Chapter 811

Chapter 811

"Has the elder Dai Chengzong defected?"

The little general who came to report had a look of melancholy on his face. When they saw that the Grand Elder was protecting Fu Hongxue, these troops did not dare to attack rashly even though they were confused. The young general came to report to the Grand Marshal immediately, and The Grand Marshal also looked horrified.

The Generalissimo looked at the surrounding elders and imperial officials with questioning eyes, but saw that they all lowered their heads and remained silent.

Because everyone doesn't know how to talk about it.

A few days ago, Dai Chengzong led the elders of the Emperor Clan to attack Qin Wuge in the Emperor Forest but failed, and his whereabouts were unknown in the end.

There are very few people who know about this matter, and the Emperor Clan blocked the news as soon as Dai Chengzong had the accident.After all, this is not a glorious thing for the Imperial Clan.

Therefore, even if this matter has been concealed, I wanted to find a suitable opportunity for the emperor to personally operate this matter, but I didn't expect it to be exposed so soon.

"Emperor Yan, what happened to Dai Chengzong?"

The Generalissimo was simply astonished. He found himself in a mess after returning from the border. He thought he could control the situation, but now he realized that he was too naive.

The current situation is like a huge vortex, as long as you are in it, you will be swept into death.He was already suspecting that Princess Ninth was trying to get him back!

"Do you need me to explain the matter of Dai Chengzong?"

Qin Wuge looked at the third prince with a smile on his face. He clearly wanted to save some face for the third prince, and the face for the Tianlan Imperial Clan was entirely for the sake of the third prince.

Faced with Emperor Yan's words, the third prince was very helpless. In fact, he didn't know about Dai Chengzong, he only knew that Dai Chengzong was arrested by Yanhuang, but he didn't expect that Dai Chengzong had already been subdued.However, what a smart person the third prince is, after knowing Dai Chengzong's identity, he also figured out the whole story.

"Dai Chengzong used to be a member of the Qin clan, and if Emperor Yan was from the Qin clan, Dai Chengzong should have chosen to be loyal."

The third prince's words once again gave the Generalissimo a "surprise".What?Qin royal family?The generalissimo couldn't laugh or cry, why didn't anyone tell him such an important matter?
At first, everyone thought that Emperor Yan's status was not noble enough, but her status as the Qin royal family was enough to overwhelm the Tianlan imperial family.

The former emperor, the Lin Qin clan, was the main clan of the Tianlan Imperial Clan!
"Yanhuang, you poached a corner of my imperial clan's great elder, this matter cannot be justified." The grand marshal's aura has weakened a lot, but he must find a way to get down.

But Qin Wuge didn't intend to give him this step, he sneered and said:
"Back then, the Great Elder was ordered to attack me in the Emperor's Forest. It was just that he surrendered after being caught, even if he made up for it. The Grand Marshal also attacked me just now, shouldn't he also show something?"

Facing Yanhuang's aggressive questioning, the Generalissimo didn't want to answer, but he found that Bei Mingye just sat down and refused to leave, and said in his unique and compelling voice:
"Ten people were killed or injured by my personal guards. We should also settle this account."

The people on Tian Lan's side were about to vomit blood. In the fight just now, hundreds of people were killed or injured by the general's army, but only ten people were killed or injured by the other party. I really don't know that the dog prince is looking for trouble?Still showing off!

However, Marshal and the others are not guilty. After all, this is the capital of Tianlan Emperor, and they still have the absolute initiative. Moreover, the Tianlan Emperor Clan has been established for thousands of years and has a profound foundation. How could they be frightened by hundreds of people in the Beiming Ye District.

But Bei Mingye went on to say:

"My Asura Guards are already on their way here. If you don't want to be attacked by force, then open the city gate!"

Now the people who are still safe and sound can't sit still. They are not afraid of hundreds of people in Beimingye, but a few thousand people are enough to cause huge turmoil. Wasn't the super sect back then the three thousand people who were killed by the dog prince? Has Shurawei been destroyed?
"Prince Zhenyuan, you are a threat! My imperial capital can be broken by three thousand Shura guards!" The marshal's tone became much tougher.

Marshal Luo Yuansheng was a fierce and tough person, and he couldn't sharpen his sharpness in the face of a strong enemy, but it aroused his stronger resistance and fighting spirit.

