount was too much. I used two at a time, and within a few hours, I felt uncomfortable. Before coming here, she went to the hospital for a gynecological examination and said that she had second-degree cervical erosion. .The doctor suggested to let her do microwaves and infuse a course of antibiotics, which would cost several thousand yuan.It's not that she can't afford to spend so much money, but she is a bit against Western medicine.Introduced by a friend, I finally came to my place with the checklist. One week of Shuangliao Houfeng San, plus one week of Shuanghuanglian powder injection for external use, her cervical erosion healed in just half a month. After her illness was cured, I explained to her in detail the usage, pros and cons of gynecological suppositories.

"Shoushi Baoyuan" records that "the vinegar paste is a pill, as big as a marble, the rouge is the clothes, wrapped in thin cotton, and the cotton thread is about two feet away, and the pill is deep into the jade house, and sits for half a day." Processed into pills with Chinese patent medicines, "Yuhu" is the vagina, which can be put into the vagina to treat gynecological diseases, so that the medicine can directly contact the lesion, and the medicine can be used to the fullest, and the curative effect can be exerted faster and better. much faster.

There is no difference between the present suppositories and the ancient pills, both are for external vaginal use, and the method is the same, but in today’s advanced technology, the extraction and manufacturing process of medicines is more refined and purer, and the suppositories produced are easier to absorb and more effective. it is good.In ancient times, external vaginal medication also needed to distinguish whether it was cold or damp, whether it was cold or damp or damp and hot. Finally, the topical pills were prepared according to the condition. After comparing the amount of medicine, it was determined whether the medicine should be cold or hot.

The suppositories of western medicine are even more complicated, some are antifungal, some are antifungal and trichomonas, and some are specially anti-inflammatory to treat bacterial infections.When taking medication, did you know which type of bacteria your gynecological disease belongs to?Therefore, when using western medicine suppositories, you must go to the gynecological hospital and do a leucorrhea secretion examination to see what kind of bacteria is causing the infection, so that you can target and use suppositories in a targeted manner. This is called knowing yourself and the enemy. Do not abuse suppositories.

In fact, there are still many things to pay attention to when using suppositories, so I would like to chat with you a few more words:
1. When using suppositories, you must take an early pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant. If you have been confirmed to be pregnant, then do not use it again.

2. Do not use suppositories during menstruation, because menstrual blood will affect the efficacy of suppositories.

3. Breastfeeding women should use suppositories with caution, because the drug ingredients absorbed into the blood will form a certain concentration in the milk and affect the baby.

4. Young women who are not married and have no sexual life should use suppositories with caution.

5. Do not have sexual intercourse when using suppositories, and you must pay attention to personal hygiene, because sexual intercourse is easy to reinfect.

6. Don't overdose, don't think that one capsule is not enough to use two capsules like the lesbians above, thinking that the larger the dosage, the better the effect.The vaginal wall is actually a very fragile place, and the stimulation of the suppository can easily cause it to be injured or even develop into an ulcer. Once you feel a burning sensation during the medication, you should stop taking the medication immediately, and then rinse it with clean water repeatedly before seeking medical attention.

7. When using suppositories to treat gynecological diseases, you should also ask your husband or sexual partner to check to see if the same situation is also present, so as not to be infected after you have cured yourself and have sex together.

8. Finally, when using suppositories, be sure to wash your hands.When using medicine in the vagina, you must wear disposable finger cots and gloves to avoid bacteria from being carried on your unhygienic hands, which will make your already sick person worse.

Presumably after reading so much, when you get the suppository, you will think about whether you should use it and how to use it correctly.In this way, gynecological suppository is the lifesaver for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Cold is a great harm to women. According to yin and yang, women belong to yin and men belong to yang. Yin constitutions are inherently cold, and masculine constitutions are inherently hot. There is a sentence in the "Huangdi Neijing": "Yin and Yang are secret, and the spirit is even." That is to say, only when Yin and Yang are balanced can people be free from disease and have spirit. Therefore, women should use gentle heat to neutralize their negative constitution. Only by being cold can we not get sick or get sick less, so for women, coldness is not a timely help, but a worsening situation.

There are three steps to check when a person suffers from cold. The first step is to look at the nose: we all know that children will have a runny nose when they catch a cold, and the same is true for adults, and women are of course no exception.When you catch a cold and have a runny nose, it means that you are sick. Lung guard is a special word for doctors, because the lungs govern the guard qi, the "guard" of guard, and guard qi is the first barrier in the human body. The skin of the body is to resist external evils. The first line of defense, when you start to runny nose, it means that the defensive qi dominated by the lungs is fighting against the invading enemy, and it will notify you with a runny nose.

(End of this chapter)

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