New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 19 Health care from head to toe

Chapter 19 Health care from head to toe (3)
Women with a bad temper must be sick in the liver, and stagnation in the liver will cause "knots". With knots, the meridians will naturally not flow through, and the blood flow will be blocked. If it is blocked at the top, it will form breast lumps over time; if it is blocked at the bottom , with the passing of time will form lump in the abdomen.If you catch a cold during menstruation, there will be blood clots during menstruation, that is, blood stasis. If the blood stasis accumulates in the body for a long time, it will also form a lump.

Pelvic inflammatory disease: porridge and tea to get rid of the root cause and fine tune

Ask women, have you ever had such an experience: holding your stomach with both hands, the pain in your stomach is unbearable, and you can't choose the doctor for the pain, choose the fastest and nearest hospital, and ask the doctor to give yourself a painkiller injection as soon as possible.Many women will say that this situation has really happened; some women say that internal urgency is embarrassing, and gynecological pain is unbearable.

When you talk about pain, it is impossible for any doctor to come up and give you a shot of painkillers. This is also the principle of our doctors "not knowing the cause of pain, not giving pain relief". You take medicine.

The doctor asked, "Where does it hurt?"

Patient: "I have a pain in my stomach." When I looked at the place where my hands were pressed, I knew it was below the navel.

The doctor asked: "Did you have diarrhea?"

The patient said "no." So, in the doctor's mind, the pain caused by enteritis was quickly ruled out.

Doctor: "Is your period coming soon?"

Patient: "No, it has been over for more than ten days." This tells the doctor that the abdominal pain is not caused by dysmenorrhea, and menstrual pain is excluded.

Doctor: "Is there a lot of leucorrhea?" This time it seems that the question is on point.The patient nodded without hesitation, and said that not only was there a lot, but it also had a smell.

This is the cause of stomach pain, is it stomach pain caused by leucorrhea?Of course not, abnormal leucorrhea in the early stage will not cause stomach pain.But when excessive leucorrhea occurs and the stomach suddenly hurts again, it means that the disease is going up, which is what doctors often call ascending infection.Professional words may not be easy to understand. I have a story here, and everyone will understand it after hearing it.

When we were young, we all heard the story of the wolf and the lamb. In order to eat the lamb, the wolf said that the lamb drinking water downstream polluted the water upstream and wanted to eat the lamb.The wolf is looking for an excuse, the water is flowing downstream, what has it to do with the upstream water?But gynecological leucorrhea is really like this, the downstream leucorrhea is retrograde upwards, infecting the upstream uterus and pelvic cavity, this kind of inflammation is stimulated bit by bit, and over time it will cause pelvic inflammatory disease and acute inflammatory pain.

After seeing the truth at last, it was undoubtedly the pain caused by pelvic inflammatory disease.At this time, Western medicine will give her analgesics and medicines to relieve spasms. Traditional Chinese medicine will use Yanhusuo to treat this kind of pain. Take the packed Yanhusuo capsules, 5 capsules each time, drink it with tea made of honeysuckle and dandelion, and wait until the stomach When the pain can be tolerated, go home, cook some porridge, add winter melon kernels and coix seeds soaked in advance, drink twice a day, and the pain will no longer occur. While the leucorrhea is reduced, pelvic inflammatory disease will gradually Get better.

Since it is a medicine, there should be a detailed dosage. Process Yanhusuo into fine powder and pack it into capsules, 0.5 grams per capsule, and take 5 capsules each time, which is 2.5 grams, which is exactly the 1.5~ 3 grams is the usual amount.Twice a day, when the pain is relieved or no pain, it is enough to take it for a day or two.

When Chinese medicine uses Yanhusuo, there is such a saying: "Yanhusuo can promote stagnation of qi in blood and stagnation of blood in qi, so it only treats all kinds of pain in the whole body." It can be seen that Yanhusuo not only treats gynecological pain, but also treats gastrointestinal, Angina pectoris, etc., have very good results.Now medical research has found that Corydalis can relieve pain, but also has sedative and hypnotic effects. When many people are in pain, they can't sleep well and restless, and Corydalis can easily solve it.