Qin Wuge was examining Luo Yuansheng. Although he had a fierce look on his face, his eyes were as clear as torches. In all fairness, it is a blessing for the empire to have a Marshal in the Tianlan Imperial Clan.

Regardless of whether it is an empire or a dynasty, it is built with integrity, strength and kindness, and only such an official foundation can support such a huge empire.

Therefore, Marshal Luo Yuansheng was once called the pillar of the country!Even in the face of Prince Zhenyuan, who everyone fears like a tiger, the marshal's attitude is very tough, but Bei Mingye's attitude is even tougher:

"Then give it a try."

Bei Mingye's voice was not loud, and his relaxed tone showed that he was in a good and superior state of mind, which was completely different from the aura that the Marshal deliberately raised his voice and pretended to be.

He sat leisurely on the chair with an extraordinary bearing as if he was in his own courtyard. The threat in front of him was like a show-off. ordinary people.

What the marshal couldn't stand the most was the dog prince's expression.The marshal returned to the city with tens of thousands of elite frontier troops, but he did not scare the dog prince, and the dog prince wanted to drive his three thousand Shura guards into the imperial capital. This is the threat to the imperial capital Chiguoguo!

The third prince kept silent just now, but now he felt that the atmosphere was too stiff to ease, so he said:
"How about we both take a step back? After all, the threats from the demons and the Nether race are the main problems we face now, and the power of the mainland cannot be wasted here."

"That's right! If it weren't for the threats from the Nether Race and others, you think I don't want to take revenge?"

Fu Hongxue broke in at this time, with Nine-Tailed Fox, Qin Xu, Qin Daizong, and a row of dead soldiers in black. When these people entered through the gate of the Imperial Palace, they surrounded the Imperial Palace's Marshal Frontier Army. They gave way one after another, and no one obstructed them.

Moreover, Fu Hongxue and the others were followed by a group of pursuers. These people were ordered by the marshal to arrest Fu Hongxue, but they did not complete their task. Now that they saw Fu Hongxue throwing himself into the trap, they quietly followed.

"Fu Hongxue, you are quite courageous!"

When the Marshal saw Fu Hongxue coming in, his expression was not good.The most dignified and sacred imperial palace allows these people to come and go freely. Where is the majesty of the empire?As the marshal of the empire, he was naturally distressed and guilty.

When Qin Wuge saw the marshal scolding his mother again, he immediately stood up, but Fu Hongxue calmed him down.

Fu Hongxue faced the marshal and laughed:

"Generalissimo, I believe you know the whole story of what happened back then, so, do you still think I'm a criminal?"

The marshal snorted:
"Since the imperial decree didn't explain it, then you are still a criminal of my empire. You are running amok in my empire so unscrupulously. Others can't control it, so I can't control it?"

Facing the marshal's paranoid questioning, Fu Hongxue was not angry, but calmly said:
"Back then, the marshal stopped the empire's encirclement and suppression of the Qin family. For this, I, Fu Hongxue and the Qin family owe you a favor. Today, I advocate stopping the swordsmen, and I will repay you as a favor."

Having said that, Fu Hongxue looked at Qin Wuge and Bei Mingye with pleas in his eyes.

Qin Wuge naturally listened to his mother, but Bei Mingye had no reason to refuse, and immediately smiled and said:
"I was just speaking out of anger. Aunt Xue has already spoken. How can I not obey? I ordered the Asura Guards to stop outside the city."

Bei Mingye gave an order on the spot, and after the voice transmission message flew out, the entire hall fell silent.

But the Grand Marshal stared at Fu Hongxue with an expression of indignation and embarrassment:

"This time the sword is a contest of the strength of the empire, it doesn't matter right or wrong!"

Fu Hongxue laughed:
"The generalissimo is still as straightforward as before."

Qin Wuge could tell that Fu Hongxue still had some gratitude towards the Generalissimo, so since his mother had spoken, Qin Wuge would not hold on to this matter.Said on the spot:

"For mother's sake, I can return to the Emperor's Forest now and release your Great Emperor."

The Marshal looked constipated. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to admit that in this contest, he and the Tianlan Empire were completely defeated.

And that Fu Hongxue who escaped in embarrassment back then, is now returning to the Imperial Capital with great glory.It can be said that it is not a kind of showing off!

(End of this chapter)

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