New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 26 Create a beautiful face like a lotus

Chapter 26 Create a beautiful face like a lotus (1)
"Huangdi Neijing" said: "Whoever cures a disease, observe its shape, energy and color", that is to say, all sick people can first observe through the shape, energy and color. Mother and Radix Pseudostellaria must be used; there is no blood color and luster on the face, which means blood loss, and angelica or Chuanxiong are indispensable for nourishing and invigorating blood; people who speak weakly are often qi deficiency, qi tonic ginseng and astragalus must also be the first choice...

Cosmetics allergies: Nepeta spikes restore women's original skin color

One day, I received a call from a female patient who was crying while talking. She was very excited and worried that she would be disfigured and would not be able to see people in the future.After listening carefully, she found out the whole story. She used a new brand of cosmetics last night and applied it on her face after washing. It was itchy and hot, but when she looked in the mirror, she was startled, her face was bruised, red and purple, she washed it with facial cleanser several times, but she couldn't wash it off, she was scared and cried, panicked Remembered to call me.

Obviously, she is allergic to this kind of cosmetics, and the allergic symptoms are relatively serious. I told her not to worry, she can take some anti-allergic medicine, but chlorpheniramine (chlorpheniramine), loratadine She doesn't have any anti-allergic western medicine at home, but she does have Piyanping ointment for external use. She knows that western medicine has adverse reactions, and she also knows that Piyanping contains hormones.She only believes in Chinese medicine, and has reached a point where she is a bit stubborn.A special patient like her who insists on using traditional Chinese medicine can only vary from person to person. I prescribed a traditional Chinese medicine prescription for her: 100 grams of nepeta panicles, processed into fine powder through a sieve, and packed in bags for later use.

She went out wearing a big mask and a scarf, with only two eyes exposed. She bought 100 grams of nepeta ears from the Chinese medicine store. She had all the equipment for processing Chinese medicine powder. After a while, she processed it according to my instructions. , I asked her to wash her face again, then half-lyed on the chair, and evenly sprinkled the fine powder on her face in front of the mirror, and finally did the face-washing action, letting the fine powder rub against her face fully until the heat was generated from the friction. It takes only 6-3 minutes, twice a day, or 4-[-] times a day if you feel the effect is slow.

Therefore, she rested at home for a day and followed my instructions three times. When she did it for the third time at night, she was more than half healed. When she got up the next morning, she was as good as ever.People say that you need to seek help from Western medicine for such emergencies. She really didn't expect that Chinese medicine would have such a quick and effective effect. At first, she was worried that she would be disfigured. Still have lingering fears.

Can nepeta replace allergy medicine?These are two completely different cultures, but they have the same effect. Nepeta can also treat skin diseases caused by allergies, such as urticaria and pruritus.Nepeta is a kind of anti-exterior medicine, in fact, anti-exterior means to come out through the skin.Nepeta is still the same, the ear of Nepeta is the seed, and the effect of the seed is several times stronger than that of the stem, especially when it is applied to the local skin. It is more obvious, and it also promotes the penetration of toxins through the skin.

If the factor that causes skin allergies is cosmetics, then these cosmetics are what traditional Chinese medicine calls the poisonous evil that soaks into the skin.Of course, in addition to cosmetics, there are also factors that cause allergies such as pollen and dust, which are collectively referred to as poisonous evils. Therefore, once skin allergies caused by other factors appear, this method can also be used for external use, such as the allergic area. Large, it can be divided into pieces.

I have said that we do not advocate traditional Chinese medicine, nor are we against Western medicine. As long as the method is good and the effect is quick, we can use it.We can use western medicine anti-allergic drugs, but they should not be taken orally for a long time.But in this way, take western medicine once or twice, and then use Chinese herbal medicine for external use as above, wouldn't the effect of combining Chinese and Western medicine be better?Short-term application of western medicine will not have much adverse reaction.The same is true for external use of hormone ointments. It is relatively safe to use external hormones once or twice. We don’t need to talk about the discoloration of hormones!
There are also many Chinese patent medicines for anti-allergy, such as Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills, Jingfang Baidu Powder, Wushe Zhiyang Pills, etc. Oral administration is not as fast as western medicines, but it can eliminate toxins and achieve the purpose of curing diseases and strengthening the body.

