New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 29 Create a beautiful face like a lotus

Chapter 29 Create a beautiful face like a lotus (4)
Chinese medicine says that hair is related to the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, and the five internal organs correspond to the five elements.Among the five elements, the heart belongs to fire, the nature of fire is upward, and the hair grows on the top of the head; the kidney belongs to water, and the water vapor penetrates into the ground, so the hair grows downward. From the position of the head and face, the beard grows below, which belongs to Kidney qi is born; when people are angry, they will raise their eyebrows and raise their eyes. This is a manifestation of too much liver qi, so eyebrows belong to the liver.

Green silk snowflakes fly - anti-dandruff saponins thorn
We often see commercials with black and beautiful hair flying up on TV, and many shampoo commercials like to make a fuss about dandruff, because this disease is too common.Not only women who love beauty, but also many men. People usually don't regard dandruff as a disease, and think that simply using some anti-dandruff shampoos can be cured easily, but the result is just the opposite. All kinds of anti-dandruff shampoos I have used the head balm once. Every time a new product comes out, I have to try it myself. It was really effective, but it didn’t last for a few days, and it was no different from the original one. People with dandruff have a feeling. It's not that there will be no worries after washing, but that the more you wash, the more troubles you will have.

There is a saying in Chinese medicine that wind evil can easily attack the yang position of the human body.The uppermost yang position of the body is the head, so the raw dander on the head is firstly related to the wind, that is to say, it is affected by wind evil, which is one of them; The heat and dryness of the skin will evaporate the moisture in the already moist scalp, leaving only dry dandruff. .

Of course there are traditional Chinese medicines such as Schizonepeta and Fangfeng that can dispel wind pathogens, but these medicines are not medicines for skin diseases. I have prescribed such prescriptions to patients, but the results are not obvious.A TV commercial inspired me and reminded me of saponins, but saponins itself is slightly poisonous, so you should be careful even if you use them externally. If the fruit is poisonous, the branches and leaves will be safe.From this, I think of the saponins thorn, the efficacy of saponins: "It can search for wind, pull out toxins, reduce swelling, and drain pus. It can treat skin diseases such as carbuncles, sores, phlegm, and ringworm."

I was pleasantly surprised to find that this medicine can almost cover the entire prescription, so I grabbed some saponins thorns and used it once myself. After washing your hair, as soon as your hair dries, there will be a layer of dandruff floating on your scalp.Since I used saponin thorn, dandruff has changed from little to no, and it has only been a month. Because my scalp is oily skin, there is a lot of dandruff, and I also have severe folliculitis, and I often grow some small dandruff. The boil-like pimples or sores have disappeared since the external use of saponins.

The single-flavor saponin thorn is also very simple to use. Use 10 grams of saponin thorn each time, soak it in 2000 ml of water for an hour, and then boil it for 20 minutes. After washing your hair, it is best to use it clean After the saponin water temperature is suitable, use a towel dipped in saponin water and wrap it on the head, just like the headbands worn by Arabs, that is, wrapping headscarves, so that the medicinal liquid of saponin thorns can fully contact the scalp , after more than ten minutes, repeat this again, and finally do not rinse with clean water, so that the liquid medicine can be fully absorbed.

After a woman in the workplace cured her disease with this method, she asked me such a question. She said, does saponin have antifungal effect?To be honest, I couldn’t prove to her whether saponin root thorns can treat ringworm and antifungal in the same way, only the effect is the most convincing, so I gave her such an answer: “Maybe.”

As we said before, women belong to yin, and they are most prone to yin deficiency, and yin deficiency will cause cold and blood.Therefore, for women, the prevention and treatment of dandruff or tinea capitis from the internal cause is a factor that cannot be ignored. Starting from the internal cause, you can drink porridge.The method is also very simple. Add 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus when cooking millet porridge. The Ophiopogon japonicus bought back from the pharmacy is very dry and not easy to soften. It can be processed and mashed or soaked and cut into slices before boiling. Be sure to add more than a dozen spinach leaves to the porridge and take it together. Office workers can cook porridge in a pressure cooker if they don’t have enough time. Cook the porridge twice in the morning and evening, and heat it up before going to bed.

