New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 33 Create a beautiful face like a lotus

Chapter 33 Create a beautiful face like a lotus (8)
The first thing you know when you look at the tongue is gastrointestinal disease. You can know whether the stomach and intestines are hot or cold through the tongue coating. Yellow; when the stomach heat reaches its limit, the tongue coating will turn black, followed by poor appetite, dull and bitter mouth.Therefore, the tongue coating is a mirror of the stomach, and the condition of the stomach can be known by looking at the tongue coating.

"White and rosy" recipes for different skin types
What kind of skin color is a healthy color?The basic skin color of Chinese people is yellow, some are white, and some are brown. If the skin is pale, and the skin is dark and black, it means that the blood is deficient, the body is unhealthy, and the skin color is abnormal, so it doesn’t matter. Whether it is white or brown, only the "white and red" yellowish complexion is the expression of full energy and blood, and is the healthy and natural beauty.

I have a female friend like this. She is almost 40 years old. She came to the clinic one day and said she wanted to walk through my back door. At first I thought it was a relationship to do something, and then she took out a lot of medicine for infusion. It was clear at first glance that it turned out that I was asking me to give her an infusion because of my relationship. The Physician Law has strict requirements on this, and prescription drugs without a doctor's signature and seal will not be used. Beijing has stricter requirements on this. This is not The matter of accommodating is not a matter of how much money, it is a matter of being responsible to oneself, and of course to the patients.

I looked at her medicines, including vitamins, liver protection medicines, medicines that dilate blood vessels, and medicines that can slow down blood flow and reduce the blood volume of skin capillaries.At this time, I understood that this is the so-called whitening injection.It is inconvenient for me to say the specific names of these medicines, because I am worried that some people will take them according to the prescription without knowing themselves or under the guidance of a doctor, which will hurt the body.

I politely rejected her and explained the truth to her.It is understandable for people to pursue beauty, but they should not go to extremes. Liver protection and vitamins can be used, but it is not advisable to expand blood vessels and reduce blood flow. After using medicine, the skin is indeed white, because the skin surface in the capillaries , the original blue and red are invisible, and finally only white is left. This kind of white is pale. People will feel dizzy at first, and finally they will be as weak as a leaf. I don’t know where a gust of wind blows. blown away.

In fact, she also knows some of the adverse reactions of these medicines. At first she thought that beauty should pay a price, but after hearing what I said, she decided not to use it.Because I told her that the price of betting on health is too high and uneconomical.She asked me if there was any way for me to be white and healthy, and I told her that it was not my way, but the way of Chinese medicine to make her wish come true.

There is such a prescription in "Essential Prescriptions for Preparing for Emergencies": Poplar bark, peach blossom, and white melon seed kernels, three flavors, mixed with warm wine for three days, white melon seeds for white, peach blossom for red, white face on 30 days, whitening on 50 days All hands and feet are white.When she saw this prescription, she was very surprised. She wondered if it really had such a good effect?She immediately made up her mind to give it a try. If she could really achieve this effect, she could persist in half a year, let alone a month.

Poplar peel is replaced by orange peel. When you eat oranges in the future, remember not to throw away the peel, but put it on the balcony to dry in the shade for later use. 400 grams of orange peel, 200 grams of peach blossom, and 100 grams of white melon seeds are put together and processed into powder , Peach blossoms should also be dried in the shade, and white melon seeds are the kernels of pumpkin seeds or zucchini seeds. The peeled kernels cannot be used immediately, and should be dried in the shade on the balcony for a few days, otherwise it will not be easy to grind into fine powder when processing.Pack the processed fine powder into small packets of 10 grams each, one packet each time, three times a day.You can also prepare about 1000 grams each time, so that you can eat it for a month. You can cover it with plastic wrap after each meal, and it will not go bad if you refrigerate it in the refrigerator.

