New gynecology daughter formula

Chapter 5 The beauty of a woman is sculpted by health

Chapter 5 The beauty of a woman is sculpted by health (3)
After some research, I found out that because of frequent quarrels, my eldest sister’s liver is not good, and the liver area often hurts. After examination, there is no major problem with the liver, but there is a bit of cholecystitis, and the mouth often feels bitter. The doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs for a few days And anti-inflammatory and gallbladder tablets, it will be better after eating, but as long as you get angry, you will definitely commit the crime again.

I told her that turmeric is good for her liver and gallbladder. You can drink a little often, especially after you get angry in a quarrel. Of course, it’s best not to quarrel anymore. Still need to take medicine, why bother?

Maybe it's a psychological effect. One day my eldest sister came to my work unit and asked me to give her some turmeric. She said it was for making tea. She said that this medicine was in charge and could cure her illness.I asked her to stick out her tongue, the tip of the tongue was red, the body of the tongue was blue, the veins (capillaries) under the tongue were also very blue, and her mouth was often bitter, and it was indeed necessary to take medicine, so I gave her 50 grams of turmeric , and told her, only five or six grams each time, brewed with boiling water.

Can Yu Jin really talk about "harmony"?In fact, turmeric is a medicine that can promote qi and relieve depression blindly. Qi and stagnation, reconciliation and reconciliation, act on the liver. If you use turmeric that belongs to the liver meridian, you will naturally feel much more comfortable.Curcuma can promote blood circulation and relieve pain, clear heart and cool blood, promote gallbladder and reduce jaundice, treat jaundice, drink turmeric tea, the tongue body turns from blue to ruddy, which means that the stasis removes the liver and calms itself, and can relieve the fullness of the ribs, Pain also shows that turmeric has a good effect of soothing the liver and relieving pain.The tip of the tongue is as red as a strawberry, indicating that the heart is full of fire, and turmeric can also clear the heart fire and cool the blood. "Ben Cao Jing Shu" calls turmeric "the qi medicine of blood".

Strange to say, since that time, I seldom heard arguing upstairs, only occasionally heard a few noises, only thunder but no rain, everything will be fine soon.Once, I met my eldest sister’s family downstairs in the shade, and asked the reason jokingly. The elder brother said, the tea you gave was good, and her temper became much better. , the doctor said that her cholecystitis was healed, and the doctor praised her after seeing her conversation and behavior.

Curcuma can indeed cure cholecystitis, because it is beneficial to gallbladder, can promote the excretion and secretion of bile, and inhibit various microorganisms in the gallbladder.But also need to pay attention to one point, if you want to have children, women who are planning to become pregnant, you can't drink turmeric as tea.

This is just a small example. People say that "everything prospers in harmony at home", but it is more appropriate for women to say "harmony in family and fewer illnesses". It can be seen how important "harmony" is to women. Dredging can lead to liver and gallbladder disease, breast disease, and more gynecological diseases such as irregular menstruation, endocrine disorders, dysmenorrhea, etc. due to the dysfunction of liver dredging, so women should adjust themselves and seek "harmony" to ensure the health of the body. Ankang, if you really can't help quarreling and suffer from a disease like the eldest sister, you can also make some turmeric and drink tea to reconcile and evacuate the stagnation in the liver, so as to prevent the disease before it happens.

Ligustrum lucidum, a nourishing yin medicine that won't get angry
I often hear some middle-aged and elderly women talk about their health secrets in outpatient clinics. In fact, the secret they say is to eat some health products, such as pine pollen, propolis, royal jelly, grape seeds and protein powder, etc., in order not to make themselves yellow-faced. Mother-in-law, they can buy it back and eat it at any cost, thinking that this is their longevity medicine, eating this will make their skin look good and age slowly.

"Doctor, why do I still have acne at such an old age?"

"Doctor, why do I always feel nauseous recently, want to vomit, lose my appetite, feel upset, and can't sleep well."


When I asked about the cause of the disease, they would truthfully tell me that it was all caused by taking health care products.

Health care products are also medicines, and they also have medicinal properties, and most health care products are warm in nature, and their medicinal properties are partial to tonic.There are even some unscrupulous vendors who add hormone ingredients in it. When you first start eating, you will feel good, your skin will soon become smooth, your appetite will be good, and you will always feel hungry. This is the effect of hormones.So, without knowing it, you continue to eat. Although your arms and legs are still so thin, but the flesh on your face, chest and back is increasing day by day, you realize that you are fat and out of shape, like a balloon that has been blown up , I realized that the culprit turned out to be this hateful health care product.In fact, this is not only the case, what is even more frightening is that you will feel that your immunity is getting weaker and worse, you will always catch a cold, and even a little careless touch will cause fractures. Western medicine calls this osteoporosis.In fact, it is because the health products contain hormones, and the side effects caused by taking too much in a short period of time.