Rose rouge cream, smoothes crow's feet around the eyes

Crow's feet are a sign of a woman's middle age. Many women undergo plastic surgery in order to get rid of crow's feet. Not to mention the cost of the operation, the surgery is successful, but the crow's feet quietly climbed back one year after the operation.Not only that, but more than before, it is no longer possible to do a second operation.

I am not a doctor of plastic surgery, but the beauty profession is also closely related to medicine.Therefore, many women who come to see a doctor will also ask me for some methods of beauty and beauty. How to get rid of crow's feet is also the most common among many women who come to see a doctor.

I don't advocate that women go for plastic surgery when they enter middle age. Premature plastic surgery, although the skin at that time will be physically tightened, it looks very young, but it is not. The local edema is a general inflammatory reaction.Because the minimal trauma damages the local skin, the capillaries of the surrounding skin are damaged, and the metabolism is disordered, so sometimes it will age faster.

In the Shang Dynasty, without these high-end cosmetics, there was a precedent of using rouge to beautify the skin and remove wrinkles.At that time, there was no advanced technology, and the main ingredients of rouge were some fresh flower petals, which were crushed, washed to remove color, and condensed.It is recorded in "Kaiyuan Tianbao Legacy": "The noble concubine is red, greasy and fragrant, or wiped on the towel, and its color is like peach red." There are charming and seductive stories handed down from generation to generation.

Fresh petals are good beauty products, they are taken from nature, non-toxic and harmless, such as roses, chrysanthemums and so on.In fact, the rouge made of these flowers can have such a good effect, it all depends on the medicinal properties of traditional Chinese medicine. The beauty and beauty of ancient people also originated from traditional Chinese medicine.

Rose is a traditional Chinese medicine for regulating qi, promoting blood circulation and dispelling stasis. It is mainly used on the face to improve the blood circulation of the face and make the blood flow smooth. After smoothing, the skin will be rosy and tight, and crow's feet will naturally reduce.Chrysanthemum is a traditional Chinese medicine for dispelling wind-heat, clearing away heat and detoxifying.The medicinal properties are a bit sweet, but also cooling. We often make some chrysanthemum tea to clear away heat and relieve fire.But external use in beauty is because it contains flavonoids and vitamin E and other ingredients. Flavonoids are not hormones, but they can regulate the level of hormones in the body to delay aging. Flavonoids can also improve blood circulation. Anti-aging effect, it can be said that the vitamin E in chrysanthemum is natural vitamin E, no wonder it can have such a good effect.

The petals used by the ancients to make rouge are all fresh products, but now these fresh products are not available all year round, so the roses and chrysanthemums in the Chinese pharmacy are all dried, although the effect after drying is not as good as fresh products , but the long-term effect is not bad.

Buy 30 grams of roses and chrysanthemums in the Chinese pharmacy, remove the seeds, cores, and central parts of the stamens, leaving only the petals, and process them into powder. Make it into a paste, remember that it is not a paste, that is to say, it should not be too thick, it should be as thin as possible, so as to facilitate absorption. This is the rouge that we have prepared by ourselves. Do not use it at the time after it is adjusted. It should be stored in the refrigerator. Put it in the refrigerator for two or three days before using it, and soak the medicinal properties of roses and chrysanthemums before using it, the effect will be better.

Every night before going to bed, apply a thin layer on both sides of the outer corners of the eyes, where crow's feet are prone to grow, and apply it for one or two hours each time. After removing the rouge cream, wash your face.

