Chapter 810 Surprised You Much More

Chapter 810 Surprised You Much More

"The emperor is trapped in the emperor's forest?"

The Generalissimo just felt that he heard it wrong, how could it be possible?

After experiencing the last disaster, the number and strength of the elders of the Tianlan Emperor Clan decreased sharply. Now there are only a few dozen elders. They took away some with Emperor Tianlan before going to the Azure Land, and now there are only 30 elders left in the imperial capital.

After these people came in, they saw the hall was stained with blood, and the two sides were at war, especially when the opponent was still the Prince of True Essence, most of the elders were scared.

"Grand Marshal, you are trying to die. Now that the strength of the elders of the Imperial Clan has dropped sharply, and the Imperial Clan army has split and rebelled, even when the overall strength has been greatly reduced, they are still in conflict with Prince Zhenyuan. Don't be afraid. Is it revenge from the True Yuan Empire?" This was the voice of the elders.

If it is said that the enemy these elders are least willing to face, it must be Bei Mingye. I believe that everyone on the entire continent will agree with this statement.Who is not good for the Generalissimo to provoke?Do you have to provoke the dog prince?

"Indeed, there was a problem with the teleportation array. After the interruption, there was a disorder. Now no one can repair the teleportation array!"

The elders opened their mouths full of worry. Some elders had already looked at Qin Wuge. Obviously, this elder understood the situation. Just now, the elders from the Great Emperor's side sent news that the teleportation array was suddenly closed.

And it was clearly a teleportation array that was closed with human participation, and the maker of the teleportation array was Qin Wuge.

Therefore, the only one who can close the teleportation array is Qin Wuge.

But the Generalissimo still couldn't believe it, he stared at Qin Wuge:
"You really closed the formation?"

Qin Wuge responded innocently:

"Didn't you tell me to close the teleportation array!"

The Generalissimo was stunned on the spot, still digesting the facts in his heart. If she really closed the teleportation array, it would be troublesome!

And all the elders were terrified together, and looked at the generalissimo one after another. Among the people present, only the generalissimo had such a right to speak. Besides, the generalissimo had competed with Emperor Tianlan for the throne back then.

So, if something happened to Emperor Tianlan, who would benefit?It can only be the Generalissimo.

Facing the questioning gazes of the elders, the Generalissimo responded helplessly and angrily:

"How could I have the heart to murder the Great Emperor! I came this time to arrest the criminals of the Tianlan Emperor Clan 15 years ago. It is also my responsibility as a soldier to maintain the majesty of my Tianlan Emperor Clan!"

"Yanhuang is completely spitting blood. As for her threat to close the teleportation array just now, I thought she was just a boring threat. Even now, I don't believe that she closed the teleportation array!"

When the Generalissimo defended, he looked at the third prince. At this moment, his heart was extremely complicated: it seemed that only the third prince believed that Emperor Yan had the ability to close the teleportation array just now.

The Generalissimo also made fun of the third prince because of this, and now he understands that the third prince is the only sober and rational person among those present, and he is also the one who understands Qin Wuge's strength best.

Now, seeing that Qin Wuge's threat has become a reality, the Generalissimo only feels that he has been severely slapped in the face.

Even, the Generalissimo felt at a loss as to what to do next.

Do it again, with the huge consumption of the army, take them down?Completely tearing his face apart, the consequences are unknown, and judging by the looks of the elders of the imperial clan, they don't seem to support him. The third prince is still standing there, facing him at a distance, which makes the situation of the generalissimo even worse.

It seemed that everything was done arbitrarily and arbitrarily by the Grand Marshal, who led troops into the palace, blood-stained the imperial palace, and disregarded the third prince's obstruction, making things like this, and the reputation that the Grand Marshal had piled up was seriously affected.

More importantly, the Grand Marshal is very clear that he must change the situation now and actively rescue the Great Emperor.

Therefore, the first thing he has to do is to send the soldiers out. He knows very well that if the elders of the imperial clan do not plan to do anything, his soldiers will not be able to make any money in the palace, so he can withdraw the soldiers first and surround them. The entire imperial palace, with a network of heaven and earth, is not afraid of them escaping.

Seeing that the Generalissimo had withdrawn all the soldiers, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but heard Qin Wuge say with a smile:
"That's right! The Generalissimo should have withdrawn all the soldiers a long time ago. With so many people with you, you can only have a chance outside the hall."