One month passed quickly. In order to see the effect of taking it like this, my friend was really careful enough to remove the makeup and took a photo with a high-definition camera for comparison with the photo after 30 days. , to observe the curative effect.Looking at the two photos, I also feel a little unbelievable. In the words of a friend, this is the feeling of being reborn.I don't think so, but what impresses me most is her health and vitality.

The use of orange peel is to regulate qi. The first thing that governs the viscera is qi. Qi must be unblocked, so that the functions of the viscera can be normal.Using peach pollen is not because the peach blossoms are pink, the complexion will turn rosy, but because the medicinal properties of the peach blossoms are released to regulate the function of the intestines and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine says that the six internal organs are used for "tong", that is to say, only when they are opened, the metabolism in the body can be normal. Only then can the old be replaced by the new.You should defecate twice a day, but you can't relieve it once in two or three days. If the old one doesn't go away, how can the new one come in?Women with constipation have experienced it. Rough skin and "acne" on the face are common, not to mention endocrine disorders. I believe that after using it, you will not only praise the beauty of peach blossoms, but also fall in love with it Effect.

White melon seeds, let alone the deworming effect of traditional Chinese medicine, just talk about its nutritional value. White melon seeds are rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, dietary fiber, carotene, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, calcium, etc. Trace elements, its protein is natural and has not been processed, and the calories contained in its saturated fatty acids will not turn into fat, which will not make you accumulate so much fat. It is not that white melon seeds have the effect of whitening skin , because it provides essential nutrients for the skin.

Presumably after hearing my story, you who love beauty are already eager to try it. You can use it according to the above compatibility. If you want to be whiter, you can add 5 grams of white melon seeds each time. If you want your face to be rosy and more energetic, you can add more Add 5 grams of peach pollen, you can get your wish.

Shangguliufang Yurongsan—a traditional Chinese medicine mask for women’s beauty

It is impossible for cosmetics to be suitable for women’s various skin types, such as oily, normal, and dry skin. Pimples: Some cosmetics were originally written as products for removing freckles, but after using it for a period of time, not only did they not go away, but the freckles increased significantly.

Some women said that such cases are rare after all. I tell you that you are wrong. There are not many women who have reactions to cosmetics, because the few you think have gone to the hospital, and those who are helpless can only turn to doctors. This kind of situation is not uncommon for me as a doctor. For this reason, I have been looking for a special, treatment-oriented Chinese medicine beauty mask, which is suitable for external use of Chinese medicine for various skin types. The result is "Determination pays off." After many twists and turns, I found an ancient prescription - Yurong San, which has been clinically verified for many years, which made me very happy.

The first person who tried Yurong San was a woman introduced by a good friend. At that time, it was also because she was familiar with it. If there was any discomfort after using it, it would not cause any disputes. This woman’s skin is one in a thousand. She is allergic to many cosmetics. She has tried various brands of cosmetics. After one or two hours of use, her face will have a burning sensation. Even if she washes it off quickly, her face will be uncomfortable for several days. There is no way. Can only eat anti-allergic chlorpheniramine (chlorpheniramine) tablets.

I remember one time when my allergies were so severe that I had to apply anti-allergic hormone ointment on my face, otherwise I was really worried that it would disfigure my face.Knowing that it contains hormones, which are not good for the body, but the love of beauty is hard to stop, not to mention that my income is not cheap, and it is not without this condition. Seeing that I am over 40 years old, my face begins to have freckles and wrinkles , How can I let myself give up.

Because she has a special allergic skin, when she first used Yurongsan as a mask, I told her to apply a little bit on the thin skin of the neck or in front of the ears first, and if there is a reaction, don’t use it again , If there is no reaction, you can safely make a mask.That night, she called me and said that it was cool when she first applied it, and she felt very comfortable. After nearly half an hour, she didn't feel uncomfortable, so she made a layer of mask with confidence, and then used it for about an hour. After washing off with clean water, I feel refreshed, and my face feels slippery to the touch, as if I have just used high-end cosmetics.She was very pleasantly surprised. It turned out that she was not allergic to traditional Chinese medicine, but she was not allergic to traditional Chinese medicine. She happily used it for more than half a month. During this half month, what she heard most was the "flattery" from the people around her. , It used to be flattery, but now it is sincere praise. She is the one who feels the most when looking in the mirror every day, and only she knows the mystery inside.

