Chapter 694
Chapter 694
"Sacrificing, isn't it just letting the holy lake eat people! After eating people, you must excrete, so the holy bead is excrement."

Meng Haiyin and Qin Wuge opened their hearts.

Qin Wuge also benefited a lot from talking with her.

It's a pity that the holy bead has not been preserved, otherwise Qin Wuge really wanted to study the composition of the holy bead to see if he could make a pill with similar efficacy to the holy bead, which might solve the problem of divine power.

"Actually, the divine-blood race is more like a curse than an honor, isn't it?" Meng Haiyin stood on the railing of the dragon boat, looking up at the dawning sky. At this darkest moment, the sky was full of stars, Overlooking the vast land, there is a bit of wild desolation in the solemnity.

The Tianyuan Continent is so vast, and the Emperor Lin God Clan is only a drop in the ocean on the continent, let alone people like them.

Meng Haiyin raised her head and watched obsessively, with infinite melancholy in her tone.

Qin Wuge looked at her profile, she was so beautiful and serene. Although Meng Haiyin had a lifespan of hundreds of years, she still looked like a young girl. Therefore, her maturity and youthful vigor were reflected in her at the same time, which gave her a kind of Breathtaking beauty.

"I sometimes think that the holy lake didn't need to be sacrificed before, maybe it was just a place to bury the remains of the ancestors."

Qin Wuge's words made Meng Haiyin suddenly enlightened, right!Why didn't she think of it.

Back then, the ten major races in the Emperor's Forest had a large population, and those who died could be thrown into the holy lake, and after being "digested" by the holy lake, they would give back to the ten major races' holy beads.

In this way, there will be the law of reproduction and reincarnation, and there will be no problems between the holy lake and the ten great gods.

"The god-blood race is not only powerful, their souls are more likely to degenerate into demons after death. Many of the demons we saw were transformed after the tragic death of the gods, and they were not thrown into the holy lake. Instead, they were buried in the holy lake. If the dead are thrown into the holy lake, they should also get gifts from the holy lake."

Qin Wuge continued to talk about his idea, because of the kindness shown by the holy lake water to him, and the holy lake water has always followed him and did not cause harm to him, so Qin Wuge will start from another good angle, To contemplate holy lakes.

"Yes, I heard before that after the death of the previous sacred blood race, they were all thrown into the holy lake for burial, and people who buried the dead in the holy lake could also get gifts. But I don't know when the holy lake began I used living people to sacrifice, because the holy beads obtained by living human sacrifices are more pure, and only then did the tragedy happen later!"

Meng Haiyin recalled carefully, it seems that after the establishment of the Tianmo sect, the Tianmo sect in charge of sacrifices began to select pure-blooded people from the gods as sacrifices.And the sacrifice was also very successful. After taking the initiative to sacrifice to the holy lake, the god-blood race received more gifts and increased their strength.

It was also from then on that the sacrificial activities of the Protoss became an unspoken secret of the Protoss Center, and it was out of control.

The holy lake is regarded as a sacred and inviolable place, and the dead blood races are no longer thrown into the holy lake, so as not to pollute the holy lake and affect the purity of the holy beads.

Later, wars broke out among the major god races, and the victorious party threw those captives into the holy lake as sacrifices, thus obtaining more holy beads.

The gift from the holy lake has become a kind of drug, which has infected the ten major races with an indelible addiction.

So much so that all the god-blood races appeared sick and crazy, and the emperor's forest was even more smoky, no longer full of vitality and cleanliness.

That's when Meng Haiyin took her clansmen away, because she couldn't stand the struggle between the god-blooded races, Emperor Lin's conspiracy and assassination.She knew that if it continued, the divine blood in the emperor's forest would only perish.

As she expected, the god-blood race in the Emperor's Forest was almost completely wiped out during thousands of years of fighting and sacrifices.

But the Meng's blood that she ran away with did not end well, because they didn't clearly understand the problem, and they couldn't help being greedy for the power of the blood.

"I never thought that the secret of the holy lake was revealed by you like this."

