Chapter 616 Domestication
Chapter 616 Domestication
It was so irresponsible to fight so fiercely just now, but Nirvana disappeared.

"My master may have other things to do, he is not in danger for the time being."

Qin Wuge had no choice but to stand up and speak for Niexi.

Miaoxuan didn't mean to pursue it, but the three of them were the first to come in, and now there is one person missing. After all, Miaoxuan felt something was wrong.

And when the clansmen of the Qin clan came out from the secret place of the holy lake, this group of old and weak moved all the monks to be compassionate.

Anyone can see that these Qin clan members have suffered a lot, are disheveled and malnourished.

Did the famous Qin family become like this?It's really hard to think of you.

"Miss, what happened outside just now?" Elder Mu came to Qin Wuge's side with lingering fear. They were all hiding in the enchantment of the holy lake just now, but they still felt the terrible pressure change just now.

It was obvious that a fierce fight had taken place outside, and the smell of fierce battle and brutal blood were still there.

The people of the Qin clan have been at ease in the enchantment of the holy lake for too long, like a group of weak chickens who have never seen the world, even the smell left on the battlefield makes them feel scared.

"People from the Temple of the Gods came here just now." Qin Wuge responded indifferently.

When Qin Wuge heard him call himself "Miss", he knew that Qin Mu was still alien to him, or that Mu Lao had never regarded her as one of his own.

"The God of Execution really wants to kill us all!" Elder Mu sighed with a pale face.

The few old men who organized the evacuation of the tribe with the elder Mu were even more frightened. They have no protection from warriors and their combat effectiveness is poor, so only a few senior monks can kill them all.

Death is inherently terrifying, but this time they may be exterminated!

The Qin family who survived is also the last Qin family.They hid in the holy lake and lived, but they just wanted to leave Qin's flesh and blood. This was what Qin Mu told Qin Mu when the Qin King died in battle.

"On my dragon boat, I can keep you safe." Bei Mingye walked over with a cold voice.

Because of the battle just now, and there are still scars on Bei Mingye's body, especially after the previous attack, the aura of tyranny still remains, so Bei Mingye looks particularly scary like this.

The people of the Qin clan were so scared that they didn't dare to board the dragon boat. The dragon boat belonged to him. Who knows if he would suddenly go crazy and teach them a lesson, and maybe even destroy them!

Anyway, looking at Bei Mingye's dark face, everyone felt unsafe.

Qin Mu knew the reason for Bei Mingye's flabbergasted face best, so he immediately showed his favor to Qin Wuge, and even changed his address to "Yanhuang".

"Thank you, Your Highness, Emperor Yan!"

Qin Mu respected Qin Wuge a lot, and as soon as he showed his affection for Qin Wuge, Bei Mingye's face became much better.

This made Qin Mu a little depressed. He is not a fool. He is very clear that Bei Mingye has the intention of domestication. He has the same psychology and multiple methods of suppression as animal taming. He will not tame you all at once, but step by step. Bit by bit wear away your will, making you slowly succumb to Qin Wuge.

Now, in the gradual changes, Qin Mu couldn't help respecting Qin Wuge even more.

Although Qin Mu understood this point, he was helpless and had nothing to do.Because as long as you show a little resistance or disrespect, Bei Mingye will show you face, making you have to change and submit, and it is in this change and surrender.

Qin Wuge's status among their clansmen is getting higher and higher.

After she boarded the spaceship, although the clansmen didn't want to get close to her, they had to show respect.

In particular, Qin Wuge was accompanied by three masters of the fusion period, two old men and a guard, all of whom showed full respect to her. Even Shura Wei of Beimingye was respectful to her. Under such circumstances, the Qin clan could not help showing respect to her.

Bei Mingye, a vicious man, was still following her, following up to discuss Qin's future.

"This is the closest to Dayan, how about letting them go to Junsai City?"

The Qin family is Qin Wuge's clan, so they should naturally be in the territory of Dayan, and the safety of these people is naturally guarded by the dragon boat.