Taking it with honeysuckle and dandelion tea is to solve the heat and toxin in pelvic inflammatory disease. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to pelvic inflammatory disease as heat entering the blood chamber. The damp heat and heat toxin take advantage of the deficiency and directly invade the yin, and the battlefield is opened in the uterus. , When they fight, you will have stomach pains, excessive vaginal discharge, and in severe cases, fever, irregular menstruation, and even infertility.The purpose of honeysuckle and dandelion is to clear away heat and detoxify, expel the heat and poison in the body from the body, and play a role of "pain relief must first calm the inside".

After solving the heat, another important point is dampness. Coix seed can relieve dampness, and wax gourd kernel can clear away dampness, which means that it goes down. Many women with pelvic inflammatory disease also feel burning when they urinate. Drinking barley Ren winter melon porridge, while the burning of urination is relieved, the leukorrhagia will gradually decrease and become normal.Use 10 grams each time, and ask the staff in the pharmacy to do a rough processing, crushing the wax gourd and coix seed, so that it will be soft when boiled, and it is more suitable for the efficacy of the medicine.

In this way, the pain caused by pelvic inflammatory disease is treated with the method of acute disease and slow treatment. Acute disease is pain relief. However, pelvic inflammatory disease is a chronic disease and needs slow treatment. Porridge and tea follow this principle.

Speaking of this, I would like to say a few more words to everyone, which is the principle of "unknown pain cause, no pain relief" we mentioned earlier. This is very important. When many people have unbearable stomach pain, they will It is absolutely not advisable to find some commonly used painkillers in the drawer at home and take them.The stomach pain is gone for a while, but the cause has not been found. What is the use of just stopping the pain?After the medicine wears off, the pain will continue.Not only that, but what if it is intestinal obstruction and torsion?When there is no pain, I did not go to the hospital in time, or when I went to the hospital, the doctor pressed the painful place, but the pain disappeared because of the effect of painkillers, so the doctor could not find out the cause of the disease, which would delay the treatment. It is too late to wait until intestinal necrosis develops.

There are many other pains like this, such as pancreatitis, etc. If you use painkillers, it is easy to cover up the condition, so if you are not a doctor, you should also remember this sentence: "If you don't know the cause of the pain, don't relieve the pain."

A female patient suffering from a cold, when she was prescribing a prescription, she saw her fidgeting expression. After questioning, she found out that she was suffering from pruritus vulvae, which had troubled her for almost a year. Sometimes light and sometimes heavy.She is very hygienic and often uses lotion. She also went to a Western doctor who did a smear. The result of the examination was trichomonas infection. Soon after taking the medicine, the itching would reappear. My stomach is not good. Every time I take the medicine, I feel nauseated, nauseated, and lose my appetite.After a few months, I lost a lot of weight.When she went to the gastroenterology department, she was diagnosed with chronic gastritis again. The old wounds were not healed and new scars were added. Taking medicine hurts the stomach, and not taking medicine can't cure the disease. She doesn't know whether to take the medicine or not.

Just now she couldn't bear it anymore, like a bug crawling in her body, itching so badly, this situation was really unbearable, I only noticed it when I moved my limbs.Originally, when she saw a cold, she planned to take a look at the disease by the way, but when she saw that it was a male doctor, she didn't have the nerve to talk about it.

"Jingyue Quanshu Women's Regulations" says: "Women with vulva itching must have vulva worms, mild itching, severe pain, or pus dripping, mostly caused by damp heat." The vaginal worms are causing trouble, itching first and then dry and painful, and the vulva secretes a lot of pus like an infection.The "worms" referred to by Chinese medicine are all damp and hot. The trichomonas referred to by Western medicine are trichomonas vaginalis that can be seen under a microscope. It's the last word.

Vulvar itching: soaking Baibu in wine and slowly smearing it to kill vulva worms
Metronidazole is a drug to kill trichomoniasis, but this drug has a disadvantage that it is relatively irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, especially for women with weak spleen and stomach. Even if it is taken after meals, it will still irritate the stomach.It is more appropriate to use external washing. I brought this woman a bottle of pure alcohol, 60 grams of Chinese medicine Baibugen, two bottles of 500ml distilled water, and a 50ml disposable syringe, and told her the correct compatibility and usage. , let her follow up in half a month.

