Chapter 692 The Intimacy of Divine Blood

Chapter 692 The Intimacy of Divine Blood

Meng Fang was well taken care of, and the separate room was kept very clean. Just looking at Meng Fang's thin, dead gray face, Meng Haiyin knew how bad his situation was.

"He still doesn't know how to use the power of divine blood, that's why the situation is so bad. After he wakes up, I should teach him to improve."

Because she has a good impression of Qin Wuge, Meng Haiyin's mentality has changed a lot, from being on guard at the beginning to trusting and opening her heart now, and she no longer hides her divine power control skills.

"It turns out that if you have skills, you can use divine power without being backlashed?" Qin Wuge immediately asked with great interest.

"Backlash is definitely there, but it can change the manifestation of backlash, such as pain. Physical pain can replace the confusion of consciousness."

Meng Haiyin's explanation made Qin Wuge open up a new way of thinking. "Backlash transformation" turned backlash into a tolerable pain, instead of suffering from confusion and madness, and could use the power of divine blood. This price is worth it .

"Let me show you."

Seeing that she was so interested, Meng Haiyin walked up to Meng Fang and activated her divine power.

The divine power of the Nether Ten Thousand Snakes was cold and gloomy, but after Meng Haiyin used it, it was faintly golden.

The pale golden divine power swam over Meng Fang's body, like water flowing over the dry ground. After penetrating into Meng Fang's body, his complexion began to look better.

Before, Meng Fang was like a dead person, but with Meng Haiyin's rescue, Meng Fang's complexion gradually improved, showing a tendency to recover. Meng Haiyin used her own divine power to input and control the chaotic spiritual power and meridians in his body.

After Meng Fang got better, Meng Haiyin's complexion turned ugly.

After she withdrew her spiritual power, she collapsed beside the bed, her eyes closed tightly, her face pale and trembling all over, obviously suffering from great pain.

"Senior Meng?" Qin Wuge tried to help her, but the spiritual power in her body was very chaotic, and the aura of her whole body was so chaotic that she couldn't distinguish it, which made her unable to do anything.

"Don't...don't worry about me, it will be fine in a while."

Meng Haiyin struggled to speak, her voice was broken and intermittent.

Qin Wuge understood that this was the backlash after she used divine power, and the backlash was very strong. The only advantage was that her consciousness was still clear, but if she used divine power against the enemy and was backlashed like this, she would lose it completely. ability to protect oneself.

Qin Wuge sat beside her and checked her physical condition with his spiritual eyes.Qin Wuge guessed that her pain should be due to her body being unable to bear the weight of divine power. It seems that this is the case for all the god-blood races.

Because the power of the divine blood is too strong, even a monk's body can't bear it, so it will bring backlash.

What if the monk's physique is enhanced?Is it possible to withstand the might of divine power?

In other words, after cultivating to the peak of becoming a god, there will be no such troubles when using divine power.

"This is my backlash, painful but bearable."

The pain on Meng Haiyin's body has been alleviated a lot, but her complexion is still ugly, and she lacks strength when speaking.

Qin Wuge took out a solid pill, hesitated and said:

"I think the reason why you are in pain is because your body can't bear the vast divine power. If you can strengthen your physique, it should improve. Do you want to try it?"

"It's clear that he wants to use me as an experiment, and he said it so nicely." Meng Haiyin took the elixir readily, and when she teased Qin Wuge familiarly, she had already swallowed the elixir.

Solid elixir is a primary elixir, which is given to monks before foundation establishment. It can enhance the monk's physique, and it is also the most commonly used elixir for physical training, because this elixir has almost no side effects.

That's why Qin Wuge gave it to Meng Haiyin with confidence.

After Meng Haiyin took the elixir, she sat up cross-legged and felt that her physical symptoms were slightly relieved.

"It seems that you are still very considerate of my body, and gave me a medicine with a light effect, but if you don't use the test, you should give me some more powerful medicine."

