New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 13 1800 Days String a Woman's Life: Menstruation

Chapter 13 1800 Days String a Woman's Life: Menstruation (2)
During dysmenorrhea, many women also take Yuanhu Pain Relief Tablets. Although it contains Corydalis Corydalis, which is good at relieving pain, it needs to be digested and absorbed by the stomach. The effect of the medicine has been accelerated, it comes faster and the effect is better.

If you don’t have Yuanhu Pain Relief Tablets at home during dysmenorrhea, it doesn’t matter. Generally, there is ginger at home. We can cut ginger into thin slices and paste them on the midline of the abdomen below the navel, covering the midline of the abdomen in turn. Those acupoints were then moxibustion with lit moxa sticks separated by ginger slices, and the effect was also very good.Ginger can warm the middle and dispel cold. It can use the warmth of moxibustion to penetrate the acupuncture points and viscera, and treat cold diseases and heat. It turns out that the treatment of intractable dysmenorrhea is so simple.

For dysmenorrhea, moxibustion or medicine alone is a single method, and the effect will be slow, but with moxibustion, taking Yuanhu Pain Relief Tablets, and ginger-partition therapy, the combination of the three methods is like three cobblers. It can be called a resourceful Zhuge Liang.

Nursing care during lactation, bring out full energy and blood to show charm

A woman who has been breastfeeding for more than 6 months left me a message on her blog: "Dr. Li, hello, I'm bothering you again. After I gave birth to my baby, I was deficient in Qi and blood, and my milk has been very low, so I gave it to my baby." I drink milk powder. Now my baby is 6 months old. My waist has been sore for several months. My teeth are not as tough as before. My hair has fallen out a lot. My hair was black and thick before. What should I do? Conditioning?"

She also knew that her teeth were not strong and her hair was dry and easy to fall out due to weak qi and blood.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "hair is the rest of blood", hair is metabolized by qi and blood, flowers grow by watering, and hair grows by qi and blood. After giving birth, a woman will lose too much blood, and in addition To breastfeed, where does the milk come from? Like hair, it is also transformed by Qi and blood.

Women often ask me such a question. They say that they have menstruation in the first month after giving birth, but in the second month, it is either none or a little bit. Why is this?Since I didn't have time to explain so many theories of Chinese medicine to them, and of course because they didn't understand much, I can only say that the bright red menstrual blood has long been turned into milk for the child to eat.It sounds unreasonable, but it is true. I also told them that after the breastfeeding is stopped, menstruation will come normally. At that time, you will understand that this sentence will be true for every woman who has nursed a child. get verified.

Similarly, teeth are also related to qi and blood. Chinese medicine believes that "teeth are more than bones".There is such a biological chain, I will arrange it for you in reverse order, "Bone-Kidney-Essence-Qi and Blood". The reverse explanation is: Qi and blood produce essence, essence stores kidney, and kidney governs bone to produce marrow.The ultimate root is that there must be strong qi and blood, so that the teeth can be strong.At this time, some people will say, if this is the case, will the teeth not become loose after breastfeeding is stopped?Of course it will be better, but if you have dry hair and loose teeth during breastfeeding, you still need to take care of it, because if you continue to breastfeed without taking care of it, your Qi, blood and kidney essence will suffer a serious loss, even after you stop breastfeeding. It is not easy to adjust.

I replied to her with a prescription specially for nourishing qi and blood: 100 grams of turtle shells, 100 grams of Polygonum multiflorum powder, 50 grams of Zihe powder, three traditional Chinese medicines, the turtle shells are hard and not easy to fry, first fry the turtle shells with 1000 ml of water, and after the water is boiled Change to low heat and fry for another half an hour, filter the residue, add Polygonum multiflorum and Zihe powder and fry for another 15 minutes, and finally add 100 grams of honey, and it will become a paste after cooling, twice a day, 20ml each time.

