Chapter 890 Awakening of Divine Blood
Chapter 890 Awakening of Divine Blood
The Void Explosion Dragon Spaceship is made with the spirit of the Void Tyrannosaurus.

It is the killer weapon of the Nether clan.

Once used to attack the strongest city in the Three Realms, no matter how strong the air crystal wall of the city is, it will be destroyed under the impact of this explosive dragon boat.

Now, the giant void ship is used to attack the birthplace of the God Wing Clan, which can be said to be invincible. The Nether Clan is bound to win, and they have sent ten spaceships.

"This is not a spaceship and cannot be entered."

Nalan Yu and the others approached the spaceship, but they didn't find the entrance of the spaceship at all. There should be terrible energy hidden inside this spaceship-like thing, and you can feel it after approaching. To the power of terror.

Can't stop!
This was Nalan Yu's first feeling, not to mention that there were only two hundred great powers down there, even a barrier supported by two thousand great powers might not be able to stop it.

The aura and coercion of the spaceship itself are terrifying, and the power of the explosion inside the spaceship is enough to destroy the most powerful barrier.

It's no wonder that all the Netherworld tribe retreated. The Netherbeast knights retreated far away just now, for fear of being affected by the power of the huge ship's explosion.

Now, has the front of the spaceship touched the enchantment released by the powerful? The enchantment only blocked it for a moment, and then it was twisted by the suppression of the giant ship. The two hundred powerful people tried their best, but they still couldn't stop it The suppression of the giant ship.

Even, several of the great masters have already vomited blood.

"Give up the spiritual enchantment, and follow me to change the direction of these spaceships."

After discussing with Miao Xuan, Nalan Yu made the only decision.

But the white butterfly below screamed terribly:
"It's useless, it's the essence of the Void Tyrannosaurus. It's impossible to change the manpower, and it's impossible for you to resist it! You'd better leave."

Bai Die's face was full of despair, obviously she was about to die.

Bai Die never looked down on these human beings, and he didn't like these human races, but before he died, knowing that he had failed, he still wanted to do a good deed, and told these human races that they couldn't stop them.

Let them run for their lives!

This can be regarded as a reward for their efforts to protect the God Wing Clan.

"If you can, you can leave with the white cocoon as much as you can, and take as much as you can." The other high-level god-winged clansmen also shouted.

The God Wings who have memory inheritance know how terrible the destructive power of the giant ship in front of them is.

Since it is impossible to hold here, why let these human races die in vain.

Let these human races leave with white cocoons, and protect the next part of the white cocoons, which can be regarded as leaving a chance for the continuation of the race.

"Our God Wing Clan can live together with the Human Race. The Azure Land is lost. Please bring the survivors of my God Wing Clan to live."

After a high-ranking god-winged clan finished saying this, he committed suicide under the tree that hatched the white cocoon. Blood was sprayed, and the blue light shone brightly. The white cocoon on the tree also accelerated the speed of maturation and hatching.

Such white cocoons can be taken away after being picked off.

"No! There is still a way, there is still a way!"

Qin Wuge felt distressed when he saw the high-ranking God Wing who committed suicide.

Her illusion could have dealt with the Nether tribe, but it was useless for exploding the giant ship. Seeing that the giant ship had crushed the spiritual power barriers of the mighty people and approached like destruction, Qin Wuge also felt the powerlessness while being anxious. of despair.

She prevented Bai Die and others from committing suicide, but she currently has no other options.

"The spiritual power barrier is useless, let's withdraw it, everyone should bring as many white calluses as possible."

"On the tree where the God Wing Clan who committed suicide was standing just now, the white cocoons have matured, take those white cocoons and go!"

Nalan Yu and other powers shouted loudly. After the spiritual power barrier was crushed, they sacrificed their talismans and formed a wall of weapons, resisting the pressure of the giant ship with difficulty.

But they all knew that such resistance was useless. When the natal magic weapon was suppressed by the giant ship, it made a cracking and struggling sound, and it backfired on everyone, and most of the powerful vomited blood.

"Take the white cocoon and go!"

Miaoxuan turned into a huge phantom, supported the weapon wall, and made a final desperate resistance to buy as much time as possible for the retreating people.

