New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 21 Health care from head to toe

Chapter 21 Health care from head to toe (5)
Her tongue coating is yellow and thick, and she has to brush it with a toothbrush every morning, otherwise, the peculiar smell in her mouth will be even greater, sticky and very uncomfortable.Hungry fast, want to eat, but can't take a few bites, the stomach will be full, and I can't eat any more.The urine is yellow, if you drink a little less water, you will urinate very little.Moreover, when urinating, the urethra will feel hot and a little painful.She said that there were only two small warts, only half the size of a mung bean. She asked me if I needed surgery or physical therapy, and if so, she didn't want any more treatment.

I didn't ask her to do physical therapy anymore. I took more than ten grams of duck gallbladder for her in the pharmacy, smashed the duck gallbladder shell, took the grayish-yellow smooth and oily kernels inside, mashed it like garlic, and then Add a little medical Vaseline, make it into a paste, and apply it on the wart twice a day. After two or three days of continuous use, the wart will fall off, and small ulcers will form on the place where it falls off. Don’t be afraid. Disinfect with iodine twice a day and apply acyclovir ointment twice a day.

In addition to external treatment methods, it is also necessary to combine porridge treatment with internal treatment.Usually we like to drink porridge, rice porridge, millet porridge. When making porridge in the future, remember to add 50 grams of coix seed, boil it in the morning, drink half of it, heat it up after get off work, and drink it again, twice a day.At the same time, we need to drink tea, not green tea or black tea, but Chinese herbal tea. Use 30 grams of Folium Folium and Radix Isatidis to make tea. One serving, each serving should be steeped and drunk six or seven times, each time brewed with boiling water.

She used this method, and the wart fell off after two days, and a small ulcer formed like a laser. According to the method I said, she wiped it with iodine twice a day. Acyclovir ointment, rubbed three or four times a day, plus oral tea and coix seed porridge.

She looks in the mirror every day, and her tongue coating can be said to be different every day, from thick yellow to white and thick, from white to thin white; the urine is no longer yellow, and it turns from short red yellow to normal. , and there is no feeling of heat and pain. She said that when she urinates, she feels comfortable.After half a month of treatment in this way, she took a reduced dose for more than ten days. After a total of one month of treatment, she recovered as before, even her appetite improved.

Some people have used duck guts to cure corns, and the effect is also very good. After rubbing a few times, the corns will slowly fall off.The effect of duck guts is to clear away heat, dry dampness, and kill insects. It is specially used to treat poison, corns and warts.

Western medicine also uses duck gall to treat some warts or papillomas clinically, and the effect is also very good.But it should be noted that duck gall oil has a certain corrosive effect and can irritate the skin, so you must remember to disinfect with medical iodine to avoid local skin infection during treatment.

The tongue coating is yellow and thick, yellow means heat, and thick means dampness. Coix seed is to dispel dampness, and making tea with Folium Isatidis and Banlangen is to clear away heat.According to the pathology of traditional Chinese medicine, wart disease is also caused by damp heat pouring into the perineum, soaking in the skin, and heat poison invades the skin, and is born on the body surface. Therefore, the treatment of "wart" disease is to treat the internal cause at the same time as clearing away heat. Drying dampness can be said to be an act of pinching internal and external attacks and treating both symptoms and root causes.When you urinate well, your appetite recovers, you eat well, you sleep soundly, you clear away dampness and heat, and your body's immunity improves, viruses will not come and warts will no longer be scary.

Many people have had oral ulcers, which are very painful, and it is uncomfortable to eat and drink. They have used a lot of vitamins and patches. Finally, the upper part is healed, and then it is transferred to the lower part. A middle-aged woman in her 30s came here for this. see a doctor.The ulcer grew on the inner side of the genitals, and the pain was unbearable, and it was painful to urinate. I used a lot of disinfectant lotions, and antibacterial external suppositories such as metronidazole, but it was not good.

Her tongue is thin and thin, and the surface of the tongue is covered with a smooth moss, almost without moss. It can be seen that she has a constitution of yin deficiency and internal heat.The human body is like a wetland, and the tongue coating is the crops. When there is sufficient water, the crops on the ground will grow normally.When there is drought, nothing grows on the ground, which means yin deficiency and no moss.She also sweats frequently, with warm palms and soles of feet. When she sleeps at night, she sweats profusely when she is unprepared.