Millet can strengthen the stomach and nourish the temper, while Ophiopogon japonicus is mainly for nourishing yin and moistening dryness. Spinach is sweet and cool, and has a smooth and tender texture, which has a good effect of clearing away heat and moisturizing dryness. To be exact, millet, ophiopogon and spinach porridge is exclusive for women Porridge.

Some patients said that dandruff is easy to develop in autumn, which is not bad at all, because autumn is dry, so it is said to drink more water in autumn dryness, and autumn fruits are the most, and it is also the cheapest time of the four seasons, women must Eat more fruits, not only can moisten the dryness and prevent scalp diseases, but also make the skin smooth and tender.

Now there is another reason for scalp disease is hair dyeing. Many hair dyes will puncture the scalp. Young people pursue fashion, but there is no need for the elderly to dye their hair. Silver hair is the patent of the elderly, and it is also a symbol of the natural beauty of old age.

We have said that tobacco and alcohol can promote dampness and heat, and it will also rise on the head and face. If you eat too much dessert, strong tea, and coffee, scalp diseases will also climb to the top of your head unconsciously. These are bad habits. If you can get rid of them With these bad habits, your troublesome scalp disease will be cured without medicine.

Some patients asked me, is there any relationship between scalp disease and mood?Indeed, when you are in a bad mood, you are overly nervous. For example, women who go to work stay up late for work, do not have enough rest time, and cannot ensure adequate sleep, which leads to excessive stress and dandruff.Therefore, pressure is also an important factor. Maintain a good mental state. There is endless work and money. Promotion is a matter of course. Everything should be carried out in an orderly manner. Let us work together Health and salary grow together.

The physiology of hair in Chinese medicine is to classify hair, eyebrows, and beards as hairs. It sounds indecent, but it is actually the same.When people are old, have you ever noticed that there are old people with white eyebrows and beard but not white hair; there are also people with white hair but neither eyebrows nor beard are white, think about it carefully, it is really the same thing, what is it? reason?Only Chinese medicine can give you a complete answer.

Hair reflected on the neck is as beautiful as a waterfall - dandelion grows black hair quickly
Chinese medicine says that hair is related to the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, and the five internal organs correspond to the five elements.Among the five elements, the heart belongs to fire, the nature of fire is to burn upwards, and the hair grows on the top of the head, that is to say, it is natural for the heart to grow hair; the kidney belongs to water, and the water vapor seeps into the ground, so the hair will grow downward, from the head and face Looking at the direction of the body, the beard is born below, and the beard belongs to the kidney qi; we have seen people raise their eyebrows and raise their eyes when they are angry, which is a manifestation of excessive liver qi, so it is reasonable to say that eyebrows belong to the liver.

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "Men's kidney qi travels outside, the upper part is the beard, and the lower part is the power, so women and eunuchs have no power, so they don't have beards, and eyebrows and hair are the same as men, so it is clear that they do not know whether they belong to the kidney." In fact, These few short lines of words tell the physiological distinction between men and women. Simply understood, it means that men have strong kidney qi, blood qi ascends, beards grow on the face, qi and blood descend to the genitals, and men are destined to have a strong sex life ;Women are feminine and passive, and their blood qi descends, so they don't grow beards. This is fundamentally different from men, and this also reflects the physiological characteristics of people with sufficient kidney qi and natural and healthy hair.

There is a woman in her 30s who has suffered a lot of hair loss recently. She doesn’t know when a lot of white hairs creep up on her head. Therefore, she often goes to the barber shop for hair care, and has countless times of baking nutrient oil. She had no choice but to dye her hair. In the end, she still felt that such a chronic disease should be treated by traditional Chinese medicine.When she walked into the consultation room, she carried her bag in one hand and supported her waist in the other. I asked her if she had low back pain. She said it was sore and painful. After taking the pulse, it was indeed liver and kidney yin deficiency.Looking at her fallen hair again, it was dry and yellow, of different thicknesses, and there were no white spots on the roots. It was clearly broken off instead of falling off normally, and there were split ends at the ends.No doubt it is Liuwei Dihuang Pills for invigorating liver and kidney yin deficiency. I told her to take Liuwei Dihuang Pills and it will be cured.

