New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 20 Health care from head to toe

Chapter 20 Health care from head to toe (4)
The warning to us from this disease is: women, especially married women, must have regular gynecological examinations.There is a census for pregnant women every year in our country, and everyone should actively respond to it, because the census is not only for family planning, but also closely related to women's health. Many women suffer from uterine fibroids, which are detected during the census.

Uterine fibroids have become a common and frequently-occurring disease in modern women, and the probability of young, middle-aged and elderly women suffering from this disease is as high as 25%.In ancient Chinese medicine, it was collectively referred to as "Zhengjia disease", and there is no distinction between benign and malignant, so we only talk about uterine fibroids diagnosed as benign by pathology.

Nowadays, most of the treatment methods for uterine fibroids are surgical excision, and excision is not necessarily the only radical method. There are many cases of recurrence or multiple recurrences, and in the end, the only option is to remove the uterus.This "one size fits all" is the only way to cure this disease, so some physical therapy methods have been born now, through microwave and ion infiltration of drugs, to shrink the tumor until it disappears to achieve the purpose of cure.In fact, this method is exactly the same as moxa therapy in traditional Chinese medicine. Using moxa therapy to treat uterine fibroids also saves many patients from the pain of surgery.

One day when I was doing pedicures, I encountered such a case. A female pedicure in her 30s was found to have uterine fibroids. At that time, she was worried that it would be malignant. Before the pathological test results came out, she was very depressed. After a few days, until it was diagnosed as benign, I let out a long sigh of relief.She used western medicine to infuse anti-inflammatory drugs for half a month, and also took some Chinese patent medicines that promote blood circulation and remove stasis, soften and harden stagnation. When she went for a B-ultrasound review after a month, she thought it would be gone, but she didn't know what to expect. Unexpectedly, it was still "tenaciously" staying there.She asked me if I wanted to have an operation, and I said you should use moxibustion combined with drug treatment first, and then make a decision after a period of treatment!
Uterine fibroids: Moxibustion combined with softening firmness, resolving stagnation and eliminating tumors
People who do pedicure health care are not unfamiliar with moxibustion, because they often give moxa therapy to customers. I asked her to use moxibustion on Guanyuan, Qihai, uterus and Xuehaisi on the abdomen and Ren meridians respectively. each acupuncture point, and before moxibustion, it is necessary to apply medicine on each acupuncture point. This medicine is Yunnan Baiyao powder made into mud with physiological saline. , again use physiological saline to make mud of Yunnan Baiyao powder at the acupuncture points, and then moxibustion. In this way, moxibustion is repeated three times for each acupuncture point, once a day in the morning and evening.

I saw that her tongue was dark and purple, which was obviously due to congestion in the uterus, so I asked her to take Xuefuzhuyu Granules or capsules twice a day, and told her that it is best to wait two hours after taking the medicine. Moxibustion, so the effect will be better.

She is a foot therapist, and she also has some foundation in Chinese medicine, and she can identify acupuncture points. The nature of their work is to go to work late and get off work late.Therefore, after breakfast, after taking the medicine, she will take a moxa treatment at home at around 9:15, as I said, without delaying her work.Although she got off work late, she had a meal at the get off work unit, took medicine after the meal by the way, and took a moxa treatment after returning home, and she persisted in this way for [-] days.She didn't tell me, so she went to the hospital for a B-ultrasound, and found that the size was more than half, she couldn't believe her eyes.It wasn't until more than a month later, when I went there again for a pedicure, that her illness was completely cured, that I didn't know how effective this method of moxibustion combined with medicine was.We reached an agreement to bring this approach to more women with fibroids.

The four acupoints Guanyuan, Qihai, Uterus and Xuehai, through the method of warming yang and dredging collaterals through moxibustion, play two functions, one is to promote blood circulation, and the other is to dissipate stasis.From the perspective of Western medicine, it is impossible to eliminate the substantial tumor except for surgery.But from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the basis of treatment is to activate blood circulation and dissipate stasis, and the tumor body will soften until it is eliminated and completely absorbed. This is the principle of microwave and ion infiltration, and the same is true for moxibustion.