One of the most important characteristics of people with Yin-deficiency constitution is that they are prone to ulcers. This is also because Yin-deficiency cannot control dampness and heat. Dampness and poison fumigate the stomach and intestines and ascend to the oropharynx, forming ulcers. But it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause, so it will often recur.

Knowing that she has a Yin-deficiency constitution, prone to ulcers, night sweats, and hot palms and soles, without a gynecological examination, it is easy to conclude that her genitals are genital sores.Once the root cause of the disease is found, the disease can be easily cured.Nourishing yin is to treat the root cause, and external medicine is to treat the symptoms, so that treating both symptoms and root causes will cure the disease.

Vaginal sores: Ophiopogon japonicus and potassium permanganate, treating symptoms and symptoms
Ophiopogon japonicus is the first choice for nourishing yin.There was once a woman who was diagnosed with yin deficiency. She cooked a pot that day, like porridge, and drank it many times a day. As a result, she became flustered and short of breath. It took several days for her to recover after stopping the medicine.So, haste makes waste.Nourishing yin itself is a long process, and it must be done step by step, and you must know the truth that "diseases come like a mountain, and illnesses disappear like spinning silk".

There is no need to boil water, just boiled water to make tea, 10 grams each time, more than ten times a day, the medicinal taste is still very strong.You have to ask how long is a course of treatment. When you drink the night sweats and the palms and soles of the feet are not hot, it is a course of treatment.While nourishing yin, Ophiopogon japonicus can also enter the blood system and clear away the dampness and heat poison caused by ulcers. It can be said that nourishing and clearing kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, it is very slow to treat yin sores only by taking Ophiopogon japonicus orally, so it is necessary to treat the symptoms.When treating the symptoms, first wash with potassium permanganate and then disinfect. When washing, use a sterilized cotton swab to remove the sticky secretions on the sores and expose the fresh red meat under the skin. Apply rhubarb and vitamin B2 on it and process it. The fine powder was applied six or seven times a day, and the sore surface shrank day by day with the application of the medicine again and again until it healed.

The previous patient recovered from her illness after using it externally for a week. She also specially processed some rhubarb and vitamin B2 powder for fear of relapse, so she will reserve it later.It has been a month, and she is still drinking Ophiopogon japonicus tea. She no longer sweats when she sleeps at night. She used to be upset because of the fever in her hands, feet, and heart. Now these symptoms are much better. She continues to drink it to consolidate the curative effect.

We all know that rhubarb is a laxative, but we really didn't know that it can be used externally.In fact, rhubarb can not only clear away dampness and heat, treat constipation, but also promote blood circulation, reduce swelling, detoxify and treat sores.Clinically, some people have used rhubarb externally to treat scalds and sores for a long time.

The amount of rhubarb can be determined according to the size of the sore area. After washing with potassium permanganate, when it is half dry, just sprinkle a thin layer on it.Adding vitamin B2 in it is because such ulcer-like sores are classified as vitamin deficiency by Western medicine, so adding vitamin B2 is to promote faster and better wound healing.As for the dosage, it is also very small. Generally, 10 grams of rhubarb powder can be added with two crushed vitamin B2 tablets.

In addition, remember that if you suffer from genital sores, you must first treat the genital sores before considering pregnancy and having a child. Pregnant women should also disable this method.

When many women suffer from genital sores, they blindly treat them with antibiotics and lotions. The result is that the more they are cured and the more they are washed, the bigger the sores will be. They will spend a lot of money and suffer a lot, but the disease is not cured. .So there is no need to worry after suffering from genital sores, you can use this method of treating both symptoms and root causes to treat it fundamentally.I believe that as long as the symptom is treated, the disease will be cured.

Eczema: Shuangbanghoufengsan, just one spray to get rid of eczema

One day, I saw a video advertisement for medicine on TV. A beautiful beauty was seen by a boy with a "pimple" on her neck, and accidentally fell. The beauty was very embarrassed. "Acne" to blame.In fact, "acne" is only embarrassing if it grows on the face, and it is even more annoying if it grows on the genitals.

Women often say that there are many small bumps on both sides of the genitals and thighs, which are very itchy. At first, they thought it was prickly heat caused by heat, so they applied some talcum powder casually, but it did not improve. After going to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed it and said It was eczema, and I was shocked when I heard it. I thought, how could I suffer from this disease?Did someone else infect you?
(End of this chapter)

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