Chapter 693 The So-Called Holy Bead

Chapter 693 The So-Called Holy Bead

After Meng Fang asked the question, she looked at Qin Wuge expectantly.

The woman in front of him was the only one he would trust.

However, he seemed to see disappointment in Qin Wuge's eyes, disappointment in himself?Meng Fang didn't understand why she was so disappointed in herself.

"That's your senior, Meng Haiyin, have you heard of it?" Qin Wuge hesitated for a moment, then told Meng Fang her identity,

Meng Fang obviously didn't believe it, and asked sharply:
"Meng Haiyin? My ancestor of the Meng clan, the legendary woman who once led her clansmen to leave the Emperor's Forest and created the Haisheng Empire?"

How could she still be alive?Her statue is enshrined in the Meng's Ancestral Hall of the Haisheng Empire!Even after the Xuan family seized power, seized the imperial capital, and slaughtered the Meng family, they still did not move the ancestral hall, and worshiped Meng Haiyin in the ancestral hall like a god.

Meng Haiyin is almost the legend of Haisheng Empire.

But she died a long time ago, thousands of years ago.

"Yes, she was captured by Yinfeng back then, and the seal has only just woken up now."

After listening to Qin Wuge's explanation, Meng Fang finally believed a little bit, he struggled to get up from the bed, his eyes were full of longing:

"Can I see her again?"

Qin Wuge saw the longing, even greed in his eyes, she couldn't help asking:
"Why do you still want to see her?"

Qin Wuge felt that Meng Fang would not do anything to hurt Meng Haiyin, and with Meng Fang's strength, she would not be her opponent, but Qin Wuge still couldn't help asking.

Because of Meng Haiyin's kindness towards him, Qin Wuge was willing to treat her as his friend, and as a friend, he naturally had to consider her safety.

Meng Fang is a dangerous and fickle person, to put it harshly, Qin Wuge even thinks that he is like a poisonous snake, lurking in the grass, and will find you when you are weakest to launch a fatal attack.

"You think I'll harm her?" Meng Fang also understood Qin Wuge's doubts about him. He was very angry, but he was also a little moved while being angry.

Because Meng Fang feels: the girl in front of her is the one who knows her best.

Indeed, Meng Fang is an unscrupulous person. If there is a chance to benefit from Meng Haiyin, he may really make a move.

"Meng Haiyin is a straightforward person, I don't want you to hurt her."

Qin Wuge spoke frankly, but Meng Fang was angered. Meng Fang suddenly sat up from the bed, showed a ferocious side at Qin Wuge, and asked angrily:

"What? You think I'm an insidious villain?"

Meng Fang was much thinner than before, and now his thin face looked like a poisonous snake, and when he was angry, his eyes turned into golden vertical lines, making him look even more ferocious.

The power of the divine blood kept flashing on his body, dangerous and restless, but it was also eating back at his brain.

Qin Wuge saw his deeply frowned eyebrows, obviously the backlash he received from the divine power was also on his head, because of the severe pain in his head, his eyes became more dangerous.

Wizard Ye and Zhou Yan, who had been following Qin Wuge all this time, immediately came in from the outside, guarding her and staring at Meng Fang.

But the vigilant eyes of these two people stimulated Meng Fang again and made him more anxious. He could feel the desire for blood in his heart, greedy and restless, as if a devil was about to rush out of his heart and drive him crazy.

Faced with such a dangerous Meng Fang, Wizard Ye and Zhou Yan were very nervous, but seeing Qin Wuge strode up, he raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

The burning pain was extremely real, but it also woke Meng Fang up. He looked at the girl in front of him blankly, only to see her face full of anger:

"If you don't want me to look down on you, put away your dangerous face! I saved you, but you still grin at me, aren't you an ungrateful villain?"

Facing her angry questioning, instead of being angry, Meng Fang felt a kind of guilt, guilt towards Qin Wuge.

Because she believed in herself, she would be so angry when she behaved badly, and it was all her fault.

"I'm sorry..." Meng Fang lowered her head, and after apologizing, she didn't know what to say.

And after Qin Wuge slapped him, the anger disappeared. In fact, she knew why he was like this. The divine power affected his mind and thinking, making him irritable and out of control.