In just over a month, she returned to the clinic as scheduled, and her waist symptoms were much better, but her hair still fell out, and the gray hair did not improve significantly.She was also very anxious, and asked me if there was any quick-acting remedy. She was really afraid that if things went on like this for a long time, what would happen if she lost her hair in a few days?
Seeing that she is eager to heal the disease, she will not find it troublesome, so I told her a good recipe for fast black hair growth, because this recipe is relatively troublesome to make, and few modern women are truly patient. So I seldom tell others.

I gave her 4 taels of dandelion and 4 taels of blood, and told her to buy a ceramic jar with an airtight lid at the place where the local products were sold in the market. Put the blood at the bottom of the jar, and finally sprinkle a layer of salt on it. The amount of salt is about 15 grams, about a spoonful, then cover the lid, and finally seal it with mud.Speaking of this, some people will say, what time is it now, and it is still so old-fashioned to seal it with mud, which is called making the past serve the present. No matter how airtight it is sealed with tape, it will not have this effect.

At this time, you will definitely think, how is it like making wine, do you still need a kiln?Doing so requires hiding, but only for a short period of time. It takes 5 days in spring and autumn, 3 days in summer, and 7 days in winter. It is best to use firewood for burning on the fire, and you can use picked peach branches, locust tree branches, willow branches and the like.

Of course, we all live in big cities now, so it’s a bit difficult for everyone to operate like this. If you really don’t have this condition, you can also bake it on gas, but remember, you must use the smallest fire first, and bake slowly, otherwise you will burn it at the beginning. Just use a high fire, it is easy to roast the jar, so that all previous efforts will be wasted.When is it good to bake?It depends on the place where the mud is sealed. After a few days of storage in the kiln, the place where the mud is sealed will dry out and have gaps. When the fire is just added, smoke will come out of the gaps. The process of concocting is considered complete, and finally, after cooling naturally for 1 hour, open the seal, pour out the medicine inside, process it into powder, and you are done.

Take it every morning when you get up, 7 grams each time, and take it with water. If you find it hard to swallow, you can also pack it into capsules. One capsule is 0.5 grams, so you should take 14 capsules each time. A small glass of red wine can be taken to help the medicine.There is another thing to pay attention to when taking this medicine, that is, do not take it during menstruation.

For the woman in front, I asked her to continue taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills, and at the same time take Yufacai again every morning, and she persisted in this way for another month. There is a saying that is not an exaggeration, "A single stem of hair is not white", that is to say I didn't see a single white hair again. As for hair loss, I didn't lose it more than ten days after taking the medicine.

Why does the medicine work so well?In a word, just like the physiology of hair discussed in Chinese medicine before, hair belongs to the root of the kidney, because it is symptomatic.

We have never heard of the name of the traditional Chinese medicine "Xueyu". When we got the medicine, we realized that it was hair. Chinese medicine says "hair is the surplus of blood", which means that hair is born of blood, but it is just a Visible hair, one is the invisible blood hidden in the body, in fact, the remaining blood can be used to treat hair loss, that is, to replace the hair with the hair and regulate the body's qi and blood.

Dandelion is a medicine for clearing heat and detoxifying. Nowadays, we eat too much chicken, duck and fish meat all day long, which will naturally cause blood heat, and the blood heat will go up to the head and face to make hair dry or hair loss. Using dandelion is to clear away heat and detoxify blood heat, blood heat Qing comes from Ann.

The addition of salt in it is to induce the medicine to return to the kidney meridian. Women who drink this powder will say, why does it feel a little salty, I can only tell them that it is awakening your sleeping kidneys.