She asked me if taking this medicine would cause me to get angry, because during this period she had taken some medicines for nourishing qi and blood, and she would get angry after taking it for a while, and would develop ulcers and mouth sores. I said no, because the turtle shell was born in the In water, it is a product of pure yin and coldness. Polygonum multiflorum and Ziheche are warm tonics. The mildness and coldness offset each other. Will get angry.

When she took it for two months, her menstruation came, but the amount was very small. She also understood that it was because of the recovery of Qi and blood. What was even more gratifying was that the baby grew up day by day, and the demand for milk was also increasing. , and now the milk is very sufficient, every time the baby burps.She was afraid of washing her hair because she was afraid of seeing a lot of hair falling out. She read in a magazine that it is normal for a person to lose more than 70 hairs a day, but she used to lose hundreds of hairs every day. After washing her hair, she used her hands to scoop it up , there are a handful of them, she is afraid that one day her hair will fall out.Now when I wash my hair, there are only a few hairs that can be seen faintly. Her waist is no longer sore, and her teeth are no longer loose. Only now does she understand that nourishing qi and blood during breastfeeding is so important.

In this prescription, Ziheche nourishes kidney yang, turtle shell nourishes kidney yin, and fleece-flower root nourishes kidney essence. Only when the yin and yang in the kidney are balanced, the kidney yin and kidney yang are both insufficiency, the kidney function can be normal, and the essence will be stored. Live without diarrhea, qi and blood can be metabolized. During the special breastfeeding period of women, sufficient backup resources and sufficient nutrition can be provided to replenish qi and blood. Don't underestimate the fact that there are only three medicines, each of which can be said to be A Zhao Zilong, both wise and brave.

There is a saying to describe a young woman, saying that she is full of charm, but in fact, it is a manifestation of full energy and blood, and it is the beauty that is nurtured during lactation.Therefore, women are prone to deficiency during breastfeeding, but deficiency should not be replenished indiscriminately. If you experience physical weakness and insufficient qi and blood during lactation, you can use the above prescription to recuperate. Sophisticated charm.

Lutai Pills: Palace Secret Recipe Makes Healthy, Capable and Fashionable Women

A few days ago, a woman brought her child here to see a doctor. After seeing the child’s illness, she insisted on not leaving. She asked her husband to take the child outside and said that she still had some experience in women’s health treatment and wanted to share with me. Her words, who have been ill for a long time and became a doctor, really made sense. She not only solved a difficult female disease, but also found a good medicine specially for women's deficiency. As a result, we chatted very speculatively, and we chatted for an hour. Before she left, she also specifically told me to write it in the book and spread it in this way, so as to relieve more sisters from suffering from illness.

When she was in her 30s, she was diagnosed with endometriosis because of dysmenorrhea.Every time I have menstruation, I will have a stomachache. I have no choice but to take painkillers, and the painkillers can only last for a few hours at most. What is even more annoying is that every time my period comes, it seems that I can’t send it away anymore. Lili keeps coming. In twenty days, the next menstruation is about to come, and she can't even tell which time should be the menstrual cycle.She thought about going for surgery, and also tried the hormone therapy of western medicine. In the past, she was physically weak because of this disease, and she would have sweating and excessive menstrual blood, which led to anemia, fatigue, palpitation and shortness of breath, and she could not be normal. He worked and lived so badly that he told his illness to rest at home and almost lost confidence in his illness.

Once she heard from other sisters that Lutai Pills could cure this disease, and they were sold online, so she ordered a box online with the mentality of trying it out, but she didn’t expect it to work, so she ate it twice The stomach pain was gone, and the menstrual blood was also significantly reduced, but other problems followed, such as hot body, dry nose, and dry throat, and a bunch of blisters formed on the lips overnight. She saw the blood inside. The main ingredients, red ginseng, angelica, motherwort, cinnamon, these are all hot medicines, and my physique simply cannot bear the hot pursuit of these hot medicines, but I finally found a good cure for my disease, so I don’t want to give up like this. Not reconciled, so she decided to make deer fetal pills.