Bei Mingye is worried that he can't find a reason to let the army go to Junsai City to guard it!
"Alright, the Yufeng Clan is in the Stone City outside Junsai City, and there is an empty small city next to it."

The Junsai City that Qin Wuge took over has built a lot of moats in the past. Although some of them have been abandoned, most of them are still usable. It only needs to be repaired a little bit. It is rare that the Sunset Forest outside the Junsai City is rich in resources and minerals. , the land is also fertile, enough to feed thousands of people.

On the contrary, the people of the Qin clan were unwilling to leave their homeland. After boarding Bei Mingye's spaceship, they, led by Qin Mu, lowered their heads to face Emperor Lin, expressing their reluctance and nostalgia.Many people even cried bitterly.

Feeling the reluctance and sorrow of the clansmen, Qin Wuge said:
"Whoever wants to protect the Emperor's Forest can stay."

Qin Mu and the others looked up at Qin Wuge in astonishment, and couldn't believe her words. They who have no strength, should they stay and wait to die?Or is she going to protect them?

"Of course, I will not be responsible for your safety, life and death."

Another sentence from Qin Wuge interrupted these people's extravagant hopes. After being disappointed, everyone also understood: She really does not need to be responsible for their lives and deaths. Huanglin, no one can guarantee the safety here.

But why did she say they could stay?Knowing that they are not strong enough, do you want to humiliate them by saying that?

While the clansmen were angry, they heard her say:
"But if you stay, I will teach you fighting skills and formations. You first hone in my guards, and the army can protect your safety to a certain extent."

Listening to her speech was full of ups and downs, but in the end the clansmen all understood.She wants them to join her army!

Knowing that she has the status of Emperor Yan, she should naturally have an army, but if they also join her army, wouldn't they really be accepted by her?

Qin Mu and the other elders were the most concerned. They were old and stubborn, and they always wanted to maintain the purity of their race.Therefore, they instinctively rejected Qin Wuge, but now they cannot do without Qin Wuge's help.

"Don't embarrass them. They are all a group of old, weak, sick and disabled. What can they do?"

But at this time, Bei Mingye opened his mouth and gave them a lore blow, with a contemptuous tone that looked down on you.So what if you were once a noble race?Not anymore!

The arrogance in the blood of the Qin clan made them unable to bear such an insult.

Besides, the conditions Qin Wuge gave them are indeed acceptable, after all, they are in the army!Ordinary humans can serve in the military, let alone them!

Qin's pride does not allow them to be so useless!

Therefore, some hot-blooded teenagers stood up on the spot.

And Qin Wuge didn't even look at them, let alone pay too much attention, and directly ordered Zhou Yan:

"These people are all handed over to you. You are welcome to train with other troops."

Naturally, there are also military regulations, and they must also treat them equally.

Qin Wuge treated them like this, which indeed meant to strengthen his prestige, but more importantly, he wanted to hone the members of the Qin clan, preventing them from living in the glory of the past race, and allowing them to train with ordinary soldiers is also to let them They get to know each other better.

Of course, the so-called ordinary soldiers will naturally not be low-end troops, but the Yan Jiawei under Emperor Yan. The hunters join.

Therefore, it is certain that the members of the Qin clan will suffer a blow after joining this army, so that the prestige and self-superiority of the Qin clan can be destroyed.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of Bei Mingye.

How could Qin Wuge not understand Bei Mingye's "psychological tactics" against the Qin family.

So, when the dragon boat ascended to the sky and took the clansmen to Junsai City, Qin Wuge dragged him in to rest.

Even if there is nothing wrong with his body, Qin Wuge still has to check.

Moreover, the shameless King Yi insisted on following, and the reason was even more grandiose:
"Don't try to do bad things behind my back, Bei Mingye's body is so weak now!"

What he said seemed like Qin Wuge wanted to force others to do bad things.

While Qin Wuge was angry, he saw Bei Mingye looking at him with bright eyes, and he seemed to be looking forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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