Meng Haiyin, who had thought everything through clearly, looked at Qin Wuge with great excitement, and was impressed by her wisdom. Meng Haiyin was shocked. The other party was only a young girl in her twenties, but she was able to see through this layer of secrets!
Qin Wuge felt a little embarrassed when he was seen, and hurriedly said modestly:

"I also guessed after listening to senior's explanation, and after exploring during this period of time. I have seen the dead bones buried around the demon cave, and the clansmen who were polluted by demonic energy and degenerated into demons."

"I have also seen how the holy lake water devours human beings, and I have been thinking about using the holy lake water to eliminate demons."

Meng Haiyin smiled and took her hand:
"You're thinking too much, I don't know if this is good for you, anyway, don't put too much pressure on yourself! Since my old blood god has been awakened, I will help you until death! "

Meng Haiyin's voice was slow, but solemn like an oath. She didn't know Qin Wuge for a long time, but it didn't affect her understanding of Qin Wuge.

Meng Haiyin used to be a leader, a very strong leader. She had the courage to lead her clansmen away from the Emperor Forest, but now she is more willing to follow Qin Wuge, because she has seen wisdom and bravery from Qin Wuge. Girls are enough to bear the future of the god-blood race.

Qin Wuge knew that Meng Haiyin wanted to be loyal to her, and she was very emotional and excited. Meng Haiyin's strength was comparable to Mahayana.To get such a master, she couldn't wish for it.

"Thank you for your trust, I will not let you down."

This is Qin Wuge's promise to Meng Haiyin.

In the distance, Bei Mingqing, who had witnessed all this, had a complicated expression on her face. As a strong woman who once fought for power with the current emperor of the Zhenyuan Empire, she didn't like to obey others, but seeing that ancient Meng families like Meng Haiyin were all loyal to Qin Wuge , she felt uncomfortable.

Perhaps, Bei Mingqing also thought about persuading Meng Haiyin to follow him, but seeing that she chose someone else, Bei Mingqing was jealous but also relieved.At least, the woman my nephew is looking for is not bad.

"Aunt, if you are also loyal to her, she will give you the horned dragon." Bei Mingye stood beside her, looking at her with a half-smile and said.

"It's that horned dragon without a body? Do you think I will be rare?" Bei Mingqing's mouth was hard, but she was tempted. Who doesn't like to get a more powerful battle pet, especially one that is closely related to the blood of her own clan? The horned dragon beast.

But, to follow her allegiance?Impossible, she is a proud woman and can only be king by herself.

Even looking at the spirit lock bracelet on his wrist, Bei Mingqing was angry. He couldn't untie it under the control of his nephew. How could he become a king?
"She was able to find the horned dragon's body." Bei Mingye saw his aunt's struggle, and said another heart-wrenching sentence.

Bei Mingqing was even more unconvinced. Qin Wuge was a divine blood of the Yuling clan, not a horned dragon. How could he find the other part of the horned dragon?She should be looking for Qiulong's body.

"When will you return to the empire?"

Bei Mingqing didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, she already knew that this nephew was a good irritator.

"After we have finished exploring the holy lake." Bei Mingye replied casually, as if it was such a small thing to go through the wall barrier and explore the Emperor's Forest full of demons, like returning to his own backyard.

"Going to explore at a time like this? I think you are looking for death! Unless you unlock my spirit lock bracelet, you must know that I am the most powerful of all divine blood!"

Bei Mingqing's face was full of pride, which made her already beautiful face even brighter.

"Auntie, don't worry, it is because you are the most powerful divine blood, so I have to make sure that you are not threatening before helping you untie it." Bei Mingye answered very easily, with the confidence that everything is under control, Bei Mingqing is most familiar with it, it is the aura of a born superior.

Even if Bei Mingqing didn't want to, he had to admit that this nephew was a natural leader, and his charisma and arrogance couldn't be ignored.

"Then how are you going to test me?" Bei Mingqing looked displeased and repelled.

Bei Mingye asked calmly:
"Let's talk about your divine power first, why won't you be backlashed by the power of divine blood?"

Bei Mingqing was silent for a while, she had to admit, this nephew is really annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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