New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 12 1800 Days String a Woman's Life: Menstruation

Chapter 12 1800 Days String a Woman's Life: Menstruation (1)
The heart is the blood headquarters, the liver is the blood warehouse, the spleen is the blood supply station, and the lungs are the supervisors who direct the blood work. After this round of work, who will benefit in the end?It is the kidney, the kidney harvests the essence, the man harvests the essence, and the woman harvests the egg, and then through the normal endocrine regulation of the ovary, the monthly menstruation can come normally.

Menstruation: A Mirror of Women's Health

How does menstruation come about?Western medicine says that the periodic shedding and bleeding of the endometrium is caused by periodic changes in the ovary. This is a term in Western medicine, and many people do not understand it.You just need to remember two points, menstruation is related to two organs, one is the ovary, which is in charge of endocrine, and the other is the uterus, which is pregnant with the fetus. Therefore, the key to Western medicine treatment of menstrual disease is to regulate the endocrine function of the ovary and the changes of the endometrium. .

We trace the origin of menstruation from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. It is pointed out in "Compendium of Materia Medica: Women's Moon Water": "Women are also yin, mainly composed of blood. , menstruation happens once a month, which is consistent with it, so it is called monthly letter, monthly water, and menstruation.” This sentence clarifies the physiology of women’s menstruation. There is the Taiyin Spleen Meridian on it, which is the spleen and stomach. It absorbs nutrients from food and transforms it. Qi blood is the birthplace of menstruation, and the sea tide is the coming of menstruation like a tide, once a month is the normal physiological period of women's menstruation.

Of course, women's first menstruation is different in the morning and evening depending on their body constitution and nutrition. Under normal circumstances, the first menstruation should be between 13 and 15 years old for girls, but many children nowadays have excess nutrition. Precocious puberty does not reach the "twenty-seven" year as traditional Chinese medicine calls it. It is not 14 years old, but menstruation comes at 16 or [-] years old.There are also children with weak spleen and stomach, picky eaters or malnutrition, and menstruation does not come until they are [-] years old.Therefore, a girl's first menstruation is determined by the quality of her constitution.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "the classics is as expensive as expected".It doesn't matter whether the first menstruation comes sooner or later, as long as it comes during the month, it is very precious. Nowadays, many women will visit on time on the day of menstruation every month. When that day comes, she will be very prepared and not at all. Will be surprised.There are also some women, the difference is only one day, or two or three days, and at most it will not exceed a week. In short, what should come will always come, just wait patiently for a few days.These situations are normal menstrual cramps.

But there are many people who are different. Her menstruation does not know how to be considered regular. She finally came once, and when she waited for the second month, it was like looking forward to the stars and the moon.People who have been married are still worried that they are negligent in contraception, so they go for an early pregnancy test, the result is also negative, and they are diagnosed with irregular menstruation. From the perspective of Western medicine, it is an endocrine disorder. Sometimes, there are either acne or spots on the face, which is really annoying and helpless.

There is no other way but to regulate menstruation. Going to the hospital and going through a doctor’s examination is also the cause of endocrine disorders. After a few days of progesterone injections, menstruation will come as scheduled. call back?This is not a long-term solution, so we have to trace the root cause from the perspective of Chinese medicine, why the supposed menstruation does not come?
In fact, the disease of irregular menstruation is not only that menstruation comes late, but also comes early, every [-] days or even more than ten days, and menstruation comes, either heavy or small, and the blood that should have been bright red is also gone. It became abnormal, either sticky blood clots or dark purple gore.In addition, some menstruation is as light as mixed with water and has no blood color. These conditions are collectively referred to as irregular menstruation.

The previous paragraph is just a small episode. Let's continue to find out the cause of irregular menstruation. What is the composition of menstruation?Blood, we must first start with the blood. The five internal organs in the body perform their own duties on the management of blood, and they will not mess up at any time, because if they are messed up, they will get sick.The heart is the blood headquarters, the liver is the blood warehouse, the spleen is the blood supply station, and the lungs are the supervisors who direct the blood work. After this round of work, who will benefit in the end?It is the kidney, the kidney harvests the essence, the man harvests the essence, and the woman harvests the egg, and then through the normal endocrine regulation of the ovary, the monthly menstruation can come normally.

Now I have found the reason. The reason for the irregular menstruation is that the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney should not escape the responsibility. Do you have irregular menstruation when there is no supply at the supply station?Palpitation, shortness of breath, exhaustion of heart and blood, and weak command, do you have irregular menstruation?Do you have irregular menstruation when you cough, wheeze, or have insufficient lung energy?When you lose your temper and you can’t control your emotions, the anger is rampant and inflamed. Do you have irregular menstruation?Soreness in the waist and knees, coldness and pain in the waist and knees, when the legs are heavy and weak after only half a day's work, and the kidney essence is not harvested, do you have irregular menstruation?
It's like watching a movie to check your seats, check the number to see which one you have violated, and will keep your close "partners" away from you.In this way, the check mark is only to understand one aspect of the factors, only to understand the internal cause.

