New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 31 Create a beautiful face like a lotus

Chapter 31 Create a beautiful face like a lotus (6)
Cold, cold can cause dysmenorrhea, blockage of meridians, numbness and pain in limbs, cold hands and feet, and make women's complexion blue or even dark. Now men are not pursuing the beauty of women like Lin Daiyu, but healthy charm. Radiant beautiful girl.In fact, cold and deficiency often coexist. The simple understanding is that only those who are physically weak are the most likely to catch cold. What do we think of first when tonic?You don’t need me to tell you that ginseng is what deserves it. It can greatly invigorate the vitality, strengthen the body and eliminate evil, and the coldness of the body will naturally be avoided.

Heat, heat can consume body fluids and damage blood, dry skin, and enlarged pores. From the first day of learning Chinese medicine, we know that women belong to Yin, so we often see asparagus and Ophiopogon japonicus in prescriptions for women. Yin medicine, in fact, this is the principle from nourishing yin to moisturizing the skin. Women love to use moisturizing water. After using moisturizing water, the skin will not be dry and rough. In fact, it is only used on the surface and cannot be used. At that time, it felt that the skin would be better , If there is heat in the body and the body fluid is insufficient, using 10 bottles of moisturizing water every day will not achieve the purpose of moisturizing the skin.I remember a patient who praised a Korean movie star in front of me and said, "Looking at how good his skin is, it is so white and tender, it seems that water will come out with a flick of a finger. She is right at all, this is Yin foot, fluid loss.If you are diagnosed by a doctor as the main cause of blood injury due to heat, then rehmannia root, which clears heat and cools blood, can enter the blood system, unlike medicines such as honeysuckle and forsythia, and will not hurt yin. With the addition of yin-nourishing Asparagus and Ophiopogon japonicus, there is no longer any need to worry about the heat and clearing up, and the lack of water.

Wetness, we have mentioned more than once in this book that wetness can cause many diseases in women, such as leukorrhea, irregular menstruation, disharmony between spleen and stomach, etc.Thinking of wetness will involve another word "sleepy". Some people may ask, does it mean sleepy?Want to sleep, in a superficial sense, this is just a superficial meaning. People with heavy humidity will look drowsy and sleepy all day long, and have no energy at all. In a deeper sense, wetness will "trash" in the skin, which will make your skin feel tired. The skin is not shiny, and the skin that should be fair and rosy will look black and dark. Such women are particularly eager to be white, so they apply thick foundation on the face, and the skin is dull and lifeless. ugly.When using foundation to no avail, you should think of white tuckahoe, because it can dispel dampness and help the skin to break through. Does anyone say that white tuckahoe can play a whitening role?It's really good. To be precise, Poria cocos achieves whitening effect by removing dampness.

Stasis, when it comes to stasis, the first thing that comes to mind is blood stasis. Such women will definitely have abnormal menstruation, and they will never be able to escape the trouble of dysmenorrhea. It is the capillaries, only when the blood inside is filled, there is no need to use blush to show off the red face. You must know that the natural red face is a healthy color embellished by the absence of bruises in the body.I’m afraid you don’t need to remind me at this time, you will also think of the traditional Chinese medicine angelica. Nowadays, there are so many health supplements. It used to be that angelica can only be bought in pharmacies. Now I often see women come here to buy angelica to stew chicken. I asked them why they add angelica?They said confidently that angelica can nourish and invigorate blood.What they said is not wrong at all, women's blood not only needs to be replenished, but also needs to be drained.

There are ginseng for dispelling cold, tonifying deficiency and strengthening the body, rehmannia root and asparagus for clearing heat and cooling blood, nourishing yin, white poria cocos for dispelling dampness, angelica for invigorating blood and nourishing blood, and this constitutes a formula, a secret health recipe for making women beautiful, this The prescription is not based on my clinical experience. In fact, this prescription comes from the "Golden Mirror of Medicine" in the Qing Dynasty. It also has a very nice name called Yanling Pantao Dan, which is the holy medicine for nourishing the skin and moisturizing black hair. In the past, only those in the palace were blessed to enjoy it, but now only by making it more effective can it be worthy of the ancients.

