Chapter 669 Empire Game
Chapter 669 Empire Game
Qin Wuge looked at Luo Yunjian who was unconscious, and felt melancholy: Did he force him to be too ruthless?

Luo Yunjian is also a sad reminder. Ever since he was captured by Qin Wuge, he watched helplessly the Imperial Clan's Elder Hall who supported him be destroyed. Today, the only direct Tian Cewei of the Lan Emperor Clan was also killed in front of him.

His prince has become a real loner.

Moreover, he has been captured for such a long time, and the Tianlan Imperial Clan never thought of rescuing him. Instead, they supported the Third Prince to preside over the construction of the Emperor Forest's wall and so on.

The greater the contribution of the third prince, the more he is threatening, isn't he!

But for Luo Yunjian, Qin Wuge wouldn't feel sorry for him, so he directly threw the elixir with the most brutal effect to his nostrils. Under the stimulation of the strong medicine, Luo Yunjian turned over and woke up.Looking at Qin Wuge in a daze:
"Emperor Yan, are you planning to kill me?"

"If you want to kill me, you don't have to wake me up, so I can feel better."

Luo Yunjian was weeping, he really didn't dare to face Qin Wuge now, this beautiful and harmless girl was scary, otherwise she wouldn't have hooked up with a prince like Bei Mingye.

"Get up. How could I kill you?"

Qin Wuge's cold tone made Luo Yunjian tremble with fear. He even wondered if he needed to stand up, and wouldn't it be better to lie down and die.

But Qin Wuge's next words made him jump up from the ground:
"Those surviving Tiance Guards, go and organize."

Is Tian Cewei still alive?

Luo Yunjian excitedly looked towards the direction of the battlefield, and sure enough, he saw that some Tiance guards had broken through. Under the leadership of Wei Baikai, they fought a bloody path. Although not many survived, there were about a thousand people.

For Luo Yunjian, this is a force not to be underestimated.

"Are you going to fight with the third prince with these days' guards?"

Qin Wuge looked directly at him, his cold and clear eyes looked straight into his heart, making Luo Yunjian shiver uncontrollably.

Go all out with the third prince?That is indeed his inner thoughts now, after all he is the real prince, and he still wants to take back everything that belongs to him, before the third prince reaches that height.

But Qin Wuge's words made him fall into the ice cave:
"Tiance Guard has been destroyed. The Wuwei Army in the hands of the Third Prince is the direct army defending the Imperial City. Moreover, he has the support of the old prime minister and has already controlled half of the frontier army. The Jin Jiawei has followed Leng Yu and pledged his allegiance to me."

"Leng Yu, he..." Luo Yunjian looked at Qin Wuge in astonishment, and his thoughts changed sharply. At this moment, he also thought: only by following Emperor Yan, can he have a chance of surviving.

So, she asked herself to subdue those Tian Cewei, did she want her to lead the soldiers to serve her?

So, she left her own life, in fact, she just wanted to use her identity to split the Tianlan Empire!

"Emperor Yan, I am also willing to be loyal to you, I just hope you will give me this opportunity!"

Luo Yunjian expressed his heartfelt tact to Qin Wuge.

Qin Wuge put on a smiling face, and kindly pulled him up from the ground:
"His Royal Highness is too polite, I have been optimistic about you from the beginning."

Luo Yunjian scolded his mother in his heart, he was optimistic about me from the beginning, so why did he fight with me and imprisoned him for such a long time.

"In order to live up to Yanhuang's trust, I will definitely work hard. What should I do next? I also ask Yanhuang for advice!"

No matter how unwilling Luo Yunjian was, he adjusted his posture.

"Your Highness is a very smart person. You should understand that it is extremely unwise to compete with the third prince for the throne. Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to pack up the remnants of Tiance's army and go to the border? It is the temporary residence of His Highness."

Luo Yunjian instantly understood that if he went to the border between Tianlan Empire and Yan State, he could be protected by Yan State. Similarly, he also needs to surrender to Yan State, and he needs to please Yan State well, otherwise he will bear Yan State's responsibility. revenge.

Luo Yunjian also guessed Qin Wuge's plan: she wanted to strengthen the Yan Kingdom and become a parallel existence with the Empire.And the basis for the growth of the Yan Kingdom is that he, Luo Yunjian, split the part of the Tianlan Empire and pledged his allegiance to her!
He, Luo Yunjian, can only be a puppet!
But, at least for now, this is the best way.

"Emperor Yan's strategy is far-reaching, I understand!"

Luo Yunjian had no choice but to leave the dragon boat under the protection of Fu Zhonghu, and join Wei Baikai's remnants.