"Emperor Yan, don't get me wrong, our Generalissimo has no intention of continuing to fight, right?"

The elder of the Imperial Clan hurriedly spoke, but the last word "right" was addressed to the Generalissimo, and he emphasized it with a hint of hostage.

And how could the Grand Marshal be someone who would be hijacked? Moreover, the elder in front of him was not the Grand Elder of the Imperial Clan, so why should he be hijacked?

"Hmph! It's up to me whether to continue to do it or not." The Generalissimo snorted coldly.

Seeing that the generalissimo was so uncooperative, the elder became angry:
"Marshal, do you really want the emperor to be in danger? The only one who can save the emperor now is Yanhuang!"

Qin Wuge nodded in agreement:

"If the Emperor is really in danger, the one who will benefit must be the Generalissimo!"

The Generalissimo was almost pissed off. As the Marshal of the Imperial Clan, what he did just now was for the benefit of the Imperial Clan. These elders and ministers of his own country did not help him, but they even spoke for Emperor Yan.

The angry Grand Marshal asked:

"Where is the Great Elder acting on behalf of Cheng Zong? You elders are not qualified to threaten me yet."

As soon as the Great Elder replaced Cheng Zong, everyone present fell silent. What should they say about the Great Elder?Said that he was accused of being the murderer of the Qin family murder?Did you say that he went into the emperor's forest to attack Yanhuang, but was killed instead?

The fate of the First Elder and the others because of their opposition to Qin Wuge should have been a shock to everyone, but the Grand Marshal didn't know about these things.

"Third Uncle, how much do you know about the situation in the Imperial Capital and Emperor Forest?"

The third prince, who couldn't bear the silence, could only speak.

The Grand Marshal frowned:
"It's been a few years since I came back to the Imperial Capital last time, but why do you ask?"

In fact, most of the information obtained by the Generalissimo came from the Ninth Princess, who told him how the Emperor Yan was so rampant, and how he stole the Golden Armored Guard, the Ghost Tamarin, and so on.That's why the Generalissimo had preconceived repulsion and hostility towards Qin Wuge.

The third prince can only say:

"Great Elder Dai Chengzong is no longer in charge, and his life and death are uncertain now."

"The life and death of Dai Chengzong, who is the most powerful, is still uncertain?" The Generalissimo was quite surprised.

The third prince nodded silently. He lowered his head so that people could not see his face, but the third prince's heart was already churning: From the fact that the generalissimo's news is so closed, it can be seen that the generalissimo is far from He was so favored before, or not trusted by the emperor.

After all, the Grand Elder didn't tell him about this matter, so it can be seen that the Grand Marshal is far away from the center of power in the imperial capital.And this is beneficial to the third prince.

"It turns out that the Generalissimo doesn't know about the Great Elder." The elders also expressed emotion, which made the Generalissimo look a little ugly.

Qin Wuge spoke at this time:
"Marshal, did you send someone to arrest my mother?"

Everyone around looked at the Generalissimo together, and even an elder said:
"Marshal, it is not appropriate to use force!"

Immediately afterwards, the elder said to Qin Wuge:
"Emperor Yan, don't get me wrong. Fu Hongxue must have misunderstood this matter. I believe the Generalissimo will listen to our persuasion."

Qin Wuge just laughed:

"I just want to remind the Generalissimo that if he goes to arrest my mother, he may meet your former Great Elder."

Now the faces of the elders became strange, what does Emperor Yan mean?She also arrested the Great Elder as a threat?

Although the Generalissimo couldn't believe it, he had to believe it: the girl in front of him did have amazing abilities.

"Yanhuang, there is no enmity between you and me, but you have repeatedly provoked the authority of our Tianlan Imperial Clan, and I have no choice but to take action against you."

Although the generalissimo's grammar has improved a lot, the meaning is still aimed at her: You asked for it, you deserve it!

"The generalissimo must be crazy. You are obviously challenging my authority. Is my mother someone you can arrest at will? And you can't arrest my mother!"

The Grand Marshal habitually despises and opposes Qin Wuge's words, but the general who delivered the order came in a hurry:

"Marshal, Fu Hongxue and others stubbornly resisted, but failed to arrest, and... we also saw Cheng Zong, the Great Elder of the Imperial Clan, who... is helping to protect Fu Hongxue!"

(End of this chapter)

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