New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 34 Create a beautiful face like a lotus

Chapter 34 Create a beautiful face like a lotus (9)
Now I have realized a truth, women need to remove dampness first for whitening. If dampness is the killer of whitening, then my dampness-removing whitening powder is the killer of dampness.

I have a female friend who is in her 40s. Frankly speaking, she is a good housekeeper. She is reluctant to spend money on expensive cosmetics, but the skin on her face has always been good. She has always made facial masks, but the facial masks are It is homemade, and now her mask has also been sublimated, because I let her add a little western medicine to it, and the effect is better. Of course, she is also the first beneficiary of this mask.

Masks are familiar to every woman. They have various functions such as moisturizing, oil control, wrinkle removal, and whitening. Now that technology is advanced, there are these high-tech beauty products.Did women in ancient times never make facial masks?Do.Ancient women also made facial masks.In the "Yi Zong Jin Jian" in the Qing Dynasty, there is a Yuyan paste made of mung beans, and the main ingredient in it is mung bean powder.The use of mung bean powder as a mask for beauty and beauty has been recorded in history books. It is said that it is taken from nature and used for oneself, regardless of whether there are any hormones in it, let alone whether there are any heavy metals harmful to the skin.

It is very simple to make a mung bean powder mask. Generally, you can prepare a grinder at home. It is sold in supermarkets. Rinse the green mung bean powder with boiling water, stir vigorously while flushing, and make a paste. Let it dry for 500 minutes. After it cools down, add a vitamin C injection, [-] mg of vitamin C, and stir again, so that the mung bean The beauty mask is ready.

Make skin as delicate and flawless as newborn——Yuyan Cream
When using it, paste it on the face like grabbing mud, a thin layer, about half a centimeter thick, is enough.Generally, people who go to work are relatively busy, so they do it once every night before going to bed, and the time should not be too long each time, just more than an hour, and then wash off with water, and there is no need to use other cosmetics after washing.

Some people think that the longer it is applied, the better the effect will be.I remember a woman who took it every night before going to bed and washed it off when she got up early the next day. The effect was not bad at first, but within a week, she developed skin allergies. Adverse reactions arising from the metabolism of sweat glands.So, the correct way to use it is about an hour.

The skin on my friend’s face was very rough. The skin care expert in the beauty salon said that she had folliculitis and mites, and asked her to do skin care regularly to remove blackheads. She would feel very uncomfortable after removing blackheads every day. After enduring it, I felt that my face was a little smoother at the time, but within three or four days, it was the same as before.Because she was busy with work, she didn't have time to go to the beauty salon, so she made mung bean vitamin C mask at home. In just ten days, the blackheads on her face gradually decreased. At first, there were a little on both sides of the nose, and finally The places with the most blackheads - the blackheads on the nose, cheeks and sides of the nose are all gone. Without blackheads, the hair follicles are clean, and the folliculitis will not heal on its own.Now, her face is very smooth. When she wakes up and goes out every day, she only puts on a little makeup, and her complexion looks good.She said that one of her favorite things to do now is to gently touch her smooth and delicate face with her hands after washing her face.

Mung bean is originally a traditional Chinese medicine that can be ground into powder and applied externally. In clinical practice, mung bean powder and yellow are used for external application to treat leg swelling and erysipelas.There is a kind of medicine for treating malignant sores, called toxin-drawing ointment. After sticking on the malignant sores, the poison will be pulled out, the poison will go out, and pus will flow out, which is often easy to be infected.The word emphasized by mung bean external application is "receiving", and the word emphasized by Badu ointment is "through".For external use in beauty treatment, the effect of "receiving" is the best.

After the mung bean powder is brewed into a paste with boiling water, all the medicinal properties are soaked out, and it is applied externally on the face. The effect is to clear away heat and detoxify, reduce inflammation against hair follicles, without inflammation, the metabolism of hair follicles will be normal, and there will be no blackheads. Mites naturally have no place to hide.

Vitamin C can prevent and treat ascorbic acid, and can play a very good role in reducing the fragility of blood vessels and enhancing the body's immunity.The combination of vitamin C and mung bean powder plays the role of adjuvant therapy. Mung bean is "drumming" and vitamin C is "helping". It can not only improve skin immunity, but also help fight inflammation of hair follicles.

After many women use mung beans and vitamin C as facial masks, they use less of the original cosmetics or simply discard them. Some women also reported that such use has a whitening effect. Some women who are tired from long-term work and stay up late often My complexion is dull, but soon after using this mask, I feel my face is white and shiny. I really did not expect such a good effect. It is no wonder that my friend trusts this mask. If it is not a close friend, she would not Tell others to enjoy it secretly.

