Chapter 1156
Chapter 1156
The guardian formation of the Divine Wing Clan is only controlled by the Divine Wing King.

Therefore, it is not surprising that only Bai Die knows it.

And, Baidie said:

"The enchantment outside the Divine Wing City is the guardian formation. The eye of the formation is in our blue land."

"The land of azure is a gift to our God Wing Clan, and the formation eyes are automatically generated in it."

In other words, with the appearance of the Azure Land, the guardian formation already existed in it.

There is no need for additional settings of the God Wings, which is why the God Wings do not know the guardian formation.

However, Baidie stared at the remnants of the formation and hesitated:
"Why is there a protective circle here? That means, there used to be a guardian circle here!"

Baidie pointed to the surroundings and said:
"The eye of the formation is at the center of the guardian circle, which is the center of the Azure Land."

Therefore, starting from the remnants of the formation they discovered as the center, and expanding to the surrounding distances, it is the original scope of the blue land.

"It seems that this is really the place where our God Wing Clan used to live!"

Bai Die sighed, he followed behind, so he had more time to observe and study Death Canyon.

Many of the ruins and bones found in the canyon are related to the God Wings.

The other Divine Wing Clans just feel that this place is familiar, but as the Divine Wing King, Baidie has more inheritance of the Divine Wing Clan, so he is more sure: this was once the hometown of the Divine Wing Clan.

"There is only one Azure Land, so after this place sank, the Azure Land was formed in the Emperor's Forest and awakened our people!"

After Baidie finished explaining, Qin Wuge finally figured out what happened here.

While the other God Wings were whispering.

"Since this is our former hometown, shall we regain it?"

"Yes, our Divine Wing City can be relocated to this place."

Hearing the words of the God Wing Clan, Qin Wuge was quite surprised. The God Wing City had already been formed, and with such a large area, could it be possible to move it at will?
Especially those giant trees that grew up in Divine Wing City.

"The relocation of Divine Wing City is too cumbersome, and the azure land has its own divinity. The place that is automatically formed by the azure land is the best place. There is no need to relocate."

Baidie immediately stopped the discussion of the clansmen, then faced Qin Wuge, and said:

"However, since this is the birthplace of our clan, we are willing to send troops to guard it."

This is also in line with Qin Wuge's plan.

When Qin Wuge arranged for the army to defend the fort just now, he included the entire city wall in the defensive range.

It's just that the city wall has sunk into the ground, and its defensive effect is too small.

After the Nether tribe occupied this place, they piled up part of the military base for better defense.

But even so, the defensive effect of the city wall military base is still too poor.

This is also the reason why the Nether Race gave up here.

"It would be great if we could raise the city wall here. The city wall sunk in the ground is really tasteless."

The other Divine Wings echoed one after another:
"It's all those damn Nether Race! They don't know what despicable method they used to make this place sink!"

After studying the formation, Qin Wuge said:

"It seems that the eyes of the array were not destroyed by the Nether race, but destroyed in a way of self-preservation. If your Divine Wing City is attacked and cannot be saved, do you have a self-destruct way of self-protection?"

Only Baidie knows this question.

Moreover, this belongs to the secret of the God Wing Clan.

The few God Wings did not speak, and even looked at Baidie with some worry and hesitation.

Baidie blinked at Qin Wuge, expressing her agreement with what Qin Wuge said.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to repair the city wall. We will defend here for two days. If the Nether tribe does not come back, we can give up here."

The purpose of Qin Wuge's stay was to defend against the Nether Clan's counterattack, and to find out what happened here.

Now, it's all clear.

At present, their goal is very clear: to kill the Nether Race.

When the other Divine Wings were scattered around, looking for more traces of the ruins, Bai Die followed Qin Wuge, holding a thick ancient scroll in his hand:

"This is the ancient formation scroll found in the empire."

A very old, yellowed ancient scroll, one can tell its age at a glance.

There is no fluctuation of breath on the ancient scroll, it is obviously just a simple drawing of the formation.

However, after Qin Wuge took it, Baidie said:
"This is also the secret of my Divine Wing City."

Qin Wuge took his hand back, instead of picking up the ancient scroll, he looked at Baidie, waiting for his explanation.

Baidie pointed to the surroundings and said in a low voice:
"Yan Huang also saw that my God Wing City has a self-destruct mechanism, but our God Wing Clan can survive because of this and be reborn through white cocoons. As long as you master the secret of God Wing City, you can control our God Wing Clan gone."

Bai Die's heart and soul is to be Yan Huang's subordinate.

However, many members of the Shenyi tribe are not very happy.

The Divine Wings are a xenophobic race. They don't like to have anything to do with the human race, let alone being a subordinate of the human race.

Therefore, Baidie searched all the classics during this time, just to find the secret of the God Wing Clan.

Especially the secrets of Divine Wing City and Azure Land.

Now, he found it, although it was just a scroll of blueprints about the Divine Wing City Formation.

However, I believe that Qin Wuge will definitely be able to decipher it with the help of the blueprint scroll, and the secrets of the entire Divine Wing City will be exposed in her hands.

"I know that Emperor Yan has been worrying about whether the Divine Wing Race will become the enemy of the Human Race."

Baidie held the ancient scroll in her hand and signaled:

"As long as we have this, the Divine Wing Clan will not dare to do anything to the Human Clan."

This is the key to contain all the God Wings.

Now, Bai Die is equivalent to handing over the secrets of the entire God Wing Clan into the hands of Emperor Yan.

It shows Bai Die's trust and following of Emperor Yan, but Bai Die's paranoia that disregards the lives of the people still makes Qin Wuge difficult.

I have to say: Bai Die is indeed not a competent God Wing King!
As the God Wing King, he should benefit the race, not give away the secrets of his clan.

"You put it away, I believe that we will not become enemies one day."

Qin Wuge rejected the ancient scroll, and said:

"Thousands of years ago, since the God Wing Race lived here, it means that they are able to coexist with the God-Blood Race and the Human Race."

Bai Die looked puzzled, he found her the secret to suppress the God Wing Clan, why didn't she accept it?Isn't she worried at all that after the God Wing Clan grows too strong, they will suppress the Human Clan and become a new enemy?

The reason why Qin Wuge didn't accept it was because he had a bit of morality. Besides, if he wanted to study the secret of the self-destruction of Shenyi City, he could analyze one or two from the ruins of the ancient city wall and the broken formation in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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