New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 27 Create a beautiful face like a lotus

Chapter 27 Create a beautiful face like a lotus (2)
Go to the pharmacy and buy 250 grams of asparagus, put it on the balcony to dry for two days, then go to the market to buy 250 grams of black sesame, and fry it with low heat at home. After two days in the sun, the two medicines are mixed together and processed into a fine powder, which needs to be sieved several times, so that it is fine enough and tastes good when eaten.It is best to add 1 catties of white honey, put it in a porcelain pot and steam it for half an hour. After it comes out of the pot, it will cool down. After washing your hands, you can use your hands to knead it into the desired ball shape.Of course, if you don’t want to make pills by yourself, you can also dig them out with a clean spoon. Each time, it’s the size of a walnut, because the size of a walnut is [-] grams of ordinary honey-made pills, which is just the usual amount of daily consumption. Twice a day, one after breakfast and one after dinner.

Asparagus is a yin-tonifying medicine with cool properties, which is just suitable for modern people's physique.Food is the most important thing for the people. In ancient times, the diet was mostly vegetarian. Modern people eat too much fried, fried, boiled and fried things. From the perspective of health preservation, people cannot often eat meat.Laozi said in the "Food Method" in health preservation that people eat meat once or twice, and can use the warming and nourishing properties of meat to dissolve the cold and cold in the body.Now, we run counter to the ancient concept of health preservation. We have meat every day, even every once in a while. How can there be so much coldness in the body?Therefore, the yin-nourishing and cooling properties of asparagus just offset the heat of modern people who eat meat. Asparagus is not like honeysuckle, forsythia and other heat-clearing medicines, which can clear away heat and extinguish fire.To use a metaphor, the former is like light rain and rain, which is hot and refreshing; the latter is like hailstones, which are harmful but not beneficial.

Many women asked me after taking it, does this medicine have a laxative effect?Indeed, asparagus and black sesame both have the effect of laxative and moistening the intestines. Only when the stool is smooth, the human metabolism can function normally, and the toxins in the body will not be deposited due to constipation, and the endocrine can be normal.

Some people say that if the kidney is deficient quickly, people will grow old in advance, showing a senile appearance. The effect of black sesame tonifying kidney essence and nourishing kidney can prevent your kidney from failing in advance.

Haste makes waste. Mendong Yishou pills are not like taking cold medicine to cure fever. After taking a little sweat, the symptoms will be relieved immediately. Many women are impatient. After taking it for a few days, they feel that there is no obvious improvement, so let it go , discarded aside and no longer used.There are also many women who want to take a bite because they are busy, and forget it when they are busy. They have made the medicine for one month and have not finished it for three months.

I am now correcting a concept of everyone. The current health care products are actually what ancient Chinese medicine called taking food, that is to say, they can be taken every day like food. Only by taking them every day can they really play a role in health care. After taking it for one, two or several years, you can truly appreciate the difference between the efficacy of Mendong Yishou Pills and health care products.

Bright eyes are good at cutting autumn water, beautiful eyes are dilated

"Huangdi Neijing" said: "Whoever treats a disease, observe its shape, color and luster", that is to say, when a sick person stands in front of an experienced old Chinese doctor, the doctor will just look at you, and you will know when you are thin and dry. If you are yin deficient, you must use Anemarrhena anemarrhena and Radix Pseudostellariae for nourishing yin. Seeing that your face does not have any color or luster, it means blood deficiency. When prescribing the prescription, there will be no shortage of angelica or chuanxiong for nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation; once you hear you If you look weak when you speak, you know that you are weak, and ginseng and astragalus must be the first choice for replenishing qi...