A middle-aged woman who is almost 50 years old and has a successful career used to only use high-end cosmetics. She felt pretty good when she wore heavy makeup, but once she took off the makeup, she was completely different, especially the crow's feet around her eyes, which made her It's as if you're suddenly ten years older.She has consulted many plastic surgery hospitals and wants to have plastic surgery.

Now she insists on using homemade rouge cream every night, and within three to four months, the crow's feet have been significantly reduced. She is very satisfied with this natural and back-to-basics cosmetics. Make yourself very confident.

Some middle-aged women who love beauty are more careful. During the season of chrysanthemums and roses, they collect more fresh rose petals, make more homemade rouge cream, and store them in the refrigerator for later use. Some of them will be used in the coming year. The flowers are blooming, not to mention saving money, but the effect is good.

The homemade rouge ointment has the medicinal properties of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the special ingredients contained in western medicine for beautifying the skin, removing crow's feet, and anti-wrinkle. Down, you can also overwhelm the country and the city.Self-made rouge cream can also allow us to enjoy the treatment of "imperial concubine", without crow's feet, and our appearance will not age prematurely!
Moxibustion removes wrinkles and restores a woman's smooth and jade-like appearance
To judge a woman's age, one must first look at the face, or more precisely, the wrinkles on the face, and the most symbolic wrinkles of a woman's age are the crow's feet around the eyes and the corners of the eyes.If you are just 30 years old and you have a lot of wrinkles around your eyes, others will definitely guess whether you are over 40, and you will look very embarrassed, so you will never face the anti-wrinkle eye cream that costs hundreds of dollars a bottle in the mall. stingy.In fact, let me tell you that there is a better, faster, and cheaper method than this - axotherapy. You must try it after you get home from get off work.

Moxa treatment anti-wrinkle materials: moxa sticks, yam, sterilized gauze pieces.You can buy moxa sticks and sterilized gauze at nearby pharmacies. Moxa sticks cost [-] yuan each, and sterilized gauze pieces cost [-] or [-] yuan a pack. If they are cheap, you can buy more and keep them at home for later use, and then go to the market to buy fresh ones. The yam is back.Speaking of this, you will definitely say, oh, I see, it is the kind of iron stick yam sold in the market?Yes, that's it.After returning home, wash, peel, and cut into slices. Use a juicer to squeeze the cut yam slices into juice, then add twice the boiled water to dilute it into a thinner porridge, and let it cool to [-] to [-] degrees. Or so, add a vitamin E capsule, remember not to put the whole thing in, but to break the outer skin of the capsule with your hands, put the oil inside into the squeezed yam juice, start the juicer again, Stir well, so that after the raw materials are processed, the operation starts.

After returning home from get off work, wash your face, do not apply any cosmetics for the time being, and then put two pieces of sterile gauze into the squeezed yam juice, soak it and take it out. It is best to use two tweezers for this process. Of course, the disinfection is better Okay, pick up the gauze and twist it a little, so as not to drip the yam juice.Lie flat on the bed and cover both eyes with two pieces of gauze. Generally, the sterilized gauze is about 10 cm square, which can cover the eyebrows, nose bridge, Yintang and crow's feet at the outer corners of the eyes. Moxibustion can be done at this time.

Of course, before covering the gauze, you must light the moxa stick first, pick up the moxa stick, and because you can’t see it, let the moxa fire be a little farther away from the eyes, shake it back and forth a few times, warm up the gauze piece, and then moxibustion several times around the eye. There is an empty space, the Yintang point in the middle of the eyebrows; the Yuyao point in the middle of the eyebrows on both sides; the Tongliiao point in the outer corner of the eye, the Chengqi point in the middle of the lower eyelid; and the Jingming point in the inner corner of the eye. Deliberately require moxibustion to be strong, and when each acupoint is hot, moxibustion the other acupoint in turn. This is enough to cycle three times, and the other piece of gauze on the opposite side is also operated in the same way.