Presumably, you who have seen this are eager to try it, and want to cook a pot right away. Don’t worry, let me explain this complete recipe and compatibility to you in detail. The formula of Yanling Pantao Dan: 40 grams of ginseng , 30 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 30 grams of asparagus, 40 grams of angelica, 60 grams of raw land, and 70 grams of white poria cocos. Because there are too many warm medicines in it, 30 grams of heat-clearing paeonol are added, and finally 20 grams of sour and astringent Schisandra are added to restrain the essence, energy and spirit of the heart, liver and kidney. This is a complete composition. square.If you buy these medicines in the pharmacy, the ones that have been processed or brewed with wine should be the first choice. The decoction is also very simple. First soak in clean water for 10 minutes, then boil it on high heat, fry it with slow fire for half an hour, and filter the residue. Add 20ml of honey, fry with a slow fire for 500 minutes, and it will become a paste after cooling. The book is Trillium Pantao Pill, we call it Trillium Pantao Cream, take 20ml each time, twice a day.

I wrote this prescription in the book, which is worthy of the ancients. Many women who have used it suggested that I register such a good prescription as a Chinese patent medicine. thing.The effect speaks louder than words. I am a person who has been engaged in clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine for many years. I don’t like talking on paper. I only pay attention to the curative effect. This prescription is far beyond the scope of health care. Many people will get angry and develop acne after taking health care products. With this prescription, you can rest assured that these phenomena will not occur. No matter how much you say, you might as well try it. I believe you will fall in love with it once you try it.

Get rid of bags under the eyes and look radiant - cucumber vitamin mask
What should women do if they have eye bags and dark circles?Rich women can spend a lot of money and go for beauty treatments every day, while office workers without money can post cucumber slices to deal with it when they go home.Some people also see western medicine to regulate endocrine, and take traditional Chinese medicine to regulate from the perspective of clearing the bladder meridian and spleen and stomach damp heat, which can also eliminate bags under the eyes, but the course of the disease is long and the effect is slow.

Is there a method that is fast, saves money, saves time, and can be operated by one person at home without asking for help?Yes, we still make a fuss about cucumbers, just add some small injections of vitamins and apply them to the acupuncture points on the meridians correctly, then the cucumbers can play a big role.In this way, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, and whether you have time or not.

The correct way of cucumber beauty is not to simply cut a small piece and stick it on the face.Buy a bottle of 500ml normal saline, use 100ml each time, pour it into a clean glass, put a vitamin B1 injection, the specification of the vitamin B1 injection is two milliliters, each 100 mg, one dose each time The amount of support is enough.Put the cut cucumber slices in a cup of mixed salt water and vitamin B1, soak for 5 minutes, and then you can use it.

Wash your face before going to bed, and do an eye massage for [-] minutes to fully relax the "peripheral orbicularis muscles" of the eyes. One is to relieve eye fatigue, and the other is to promote blood circulation around the eyes and strengthen local hair follicles. Metabolism and absorption function.From the perspective of Chinese medicine, there are many acupuncture points around the eyes, which can also play a role in dredging the meridians.Only after massage can the pasted cucumber slices play a better role in beauty.

After all these tasks are done, take out the soaked cucumber slices and stick them on the upper, lower, left and right places around the eyes respectively. For bright eyes and right sun, stick it for 4 minutes or half an hour.

A middle-aged woman who often stays up late writing copywriting, has heavy eye bags and dark circles, and has been using high-end brand cosmetics. Her skin is still a little allergic to this cosmetics. After a little more use or a long time, rashes or allergies will appear Reaction, but there is no way, in order to prevent others from seeing my "panda" eyes, I have to use it patiently.When she first asked her to use this kind of homemade cucumber slices, she was skeptical about such a cheap and cheap method. After using it for more than ten days, she found that her dark circles had faded from light to nothing, and it only took ten days. very happy.

Now she basically doesn’t use any cosmetics anymore, and insists on using cucumber slices all the time. She said that she felt very comfortable after using them. I get tired easily and feel dizzy after a day of work. Now these symptoms are gone, and I have the charm of a mature woman all over my body.Several beauties of the same age in the same unit saw it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts. They all thought she had taken some high-quality supplements, and even asked her for the secret recipe. I am very happy after using it.

(End of this chapter)

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