In addition, there are more important external factors, which affect the quantity, quality, and color of menstruation we mentioned earlier, such as more or less quantity, thick or light color, or blood clots.To put it bluntly, the amount of deficiency will be less, the amount of heat will be more, the amount of humidity will be sticky, the cold will cause bruising, and menstruation will turn dark purple or have blood clots.Deficiency, as mentioned earlier, when the five internal organs are out of balance and blood biochemistry has no source, the amount will naturally decrease.

Take people who prefer to eat chili peppers as an example. Many women now have the habit of eating spicy food. Spicy food can cause colds and blood circulation, and it will make the blood qi run wild. There is no binding force. Originally, 50-80 ml of blood should be enough for a day. It turned out that 100-150 ml of blood could not be stopped. It used to be enough to change one or two sanitary napkins a day, but now I have to use three or four every day, and even collapsed. In desperation, I went to the hospital to stop the bleeding Needle.

Alcohol and meat will produce wetness. Many women nowadays are even better than men in drinking alcohol. They drink wantonly, and the wetness is sticky and sticky. The wetness is like adding glue to menstruation, and it becomes very sticky. Odor, of course, can also cause nasty leucorrhea at the same time. It is often unclear whether it is from menstruation or leucorrhea.

Why did the bright red menstruation turn dark purple and have so many blood clots?When catching a cold, women who love beauty have a deep understanding, because they know best what a "beautiful frozen person" is. At that time, they felt beautiful, but this also came at a price.When menstruation comes, all the harvest is dark purple blood clots, which is fine, but the most important thing is that when menstruation is dysmenorrhea, the face will turn pale.Of course, the more reason for catching cold is doing housework, for example, during the days of menstruation, washing clothes and dishes in cold water in winter, or taking a cold bath in summer, etc., in this case, the cold will enter the uterus, Lead to abnormal menstrual blood, bring yourself a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The purpose of explaining to everyone the internal and external causes of irregular menstruation is to let everyone pay attention to these details in life, so as to prevent irregular menstruation early.

Angelica regulates menstruation and nourishes blood, making a fresh and ruddy woman
"Jingyue Quanshu Women's Regulations" said: "Women are mainly based on blood, and when the blood is prosperous, the menstruation is adjusted, and the prosperity and decline of the offspring's body all start from this." It can be said to be the motto of every TCM gynecologist, as long as menstrual blood is abnormal, there must be something wrong with the body.

After menstruation every month, the body is most likely to be weak due to blood loss. At this time, no matter whether it is internal or external, if you are not careful, the disease will take advantage of the weakness. The most common internal cause is deficiency, and the most common external cause is cold and dampness. , silt, these are the most critical factors leading to women's menstrual disorders, tonic is the most important.

Many women also know that because emotions, bad eating habits and living habits can lead to physical weakness and late menstruation, even if they come, the amount is very small. These people often commit crimes knowingly. When they come to the doctor, it seems that they still feel He looked very innocent and said that there was no way, because he was such a living habit.For such a woman, I can only say, you can't help it, I have a solution, you can't adjust it yourself, you can only adjust it with medicine.

One of the most classic prescriptions for women's menstrual disorders is Siwu Decoction. I remember that when I was in school, in order to memorize this prescription, I created my own soup song. I still know it by heart. I remember one sentence: "Siwugui, land, "Paeoniae and Xiongxiong" means angelica, rehmannia glutinosa, white peony root, and Chuanxiong. This is the basic prescription for treating women's menstrual disorders. Many women's menstrual disorders are based on this prescription. , After taking medicine for a long time, you will become more familiar with the properties of the medicine, and the more you use the medicine, the less you will use it. In the past, there were dozens of medicines in one prescription, and they were gradually reduced to more than a dozen medicines, and finally even one or two medicines.With less medicine, the effect will be better. Not only will the disease be cured, but money will also be saved, and the medicine will be used to its full potential.

Blindly Angelica can tonify deficiency, regulate women's menstrual diseases, treat menstrual flow and late menstruation.One week before each menstruation, take the processed angelica powder directly in water, twice a day, 10 grams each time, keep taking it for a week, the original pale lips will become bloody, and the tongue will also turn from pale blood The deficient color turned into a pinkish red, this is all because the angelica replenished the blood deficiency.

Angelica treats menstrual disease caused by blood deficiency in women, and its effect and cost performance are far better than ginseng. Angelica can also invigorate blood while nourishing blood. Only by invigorating blood can menstrual blood pass.In addition, angelica also has the effect of relieving pain. What surprises you the most is that angelica can also moisten the intestines and laxatives. Angelica can be said to have multiple effects. They all have dysmenorrhea, and because of late menstruation, endocrine disorders will also cause constipation. Constipation will cause metabolic disorders, causing blood heat, getting angry, and acne on the face.Those who are prone to fatigue, palpitation, and shortness of breath will become very energetic. Those who are constipated will change from once every two or three days to once a day. Twice a day, it is very smooth and comfortable, the metabolism is fast, the body will feel very relaxed, and the skin on the face will be smooth.