Meng Haiyin pulled Qin Wuge, speaking anxiously:
"Let's go, we can't stop it, we can't stop that thing at all!"

Meng Haiyin could clearly feel that the power contained in that giant ship was comparable to that of Beimingye's dragon boat. Unlike the dragon boat's function, the power of the giant ship was collision and blasting, and the blasting power was even more terrifying.

So many giant ships are enough to destroy the mountains here.Including the Da Neng and the God Wings here!
"There are so many white cocoons, how can I take them away!"

Qin Wuge looked at the countless white cocoons on the tree, his head was running rapidly to find a way.

There are too many white cocoons here. Qin Wuge also saw it when the God Wing Clan was born two times before. The scale of about a thousand people, and the number of white cocoons in front of him is more than tens of thousands, maybe even tens of thousands.

If such a number can be born, what kind of power will it be!
The war against the Nether Race will undergo a huge reversal because of the joining of these God Wing Race.

Therefore, Qin Wuge wanted to protect all these cocoons, but how could he do it?My own portable space can accommodate it, but it has always been used to accommodate movable objects. How can I accommodate the entire hill?

To contain geographical mountains and rivers, you need the great magical power of moving the universe.Qin Wuge won't.

"Let's go? There are all Nether clan masters outside, and our survival rate of breaking through is not high."

Bei Mingqing was surprisingly calm. She had been observing the surrounding situation from just now. Although the ghost beast knights retreated, they formed circle after circle of encirclement.

Today's hill is completely hopeless, the two hundred great powers have exhausted their strength in the battle just now, and most of them were injured, while the Nether tribe formed an encirclement outside to wait for work.

It is predictable what kind of massacre these powerful breakthroughs will encounter.

"If you don't go, why don't you stay here and wait to die?" Zhanxiu roared angrily.

Now they are like turtles in a urn, surrounded by ghost beast knights, and there is not much time left for them to be suppressed by the giant ship. When the weapon wall is broken, it is the time for their powers to be destroyed.

"I have a portable space, but how can I hold all the white cocoons? I need time, but I don't have enough time!"

Qin Wuge became anxious, the weapon wall couldn't resist for long, and it was impossible to finish picking the tens of thousands of white cocoons.

The Nether tribe calculated the timing very well, and they didn't give them any time or chance to react. After they were released from the water and let them rush to the birthplace of the God Wing tribe, they used the Nether beast to besiege and narrow the battle circle, and waited for the giant ship to be in place.

It takes time for the hatching and rebirth of the God Wing Clan, and this time is the opportunity for the Nether Clan to wipe them out.

Whether it was to break out of the encirclement or let the army formations in the Azure Land push out to rescue them, it was too late.

The only way is to put the whole mountain into your own portable space, but how is it possible!
"Emperor Yan, let's go, we don't have time. We don't have mountains and rivers, and we can't hold the whole mountain." Meng Haiyin pulled Qin Wuge to retreat forcibly.

Although Bei Mingqing was not reconciled, after analyzing the situation in front of her, she also understood that retreating was the best choice, and reluctantly followed Meng Haiyin to forcibly take Qin Wuge away.

Bai Die's face is full of despair and unwillingness. He has restrained his attacking posture and turned into the most beautiful butterfly form. The butterfly wings show colorful colors, shining brightly on him. He wants to leave the best impression on his master. , looked at Qin Wuge affectionately:
"Master, you are a real protoss, you cannot die here, you should leave."

As the king of the God Wing Clan, Bai Die cannot leave tens of thousands of people alive. He represents the dignity of the God Wing Clan and must stay here.

Facing the parting white butterfly, Qin Wuge roared angrily:
"No! There must be a way! There must be a way to save all the God Wings. Since the birth of the God Wings is a gift from the gods, they shouldn't be extinct. There is a way!"

The unreconciled emotion was like a rolling rage, igniting her blood to boil, and it also infected her war pets Yuanyuan and Jin Mao, and high-level monsters such as Nine-Tails and Lightning were also deeply infected and shocked.

They clearly felt a mysterious and deep power awakening in Qin Wuge's body.

(End of this chapter)

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