In less than half a month, she came here on the thirteenth or fourteenth day. As soon as she entered the consultation room, she said excitedly that after only two or three times of application, the itching was gone. She did not expect such a good effect, just like It is a shooter who specializes in treating trichomoniasis. It can really be said that the medicine can relieve the itching of the insects.She also plans to continue the consolidation treatment for a few days, and then go to a western doctor for a re-examination of the secretion smear to see if it is completely cured. When she said that, her eyes were full of admiration and gratitude.Of course, I am also very happy for her.

What needs to be emphasized here is that when soaking Baibu in wine to cure genital itching, you must master the correct proportion of compatibility. If the concentration is too high, it will burn the vulva; if the concentration is too small, it will not have the effect of killing insects.Pure alcohol is 95% alcohol for medical use, pour this bottle of pure alcohol into a clean container, and then add a bottle of 500ml of distilled water, so that the concentration of alcohol becomes 50% of 1000ml of alcohol, add dry hundred Bubu root, soaked for 10 days, filtered, and then used a syringe to mix the filtrate to a concentration of 30% (that is, use a syringe to pump 30 ml of filtrate and add 70 ml of distilled water), and then prepare it for external use. solution, which is also the best concentration for the treatment of trichomoniasis.

Before using Baibu liquid, you can wash the vulva with boiled water at a suitable temperature or 0.1% bromogeramine disinfectant, then use a sterile medical cotton ball dipped in Baibu liquid to apply to the labia and vagina, once every night before going to bed, every 3 days A treatment.The previous patient used it in this way. At that time, I calculated it. The 10-day soaking time and the 2-day course of treatment will take about half a month to be effective. At thirteen or four days, I just finished the first treatment. After a course of treatment, she couldn't resist coming to announce the good news because of the good results.

Baibu is originally a cough medicine. It can relieve cough when taken internally, but it can kill insects when used externally. It can not only kill trichomonas vaginalis, but also pinworms, head lice, scabies, etc. Baibu can be said to be the nemesis of these insects. Compatibility Alcohol is because alcohol not only has the effect of local disinfection, but also after soaking for 10 days, the medicinal properties of Baibu are fully soaked, so that its efficacy can really be exerted.

There are still many women who do not have the patience and time to soak, but they have the habit of washing outside. In this way, they can use fumigation therapy, boil water with Baibu root and wash outside, and boil water with 20 grams of Baibu root each time. The water is very hot, you can choose a pot of suitable size, sit on the pot, smoke first, steam smoke, after a certain period of time, touch the temperature with your hands before washing, after washing, there is no need to use clean water Rinse, so that the liquid medicine remaining in the vagina can play a better and longer-lasting insecticidal effect.

Some time ago, I saw in the newspaper that a woman had successfully removed a uterine fibroid weighing more than ten kilograms.Very surprised, is the medical level in our country poor?No, patients are numb to their own health and lack of health knowledge.At first, the woman thought she was pregnant, but she didn't know it was uterine fibroids until she went for an examination in the month when she was about to give birth.It sounds like a joke, but it is the truth. You should ask her, does the "child" you raise have no fetal movement?Can't hear the fetal heartbeat?There is an essential difference between a newborn fetus and a stillbirth-like uterine fibroid.

Without the basic knowledge of medicine, women also know that menstruation is abnormal. If there is excessive menstrual flow, prolonged menstrual cycle, sudden amenorrhea, or menstruation is always unclean, one o'clock today, one o'clock tomorrow, and it will last intermittently for more than [-] God, when this happens, you first have to wonder if you have uterine fibroids, and you need to have a B-ultrasound and a gynecological examination.

Uterine fibroids is an academic term in Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine calls it Zhengjia disease. Zhengjia actually means that there is a mass in the lower abdomen. First touch your lower abdomen to see if there are any lumps that have accumulated together, and if you touch the lumps, is there any pain or fullness?

In traditional Chinese medicine, symptoms are described as blood diseases, and lumps are described as qi diseases.In fact, it is difficult to distinguish clinically, so they are usually collectively referred to as symptoms.Simply put, lack of righteousness leads to blood disease.