"Yanhuang, that kid seems very unwilling." Feng Qingying said from the sidelines, she felt that letting Luo Yunjian go like this was a bit like going back to the mountain, maybe he would grow and grow out of control in the future.

"He used to be the prince of the Tianlan Emperor Clan, but he owns the entire empire, but now he only has a few Tiance Guards loyal to him. His future is bleak, and he should not be reconciled."

Qin Wuge didn't care, she didn't care what Luo Yunjian was, all she needed was Luo Yunjian's identity!

Because only the prince Luo Yunjian can compete with the third prince.

The strength displayed by the third prince Luo Yunsheng and the city are too deep. It is impossible for Qin Wuge to be unprepared for such a potential opponent.

On the other side of the battlefield, Luo Yunsheng was frowning, with a look of resentment on his face. He had already ordered Tiance Guards to be wiped out, and with the cooperation of so many hunters and sects, he still let Tiance Guards escape. few.

Especially Wei Baikai did not die.

After all, his own strength is too weak!Luo Yunsheng was depressed. Although he had the support of half of the ministers and nobles, the combat effectiveness of the army supported by them was too poor.

Tian Cewei and Jinjiawei are the two most powerful armies in the Tianlan Empire, and they are all gone now.Although the strength of the Tianlan Empire was weakened, it was extremely beneficial to Luo Yunsheng. As long as he cultivated an army with strong combat effectiveness, he could firmly hold the power of the empire in his hands.

The Tianlan Imperial Clan has no shortage of troops, what they lack is sharpening and equipment.

Now to fight against the demons in the Emperor's Forest, building a wall can sharpen a powerful iron army. Of course, this also requires the support of the major families in the empire.

"Third Prince, didn't you say that you were lenient with these people? How did you kill them so fiercely?"

The old prime minister rushed to question him.

The third prince turned around quietly, and looked at Ji Yunhan quietly, making him instantly realize that he had lost his composure, and quickly apologized:
"It's because the old minister was too anxious. He offended the third prince and asked the third prince to make amends."

"I'm sorry, it's not the old prime minister's fault, it's my prince's ineffective command." Luo Yunsheng frowned, and a few tears came out of his bloodshot eyes.

The eunuch who was waiting beside him hurriedly said:
"Old Prime Minister, our Third Prince hasn't rested for several days. We are tired and our spirits are unavoidable. Besides, commanding the army is not the responsibility of our Third Prince alone. These troops are Zuo Wuwei, who are usually tired of training. How can it be compared with the elite."

The old prime minister suddenly realized:
"It's the old minister who wrongly blamed the third prince. Zuo Wuwei is indeed not an elite, but our empire's elite army is almost wiped out. The third prince must find a way."

Luo Yunsheng looked sad:

"What the old prime minister said is very true. I assure you that Zuo Wuwei will be trained well within a month. It's just that Zuo Wuwei's armaments can't keep up, and the funds are so tight."

The old prime minister took the initiative and said:

"Leave this to the old minister. The old minister will discuss with those families, and first invest in the armament of Zuo Wuwei! If my Tianlan Emperor Clan doesn't have an elite, how can we compete with other empires?"

"Thank you, old prime minister! Old prime minister Gao Yi, please help me!"

The third prince bowed to the bottom, his face full of sincerity and hope.

The old prime minister was very useful, since Min Haozhi replaced him as prime minister, Ji Yunhan stayed away from the center of power, and now he is full of strength by assisting the third prince to enter the center of power again.

Although Ji Yunhan is old, he has two hundred years of life due to taking Zengyuan Pill. Now he is only a hundred years old, and he still has a lot of time to be the prime minister.

Long Jue came to the third prince in his spaceship, jumped off and gave the third prince a bad face:
"Didn't they say they could snatch Bei Mingye's dragon boat?"

Luo Yunsheng didn't change his face, and said respectfully:
"I didn't make that promise."

Long Jue seemed to be stunned for a moment, but immediately burst out laughing:
"Yes! I misunderstood. You just revealed that Tian Cewei wanted to steal the spaceship. I thought that Bei Mingye would suffer, but I didn't expect Tian Cewei to be so useless! The most elite army in the Tianlan Empire even So, the other armies haha..."

Luo Yunsheng was silent, but from Long Jue's heh heh, he could hear the obvious threat and gloomy killing intent.

Beichen Empire is like a greedy and ferocious northern wolf, staring at Zhonglu, showing ferocious ambition from time to time.

This is also the reason why Luo Yunsheng is willing to have a good relationship with Bei Mingye. With Bei Mingye's support, at least the Longchen Empire will restrain itself.

(End of this chapter)

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