Now, he repents like a child who did something wrong, making Qin Wuge feel sorry for him.

Seeing Meng Fang like this, Qin Wuge also thought of Bei Mingye, if he didn't seal up Bei Mingye's divine power, he would become like Meng Fang in the future, and this is what Qin Wuge didn't want to see .

"You should have a good rest first, and when the time is right, I'll try to see if I can seal your divine power for you." Qin Wuge dropped these words and left.

Meng Fang on the bed had bright eyes, lying down and resting expectantly.

In any case, Meng Fang was the happiest if she was willing to try to help herself.

Meng Fang, who has never seen the dawn in her life, her initial goal was to survive and become stronger.But many times, Meng Fang suspects that her goals are meaningless, since he is the only one left in the whole Meng clan, what is the point of living?Getting stronger is nothing more than survival and revenge.

But hatred is very vague to him. It is not so much that he wants to seek revenge from the Xuan family, but rather that he wants to take revenge on the mainland. This dark and impersonal continent, only by letting it be destroyed can Meng Fang feel the pleasure of revenge.

But since meeting Qin Wuge, Meng Fang's mentality has begun to change.

Why does he want revenge?Want to destroy the continent?It seems that it doesn't make much sense. On the contrary, if it can help her and make her happy, I will be happy too.

Meng Fang has always been looking for a mood and a way to make herself happy.

Now, he has found it.

Actually, Meng Haiyin didn't go far, she was resting not far from the room, when she saw Qin Wuge coming out, she looked over, Jingmei had a teasing smile on her face:

"What? Made the kids angry?"

From Meng Haiyin's point of view, Qin Wuge and Meng Fang are both children.It was also interesting to listen to the conversation and quarrel between them, and hearing that Meng Fang seemed to trust her very much, this made Meng Haiyin feel that it was right for her to see her.

"No, I just feel that he is very pitiful, but I have no patience to persuade him to have a correct understanding."

Qin Wuge came to Meng Haiyin's side and stood side by side with her, with his own helplessness in his tone.

And Meng Haiyin felt strange when she heard her old-fashioned tone:
"I think your bone age is only 20 years old, why do you speak and see like a hundred-year-old monster?"

Qin Wuge was surprised:
"How can it be so scary?"

Even if I have been a human being in two lifetimes, the combined age is still less than 40 years old.

Meng Haiyin explained with a smile:

"Maybe it's because you had more childhood experiences, so you're precocious and sensible."

Sensible children must suffer, otherwise how can they be sensible!Meng Haiyin couldn't help feeling a little more distressed towards Qin Wuge.

"You have a noble bloodline, but you grew up outside the Emperor's Forest. You must have been sent out of the Emperor's Forest by your parents when you were born. After all, a bloodline like yours is the best candidate for offering sacrifices to the holy lake."

Seeing that Qin Wuge didn't understand, Meng Haiyin explained again:
"The purer the divine blood, the rarer it is, but the clansmen usually use this kind of divine blood for sacrifices, because a single pure divine blood can be worth several ordinary clansmen, and the purer the divine power, the more powerful it is. Gain more powerful divine power, but the backlash is also more serious, and it is often unbearable."

"So, when this happens, they are usually selected as sacrificial candidates."

Qin Wuge suddenly realized that she had a dream in which the girl who was exactly like her was chosen as a sacrifice, but she must have escaped.

"Actually, many descendants of the divine blood can check out the child's divine blood ability when they are pregnant. When they meet a child with powerful divine power, they can sacrifice the mother and daughter together, and the more gifts from the holy lake will be obtained."

Qin Wuge was shocked by Meng Haiyin's words. She felt that the girl she saw in her dream should be her mother.Because she was pregnant with herself, she was treated as a sacrifice.

Fu Hongxue was not his mother.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Qin Wuge asked:

"What exactly is the gift of the holy lake? Is it really like the legend, invisible and intangible?"

Meng Haiyin smiled and shook her head:

"Of course not. They are all used to deceive people. The holy lake sacrifice is the holy beads spit out of the lake water after the sacrifice is completed. They can be taken directly, or evenly distributed to the tribe after being digested by the magic circle."

"I've always thought that the so-called holy beads are the excrement of the holy lake after "eating" the sacrifices."

(End of this chapter)

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