Chapter 344 made a fortune

Chapter 344 made a fortune

Qin Zhenshan was even more unhappy.

Qin Wuge was too lazy to listen to their nonsense, so he took out a small magic circle and said, "Your spaceship needs to be equipped with this activation circle to break their barrier, otherwise your spaceship won't be able to get in, it's useless Yes! We stole it from their main ship."

Hearing this, Yan Zun frowned in regret.Why didn't this kid say anything just now?If I had said earlier, I would have taken out the spaceship, otherwise my spaceship would be useless no matter how complete it was.

Qin Zhenshan immediately took out the spaceship and placed it in front of Qin Wuge.

"Your Excellency, what do you think of this spaceship?"

Qin Wuge threw the small magic circle directly onto the bow of the boat, and after a burst of dazzling light, the magic circle completely merged into the magic circle on the bow.

"Well, not bad! That's fine, let's go!"

Just now, what Qin Wuge threw out was nothing more than a strengthening magic circle, which fits all things.

However, Qin Zhenshan, Yan Zun and others regarded him as a "secret key spirit", the supreme treasure, and Yan Zun stared at Qin Zhenshan's spaceship, planning how to exchange it with him.

Seeing that the spaceship was ready, Yan Zun rushed onto the spaceship shamelessly, and said to everyone: "Let me control it, I am the strongest, so I will be the vanguard!"

Qin Zhenshan dared not speak out, and cursed in his heart: Are you an idiot for thinking I'm an idiot?Didn't you see that the Sky Demon Sect added a "key spirit" to his spaceship, turning it into a spaceship that can enter and leave the mysterious race at will, and the envious wanted to snatch it away?

"Yan Zun is our pillar, you can't take risks as a pioneer, let me do it!"

Qin Zhenshan went all out, and his intuition told him that this spaceship blessed with the "Key Spirit" has absolute value, and Yan Zun came to snatch it without seeing it. It is not enough to explain the problem for a monk in the distraction period to pay so much attention to it. ?
Yan Zun really couldn't hold back his face and fought again, so he could only let Qin Zhenshan sit on the control seat of the spaceship.

All the monks boarded the ship one after another, all of them looked extremely excited.

Qin Wuge lowered his head and sneered, leading them into the lake smoothly.

A group of more than a thousand monks gathered at the bottom of the lake, holding their breath.

Qin Wuge had already arrived at the bottom of the lake ahead of time, and with bursts of rumbling noises, the formation door was opened, and the Dark Empire was opened and awakened.

The warship seemed to have torn apart the space at the bottom of the river, and was sucked into the Dark Empire by a huge suction force.

The monks who had never boarded the warship were worried that the door would be closed and they would not be able to get in in time, when they saw the guards of the demon sect boy throw out a fairy artifact that directly propped up the entrance of the portal.

"Wow~ This is the top-level spiritual treasure of the fairy class, and we have never seen it before in Dayan!"

"That's right, you don't even look at his identity! That's the Heavenly Demon Sect of the Four Great Empires, a sect with tens of thousands of years of experience. Naturally, we can't compare."

Even Yan Zun was envious when he saw the sky-supporting ruler. That fairy weapon may not be very useful, but it can support any gaps in enchantments and magic circles. It is simply a treasure for exploring secret realms.

However, Qin Zhenshan looked familiar when he saw the fairy weapon.

How did he remember seeing this fairy weapon when he was exploring the secret realm in the Bone Forest?At the beginning, they were very embarrassed when they were chased by the dragon turtle. Wasn't it because the mysterious man Bei Mingye used the sky supporter?

However, Qin Zhenshan couldn't help but think more, because he had already entered the dark empire first.

After crossing the bottom of the lake, it was the underground territory of the Dark Empire. There were spiritual stone mines everywhere, all kinds of rare spars, and spiritual grass all over the mountains and plains, blinding his eyes.

Get rich!
Even though Qin Zhenshan is the patriarch of the most powerful cultivation family in Dayan, he is still speechless in shock at the wealth in front of him.

Not to mention accepting all of them, as long as you can let go and rob it is also good.