With her tried-and-true prescription, I can apply it clinically with more confidence. People with special skin can use it, and people with normal skin can use it even more.Although I do not engage in professional Chinese medicine beauty treatment, many of my patients are women. With such a good prescription, I will definitely make it shine.So many years have passed. At the beginning, I kept a record of every woman I tried. In the end, I didn’t record it after using it too much. Now I finally have the opportunity to write this book on women’s beauty and health. I must take this opportunity Let me tell you that because Chinese medicine beauty is still a blind spot for many people, at first I was scratching my head for the name of this prescription. In summary, the effect of Yurong San is mainly to remove freckles and moisturize the color, so it came into being. The name "Yu Rong San".

With such a good prescription, you may wonder if there are precious Chinese herbal medicines such as Cordyceps sinensis in it?In fact, any blind medicine here is cheap and easy to find. You can easily buy it in traditional Chinese medicine stores, 30 grams each of white silkworm, white monkshood, and angelica dahurica, 50 grams of gypsum and talc, 10 grams of cloves, and 5 grams of borneol , Grind it into fine powder, make porridge with cool boiled water every night before going to bed, rub it on the face, don't rub it too thickly, just a thin layer like a mask, once a day, the time of each application At most one hour, if you want to mix more raw materials at a time, just like catching traditional Chinese medicine, just grab a few more doses, but it must be mixed well, and it must be fine enough when processing, you can use a finer sieve, repeatedly Don't be afraid of trouble if you do it a few more times, you must know that it will be worth it in terms of economy and effect.

The white silkworm in the prescription can expel wind and dredge the collaterals. Some people use white silkworm on the face to treat the mouth and eyes fffffe81f slanted caused by stroke sequelae, which is called facial nerve paralysis in medicine, in order to dredge the meridians on the face. .White Fuzi is a pungent and hot traditional Chinese medicine, which is often used for severe cold. In fact, external use of Fuzi is to counteract the coolness of gypsum, borneol, and borax. These medicines are all cold products.You must know that the formula of Chinese medicine is actually very scientific. Where there is cold medicine, there is hot medicine.The talc powder we usually use has the same effect as talcum powder, and it is also used to dry out and remove the oil from the skin. One of clove and borneol is for regulating Qi, and the other is for opening up. It is understood to refresh the brain. When it is applied on the face, the medicinal properties can pass through the frontal sinus and sphenoid sinus, and the fragrance will go straight to the brain, making you refreshed after using it. This is also the strength of traditional Chinese medicine beauty, because Chinese medicine not only Focus on the skin, but also focus on God.

The people on the side of the locust are like the moon, and the wrists are covered with frost and snow——dampness-removing and whitening powder
Finally, I would like to reveal a secret to everyone. This prescription is not created by me. This prescription originated from an ancient prescription in the Qing Dynasty. Since it cannot be found in the literature, I no longer use strong words, so I can use it with confidence.

A woman in her 40s, who is also my old patient, asked me if I had any prescriptions for whitening skin. This question stopped me. I am not specialized in the beauty industry. Where did I get the whitening prescriptions? ?Looking at her in her 40s, her face is gloomy, as if you can't find the feeling of sunshine on her face.It was summer at that time, and I wore less clothes. It could be seen that the complexion of the whole body was not good-looking. It really felt like I was entering old age early.I was also thinking at the time, where do I have the ability to recover, I can only try it, I believe that as long as the right medicine is prescribed, it will be effective.

