Chapter 891
Chapter 891
Not only Yuanyuan, Nine Tails and other beasts felt the awakened power in Qin Wuge's body.

Nalan Yu and other great powers also felt it, and Meng Haiyin, who was pulling Qin Wuge, felt it most clearly. It was a force as vast as a crack in the void, and when a crack opened, people could feel its hideousness.

Even the Nether tribe on the periphery of the encirclement felt strange. Suowo assisted in commanding the army to siege. When he saw that the giant ship of his tribe besieged those senior human monks and Emperor Yan on the hill, and was about to explode and annihilate, Suowo felt Nervous and excited.

The generals of the Nether tribe such as Suowo knew very well that killing these powerful human races and the god-winged tribe was of great significance, and they did not hesitate to spend ten giant ships for this.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, he suddenly felt something strange coming from the top of the mountain.

"My family's giant ship can annihilate everything, so you can rest assured."

The general of the Nether Beast Knights is very relieved. He thinks that when those humans came out of the Azure Land and looked for the birth point of the God Wing Race, they were already a meal for the Nether Race.

The God Wing Clan is indeed the deadly enemy of the Nether Clan and the biggest obstacle to occupying the human world, but the God Wing Clan also has a fatal flaw, that is, it takes time for them to hatch and regenerate, and after the Nether Clan preemptively takes the lead, this becomes The death spot of the God Wing Clan.

Kill them when they are born, don't make it too easy.Otherwise, when they grow stronger, it will be enough to cause headaches for the Nether Race.

"General, I feel that there is something going on inside. Let the dead soldiers break through their weapon wall, let the giant ship explode quickly, so as to avoid future troubles." Sovo is not as optimistic as the knight general.

"The dead soldiers of our family did not die in vain. Let them go up and break the wall, and they will definitely be annihilated in the explosion of the giant ship. Just wait, those human races can't escape. The bottom of this hill has been restricted by them. They may dig out and escape, but can they disappear out of thin air?"

Suowo really felt that the people inside might disappear out of thin air!

The strange power emanating from it seems to be a crack in the interface.

This is different from Da Neng tearing the void with his bare hands and teleporting. This crack is like a gap created by different interfaces, and it is an absolutely safe area.

And the aura of this crack emanated from Qin Wuge's body, to be precise, it emanated from her hands.

"Yanhuang, this is your portable space..."

Bei Mingqing's eyes widened, and he looked at Qin Wuge in disbelief.

She has seen any time space before, and seen people use it, but it is not like this at all, okay!

This terrifying power, like the scrolls of mountains and rivers in the universe, cannot be sent out from the portable space!

Nalan Yu and other powerful people were also shocked, but this discovery gave them hope and infinite surprises in their despair.

"Everyone, block the giant ship with me, we still have a chance!"

Nalan Yu shouted loudly that their chance was Qin Wuge. After seeing the strange and vast power emanating from Qin Wuge, they felt the hope of life.

Although they don't know what kind of power it is, but that power is too powerful and mysterious, and everyone can feel that Qin Wuge and her power are the only hope in the face of the giant ship of the Nether Race.

And Qin Wuge himself was frightened by the power emanating from his body.

It was the power that was stimulated when she was in a hurry. The light and shadow that once appeared in her body were suddenly sharp, and it pulled the power that exploded in the accompanying space.

This power does not belong to him, but belongs to the portable space, but it also exploded because of his own traction.

Qin Wuge made this power stronger, and he was able to control it with ease, because the portable space has been contracted with him, so when he controls it, it is like using his own magic weapon.And the power generated is enormous.

Right in front of her eyes, a crack was torn apart by this force.

The cracks continue to expand, as if devouring the void.

The hill was swallowed up under her thoughts and control.

Qin Wuge didn't know where she would go after being swallowed, but she knew that this was their only choice at the moment.

"Take back the magic weapon, go in!"