There are also some people who get a little bit angry when eating angelica powder to regulate menstruation, but it is only slightly dry mouth and throat. You can eat one or two fruits every afternoon on an empty stomach, such as oranges, apples, kiwis, etc. These fruits are cooler, and can also offset the pungent and warm nature of angelica.

Now Western medicine has also discovered the benefits of angelica. Angelica has a good effect on cardiovascular disease, expanding coronary blood flow, and treating heart disease.Not only that, Western medicine has also been clinically proven that Angelica has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as the effect of lowering blood lipids. More importantly, it has been confirmed by Western medicine anatomical research on Angelica that it can promote the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. It is no wonder that Angelica has such a good blood-enriching effect. Western medicine is still a big step too late in this regard, because Traditional Chinese Medicine has used Angelica clinically for thousands of years.

Danggui is the king drug in Siwu Decoction, which regulates women's irregular menstruation, while the treatment is more focused on health care, which also corresponds to the Chinese saying "Treating the disease before the disease is not cured." When the disease is not diseased, the patient is a potential Yes, the underlying disease only needs to be maintained to prevent it from developing.Therefore, it is easy to use medicines to maintain health, instead of waiting until you are sick to treat it. This is the true meaning of using angelica for health care, although the amount is small, the effect is better.

Moxa fire warms smoke, dispels cold and removes silt, treats dysmenorrhea
Anyone who has studied Chinese medicine will be familiar with moxibustion treatment. It has been recorded in the medical books of famous doctors Bian Que and Sun Simiao. Also springing up like mushrooms, everywhere.Again, the most important thing in clinical treatment is the curative effect. Here I would like to share with you some experience of moxibustion treatment.

Moxibustion treatment of emergency, female dysmenorrhea, can be said to be an emergency. When a woman first came to treat dysmenorrhea, she was used to giving her some western medicine to relieve pain quickly. However, the analgesic of western medicine has a disadvantage. After a short period of time, the pain started again after the strength of the medicine went down. I can't always give her painkillers. If there are adverse reactions, it is not a long-term strategy.

So I thought of moxibustion, and it happened that a woman came here to treat dysmenorrhea. She used to come here often for pain relief injections, and this time was no exception, and she asked for another pain relief injection.This time, she did not get another injection, but gave her two Yuanhu Pain Relief Tablets. She was not happy when taking the medicine, and retorted that the effect of the medicine was too slow and the effect was not good after taking the medicine before.After I gave her the medicine, I asked her to lie flat on the bed, lit a stick of moxa, and told her whether the temperature of the moxibustion was appropriate, and told her to nod when she felt hot, and I slowly moved along her abdomen On the midline, from the navel to the midline of the lower abdomen, moxibustion was done three times back and forth, which took only five or six minutes. She said "ah" in surprise and said it was much better.Since the pain is tolerable now, I used pillows and quilts to cushion her back, and let her perform moxibustion for ten minutes by herself in a half-sitting position. She readily agreed, and it only took ten minutes. She came out with a smile and said to me that in the future when she has dysmenorrhea, she doesn't need to come for painkilling injections, and she can take care of it by herself.At this time, I looked at her tongue coating and told her that she could moxibustion continuously for 6 days, and then she could do moxibustion several times before each menstruation, and maybe her dysmenorrhea could be completely cured.

Why should I look at her tongue coating?I want to verify whether her illness is cured or not.When I first came here, because she was in pain, I didn’t have time to look at her tongue coating, but I could guess what her tongue coating and tongue body looked like. At that time, the tongue coating should be water slippery, as if she just drank water. "There is water vapor, and her tongue must be blue and purple. The water vapor is cold, and the blue purple is bruises. Her dysmenorrhea is the blood stasis caused by the cold. When she leaves, I want to see if the water vapor on the tongue coating is still there. not there?Is there still cyan?As I expected, the moisture on the tongue coating disappeared, and the tongue became rosy. I saw the result I wanted and confirmed that her pain would not recur before I let her go.

The cause of women's dysmenorrhea is mostly these two aspects: cold and stasis.Cold coagulation and blood stasis, when the menstrual blood is full, the uterine wall will have spasmodic pain, and the spasm can be relieved quickly. Only moxibustion can do it. The gentle heat of moxibustion penetrates into the skin of the body through the meridians and acupuncture points The conduction effect of the moxa stick is used to dispel cold and activate blood circulation, relieve the spasm of uterine smooth muscle, and relieve pain quickly. In this way, you don’t have to be afraid of not being able to find the acupuncture points. Use burning moxa sticks from the Shenque points on the navel, and then go down one by one: Qihai, Shimen, Guanyuan, Zhongji and Sanyinjiao, these are the must-moxibustion points for treating women's dysmenorrhea. When the heat reaches the point, the meridians and collaterals are unblocked, and the pain will be relieved naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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