Women who do not like to drink water tend to have dehydrated skin, dry skin and wrinkles easily, and moxibustion can be used; emotional setbacks, family conflicts often lead to depression, short temper, withdrawn personality, easy to wrinkle, moxibustion; excessive exposure to the sun , stay up late, the skin will be malnourished and prone to wrinkles, moxibustion can be used; when washing the face, love to use hot water, skin allergies caused by improper use of cosmetics, smoking, drinking and other factors can easily cause premature or multiple crow's feet around the eyes, all of which can be cured With this method of moxibustion, you can try it and compare the effect with anti-wrinkle eye cream, and you will find the value of doing so.

Wrinkles are easy to develop around the eyes, which is directly related to the fatigue and relaxation of the orbicularis muscles around the eyes. Moxibustion on these acupoints around the eyes can not only cure eye diseases and improve eyesight, but also relieve the orbicularis muscles around the eyes. Eye fatigue and relaxation, followed by a feeling of tension, in fact, cosmetic surgery to remove bags under the eyes, crow's feet is also the same reason.

Why do you need moxibustion with mountain medicinal juice?Because yam juice contains anti-aging, collagen and other substances that make the skin tight, the effect of external application alone is not as good as adding warm moxibustion to the local skin for better absorption. Adding vitamin E can also make the medicine directly penetrate into the skin and play a role. As far as the anti-wrinkle effect is concerned, some women said that they feel refreshed after finishing the treatment. They look like two people in the mirror, and there is no wrinkle around the eyes, just like the effect after using eye cream.

Let me tell you, this is fundamentally different from using eye cream, which uses physical and chemical components to "tighten" the local skin, while using yam plus vitamin E, through moxibustion, is to maintain the skin and achieve the purpose of anti-wrinkle. This is the difference in quality, and it is also the fundamental guarantee for women to pursue beauty.

I ask many women a question, how can I live longer?There are different opinions. There are so many imported, domestic, green and pollution-free health care products. Many women choose to eat health care products to live longer, and some women choose to go to beauty salons to maintain their ovaries and skin. They do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to pursue Beauty and longevity.Nowadays, there are many health-preserving books. There are many women who learn the method of hitting the wall one day, but feel that abdominal breathing is also good the next day. I want to live a long life, but I can't find the direction, I am very confused and a little bit at a loss.

As a reporter, I interviewed many women around me, of course of all ages.I hope that after finding an effective and practical formula from them, I will use myself as a medium to spread word of mouth so that more women can benefit from it.After several years, the result is not what I expected. On the contrary, many women seek the secret recipe of immortality from me. Of course, immortality is indeed suspected of being exaggerated. Ancient books and documents, tested clinically, will eventually live up to the trust of women.

In ancient times, there were four great physicians in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties: Liu Wansu’s Hanliang School, Zhang Congzheng’s Attacking School, Li Dongyuan’s Butu School, and Zhu Danxi’s Yin Yang School.Following the characteristics of the four major physicians in treating diseases and maintaining health, I advocate nourishing yin in the treatment of female diseases, that is to say, as long as women have yin feet, their bodies will naturally be healthy and long-lived.

Full of qi and blood and good complexion—— Mendong Longevity Balm
Some people say that women's yin feet mean that there is no loss of qi and blood. It can be said this way.The solution to this problem is very simple. Taking Mendong Yishou Pills will make you full of Qi and blood without loss.

Speaking of pills, some people think it is very complicated, but it is actually very simple.Homemade medicines also have many advantages. You can control the quality of the raw materials, and you don’t have to worry about any preservatives and pigments in them that are harmful to your body. You can also make them as you want, and you can eat more than one at a time. For one month, take a pill out of the freezer every morning and evening, and you will be addicted to a traditional Chinese medicine dispenser.You can also act as a professional health master when teasing with colleagues and the elderly in the community.

(End of this chapter)

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