Chapter 668 Complete Massacre
Chapter 668 Complete Massacre
The appearance of black holes makes everyone feel desperate.

In this despair, the behavior of the dragon boat escaping from the bondage of the black hole is particularly inspiring.

"The dragon boat is so powerful!"

"Nothing has ever escaped from a black hole!"

It is said that the black hole is invincible, but it is so powerless in front of the dragon boat, which makes everyone doubt whether the previous legend is true!In other words, the dragon boat is too powerful, so powerful that even the black hole can't do anything about it.

And Tiancewei, who created the black hole, was even more confused. Why is the fake black hole that he spent a lot of effort creating, that is, the teleportation array, so unbearable?
It's fine if you can't absorb the dragon boat, but the dragon boat is still showing off in front of the teleportation formation, it's too much!
But Tiancewei had no choice. After confirming that the pseudo black hole was ineffective against the dragon boat, Tiancewei had no choice but to withdraw the teleportation array.

And it was impossible for them to jump out and explain. They could only watch Bei Mingye's dragon boat showing off its power in the sky, bearing the halo of "Black Hole Buster", becoming the focus of the audience again.

Bei Mingye's dragon boat played in the limelight, which undoubtedly made it more difficult for Wei Baikai's Tian Cewei to snatch it.

After all, when they pretend to be wandering hunters to snatch the spaceship, they will be attacked by more people.

The greater the limelight of the dragon boat and the more recognition it won, the more the sect monks here would not want the dragon boat to be snatched away.

"This is our only chance to snatch the dragon boat, everyone rush out with me!"

But Wei Baikai has no way out, he can only choose to attack, this is the order given to him by Emperor Tianlan, and it is also their only chance.

With the disappearance of the black hole, when countless hunters appeared in the sky, the Zongmen monks present were shocked again.

Although the Tiance Guards disguised as hunters did not form a formation and came scattered, but after all they were too many.

Looking around, the sky is densely packed with their people, and many of them are riding huge flying monsters, tearing the void, which can be described as menacing.

In order to make the disguise more real, Wei Baikai also recruited a lot of real hunters to help. With the participation of these people, this action looks more like a hunter.

"Where do so many hunters come from? What do they want to do?"

"What else can we do! They want to snatch the dragon boat!"

Seeing this scene, the monks below were surprised as well as angry.

The dragon boat led them to block Kun Mo's attack, but it was a great contribution, and the dragon boat showed its strength against the black hole just now, which made everyone feel that the presence of the dragon boat here is a guarantee of their safety.

Therefore, after seeing clearly the intentions of these hunters, many monks stepped forward to stop them.

Monk Miaoxuan and several other peak powers took the lead in the void, blocking countless hunters.

In desperation, Wei Baikai ordered a fierce attack. Although these powers were difficult to deal with, he brought a lot of people, tens of thousands of Tiance Guards, and thousands of hired hunters. As long as a few people crossed After passing the defense line of the mighty ones, just board the spaceship.

Moreover, Wei Baikai personally led the team and had already brought people close to the spaceship.


Wei Baikai was extremely excited, as long as they got on the spaceship, it would be enough to snatch the spaceship down.

"Prince Dog, you killed my father and brother, and destroyed my sect. Today is the day of revenge!"

In order to avoid revealing his identity, Wei Baikai yelled on purpose, so that the other party would suspect that they were Bei Mingye's enemies and came here specifically to seek revenge.

"Prince Dog, accept our revenge."

The people who followed Wei Baikai were all his confidantes, shouting and rushing towards the dragon boat together.

But when they sacrificed their talismans one after another and wanted to jump on the dragon boat to fight, they were suddenly blocked by a transparent barrier. Don't be too embarrassed when these people hit the barrier.

"What is this?"

The crowd who almost had their noses broken shouted angrily.

Wei Baikai is a strong man at the peak of the fusion period, but he was also ruthlessly blocked. Wei Baikai was shocked, and suddenly realized: there was nothing wrong with Bei Mingye's dragon boat!The dragon boat can still move freely.

And this transparent barrier is the dragon boat's air crystal wall protection!
It was not a fluke that the dragon boat escaped under the pseudo-black hole just now, but the dragon boat was not hindered at all.