Health care products that do not contain hormones also have medicinal properties. People with different constitutions can take them. Some people have red tongues like overripe strawberries and less tongue coating. There is fire in the body. Eating these health products is tantamount to burning Adding oil will not only cause acne, swollen gums, sore throat, but also constipation.Therefore, people who have real fire in their body are not suitable for taking warming and tonic health care products.

There are also those women who pursue skinny beauty. Because they are thin, they are inherently yin deficiency and prone to wetness. When they see that there are many tooth marks on the side of the tongue, the tongue coating is thick and yellow, and the body is hot and humid. When asked, there is more leucorrhea. Sickness, the result is that health care products help dampness and heat generation is the root cause of the disease, so women with leucorrhea, no matter whether the leucorrhea is cloudy like bean curd residue or clear like water, as long as the leucorrhea is abnormal, it is not suitable to take health care products.

At this time, you will definitely ask, if you can’t take health care products, what should you eat to keep your youthful appearance?
Many people have heard the term reproductive endocrine hormones, which simply means endocrine.The key to female aging is to see whether the endocrine is normal.From the beginning of fertility to the loss of fertility, until aging, reproductive endocrine hormones are at work.

The term reproductive endocrine hormone was discussed in traditional Chinese medicine thousands of years ago. It is said in "Jingyue Quanshu Yin and Yang Chapter": "Yin Yin is invisible water, which grows to stand, and Tian Gui is also." The so-called "invisible water" is similar to modern reproductive endocrine hormones. It is this "invisible water" that determines the growth of women, the onset of menstruation, the soundness of reproductive functions, and aging.

Ligustrum lucidum can regulate the "invisible water" of women.Ligustrum lucidum is a kind of yin-tonifying medicine. It enters the liver and kidney meridians, and can specifically nourish Yuanyin. Yuanyin is also the yin of the liver and kidney. It is a manifestation of sufficient kidney essence, and kidney essence produces spirit.

The way to eat is also very simple. Go to the pharmacy to buy half a catty of Ligustrum lucidum, process it into fine powder, and don’t need to process it into pills. Take it twice a day, seven or eight grams each time, after breakfast and before going to bed.

Many women who came to see a doctor gave up health care products and took Ligustrum lucidum instead. In their words, after taking Ligustrum lucidum, they felt very energetic.A 55-year-old lady said that at her age, her menstruation is normal and her sex life is also very good. She thinks that Ligustrum lucidum regulates her endocrine.There was also an elderly man with glaucoma who had to take western medicine to lower his intraocular pressure every day. After taking Ligustrum lucidum for a period of time, the medicine for lowering his intraocular pressure stopped unexpectedly.At that time, I also felt strange, but after checking the "Pharmacopia", I realized that Ligustrum lucidum really has the effect of lowering intraocular pressure, not only has the effect of lowering intraocular pressure, but also has the effect of lowering blood sugar and blood fat, and can also improve the body's immunity Strength is really a good medicine that serves multiple purposes.When many diabetic patients take supplements, they will want to supplement and withdraw because of the sugar in the supplements. Ligustrum lucidum solves this problem and can be taken with confidence.

When taking Ligustrum lucidum, a patient said that he often takes vitamin E, and asked me if I can still take it?I said yes, of course, vitamin E is anti-aging, it can soften blood vessels, combined with Ligustrum lucidum, it can also prevent the formation of age spots.This is the perfection of the combination of Chinese and Western medicine. I was also inspired by this patient and found this excellent combination. However, I told them that they only need to take one vitamin E a day for a month. Do not overdose.

Health care products, pedicure, massage, the right method, beauty will come
When it comes to women’s health care, many women have their own strategies. Some people like to take health care products; I like massages and pedicures.Although there are different methods and different preferences, the ultimate goal of spending money is to delay aging, stay healthy, and not get sick.

When I see some women in the outpatient clinic, I often hear such things. Some people eat health products and get acne on their faces. They are almost 40 years old, and they seem to be going through puberty again; Bitter dry throat, thick tongue coating, that’s all. Some people have diarrhea and diarrhea after eating, and the diarrhea lasts for more than ten days, but they don’t need to take diet pills. This is the case for fat people, so why should thin people be admitted to the hospital because of such diarrhea?