This is the importance of looking at form and form in Chinese medicine. In fact, the most important organ in looking at form and form is the eyes. So what kind of eyes can reflect the health of the body?We have all seen children's eyes, clear, transparent, and alive, that is a sign of health.Nowadays, many women use mascara to make their eyelashes very long in order to modify a pair of beautiful eyes. In fact, truly beautiful eyes cannot be modified. Only the healthy eyes of children and the charming eyes of mature women are worthy. It is as clear and charming as autumn water as "bright eyes and kind eyes" said in "Luo Shen Fu" by Cao Zhi of the Three Kingdoms.

When people get older, it is a luxury to have a pair of healthy and bright eyes. You can satisfy your wish by dilating your pupils. There are only four kinds of medicines, and you don’t need to cook them as traditional Chinese medicines. You have to cook them every day. After careful processing, one month's dosage can be produced, so as to achieve the best selection and preparation of medicines. Don't feel troublesome. I will clarify and explain these four medicines one by one.

The most indispensable medicine for regulating the eyes is Shijuming. From the point of view of meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, Shijuming only belongs to the liver meridian, and the organ in charge of the eyes is the liver. When you are angry, the liver yang will rise to the head , leading to swollen eyes, headache, dizziness, and even nausea and vomiting; when you stay up late with backache and leg pain, liver blood loss will also cause you to feel dizzy in your eyes and unable to see clearly.

Why are so many people suffering from eye diseases nowadays, wearing presbyopic glasses in advance just after the age of 40, and cataracts, which is what Chinese medicine calls "clouds covering the eyes".The earliest cause of disease is liver heat. The TCM treatment plan for these diseases is to clear liver heat. Only after clearing liver heat can eyesight be improved.

Shijuming is the shell of deep-sea abalone. Deep-sea creatures have a salty taste and enter the liver and kidneys. After living in the deep sea for a long time, the medicinal property must be cold.Just keep in mind two points when using Cassia chinensis: it enters the liver and is cold in nature.When choosing Cassia spp., you should see the holes on it clearly. Nine is the number of poles, the largest. C. cassia with nine holes on the top is the best medicinal material. Process 200 grams of C. cassia selected into fine powder, put Fry in a pan over low heat until slightly yellow, set aside.

The second herb is Tribulus terrestris.When I was young, I went to the beach with bare feet and often got stabbed by thorns. At that time, I thought these thorns, which would rather bend than bend, were really annoying.After studying Chinese medicine, I realized that it is also a rare Chinese herbal medicine, and it is also a Chinese herbal medicine that only enters the liver meridian and treats eye diseases. It is only when I use it in the treatment of diseases that I really understand the medicinal properties of Tribulus, which is exactly the opposite of the disgusting impression I had when I was a child. , it can calm the liver, soothe the liver, dispel wind, and improve eyesight. Tribulus terrestris can easily remove the pterygium on the inner and outer corners of the eyes caused by the disturbance of liver-fire and wind-heat.

The processing of Tribulus terrestris is also very particular. It needs to be fried in a pot with low heat for 5 minutes until it is browned. After the frying, there is a very complicated process, which is to use small scissors to cut off the thorns one by one. It is also 200 grams of terrestris, it will be very troublesome to cut, you must be careful not to get hurt by the thorns, look at the plate full of terrestris after cutting, and examine the fruits of your labor, just like taming disobedient children, it is very difficult There is a sense of accomplishment, and finally processed into fine powder for later use.

The third herb is horsetail.When you talk about horsetail, don’t mistake it for squid in the sea. Squid is a marine creature, and horsetail is a herbaceous plant. Although horsetail is a plant, it has the dual functions of cassia and thorns.Equisetum is also a cold medicine, and it also enters the liver meridian. It can clear the wind and heat in the liver meridian, and can also improve eyesight and relieve cloudiness. It is used in this prescription, like a loyal minister, taking on the role of an adjuvant medicine.Process the horsetail into powder, put it in a pot and stir-fry for 2 minutes.