Yunnan Baiyao powder is a medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. We usually prepare it at home to treat bruises. The effect is very good. After high-tech processing, the purity is also very high.Applying Yunnan Baiyao on the acupuncture points is like leading an army with a powerful vanguard. Only when fighting a battle can they be invincible and invincible.Originally, I used alcohol to apply Yunnan Baiyao powder, so that the penetration of the medicine would be stronger and the effect of moxibustion would be better, but I was worried that alcohol would stimulate the skin and cause adverse reactions to the skin. Finally, after many clinical trials Application, only a small number of women with sensitive skin will have some small rashes, basically you can use it with confidence.

I let her take blood stasis medicine for external treatment combined with oral medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, and two hours after taking the medicine, the stomach will empty and enter the intestinal tract, which is also the time when the drug absorbs the highest concentration. That is the highest blood concentration that western medicine says.Moxibustion at this time will be more effective.When she recovered, I asked her to stick out her tongue again, and seeing her bright red tongue, I realized that I was doing the right thing.

Vaginitis: Shuanghuanglian powder, good effect for scrubbing and scrubbing

When women suffer from gynecological diseases, they must guard against the first line of defense. If they are unfavorable and lose the frontier, gynecological diseases will progress from shallow to deep, from mild to serious. The first line of defense is the vagina.Suffering from vaginitis is equivalent to losing the first line of defense. The disease will go up from the vagina to the cervix, causing cervicitis and cervical erosion. If the "enemy" (bacteria) is still irresistible and invades the uterus, it will cause endometrial infection. In the end, the entire position is occupied. This position is the entire pelvic cavity of women, which induces pelvic inflammatory disease. Of course, the appendix is ​​also affected, which is what women often call appendicitis.Therefore, being able to cure vaginitis in time is to fortify against more serious gynecological diseases.

Vaginitis is the most common gynecological disease in women, the most susceptible gynecological disease, and the best and most difficult to treat gynecological disease.It is said to be easy to cure, as long as the method is appropriate, it is indeed easy to cure; it is said to be difficult to cure, because the method is not appropriate, the more anti-inflammatory drugs are used, the stronger the drug resistance will be, vaginitis will come and go again, and a lot of money is spent. The disease has not been cured, and it has become a difficult and miscellaneous disease.

Let's go straight to the point, defend the center and lead the attack, drive away the invading "thieves" directly, and cure vaginitis.For simple vaginitis, it is best not to use western medicine frequently, as this is the easiest way to develop drug resistance and relapse.I recommend that you use traditional Chinese medicine for external application directly, and you don’t need to process it into powder. There is a ready-made powder waiting for you to use. This powder is Shuanghuanglian powder.

Shuanghuanglian powder is a kind of Chinese patent medicine for treating colds. Sometimes, when we catch a cold, the doctor will prescribe Shuanghuanglian injection for you. Our usage is not for infusion but for external use.Take a 600mg Shuanghuanglian powder injection, open the bottle cap, also take a bottle of 100ml normal saline, soak it in a container with boiling water, in order not to let the water get too cold, about 2 minutes, pick up the bottle , shake it a few times, so as not to burn your hands, then open the bottle cap with a sharp object, pour 300 mg of Shuanghuanglian powder injection directly, cover the cap, shake well, rinse the vagina directly, after washing, use a sterile medical Dry it with a cotton swab, and finally apply the remaining 300 mg of Shuanghuanglian powder directly on the vulva and vaginal mucosa. Do this once a day, 10 days is a course of treatment, and at most two courses of treatment will cure it.Its characteristics are: cheap, drug-resistant, easy to operate.

Some people say that Shuanghuanglian is used to treat colds. How do you use it to treat gynecological diseases?It is Shuanghuanglian traditional Chinese medicine used in the West, because Shuanghuanglian has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects, and it is also anti-inflammatory and anti-viral when used in gynecology.

