Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155

The ruins of the ancient city wall were continuously excavated, and finally, they were completely presented to everyone.

This section of the city wall covers almost the entire north side of Death Canyon.

Bounded by both ends of the canyon, it stands between the canyon and the north.

"Why is this section of the city wall underground? No one would build such a low city wall."

"So, it's not that the city wall is built underground, but the ground subsides."

Everyone looked back at the Death Canyon behind them.

They felt that the Death Canyon was very strange along the way. Now, from the underground settlement of this section of the city wall, they finally guessed the origin and cause of the Death Canyon.

After figuring out this problem, Qin Wuge became interested. She flew into the air and scanned the north of the canyon, and found several different places.

In other words, these places are similar to formation eyes.

The collapse of Death Canyon thousands of years ago may be man-made.

The area of ​​the canyon is huge, and it takes a lot of strength to say that it is artificially caused to subside.

Even monks at the peak Mahayana stage may not have such abilities.

However, the array has such power.

Therefore, what Qin Wuge was looking for was the traces after the formation was used.

Landed in a place full of gravel, this is the position of the formation eye.

"It really is an ancient formation!"

After Qin Wuge confirmed that these were the traces of the eyes, the people accompanying him were all angry.

Especially those God Wings, after passing through the Death Canyon all the way, the God Wings have gradually realized something.

"Perhaps, this was our hometown before."

"So, someone deliberately destroyed this place and destroyed our hometown!"

The Divine Wings were whispering, and a hideous and angry look began to appear on everyone's face.

But whoever destroyed this place, no need to think about it, was the Nether Race.

The Nether tribe is an old enemy!
Moreover, judging from the Nether Race's familiarity with the environment here, it must be them.

"The Nether Race has coveted our place tens of thousands of years ago. After all, our ancestors were murdered by them."

The Divine Wings were filled with righteous indignation and deepened their hatred towards the Nether Race. They also wanted to kill the Nether Race even more urgently, which could be regarded as revenge for their ancestors.

"Yanhuang, let's continue to pursue. The Nether tribe is about to escape."

The God Wings spoke one after another.

All the way north, during the period of chasing and killing the Nether Clan, the Divine Wing Clan kept calling for their companions, and the Divine Wing King Baidie was about to arrive, so the Divine Wing Clan was bound to hunt them down to the end.

Knowing that their hometown is the Death Canyon, and it is very likely that they were destroyed and destroyed by the Nether Race, the God Wing Race's hatred for the Nether Race has deepened.

"Of course we will pursue it!"

Qin Wuge spoke to comfort them first, and then began to judge.

They pursued all the way north, and they didn't have any worries.

The task of their elite team is to kill as many Nether races as possible.

As for the aftermath, the people led by Luo Yunsheng and Xuan Mo are naturally in charge.

However, the distance they advanced was too far, especially after discovering the ruins here, if they advanced without any preparation, they would easily be killed back by the Nether tribe.

The city walls buried here have been excavated, and many of the military fortresses have been used by the Nether tribe.

Although, the Nether tribe retreated in a hurry this time, and did not stay behind the army base.

But if Qin Wuge's team keeps advancing, there is no guarantee that the Nether tribe will not kill a carbine. The Nether tribe uses the military fortress and city wall as support, and it is very likely that Qin Wuge will be cut off from the team behind.

In this case, it is very likely that the human race team will not be able to take care of each other at the end, and the Nether race will seize the opportunity.

"Divide 1 elites to continue the pursuit, leaving 5000 people to defend here!"

After Qin Wuge was silent, no one refuted the decision he made.

However, who is left to guard here?
In fact, everyone already had a candidate in their hearts, but they didn't speak up.

At this time, everyone looked at Bei Mingye, obviously waiting for Bei Mingye to speak.

"You stay, I lead troops to pursue."

Bei Mingye didn't want to make this decision, whether it was chasing or staying behind, he wanted to be with Qin Wuge.

However, thinking about the current situation, Qin Wuge still had determination.

He can only make the most reasonable decision.

Everyone nodded, leaving Qin Wuge here, not only because she could find the difference in the city wall here, but also because she is the most outstanding formation mage.

Only by leaving her here to study can more secrets be unlocked.

The Qin clan and the orc clan automatically stayed, and the people who stayed by Qin Wuge's side were naturally her closest people.

Bei Mingye let the golden dragon stay, and only took the black dragon to move on.

The Shenyi tribe left behind dozens of people to help Qin Wuge investigate the beginning and end of the ruins of the city wall.

In the process of arranging people to stay on the city wall, Qin Wuge found that the city wall hadn't been damaged much, and there were even few traces of attack and killing on the city wall. It seemed that the whole city wall had suddenly sunk under some kind of drastic change.

"Those ancient formations, do you look familiar?"

Qin Wuge brought a few God Wings to the front of the broken ancient formation and asked them.

Several Divine Wings shook their heads one after another. They are not good at formations. Since their rebirth, they have relied on awakening their talents and inheriting the power of their bloodlines.

However, the awakened power of the God Wing Clan does not include the ability of formations.

"Then, do you Divine Wings have the inheritance of formations? Or, did your ancestors have the ability to form formations?"

Faced with Qin Wuge's question, it was even more difficult for the Divine Wings to answer.

"Should be, our God Wing King seems to know how to form a formation." Several God Wings thought of the enchantment outside the Azure Land.

Although the enchantment of the Azure Land is not a formation, it seems to be formed naturally from their Azure Land.

But since it is a power similar to an enchantment, it must be supported by formations.

Moreover, the God Wings seem to have seen the power of formations from their God Wing King.

Just at this time, the divine winged king Baidie arrived.

Baidie came to Qin Wuge's side with an excited face but suppressed her emotions, and said in the most peaceful tone possible:

"Yanhuang, I'm back. Divine Wing City is much bigger than before."

Divine Wing City has been growing continuously during this time, which is obvious to all.

And as the God Wing City grows bigger, the strength of the God Wing Clan is also increasing.

However, this is not a good thing for the mainland human race.The God Wings are so powerful that they may even suppress the Human Race.

But Bai Die didn't think so, he told Qin Wuge about this matter like presenting a treasure, he completely regarded himself as the subordinate of Emperor Yan, because the strength of the God Wing Clan grew, he was happy for Emperor Yan!

"Bai Die, do you know this formation?"

Qin Wuge didn't answer Baidie's words, but pointed to the formation in front of him and asked.

Only then did Baidie see the remnants of the formation in front of her.

That was left after the formation eye was destroyed.

Bai Die, who is not good at formations, knows this kind of formations. He nodded in surprise:

"This is the guardian circle of our God Wing Clan."

(End of this chapter)

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