Uterine fibroids: early detection, early prevention and early treatment is a good prescription
Everyone should pay attention to the fact that there are two types of lumps in the abdomen, benign and malignant. If you find out that it is uterine fibroids, you must further conduct a pathological examination to distinguish between benign and malignant.Let's not talk about the malignant, today we only talk about the benign.

Women suffering from abdominal pain have one thing in common. They have a bad temper, are either irritable, or can't take things too seriously; they don't pay attention to menstrual periods, and they catch cold or heat repeatedly. Most of these women regard irregular menstruation as normal. I have never paid attention to whether irregular menstruation will cause other diseases; during breast-feeding, due to deficiency of Qi and blood, exogenous wind-cold and wind-heat are also the easiest to take advantage of; leukorrhea is also a major cause of uterine fibroids Factors, leukorrhea will destroy the normal life order of the entire pelvic cavity.

A woman with a bad temper must be sick in the liver, and stagnant qi in the liver will form a "knot". With a knot, the meridians will naturally not flow through, and the blood flow will be blocked. If it is blocked at the top, it will form a breast lump over time; if it is blocked at the bottom , with the passing of time will form lump in the abdomen.

We have repeatedly said that blood clots will occur during menstruation if you catch a cold during menstruation, which is blood stasis. For women, they are very "delicate", and they must be protected, so they must not be taken lightly.

We have said that it brings dampness to the subordinates, no matter you say it is bacteria or viruses, but the sticky nature of dampness is the easiest to invade internally. Internal invasion means ascending along the vagina, ascending to Chongmai, Renmai, Even the uterus, entangled with the remaining blood in the uterus, will form a lump like lump over time.

Knowing these factors, if you want to prevent yourself from developing uterine fibroids, you must soothe the liver and be less angry.Try to avoid typhoid or heat during menstruation or breastfeeding; when menstruation is irregular, you must find out the cause and adjust menstruation; Viruses, leukorrhagia must be cured, so as to avoid "breeding leukorrhagia".

But there are still many people suffering from the disease of uterine fibroids. Once this disease is found out, don’t worry, you must distinguish between benign and malignant. If it is benign, in order to avoid the pain of surgery, use traditional Chinese medicine The treatment is also very effective.If the qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by liver qi are usually accompanied by mental depression, and the sides of the armpit feel full, you can take the proprietary medicine Xiangling pill or Dahuang Shuchong pill.In order to improve the curative effect and resolve the lumps one day earlier, you can also add vinegar to the pills to make a paste, stick it on the navel, and put a warm water bag on it to warm it up. This is also the ion infiltration often said in physical therapy, and it can also help oral medicine A helping hand.Among the medicines, woody incense is the best at regulating qi. Sanleng and Curcuma are strong at promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. Under the fierce attack of rhubarb and worms, it can be said to be a strong combination, so why not worry about the tumor?
When I treat women with lumps in the abdomen, if there are many discharges or foul smells, I will not forget to use Guizhi Fuling Pills and Cangfu Daotan Pills. It can warm the meridian and unblock the yang, and Poria cocos can invigorate the spleen and remove dampness. If the spleen is weak, the tongue coating is thick, and you have no appetite for meals, you can take Guizhi Fuling pills once in the morning and evening, and take another Cangfu Daotan pill at noon. 15 days is a course of treatment. Also obvious.

Lumps in the abdomen can also damage the kidney qi, and deficiency of kidney qi can easily lead to lumps in the abdomen. Therefore, when treating this disease, don’t neglect to invigorate the kidney qi. You can add Liuwei Dihuang Pills once a day, and the interval between taking the two medicines should be at least two days. Hours, so that the stomach is fully emptied, and the medicine can do its best.

No matter how many treatment methods are available, regular reexamination is required to check the size of the tumor. If it becomes smaller or disappears, of course the medicine has played its due role; on the contrary, if it increases, or grows more Soon, you must go to the hospital for treatment.Many women will become pregnant while suffering from this disease, so when taking medicine, you must check whether you are pregnant. If you are already pregnant, you must take medicine carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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