Why is it called Shuanghuanglian?It is because there are Coptidis and Scutellaria in it. Both Coptis and Scutellaria are medicines for clearing away heat and dampness. Coptidis can relieve fire, dry damp, detoxify, and kill insects. Infection, skin suppurative infection, otitis media, etc., can be ground into powder and applied to the wound, or can be decocted and washed outside, and even the juice soaked from Shuanghuanglian can be directly applied to the eyes to treat congestion caused by conjunctivitis.While clearing away heat and dampness, Scutellaria baicalensis can also reduce inflammation and resist allergies. That is to say, Scutellaria baicalensis has anti-allergic effects while reducing inflammation.When suffering from vaginitis, the mucous membrane will be edema or congested due to allergies. Scutellaria baicalensis is really good at this aspect.

In fact, Shuanghuanglian powder injection contains not only Scutellaria baicalensis and Coptis chinensis, but also heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines such as honeysuckle and forsythia. Why not just go to the pharmacy to grab these Chinese herbal medicines and decoct and wash the vulva, or directly process them into powder for external application?This doesn't work well.Moreover, the vaginal mucosa is a very fragile place. If the purity of the Chinese patent medicine is not enough, or the processing is not fine enough, it will hurt the vaginal mucosa.Shuanghuanglian powder injection is different. This is a high-tech extracted Chinese herbal medicine that can be directly infused into blood vessels through veins. Medicines that can be infused are safer for external use.Therefore, to treat vaginitis, Shuanghuanglian injection for infusion is the first choice.

Many women suffer from vaginitis without knowing it because they are careless because they don't know how to self-diagnose, and they don't know until they are seriously ill.When I go to the hospital, the gynecologist will see under the colposcope that the vaginal mucous membrane is congested and edematous. blood streaks, which means that you have vaginitis, which is the alarm bell for gynecological diseases, which is the indication for Shuanghuanglian powder injection.Some women asked me, is it okay to use this medicine externally during pregnancy?No, in the case of pregnancy, the properties of the medicine can go up to the uterus and affect the fetal gas, so it can no longer be used.

Many women asked me the reason after using a few days or a course of treatment. When I told them about humidity and heat, most of them would ask me, is it because of the good effect? Heat is inflammation, humidity is virus and bacteria?Originally, two different cultures really left me speechless, so I had to say perfunctorily that it might be one person with two names.In fact, as long as the disease can be cured, why bother whether he is called Zhang San or Li Si?

Cervical erosion: Bingboran powder plus metronidazole (metronidazole) tablets, strong fungicide
We all know that ulcers are very painful and troublesome. They are also lesions on the mucous membranes in the body, with oral ulcers on the top and cervical erosion on the bottom.Due to the unclean sex life and the lack of knowledge about women's health care, cervical erosion, a gynecological disease that was not common before, has become a common disease now.

Now public toilets and street tabloids are full of small advertisements for the treatment of cervical erosion, the most advanced imported equipment, one-time cure, no registration fee, treatment fee, etc., there are really some people who are eager to treat the disease and are deceived, and the money is not little. Flower, the disease is not cured, and the time is useless.It's far away, because many women have been cheated, and they were filled with righteous indignation for a while, so I would like to give you a warning and advice.

In fact, cervical erosion is not so complicated and difficult to treat. You don’t need to do smears and various examinations. cervical erosion.

When you smell it, it is the smell of leucorrhea. Normal leucorrhea does not have any obvious peculiar smell. When you smell a foul smell or a musty smell, it means that the mucous membrane in the cervix has been damaged, and the secretion has deteriorated and emitted a peculiar smell.

The second thing to look at is the color of the leucorrhea on the underpants or sanitary pads. If it is bloodshot, or milky white like milk, or even like the secretions in our usual abscesses, yellow, smelly and blood are mixed together, it is very bad smell.There is blood in the leucorrhea because the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​damaged, causing bleeding to be mixed in the leucorrhea.

