Chapter 343 The Treasure House
Chapter 343 The Treasure House
"Asura Guards have gathered outside the secret border, let's go out first." Bei Mingye said in a deep voice.

"Well, we not only want to make a big fuss about the Dark Empire, but also let everyone in the world know about the existence and activities of their Dark Empire!"

While Qin Wuge and others were retreating, she decided to send a message to Anqing City and Junsai City as soon as she went out.

More monks must come in to join in the fight against the dark empire and save the captives. Originally, she just wanted to use Yan Zun and others to let them bite dogs. Now that she saw the bloody and brutal side of the dark empire, she rose up. To racial hostility.

The Dark Empire obviously had too much confidence in its own base. Qin Wuge and others retreated without any danger, but Qin Wuge hesitated beside the portal.

"This teleportation array can only be opened by people from the Dark Empire! No wonder they didn't send someone to guard the portal."

Qin Wuge studied their teleportation array. Although it belonged to the ancient times, the attributes of the array are not difficult to guess.

However, even if Qin Wuge found a breakthrough in the formation, he still couldn't dismantle the formation. If he wanted to open the formation, it could only be done by people from the Dark Empire.

"No wonder the master came in without hesitation when he saw the magic circle opened outside. It turns out that the master was worried from the beginning that the magic circle here is not easy to open from the outside. If you want to force it to open, it will definitely cause a big commotion."

Wizard Ye cast all his admiration for Qin Wuge.Before, they just planned to go into the water to investigate, but sneaked in when the portal opened. It turned out that the master had a foresight.

"We were just planning to find the location of their portal, but my sister led us in decisively. Fortunately, my sister is clever!"

Feng Qingying also admired Qin Wuge from the bottom of her heart. If it wasn't for her decisiveness, they would not have been able to enter the hinterland of the dark empire. Seeing everything in front of them, they would naturally have no way of knowing that their formation was opened from the inside.

"Sister, don't praise me. I'm just taking risks. Facing a completely unknown race, our current understanding is only superficial, just like the formation in front of me. Although I know that people from the Dark Empire can open it, but I don't know if everyone can open it, or if a certain identity is required to have permission."

Wizard Ye nodded: "I think people with certain status should be able to open it. After all, this belongs to the life gate of their base, and it will certainly not allow all the dark people to have the right to open it."

Qin Wuge replied: "I think so too, so we can only wait and sneak out when they open the portal again. As for the next time I want to come in, I am sure to break their portal!"

While Qin Wuge was discussing with them, on the other hand he was already doing something on the magic circle of the portal.

She only needs to set up an additional traction circle on the teleportation circle inside. She can activate this circle when she is outside, and then she can forcibly break through the portal. Of course, this is a long process. It will take a while outside to break their magic circle.

But this is also the best way to break in from the outside.

Now, they just have to wait for the portal to open again before they can sneak out.

And before going out a dark empire warship, I believe they will come back soon.But he didn't want to, it took half a day to wait, and during this period, Qin Wuge and others also saw a teleportation circle on the other side of the Dark Empire.

A huge white warship returned with a full load of captives, all of whom were women.

"Why do they only plunder women? Have they killed all the men? Don't they keep the men as slaves?" Wizard Ye asked strangely.

"Women are their trophies, and their race may have more inbreeding, and women are needed to avoid the degradation of reproduction. There should be a very strict hierarchy here."

Qin Wuge silently counted the number of women they captured, while looking at their warships. There is not much difference between the warships and the flying warships of human monks. They are all made of spiritual materials and rely on magic circles to act Pushing and boosting, except that their warships are oval in shape and covered with a white covering.

That white covering is a form of camouflage that changes color as its surroundings change.

"Sure enough, they are a despicable race. They are best at sneak attacks. Their spaceships should appear on the mainland a lot."

Qin Wuge was resentful in his heart, so many women were captured by them and treated like livestock, but they had not been discovered by the outside. If they hadn't entered the secret realm and met the Yufeng Clan, they don't know how long the dark empire would have been hidden Woolen cloth.

A slight fluctuation came, and Qin Wuge and others quickly returned to the hiding place of the portal, and saw a fierce glow flashing from the front of the white warship, penetrating through the portal and returning.

"That's... tearing the magic circle, I understand, when their warship returns, use the magic circle at the front to break through the portal!"

Qin Wuge was very excited. She knew that Yan Zun and others outside had captured a lot of warships. As long as they were repaired, they could directly use the warships of the Dark Empire to break through their teleportation array and come in!
The portal closes automatically after the spaceship enters, and the closing gap of the magic circle fits perfectly with the spaceship. Generally speaking, there will be no problems.

But Qin Wuge could seize the gap in the formation, forcefully open a corner, and bring Bei Mingye and others out.

Although Qin Wuge seemed to be very easy to deal with their teleportation formation, it made Wizard Ye and Feng Qingying even more admired. They all knew that if they were replaced by other people, they would be helpless in the face of such a formation.

In the secret realm outside, the monks were attacked again, and suffered heavy casualties.

Smiling Tiger saw Qin Wuge coming back, and was the first to report:
"The mysterious race dispatched a more powerful spaceship, and it also has the power of the out-of-body stage, and kidnapped more than a dozen of our female monks."

"Where are Yan Zun and the others?" Qin Wuge found that Yan Zun, Xuan Ao and others were not seen at the scene, so the Dark Empire was able to attack them so easily and kidnap the female monk.

"They found a hidden magic circle, and they are all studying there!"

Smiling Tiger showed the direction, but Qin Wuge didn't go looking for it, and directly used his spiritual power to shout in the secret realm.

"The enemy's lair has been found, and they live on the spirit stone vein. There are spirit stones, crystal mines everywhere, and there are countless spiritual materials that we have never seen before!"

Qin Wuge didn't mention the evil deeds of the Dark Empire, but only talked about their wealth.

Just this one condition attracted the monks to be restless, and Yan Zun hurried back with Xuan Ao and Qin Zhenshan.

"Your Excellency, have you found their lair?"

Not mentioning the wealth of the enemy, Yan Zun seems so noble. Before, he followed Yuan Hong with a shy face, waiting for others to research the magic circle, and snatching the results of other people's research.

Now I heard that the enemy's lair turned out to be a treasure trove!

Yan Zun was very excited.

The surrounding cultivators were equally excited. They came to the secret realm to find spiritual materials. Who knew that there were so few spiritual materials here.Now there are enemy lairs to plunder, so what are you waiting for!
"Yes, but their lair has a guard formation, and their warships are needed to force their way in. Didn't you capture a few warships before?"

Qin Wuge looked at Yan Zun and knew that there was only one in his interspatial ring.

Who knew that Yan Zun didn't mention the warships he confiscated, but looked at the smiling face and said: "Didn't your legion also get one, hurry up and take it out! I remember that yours is relatively complete!"

Smiling Tiger was extremely unhappy, that one of them was not as good as the one in Yan Zun's hands, but he didn't dare to refute Yan Zun, so he could only bitterly take out the seized spaceship.

Qin Wuge glanced at it and said: "This ship can't do it, the bow is damaged, and their bow is the key to unlock the protective array."

Hearing this, Yan Zun was even more reluctant, his own ship was the most complete, as long as he had that spaceship, wouldn't it be possible to go to the enemy's lair to plunder at any time.

Xuan Ao and Qin Zhenshan looked at him together, waiting for Yan Zun to take out the spaceship.

"Ahem~ To tell you the truth, my ship has already been dismantled, and I don't have enough storage space. There's nothing I can do, Qin Zhenshan, take yours out!" Yan Zun put pressure on Qin Zhenshan.

(End of this chapter)

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