Exfoliate the dead skin on the face, and the face will be clean - Almond Egg White Mask

Women will use facial cleanser with scrub properties to remove dead skin on the face. From a professional beauty point of view, this scrub product should not be used frequently, as it will thin the skin surface, damage skin tissue, and easily appear various skin problems.I have a patient who has never seen "plateau red" on his face because of the frequent use of this product. Such a red face is not good-looking, because it is a disease, not a natural red.There are also women who are overly sensitive to various cosmetics due to the thinning of the superficial skin and allergies.

Removing dead skin is a new word now. Ancient doctors collectively referred to this phenomenon as facial ugliness, and then the facial ugly formula for dead skin was born. Because the face is the most prone to adverse reactions, so when you first started using this formula , I first tried it on my own face, which in retrospect was a lot of fun.

I have oily skin, and it is easy to produce dead skin on the face. After washing my face with soap every time, if I don’t use a towel to dry it, like a bath, I rub my face with my hands, and a lot of dirt will come off. After rubbing, the dirt is gone, but the face will feel sore, which will make the surface layer of the skin thinner, so rubbing alone is not a solution, but the dirt produced by the metabolism of this layer of skin will form dead skin after a long time. Make the face dull and dull. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine also classifies darkness as a facial ugly disease.

I'm not worried about how ugly I'm getting, but mainly to use this exfoliating formula. I grabbed 100 grams of almonds at the pharmacy, and when I got home from get off work, I took 3 eggs from the refrigerator and used them to remove the yolks. Egg whites, and then put the egg whites and almonds into the juicer to make a porridge, adjust a little and apply it on the face.

It was about an hour. I just wanted to wash it off. My wife came home. I hurried to open the door. My wife was shocked when she entered the door. I didn’t know what I was doing. Wait for me to explain it to her. Finally, she stated that if the effect is good, she will give it a try.

I only applied it for two days, and when I washed my face again, it was strange that no matter how hard I rubbed my hands, the dirt didn't come off.Not to mention how comfortable the face is, you can imagine what a face without dead skin looks like. My wife insists on using it for six or seven days every month. The mirror was in a daze, and said to himself, I didn't expect that the ancients also had beauty treatments.

In fact, there are many other beauty prescriptions of the ancients, and this is just a little bit of it. It is said that the reason why the ancient concubine Yang Guifei made Liugong Fendai colorless was that she used this pollution-free beauty prescription as a daily skin care product, otherwise there was no such beauty treatment at that time. How can such high-end cosmetics make one's face look young and charming?

A good prescription cannot be used every day. In fact, excessive dead skin on the face is what Chinese medicine calls (there is a word "dry" next to "black"). cured.From the perspective of health care, it is enough to use it six or seven times a month.

Do almonds have beauty benefits?Yes, it is recorded in Sun Simiao's "Essential Prescriptions for Preparing for Emergencies".Almonds contain the best vitamin E and dietary fiber food source. The vitamin E in almonds is natural. The vitamin E in it plays a pivotal role in skin metabolism and anti-aging. I have heard that some people drink almond powder now Whitening, and making almond cream into almond cream to make a mask to remove yellow.

The purpose of using egg white to adjust almonds is to better improve the curative effect, because egg white is rich in nutrients, and these nutrients can promote the metabolism of the stratum corneum on the skin surface. Only when the metabolism is fast will there be no dead skin, and the skin will be smoother and brighter clean.

You can do this after a busy day at work.After dinner in the evening, before going to bed, process the almond egg white mask, don’t rush to use it, and then wash half a bowl of millet, the rice washing water must be kept for later use, turn on the fire to cook millet porridge, boil the porridge and then make the mask, After more than half an hour, the porridge is ready, and the time for making the mask is enough. When washing the face, use rice washing water. After washing the face, there is no need to apply cosmetics. Drink two bowls of millet porridge as a nourishing and healthy Spleen night snack, the spleen is very wet, and the dead skin on the face is also related to moisture. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that the spleen is good and moist!
Some people say to use rice washing water to wash your face. Have we noticed that when washing dishes, if you use rice washing water to wash, you can clean the oil stains on the bowl completely, which can be said to be better than using dish soap.Washing your face with rice water is also to clean up the oil secreted by the skin.

Nowadays, many women like to use the method of Chinese medicine to restore themselves to natural beauty. Of course, doing so does not mean that you should discard those high-end cosmetics. Just keep in mind two sentences: cheap and no mistakes, Chinese medicine is good.

Only increase the years without increasing spots - lotus root slices with vitamin E
Lotus root slices, we only know that it is a dish on the dining table, but many people do not know that this dish is also a good beauty product.What's more, it is useful for small materials, and it can cure stubborn freckles and age spots, which is beyond the reach of those cosmetics that specialize in treating freckles and age spots.

(End of this chapter)

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