Chapter 617

Chapter 617

"You don't want to do bad things, do you?"

Bei Mingye asked in a soft tone, as if he was so weak and was facing Qin Wuge's power and toughness.

Stared at by his pitiful eyes, Qin Wuge felt as if a villain was molesting his little daughter-in-law.

"Is getting a needle a bad thing?"

Qin Wuge took the silver needle from King Yi's hand, and stared at Bei Mingye fiercely, but he also cooperated with the look of fear, nodded in fear, although he didn't speak, but his eyes showed that But the expression on her face made her unable to pretend anymore.

"Let him show you, I'll go and see the clansmen!"

Qin Wuge threw down the silver needle and left. King Yi held the silver needle and pestered it in front of Bei Mingye, thinking in his heart whether he should also leave, so as to save Bei Mingye's dog temper from venting on himself again. body!

King Keyi was surprised to find that Bei Mingye seemed to be in a very good mood, and even looked at him with a smile, as if he was very satisfied with himself.

Bei Mingye is indeed very satisfied with King Yi, even though he joked with her just now and let Qin Wuge go away "in a fit of anger", he is still very happy in his heart.

Because of King Yi's temptation this time, he saw her feelings for him.

Besides, what King Yi said like this also shows that she has a good relationship with him!
"How much poison is there in my body?" Bei Mingye laughed to himself for a while, then faced King Yi again and became serious again.

King Yi really wanted to scold him for his temper. He was clearly smiling at him just now, why did he suddenly become so serious again.

"How do I know, didn't you ask her to check your body just now! Why didn't you ask her!~"

Although King Yi said so, he took out his silver needle and started to prepare.

"I can also let you check your body, as long as you can control your spiritual power as delicately as her." Bei Mingye's leisurely tone made King Yi frowned again.

When he turned around behind him, King Yi rudely pricked the needle. The silver needle would be very painful when it penetrated the acupoint and entered the meridian, but the sitting Bei Mingye remained motionless.

King Yi himself felt a little embarrassed, he was stingy and tortured him with his temper, but Bei Mingye didn't respond at all, let alone blamed him, it made King Yi feel full of apology.

Damn Bei Mingye is such a person, sometimes he can piss you off, but sometimes, he is so tolerant that King Yi has to take it seriously:
"The poison in your body should be cleared. I still haven't found the toxin in your body by using silver needles to guide acupuncture points, but the magic element still exists."

King Yi felt very strange, the poison in his body should have been detoxified by Qin Wuge, and he used a more careful method this time, but he still couldn't find the poison in his body, only the magic essence was still there.

Is the magic element also poisonous?
But wasn't Moyuan also sealed by Qin Wuge before!Was it seduced by Mu Qingzhou?
Bei Mingye saw Yi Wang's hesitant face and didn't dare to ask, so he took the initiative to explain:

"Mu Qingzhou must have a secret against my magic energy. When I saw him, I couldn't suppress the magic energy and exploded."

King Yi's eyes lit up:

"Doesn't that mean that the solution to the magic energy in your body may lie in Mu Qingzhou's body?"

Bei Mingye was noncommittal, because he didn't know, and even if he could really find a solution to his demonic energy from Mu Qingzhou, it would be impossible, because Mu Qingzhou would never cooperate.

Mu Qingzhou was the toughest and most determined monster he had ever seen.

At the same time, Mu Qingzhou is also the most outstanding sky in the entire continent so far.

His research on life and magic element has greatly exceeded the understanding of mainland monks, and even his knowledge of using poison is no less than anyone else.

Bei Mingye felt that there must still be poison in his body, but it was a pity that King Yi couldn't find it out, and I'm afraid Qin Wuge couldn't find it out either. It's not that Qin Wuge and King Yi were incompetent, but Mu Qingzhou's level Too high.

Bei Mingye saw that King Yi was still frowning, but he seemed to have no clue about his body, so Bei Mingye didn't want to embarrass him, so he said:

"Then let's wait until we catch Mu Qingzhou."

King Yi could only nod helplessly:
"Hey~ It seems that's the only way to go. I'll go out to see Qin Wuge and discuss a solution."

Bei Mingye reached out and grabbed him:
"Come talk to me."