Wei Baikai led people to attack the intact dragon boat, no doubt he was looking for death!

At this moment, Wei Baikai gave up, he hastily turned around and ordered everyone to gather and fight out.

Even if they can't snatch the dragon boat, Wei Baikai believes that they are sure to leave, let those hired hunters finish at the bottom, and his Tiance guards can retreat completely.

"I am Qin Wuge, the person in charge of the Tianlan Imperial Capital Hunter Alliance. If you don't want to be wanted by the alliance, you can surrender now!"

Qin Wuge stood on the bow of the dragon boat, shouted angrily, and the identity badge belonging to the Hunter Alliance appeared in the void through spiritual power. This identity card was as deterrent to all hunters as a military order.

Those hired hunters were all dumbfounded for a moment.

Damn the employer, never told them that the target they were targeting was the leader of the Hunter Alliance!
As hunters, they didn't dare to fight against the lord. Moreover, these hunters were not fools. They had long seen that the dragon boat was extremely difficult to deal with when it was in good condition. They were looking for death before.

"Abandon the dark and turn to the bright, I promise not to blame the past, I swear as the leader of the alliance branch and Yanhuang!"

Qin Wuge's another sentence completely broke the psychological defense of these hunters. The suzerain of the Hunter Alliance branch has said so much. If they don't understand the meaning, they will kill themselves.

"We were hired, and we are willing to hand over the commission to help the lord deal with these hateful enemies!"

Someone among the hunters shouted.

"Okay, as long as you are willing to make up for your mistakes, I can promise to give you twice the commission." As the leader of the alliance branch, Qin Wuge's words are very weighty and convincing in the hunter world.

Almost in an instant, those hunters made a decision, and they all turned around and attacked Wei Baikai and his Tian Cewei.

Wei Baikai resisted in bewilderment and despair, he didn't know why things turned out like this.

I originally came to sneak attack while taking advantage of the problem with Beimingye's spaceship, but was counter-killed, and even the hired hunters turned their backs. Is there anything more desperate than this?The majestic and ferocious dragon boat was suspended above their heads. Under the pressure, it was impossible for them to escape.

Wei Baikai and others, caught in the siege of hunters and sect monks, exposed their identities. In the despair of being unable to break through, some even surrendered, and even revealed their identities as Tiance Guards.

Tian Cewei is the royal guard belonging to the Tianlan Empire, and their actions show the meaning of the Tianlan Emperor.

When these people surrendered and claimed their identities, the army led by the third prince made a move, beheading Wei Baikai and other Tiance guards mercilessly.

The old prime minister Ji Yunhan was by his side, feeling extremely sorry:

"Third Prince, these are our elites, wouldn't it be a pity to die here?"

The third prince wanted to say: They are the elite, but unfortunately they are not loyal to me, so death is not a pity.

But facing the old prime minister, the third prince still showed an extremely sad and determined look, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Our army can make a move and let some Tiance guards escape. As for those who surrendered, they must not stay, otherwise they will give the sects the truth and confirm Emperor Tianlan's intention to snatch the dragon boat. What is damaged is the face of our Tianlan Empire."

Although the old prime minister was heartbroken, he felt that what the third prince said was correct, so he could only tell the generals leading the team to be lenient as much as possible and let Tian Cewei escape as much as possible. .

Unfortunately, the old prime minister's order was not carried out. The general in charge was the Third Prince's confidant. Naturally, his order was to kill as many Tiance guards as possible, and it was best not to keep any of them, especially Wei Baikai!

As for Wei Baikai, who was crushed by the army, he was seriously injured and was dying.

Qin Wuge on the dragon boat overlooked the battle situation, and said to Luo Yunjian beside him, "You seem to be the prince not long ago."

Luo Yunjian was brought up to watch the destruction of Tian Ce Guards of the Tianlan Emperor Clan. Once this guard team loyal to the Tianlan Emperor Clan was wiped out, he would be really useless as a prince, let alone the position of a prince. up.

Luo Yunjian knew very well that the reason why Qin Wuge kept him was entirely because of his own value.

I have no value anymore, so what happens...

"What do you think we should do now?" Qin Wuge looked at him coldly, and Luo Yunjian was so frightened that his whole body trembled and he passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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