So I looked at her tongue coating first, one word - thick, thick means wet and heavy, wet and heavy will hurt the spleen.No need to ask, she has a bad appetite and has no appetite to eat. If you get close to her, you will smell very heavy.I asked her if she had a lot of leucorrhea?She replied that there are indeed a lot, especially in recent years, she also tried to take Chinese medicine, and used Western medicine for treatment.Abnormal leukorrhagia is also a sign of wet weight. By the way, I further confirmed that her pulse is Huamai, and the pulse is like rolling beads, which further confirmed my judgment.

I picked up the pen to write her a prescription, but she hurriedly said to me: "I don't take traditional Chinese medicine." This sentence made the pen in my hand stop, thinking to myself, how can I treat you if I don't take medicine?She said that she had taken too much soup and medicine in recent years, and she felt like vomiting when she smelled it. She asked me if I could prescribe some diet therapy. How can diet therapy have such a good effect?She really gave me a problem.Then I thought about it again, Chinese herbal medicine with a lesser taste of Chinese medicine is no different from food, why not use such a prescription for her to cure her disease as easily as eating food or health products, isn't that a shortcut?
I picked up a pen and wrote her a dietary prescription that is both traditional Chinese medicine and can be eaten like food. There are only three traditional Chinese medicines, Angelica dahurica, Bai Fuling, and white yam. These three medicines are all white, and none of them are as difficult to swallow as other Chinese herbal medicines. White yam is actually yam, 100 grams of Angelica dahurica, 200 grams of white poria cocos, 200 grams of Chinese yam, mixed together, processed into fine powder, about 400 grams, eaten twice a day, 10 grams each time, before meals, It can be eaten for 20 days.

Women can do whatever it takes to be beautiful, not to mention such a cheap and food-like food, which has no medicinal taste and can be washed in water, porridge, or even soy milk or milk anytime, anywhere.

She took it carefully and on time for more than 20 days, and then came for a follow-up visit.The tongue coating is not thick anymore, and her appetite is better. After eating for more than ten days, she found that the leucorrhea has gradually decreased. It turns out that she often stays up late and will be very tired afterwards. She should sleep well, but she often suffers from insomnia.I told her that it was because of the spleen, "if the spleen is not in harmony, you will feel restless when you lie down."She said that in the past few days, she fell asleep on the bed and fell asleep until dawn. She may be exaggerating, but from the time I saw her in the consultation room this time, I also felt that she was inseparable. ten.

She looks better, to be exact, she is pale, and her mental state is incomparable to before. In the eyes of a doctor, the difference between a healthy person and a patient is not an exaggeration to describe the difference between the two. This feeling It's like the comparison between when you are in good condition and after you have not slept for several consecutive nights. The patient's own experience is the deepest. This time she took the medicine for more than 40 days, and she asked me how long I can take it.I told her that after 40 days, eat once a day to consolidate the effect, and eat until you are satisfied.

Why is her complexion and skin tone better, why is she turning white?Does this prescription really have the effect of whitening?Yes, more precisely, it has the effect of whitening and removing dampness. It is because there is dampness in the body that it is not white. Dampness overflows on the skin and stays on the face or body surface to make the skin dull and dull; There will be no appetite; betting on the Renmai and uterus will bring abnormalities.

If the skin is wet, you need a spicy anti-inflammatory medicine to relieve it. The credit here is Angelica dahurica. When you take this medicine, you will feel a slight sweating. Sweat from exercise is different. You can smell it, and it will have a slightly wet and heavy fishy smell.

To cure a disease, the internal causes need to be cured. White Fuling and Chinese yam can invigorate the spleen and remove dampness. At that time, when I gave her medicine like this, I was thinking that the dampness is sticky and difficult to get rid of. But taking medicine on time every day, water droplets can wear through stones, let alone Prescribe the right medicine?Sure enough, the appetite is recovering little by little, and the leukorrhagia is decreasing a little bit, and at the same time, it has achieved the effect of whitening without dampness.

(End of this chapter)

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