She bought two deer embryos from the pharmacy, one about 200 grams, and 50 grams of velvet antler. They were put together and processed into powder. Honey, put it in a pot and steam it with a slow fire for an hour. After cooling down, wash your hands and knead it into small walnut-sized pills. It is very simple.

She took one pill each time, twice a day, after meals. After taking it for more than a month, her illness was cured, her menstruation was no longer painful, and her menstruation came on time. Her joy and joy came from the bottom of her heart. This method tells many sisters who have similar situations around her that most of them who insist on taking medicine can be cured. Of course, there are also those who do not insist on taking medicine. She also feels sorry for these people. Good medicine only needs persistence, so it is so difficult to achieve ?
She has been taking it for two years, and now she only needs to take one pill a day, and her complexion and mental state are back to normal.Speaking of which, seeing her slightly excited expression, I am also very happy for her, and at the same time, I respect her selflessness and open-mindedness.

Since ancient times, there is a folk song: "The emperor drinks deer blood, and the queen eats deer fetus." Deer fetus is the placenta after giving birth to a deer. And play the effect of dispelling cold, relieving spasm, relieving pain.Deer antler strengthens the vital energy and nourishes the essence of the kidney. Compared with the deer fetus, the efficacy of velvet antler is more expensive than that of ginseng.Deer antler can also strengthen the muscles and bones, and it is very suitable for treating all deficient diseases, patients who have just recovered from a serious illness, and patients who have undergone radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Good medicine should be applied wisely to treat dysmenorrhea caused by endometriosis. Dizziness, tinnitus, dim eyesight, weak waist and knees, apathy caused by cold palace, infertility, etc., you can make Lutai Pills by yourself, and the efficacy is far beyond that of those health care products.However, if you are a woman who suffers from habitual constipation, defecates once every few days, or who is most prone to pharyngitis, gingivitis, acne, etc., she is very angry. When taking Lutai Pills, you should use it according to your physical condition. decrease.

Lutai pills are indispensable for curing diseases, and it is well-deserved for health care. What I feel most deeply through this incident is that if everyone can be as open-minded as this elder sister, you will contribute one side, and I will contribute one way Therefore, many good prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine will not be buried, and Chinese medicine is none other than traditional Chinese medicine for curing diseases and maintaining health.

There are three types of dysmenorrhea, and the diet is different

When I see a doctor, patients often ask me what good dietary prescriptions I have, and I don’t take the medicine if I can’t take it.Indeed, everyone knows that medicines have adverse reactions. If only eating melons, fruits and vegetables can cure diseases, how wonderful it would be!
I can solemnly tell you that diet therapy is only adjuvant therapy. If you are really sick, you have to see a doctor. Of course, adjuvant therapy should not be underestimated.Originally, I had to take medicine for 10 days, but I took 3 days less supplementary diet, which not only saves money but also nourishes the body.What's more, diet therapy is also very important to take care of before illness.The ancients had a saying: "Those who don't know what to eat are not enough to survive; those who don't know what to avoid are not able to cure diseases." Simply put, don't think about whether the food is cold or hot, and don't consider whether it is suitable for you. It's no wonder if you don't get sick if you only know how to eat Hesai!A doctor must be familiar with the contraindications of drugs, otherwise not only the disease cannot be cured, but it will also harm others and oneself.