High nose bridge and good temperament - move your fingers to make the facial contour more three-dimensional

A big sister who is nearly 50 years old came to ask for my opinion on something.She is a very successful woman who is engaged in real estate business. Now her business has become bigger and she has made a lot of money. She has started to believe in Buddhism. She said that a Taoist master gave her a face-to-face interview and said that her facial features are not bad. The only defect is her nose. It is suggested that she undergo a rhinoplasty operation. By artificially shaping a high nose bridge, her facial features will be perfect, her fortune will be more prosperous, and her body will be healthier.

She came to ask for my opinion because of this matter, asking me whether to perform the operation or not, whether it was risky, and whether it was necessary.Speaking of it, plastic surgery is not a trivial matter, let alone for a woman of her age, I became her decision maker before I knew it.

I told her very firmly at the time that without surgery, you can create a high nose bridge and change your facial features through massage. The so-called feng shui will not only make your wealth more prosperous, but also improve your hearing and eyesight. Thinking more quickly, but also invincible in the business world.What I said at the time made her dubious, but who knows that she did it truthfully. It seems that the doctor's words will be interpreted as good advice. Otherwise, how could there be so many patients who were deceived, and how could so many deceitful people be fulfilled? of quacks.

Around New Year’s Eve, she came to the outpatient clinic with a gift to thank me. At first I felt that I was being rewarded for nothing, but it was only after listening to her that I understood the reason.She said that a woman in her company failed the operation because of rhinoplasty, and she is still negotiating with the beauty salon. She is first of all thankful for herself. Of course, this is not the main factor. The key is that she now feels that the bridge of her nose is really high. Not only the bridge of the nose is high, but also the disease is gone. It turns out that I have chronic rhinitis, browbones and head often feel dull pain, which will affect her work, rest and mood. The more successful she is, the more burden she will bear. All kinds of pressure, dizziness, insomnia, and dreaminess are common occurrences. It turned out that she kept frowning all day long, and it was because of this state that she had the original intention of looking for someone to have a rhinoplasty.

Now she is doing as I said, all these illnesses are cured, rhinitis is cured, and even dizziness, insomnia and dreaminess are cured without medicine. After her frowning brows are relaxed, the bridge of her nose seems to be really "high". She asked me to take a closer look to see if the bridge of her nose was really like this. I echoed and said: "If it is really like this, I am happy for you. You can achieve the beauty effect without suffering from the knife line. It’s really not easy.” After watching her leave with a smile full of vitality, I just smiled.

I asked her to massage every day, using the thumb and index finger of her left hand like pulling meat, from the center of the eyebrows to Yintang, down the bridge of the nose to the sides of the nose, and massaged 50 times every morning, noon and night. I told her to stick to this massage, and the skin would Tightness can promote blood circulation on both sides of the nasal bridge, promote the redevelopment of the nasal bone, and then achieve the effect of a tall nose bridge.

In fact, this simple massage is to stimulate the meridians and acupoints to achieve the effect of massaging and curing diseases. This process is to massage Cuanzhu, Yintang, Jingming and Suliao points in sequence. Jingming and Cuanzhu points can not only treat headaches, dizziness, but also eye diseases , Yintang and Suliao points on the tip of the nose can also cure headaches and dizziness, and can also treat rhinitis, which is called rhinitis in traditional Chinese medicine, and rhinitis in western medicine.People suffering from chronic rhinitis often cause brow bone pain, dizziness, and headache, which are caused by congestion and edema of the nasal mucosa, and chronic inflammation caused by blocked meridians of the nasal orifice. Massage around the nasal cavity can unblock the local qi and blood, and then achieve relief. Congestion and edema, the purpose of eliminating chronic inflammation, it is no wonder that lingering chronic rhinitis will be resolved by this simple massage.The Sulia point on the tip of the nose can cure coma, and it is precisely because the Sulia point can open up the mind and refresh the mind. Some people think that the tip of the nose is very fragile and should not be touched.

(End of this chapter)

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