"Follow me." Yan Zun who was outside couldn't wait to rush in when he saw the secret realm was opened.We can't let that bastard Qin Zhenshan take the lead.

Under the control of Bei Mingye, the sky-supporting ruler is enlarged, and the teleportation gate is as wide as a mountain gate, which is enough for more than a thousand monks to rush in in a very short time. Let it out and charge all the way.

"The one locked in the cage is the one we want to save!"

Bei Mingye followed closely behind, and a roar that pierced through with spiritual power was heard clearly by those who rushed in.

Although, when discussing the attack, they had agreed in advance to save their compatriots, but these monks became jealous as soon as they rushed in, and they were so fascinated by the wealth everywhere that they didn't care about anything.

Bei Mingye didn't expect these people to help save others, and the reason why he yelled was to let these people not accidentally hurt his compatriots.

The Asura Guard from Beimingye appeared at the entrance of the secret realm almost instantly. The Asura Guard in black, led by a tall woman, entered the secret realm and divided into three parts, one part went straight to the iron cages.

After Yan Zun and other senior monks entered the underground empire, they were first shocked by the huge city in front of them and felt fearful, but seeing the scene of wealth everywhere in front of them, these people's hearts were filled with uncontrollable greed.

Yan Zun and other senior monks went directly to the city, they believed that the wealth must be hidden inside the city.The spiritual materials and ores outside are just handed over to their subordinates to plunder.

The reaction of the Dark Empire was slow. They didn't expect that the city buried deep in the ground would be attacked. Before the large combat mechanism could be activated, Yan Zun and others rushed into the city.The air crystal wall that didn't have time to activate made them even less external defense.

However, this is the base camp of the dark empire after all, and tens of thousands of fighters have begun to resist and counterattack.

Teams of imperial soldiers rushed out of the city, and started a brutal fight with the monks who came in.

This is how the bloody storm unfolded.

The fighters of the Dark Empire are powerful, and fortunately the monks who came to explore the secret realm were all above the golden core stage, so they were not defeated by their attacks, but even so, more than 1000 monks were still beaten very embarrassingly.

Since Qin Wuge came in, he started throwing the Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation under the city wall, and extended the formation, so that those monks who were hunted down by the imperial soldiers had a place to hide.

If it weren't for her Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation, these monks might have been driven out in the first wave of attacks.

It is precisely because of the Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation that even though these monks were killed miserably, they did not go out, but stayed very "stubbornly".

The surviving monks sent letters to ask their sects or friends to support them, and they understood that the dungeon has such a huge wealth and powerful combat power that they cannot swallow it all at once, so it is better to find more people come.

And Shurawei and Yufeng Clan came in this chaos and rescued the compatriots in the iron cage outside the city.

Nearly a thousand compatriots were taken out of the secret realm, making the dark empire furious.

Dozens of spaceships took off, and the Dark Empire launched their powerful counterattack.

"They actually have monks in the distraction stage, they can't beat them, so they retreat first!"

Yan Zun was beaten out of the city, and he didn't get any benefits from entering the city, because he didn't enter the city at all, and was counterattacked by two distracted monks.

Yan Zun, who was almost injured, had no choice but to leave the city. At the same time, he also deeply realized that this huge city should not be underestimated. Blocked the attack of a monk in the distraction period.

"Ice Suanni Beast? The ancient holy beast closest to the divine beast! Whose battle pet is this!"

Yan Zun was shocked to death. Didn't he expect such a powerful person in the team he brought?
What surprised Yan Zun even more was that he saw the Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation below.

"Great! It's a large formation that can defend against Kunmo. Daoists, those who are injured or need to rest can go to the formation to rest first, and fight again after recovering their strength! We will never withdraw from this place, otherwise we will die." All previous efforts have been wasted.”

Yan Zun didn't leave in an instant, he also coveted the wealth here, and once he retreated from here, it would be difficult to come in again, even if Qin Zhenshan's spaceship could open their portal, but they modified it because of this attack. What about the portal?

Wouldn't it be impossible to come in here again.

Therefore, Yan Zun and others must be the nails here, nailing them here fiercely, and persist until more monks come in, then they can defeat these alien races and rob wealth!

(End of this chapter)

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