Yi Wang angrily shook his face:

"If you don't want me to go to Qin Wuge, just tell me! Still talking to you? I have nothing to say to you, so let me go, I'm going to study pills."

Bei Mingye's expression was unprecedentedly serious, looking at King Yi with pressure in his eyes, so King Yi had to compromise.

Sitting down beside him helplessly, King Yi said in a bad tone:

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Bei Mingye was silent for a long time, and when King Yi was impatient, he spoke:
"My mother died at the age of 22, but she may have been plotted by Mu Qingzhou before her."

Sensing Bei Mingye's emotions, King Yi answered cautiously:
"That's right~ Although I haven't treated her, I studied it after she died, and it was true that she had been poisoned for many years. In this way, before she entered the palace, she had already become Mu Qingzhou's test subject."

After finishing speaking, seeing that Bei Mingye seemed to be in a more depressed mood, he explained:
"She is also my own sister. Although I will study it, I will not destroy her body."

"That's not what I meant." Bei Mingye smiled, which relieved King Yi, who was worried that Bei Mingye would mind his research on the body.

"I was thinking, my poison was born with me, and my mother was plotted by Mu Qingzhou before she gave birth to me, so my poison is fused into my bones and blood." Bei Mingye's tone was unprecedented. muffled.

Hearing this, King Yi was terrified, but he did not forget that Bei Mingye's mother was seriously ill back then, which alarmed all the doctors and alchemists on the mainland. Healing the disease, but unfortunately, all the power of the mainland still failed to cure his mother.

In the end, when his mother was on the verge of death, he was tortured to death by extremely cruel methods by Mu Qingzhou.

At that time, Bei Mingye saw his mother's death with his own eyes, which left a huge shadow in his heart, and even affected his temperament. Later, some elders discovered the secret of the horned dragon sealed in Bei Mingye's body. It went mad a few times, like a monster.

Since then, there have been legends in the Zhenyuan Empire: Bei Mingye is a monster!
For this reason, how many people alienated him, disliked him, and framed him.

He has survived, but now, he learns that he may have carried the magic element from birth, and the curse given to him by Mu Qingzhou, how can he bear it?

"Don't think too much, aren't you all right now! I think as long as we kill Mu Qingzhou, we will be all right!"

King Yi himself felt that his persuasion was useless. How easy is it to kill Mu Qingzhou?The Zhenyuan Empire had already issued an order to hunt down Mu Qingzhou, but after so many years, Mu Qingzhou was still alive and well, and that bastard Mu Qingzhou came to hang out in front of Bei Mingye whenever he had nothing to do. Bei Mingye was too exciting.

It seems that Mu Qingzhou specially appeared in front of Bei Mingye just to test his influence.

"it is good."

Faced with such unconvincing persuasion from King Yi, Bei Mingye agreed readily, his young and sharp face was full of determination.

Because he doesn't need other people's persuasion at all, he has already decided in his heart that he has never been a person who likes to give up, let alone Qin Wuge!Even for her, he must persevere.

You must die or retreat.

As long as there is still a glimmer of chance, he will fight for it, to get better, and to survive. Only in this way can he stay by her side, accompany her through the mountains of the mainland, and appreciate the five seas and four seasons.

After going out, Qin Wuge came to see Master Miaoxuan after seeing the clansmen, in order to ask about Mu Qingzhou.

"Mu Qingzhou?" Miaoxuan obviously knew Mu Qingzhou, or knew it.

The name Mu Qingzhou once resounded throughout the mainland, and it was hundreds of years ago.

"He was the most outstanding genius in the mainland 500 years ago. Whether it was cultivation or alchemy, he had abilities and advantages that others could not match. However, he disappeared for a long time, almost 200 years. Everyone thought that when he fell, He appeared in the Zhenyuan Empire and became the first guard of the empire. Later, he betrayed the empire and was executed."

"Oh~ Maybe he was not executed, but killed by Bei Mingye, but that guy is like a cat demon with nine lives. He is still alive."

When Miaoxuan talked about Mu Qingzhou, his tone became more cautious. Obviously, even a close god like Miaoxuan in the late Mahayana period was quite afraid of Mu Qingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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