[-]. Pain: The cervix is ​​damaged and festered. During sexual intercourse, the nerves under the mucous membrane will be tender and painful. After sexual intercourse, there may even be a small amount of blood flowing out of the vagina.

If you learn to self-diagnose and understand the condition, you can treat it yourself.

We all know that to treat oral ulcers, there is a topical medicine called Bingboran Powder. Sprinkle Bingboran Powder directly on the ulcer surface and repeat it several times, and the ulcer will heal.For the same mucosal lesion, the treatment method can also be the same, and the ice boron is scattered on the ulcer surface above the cervix.Yes, this method is indeed good, but it will not be as easy as treating oral ulcers.So I thought of a better way to pack Bingboron in "0" empty capsules. In order to enhance the curative effect, 1 gram of Bingboron powder was added with 1 tablet (200 mg) of metronidazole azole) powder, mixed with Bingboron powder and packed in capsules for later use.

The treatment of cervical erosion is different from that of oral ulcers. There are very strict methods of operation. Use sterile cotton pads dipped in iodine (remember not to use iodine tincture, because iodine tincture will irritate the mucous membranes), disinfect the vaginal wall, and then wipe off with dry cotton pads. For purulent discharge or leucorrhea in the vagina, clean it thoroughly.After cleaning, take a small mirror in your left hand and a capsule in your right hand, and insert it into the vagina. It must be inserted to the innermost point, the depth is about a position where the index finger is completely submerged, once a night, two capsules each time, one every 10 days For the course of treatment, lie in bed for at least two hours after each insertion, in order to prevent the capsule from protruding and the drug from spilling out and becoming invalid.It is also necessary to remind everyone that finger cots and disposable sterile gloves must be worn when injecting medicine to avoid cross-infection.

Bingboron powder contains borneol, borax, cinnabar and xuanming powder, which can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain.Bingboran powder is an ancient prescription. It is still used by us today because of its good curative effect. Now we make it into a Chinese patent medicine and display it on the counter. It can be said to be both cheap and effective.It is very safe to rub Bingboron powder in the mouth, and it is also safe to use it on the cervix to treat cervical erosion, so everyone can use it with confidence.

Metronidazole (metronidazole), also known as metronidazole tablets, is a commonly used western medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases. It is very effective in eliminating anaerobic bacteria and vaginal trichomonas, and women are prone to drip Insect and anaerobic infection, also because of the special location of the vagina, airtight, provides a suitable place for these bacteria to grow, it can be said that it likes women, but women don't like it the least.

Adding metronidazole (metronidazole) tablets into Bingboran powder is a combination of Chinese and Western medicines. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, as long as it works, it is a truth and a good method. It cannot be buried, and it must be used by others for the benefit of mankind. For the benefit of women.We all know that western medicine will have certain adverse reactions, borneol is pungent and cool, can breathe and invigorate, and this method is contraindicated in pregnancy.

"Wart" disease: duck guts Vaseline cream, warts fall off without pain
To talk about the discoloration of tigers, it is better to talk about the discoloration of "warts". Women who have had warts on their genitals have had headaches for so many sleepless nights.I learned from the doctor that this is an infectious disease, and it is different from what we usually call "spurs", flat warts, and common warts. Once infected, the warts will spring up like bamboo shoots after rain, and the growth speed will make you terrified.These are not very scary, but the scariest thing is the treatment. The antiviral treatment of western medicine will hurt the body very much. A cold will bully yourself, and it will be devastated mentally and physically.

There is such a girl who accidentally contracted wart disease when she was in contact with the opposite sex. This disease was unheard of before.She has been treated for this disease for almost half a year. She has received countless injections of interferon and three laser treatments, which cost a lot of money, not to mention the pain.After half a year, the young man who used to be full of vitality has now turned into a miserable wretch.

This time she found new warts growing on her vulva, although they were very small, only one or two, but she knew that if it was not treated in time, the consequences would be disastrous.The hospital still insisted on giving her laser treatment and interferon treatment. She really lost her confidence and decided to seek medical treatment from traditional Chinese medicine this time.

(End of this chapter)

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