Nalan Yu and the others had no other choice. After the entire hill was swallowed into the void, he asked the powerful people to follow in.

Nalan Yu Miaoxuan and the others stayed behind, staying beside Qin Wuge, watching her take everything away with her portable space, and prepared to protect her and fight out together.

And without the barrier of the weapon wall, the giant ship has already rushed towards it.

"Go! Kill!"

When Nalan Yu and the others were about to use their supernatural powers, they felt a strong suction force emerging from Qin Wuge's side, absorbing them together into the crack space.

The giant ship collided, and then a violent explosion broke out, affecting thousands of miles around, and everything in the space was annihilated into powder.


The surrounding knights shouted loudly, all the ghost beast knights were ready, and more ghost clan powers also floated up, enclosing the explosion just now, and not letting any human race escape .

Suowo stared over there nervously, can he kill that troublesome Emperor Yan?very nice!

But Suowo couldn't believe it, did things go too smoothly?

But they waited for a while, but they didn't see any figures of Human Race or God Wing Race.

"Haha~ These people all died under the explosion of the giant ship."

After the knight general stayed for a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

Sovo was worried:
"Impossible, there are so many great powers of the human race, as well as the high-level god-winged race. Didn't any of them escape?"

The Cavaliers will look at Suovo with disdain:
"If they break through before the giant ship explodes, they may still come out, but they wait until the giant ship explodes beyond their means. How can the explosive power of the void tyrannosaurus be resisted by living beings? Even the real gods will die in the void of the void tyrannosaurus Under the power. Don't you know that the nickname of the Void Tyrannosaurus is the Lord of the Gods!"

Sovo bowed his head in front of the knight general:

"The general is right. It's just that I was too worried. Now that the explosion is over, shouldn't we check the results?"

The knight will snort coldly:
"Didn't you see that the army of the human race has advanced! The results over there still need to be checked and accepted?"

The army in the Azure Land has indeed advanced. When Xuan Mo and the third prince saw that the Nether tribe dispatched such a strong force to surround and kill the birthplace of Emperor Yan and the Shenyi tribe, they had already led the army to slaughter them.

But their army was stopped.

The Nether tribe resisted very tenaciously. They almost used suicide to block the advancement of the human army, because the Nether tribe had received the death order from the knight general, and the human army was not allowed to advance half a step.

Until the sound of the giant ship cracking came, the entire Emperor Forest trembled from the violent explosion.

Luo Yunsheng and Xuan Mo were stunned by the fierce explosion. Although their army formation was only blown by the aftermath of the explosion and did not receive much damage, the two of them became silent in their hearts.

Because they knew that the explosion was aimed at Qin Wuge and others.

That kind of powerful explosion is enough to destroy gods and demons.

Are they all dead?

Luo Yunsheng raised his head and stared blankly at the front. Groups of Nether tribes were still surrounding the hill, and the Nether tribe warriors responsible for resisting them had been smashed to pieces by their army formation.

As long as Qin Wuge and the others on the other side of the hill break through, their army formation can complete the response.

But no one came out, are they all dead?

How can it be!

"Kill the past!"

Xuan Mo's eyes were already red. He led the elite of the Haisheng Empire to open the way forward, leading an army of tens of thousands of soldiers forward, and completely wiped out the army of the Nether tribe who blocked them.

And the Nether Beast Knight over there finally turned around and faced their army formation.

"General Xuan Mo, retreat!"

Luo Yunsheng yelled at Xuan Mo with red eyes.

Now that the encirclement circle over there has been withdrawn, it means that the siege against Qin Wuge and others has ended, so there is no need for the army here to continue advancing.

The army formation commanded by Luo Yunsheng and Xuan Mo did not slack off, and even maintained an excessive rushing speed. The Dragon Boat of the Zhenyuan Empire even found its position and raided from behind, disintegrating the army formation of the Nether tribe.

Everything was going according to plan, but was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a huge ship. No one expected that the siege would end so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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