The last is chrysanthemum, which can clear the head. I usually drink some chrysanthemum tea when I get angry. In this recipe, chrysanthemum can be said to be a guide, which is what traditional Chinese medicine calls scriptural medicine.The chrysanthemum is used here because it is relatively troublesome to process. Use 400 grams of chrysanthemum, add a small amount of water to wet it, steam it in the pot for at least half an hour, then dry it, put it together with the above three kinds of medicinal powder, and then finely Powder processing, more than a few sieves, the finer the powder, the better, and the mydriasis is made.

Take it once a day in the morning and evening, one pack of 10 grams each time, and take it with green tea. It can be taken for those who have pterygia in their eyes due to fire; women who love beauty can take it to make their eyes more energetic and beautiful; women who stay up late at work can take it Bloodshot eyes, eye muscle fatigue, dizziness, dizziness can be taken; middle-aged people with presbyopia and blurred vision can take it; cataract elderly people can take it, one side is multi-purpose, one side is multi-cure, take this opportunity to tell this prescription to Everyone, just to make the world in our eyes more beautiful.

Air like orchid, skin like porcelain——Green Tea Vitamin C Mask
A woman in her 40s came to see a doctor with her friend and said that she would go to the hospital for a "lift" after seeing the doctor.This "lifting" is not a dish on the table, but a cosmetic and anti-wrinkle surgery. By tightening and lifting the facial skin, it can achieve the effect of anti-wrinkle and beauty.Many women in their 40s want to try but dare not, not because it costs a lot of money. You must know that women in this age group will not be stingy in spending money in this area. The main reason is that they are worried about the success rate of the operation. Not to mention bad, if it is done badly, it will ruin the rest of my life.This 40-year-old woman also had several internal struggles before she decided to go for it. Because the person who came to see the doctor was very familiar with me, she asked for my opinion and asked whether the operation should be done or not.

I looked at her, her skin is fair, but there are a few wrinkles on the forehead and the corners of the eyes, which are more obvious when she smiles.I have seen many people who have undergone facelifts come to the outpatient clinic for infusion. Most of them have edema of the whole face after the operation. It takes several days of antibiotics to reduce the swelling, which is very painful.Thinking of the pain of those people, and seeing that she did not have obvious skin relaxation, I did not suggest her to have a "facelift" operation, but gave her a prescription for beauty and wrinkle removal, which is very simple. son.At that time, she was dubious about this prescription, because she had been using cosmetics of international famous brands, but after knowing the medicinal properties of this prescription, she decided to give it a try.

Only a month or two later, the same scene happened again in my consulting room, and it was the same two of them. It is not an exaggeration to describe this woman with a radiant face: her forehead was shining brightly, and her eyes were full of radiance. You can't catch a little bit of tiredness.She said that in the past, only when using cosmetics with anti-wrinkle ingredients, would she feel her skin tightened. Now that she doesn’t use these cosmetics, she also feels the same way. After looking in the mirror, she realized that the wrinkles on her forehead and around the corners of her eyes were indeed much less.It took a while, when I first met her friend, at first he really thought that she had done the "face lift" operation secretly by herself, but after asking, she found out that it was due to my beauty treatment.

This recipe is very simple, and it is also very cheap compared to those imported brands of cosmetics, and it is easy to find.Well, I don’t want to tell everyone, this recipe is tea, more precisely green tea, green tea like Tieguanyin and Longjing.The production method is also very simple, that is, use a pulverizer to grind the tea into very fine powder, the finer the effect, the better, so it must be sieved when pulverizing, and it must be passed repeatedly until it is as fine as flour.Also remember to use the tea of ​​that year, not old tea, which is easy to cause skin allergies after use, and the effect is not good.

Mix the prepared tea powder with warm water into a paste, choose the dosage according to the size of your face, add a vitamin C injection before each use, mix well, and stick it on your face like a mask. Apply a thin layer, wash off in half an hour, and apply once a day before going to bed.After doing it continuously for a week, you can reduce the number of times to once every other day.After half a month, change it to twice a week to consolidate the curative effect.

(End of this chapter)

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