Qin Wuge shook his head:
"You have just woken up, and your physical function has not reached its peak state, so you dare not take risks, and since taking the solid pill has a certain effect, it means that my guess is correct, as long as the body is strong enough, it can withstand a certain degree of divine power. "

With such an idea, Qin Wuge can temper the bodies of those clansmen in Junsai City first.

If you use your divine power after practicing tempering your body, the pain of backlash should be lessened.

"How do you control the direction of backlash?" This is what Qin Wuge is most concerned about.

Meng Haiyin didn't hide anything, and explained carefully:

"Divine power is fused in the blood. When you use the divine power, the divine power will impact and affect your whole body, and the counterattack force will naturally be reflected in all parts of your body. This is like injecting severe pain medicine into your body. As long as you intentionally control the drug in a certain location, the pain will manifest in a single location."

Meng Haiyin pointed to her lower abdomen, which was the place where she suffered the most severe pain due to backlash. Because she had suffered severe pain many times, the color of the lower abdomen had changed.

"Bei Mingye's attack was in the brain, right? Most of the sacred blood is most severely affected by the brain. When I left the Emperor's Forest with the Meng clan, many people committed suicide due to brain pain. I believe that after the establishment of the empire, many lunatics appeared among the descendants of the Meng family."

Meng Haiyin's eyes fell on Meng Fang's face, she knew very well how terrible it would be for Shenxue to become a lunatic, and the comatose young man in front of her was pretty good.

He has never been guided since he was a child, and he has relied entirely on his own cultivation of divine power. Although he has made a mess, he is a rare self-taught genius.Therefore, Meng Haiyin felt sorry for him even more.

Meng Haiyin has already made a decision, since Emperor Yan is taking Meng Fang with her, she will follow Emperor Yan to witness her ideal.

"Do you mean to use your mind to control the direction of the backlash of the divine power in your body?" Qin Wuge understood, and she wondered if it would be better if outsiders interfered?
"Of course, it's fine if you can control your thoughts enough, but it's even better when there are outsiders involved." Meng Haiyin's eyes fell on her with kindness.

"Since your relationship is so harmonious, I believe it will be better for you to help him when you are dual cultivation."

When Qin Wuge heard her words, his face felt hot and he didn't answer.

Meng Haiyin laughed again:

"Although we are descendants of divine blood, we don't necessarily have to use divine blood power. Since his current divine blood power has been sealed, his own spiritual power is enough. Bei Mingye is a rare cultivation genius. He simply cultivates himself The spiritual power is already very strong, and he is expected to overcome calamity and transform into a god within a hundred years. It will not be too late to use the power of divine blood at that time."

Qin Wuge remained silent. She felt that it would be better not to use the power of the blood for the time being, but he had a lot of involuntary things.In a dangerous situation, he will definitely use the power of the blood, so at least find a feasible cultivation method for him now.

After Meng Haiyin had used the power of the divine blood, she had been weak, so Qin Wuge asked someone to take her down to rest.

Qin Wuge was planning to leave Meng Fang's room, but he heard him on the bed suddenly say:

"who is she?"

Meng Fang woke up just now, but kept pretending to be asleep, and only waited for Meng Haiyin to leave before he got up to ask questions.

Meng Fang didn't trust anyone, but the woman just now gave him a sense of familiarity.

"That's your clan, how do you feel?"

Qin Wuge turned around, sat down on the chair beside Meng Fang's bed, looked at him and asked.

Meng Fang is not used to others looking at him with such caring eyes, so he turned his head awkwardly and responded coldly:

"Not bad, how did that woman help me just now?"

It can be heard that Meng Fang's tone is repulsive, but there is a bit of expectation and yearning. He is such a complicated person. He clearly has a great interest in the person just now, but he still has to show rejection. Indifference thousands of miles away.

This is also Meng Fang's self-protection. Being imprisoned since childhood, everything he saw was dark and bloody, with little humanity and warmth.

When he suddenly saw someone who treated him well, he instinctively rejected and doubted him.

The world is so evil, why should someone help him repair his body regardless of his own loss, there must be a conspiracy!

(End of this chapter)

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