Not to mention, there are still many women who have irregular menstruation because of taking health care products. Every time menstruation is either ahead of schedule or lagging behind, the original normal is "preserved" to be abnormal.Strange to say, there are many women in their 40s who take health care products to protect their ovaries from premature aging, so that they age slowly and have better skin. At the age of menopause, menstruation ceases as a result.The health care products that I spent money on turned out to be medicines that caused the disease. Not to mention that I did not become younger, and my husband even said that he was "smelly", but he had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky.

I have noticed the ingredients of these health products, most of them contain mineral essence, pine pollen, propolis, high protein and some high-tech extracts, and more health products contain some ginseng, deer antler, jujube, donkey-hide gelatin Chinese herbal medicine with tonic ingredients such as wolfberry and medlar, most of these medicines are warm and tonic.Also, at the back of the instructions of these health products, when you see the item "adverse reactions", the words "not yet clear" are often written. If you think about it carefully, since it is not clear, how dare you market it for sale? Let people eat?

Scraping is also a good method left by traditional Chinese medicine to maintain health and treat diseases, but it is not suitable for everyone. Generally, it can only be used by people with excess fire and excess heat in the body.You may not understand this professional term, but the symptoms are more direct. For example, people with fever, dry stool, constipation, oral ulcers, long needle eyes, red eyes, swelling and pain are more suitable for scraping.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the abdomen is yin, and the back is yang". The yang meridian is released.I remember that there is a movie called "Scraping", in which scraping plays a very good role in curing diseases and reducing fever when the child has a fever and cannot find a hospital.

On the contrary, if weak and sickly, petite and weak women with cold hands and feet all day long also go to scraping to expel heat and detoxify, it will only make the scraping more weak, and it is more effective to take some supplements.

The same is true for cupping. The indications for cupping are wind, cold, dampness, and silt entering the meridian, causing "pain if it is blocked." Suffering from periarthritis of the shoulder, rheumatism, arthritis, soreness and pain in certain parts of the body, and many bone and joint diseases. When in pain, use cupping method to pull out the skin to bruise, bleed or pull out many blisters. It means that evil poison is released, stasis will be removed and new blood will grow on its own, the meridians will become unobstructed, and the pain will naturally disappear.

Therefore, if there is no pain caused by any blockage, there is no need to go for cupping.On the contrary, because of cupping, the pores of the skin will be opened, and the qi will be vented, and the evil will be more likely to take advantage of the weakness, and the body will be more likely to become weak.Furthermore, it is best not to do cupping for weak women, even if they do not do too much or for too long, because cupping is more suitable for strong people.

This tells us that when taking some health care products, we should carefully observe whether we have any discomfort and find the indications for taking health care products.If you have acne, dry stool, yellow urine, etc. when you eat it, it means that this health product is warm in nature and partial tonic, so you can eat some cool food on an empty stomach while taking health care products For fruits, for example, two hours after a meal, when the stomach is almost empty, eat some bananas, kiwis, apples, etc., and use the coolness of the fruit to offset the heat brought by health care products.However, if after taking health care products, you experience bitter mouth, dry throat, sore mouth and tongue, or even nosebleeds, and early menstruation, you must stop taking the medicine and not take it again.

For those who have diarrhea caused by taking health care products, if you have mild diarrhea, you can eat some longan and drink some ginger soup first. If this still can’t relieve it, it means that it contains western medicine ingredients that strongly stimulate the intestinal wall. For health care products such as weight loss, the drug must also be discontinued if this happens.If you have constipation, long-term use of health care products will lead to dependence, resulting in constipation as long as you stop taking the medicine.Long-term use of this health product will cause chronic enteritis or chronic colitis, or even more serious intestinal diseases due to long-term stimulation of the intestinal wall, which is not worth the candle.

In order to prevent everyone from abusing these methods, our country includes the functional rehabilitation methods of physical therapy such as cupping, scraping, and foot therapy in traditional Chinese medicine, and has set up the specialty of "Chinese massage". Depending on your physique and condition, you can choose whether you are suitable for scraping, cupping, or pedicure. Using these physical therapy methods to treat diseases also requires professional standards.Therefore, in the future, whether you go for massage, scraping, or pedicure, you must go to a professional Chinese massage shop. It is best to check whether the operating technician has a professional technical title certificate.

After reading these, you will not carelessly care for yourself, you will not waste money and hurt your body, you will not let those unscrupulous vendors who make health care products take advantage of it, and you will not let those who have no qualifications, A smattering of technicians can be lucrative.

(End of this chapter)

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