A patient had a cold and asked me what to eat. This was the doctor's order.For example, if you have a sore throat and the diagnosis is tonsillitis or pharyngitis, it is undoubtedly a heat syndrome. You usually like to eat chili, spicy hot pot, warm beef and mutton, drink alcohol and smoke, etc. These habits must be changed. Topped with oil.Some patients also said that they are not afraid of it while taking medicine.Yes, you don't have to be afraid of it, but you have to take the medicine for 3 days, and the effect may not be very good if you take it for a week.On the contrary, if you avoid food and eat some vegetarian food instead, and often squeeze some fresh fruit juice, such as kiwi fruit juice, apple juice, grape juice, pear juice, etc., and drink it in rotation, the doctor prescribed the medicine for 3 days. After only one day of eating, more than half of the illness was cured.Everyone knows that you can't always rely on drugs to treat diseases, and you still have immunity, so you can stop the drugs now and leave the rest of the work to the body's immune organs such as the thymus and lymph glands, otherwise they will fail. Work and "ease".

In fact, the same is true for gynecological diseases. When a patient with dysmenorrhea was treated, before leaving, he covered his stomach with his hands and asked me if there was anything I should avoid.I thought to myself, if she had to pay attention to her usual taboos, how could it cause dysmenorrhea?Today I will tell you the dietary taboos and good living habits for dysmenorrhea in detail, and I hope you will never be troubled by dysmenorrhea again.

In detail, there are three types of pain: cold pain, heat pain, and damp pain.Cold pain is the easiest to understand. When menstruation comes, there will be blood clots and dark purple. The most important point is to put a warm water bag on the stomach, and the pain will be relieved obviously. "The reason.The same is true for curing diseases. Hot medicines such as mugwort leaves and aconite are essential.

This is especially true for food therapy. When it is cold, you must remember not to make things worse, and you must dress warmer. You can no longer shiver in the cold with only silk stockings for the sake of beauty in late autumn.During menstruation and before and after menstruation, don't touch cold water, don't wash clothes in cold water, you can use washing machine instead, you must know that the electricity bill is much cheaper than taking medicine.Eat more selectively when eating. If you want to drink porridge, you can also drink some ginger syrup, and you can also eat some warm fruits, such as longan and nuts.At this time, you can eat some chili appropriately. Spicy can dispel the cold, and you can also eat some hot-boiled mutton, which is also warm and can also resist cold evil.If you pay a little attention to these links, dysmenorrhea caused by cold will no longer disturb your work and life.

Then there is dysmenorrhea caused by heat. Although this is a rare case, there are also some. When menstruation comes, there is no blood clot, and the amount of menstruation is a lot, and it is bright red or light red. People have a habit of eating spicy food and eating a lot. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "Heat can force the blood to flow indiscriminately". Not to mention, the body will become weak if there is too much bleeding.If you understand that your dysmenorrhea is caused by heat, then you should avoid spicy food, eat some cold fruits or juices, and eat more vegetables. Don’t think it’s easy to do this, but in fact, doing so is also drawing fire from the bottom of the pot. Heat relieves pain naturally It will stop, the bleeding will be calm, and menstruation will naturally be normal.

Wetness can also cause dysmenorrhea. You will definitely say that this is the first time you have heard this saying. When wetness causes dysmenorrhea, the premise is that there is more leucorrhea, and more leucorrhea means wet weight.From the perspective of Western medicine, it is leucorrhea that causes ascending infection and leads to pelvic inflammation and dysmenorrhea.In fact, Chinese medicine is nothing more than this principle, which is that the excess of dampness overflows to the uterus and causes pain.

Diet therapy is not difficult to treat dysmenorrhea in this situation. There are barley and yam in the food.Barley removes dampness, yam invigorates the spleen and removes dampness. You can add some millet and red beans on the basis of yam barley porridge to enhance the effect of removing dampness. Eating porridge in the morning and evening is like taking medicine, which can not only cure diseases but also satisfy hunger.Many women like to drink this kind of porridge when they have leukorrhea, and many of them recover from the leukorrhea because of drinking porridge.Of course, when dysmenorrhea is caused by dampness, you should also avoid eating, such as cream cakes, fatty meat, fish and shrimp, you must eat less, because this will increase the humidity, and even turn the "wetland" into a "swamp". .

(End of this chapter)

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