Chapter 933 Dragon Armor

Chapter 933 Dragon Armor

The black dragon flying out seemed to want to run away. In fact, the black dragon really wanted to run away. Facing Bei Mingye who coveted its scales, wouldn't it stay here and wait for the scales to be torn off?
But the black dragon that was about to escape was entangled.

The only remaining armored ship of the Nether tribe, when the black dragon was about to leave the boundary lake plane, suddenly launched an attack, using the magic circle as the strangulation force, leaving a big wound on the black dragon.

The Nether warriors on Ship A even jumped out of the cabin and started a hand-to-hand fight against the black dragon.

"Bastard! Delay my work!"

The black dragon was so angry that it scolded its mother, and it was even more annoyed why these Nether tribes were staring at him?There is also Bei Mingye and his Shurawei over there!Isn't it easier to deal with than yourself?

The stupid Nether tribe is fighting to kill the most powerful creature on this continent - the black dragon.

It is simply impatient to live.

The Nether tribe on this ship A really didn't want to live anymore, because they also knew that they couldn't survive. They saw with their own eyes that the boundary lake was sealed and closed, and the entire boundary lake plane was full of elite human race.

After the thousands of Nether warriors gathered before were slaughtered, they had no way out.

Now that it is a place of death, how to maximize the remaining heat before dying is what these Nether tribes are looking forward to.

The black dragon is the greatest support for the human race, and can easily tear apart the existence of the armored ship, so it naturally became the target of the Nether clan's suicide attack.

There is only one black dragon, and if you kill it, the human race will no longer have such assistance.

"Human race, come help!"

The black dragon couldn't stand the suicide attacks of the Nether tribe. It had already consumed its strength, but now it was just holding on. It was a shame that the human race didn't come to help.

Bei Mingye had already brought Shurawei to clean up the battlefield, so he didn't come to help, but just looked at it with a teasing look.

"Okay! I'll give you a dragon scale!"

Heilong knew the meaning of Bei Mingye's eyes too well, he was waiting for himself to compromise.Therefore, the black dragon gritted his teeth and agreed to send out a piece of dragon scale.

This was already a humiliating compromise for the black dragon, but Bei Mingye was not satisfied. He pointed at the bruised scales on the black dragon with a smile:
"What about the scales?"

The black dragon was furious:
"I'll give you one piece! How much more do you want? Do you think I won't blow myself up? You won't even get a single dragon scale."

Bei Mingye was not moved by its words:
"If you seek death, you won't be trapped in the abyss for tens of thousands of years just trying to survive!"

The black dragon's whole body was filled with qi and blood, and the several wounds on his body gushed out like blood. It was really affected by Beiming Yeqi.

Any creature has the desire to survive, let alone the most powerful black dragon in the world?

Seeing the black dragon being angry like this, Nalan Yu and others behind were very worried:

"Is it really okay for Bei Mingye to look like this?"

"The black dragon can be regarded as the most powerful creature left on the mainland."

Bei Mingqing looked proud: "Our Beiming family members are so tough!"

Nalan Yu and the others looked helpless, yes ~ only your Beiming family will bully people.

"Humans, you are deceiving people too much!" The black dragon slapped away the Nether tribe wrapped around its tail, but exhausted its strength.

Seeing more Nether tribe entangled up, and the armored ship was suppressed on top of it, the black dragon was helpless, waiting for Bei Mingye to say:

"What do you want? How many dragon scales do you want?"

"For ten thousand years, you must have shed a lot of dragon scales. Just give me the dragon scales you shed. I won't covet the dragon scales on your body."

Hearing Bei Mingye's words, the black dragon trembled all over, it was a pain in the flesh.

The dragon scales that fall off from the body are not so important to the black dragon, but the dragons are collectors. They have an inexplicable fanaticism and obsession with wealth, especially the things that fall from their bodies are even more important.

Trapped in the abyss for tens of thousands of years, the dragon's scales naturally fell off a lot.The black dragon has also collected little by little, which is the most important wealth for it.

Now it was threatened by Bei Mingye, it said angrily:

"No! All my fallen dragon scales fell into the flames of hell and were incinerated."

It's no wonder Bei Mingye believed it:

"I walked in the burning area, and I didn't see a trace of scales being burned. Besides, as a greedy dragon, would you let the scales that fell off be burned? Those dragon scales that fell off are useless to you, you It won’t reload on itself.”

What the human race said was good, but the black dragon just didn't want to part with it.

"Is your life not as important as the scales you shed?"

Bei Mingye suddenly raised his voice to question.

The black dragon, which was besieged by Ship A and the Nether tribe, finally compromised. It roared up to the sky, and with a flick of its huge body, countless dragon scales flew towards Beimingye like snowflakes, and fell to the ground and piled up into mountains.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Nalan Yu and the others couldn't believe that Bei Mingye could actually get so many dragon scales from the black dragon.

That pile of dragon scales is almost more than the scales on the whole body of the black dragon.

It's not normal to shed so many scales!

"Ah~ I see, the black dragon is sealed in the burning environment, so it has to suffer from the burning of the burning environment every day, so the scales on its body fall off at a significantly faster rate, and so many scales have fallen off in ten thousand years. scales."

When Nalanyu suddenly realized, she couldn't help but glanced at Bei Mingye again. It turned out that Bei Mingye knew that the black dragon had so many scales, so he threatened it.

With such a mountain of scales, it is enough to arm the dragon boat to an indestructible level.

The dragon boat uses keel as the skeleton, but the surface of the dragon boat is not protected by dragon scales, which greatly reduces its sturdiness. With these dragon scales covered, the dragon boat is not only indestructible, but also impervious to fire and water.

But what shocked Nalan Yu was that Bei Mingye threw out a armor on the spot.

After being thrown out, the armor garment, as thin as a cicada's wings, floated above the dragon scales. The armor garment had its own gentle glare, covering the pile of dragon scales in circulation.The dragon scales began to move closer to the armor as if inductive, and shrunk in the process of getting closer.

In the end, the dragon scale became less than the size of a palm and stuck to the armor, starting a strange fusion.

"Ten Thousand Dragon Armor Clothes? Is this inner lining woven with dragon tendons? Is it refined by dragon blood?"

Nalan Yu and the others were once again shocked by the sight in front of them. They had only heard of the "Ten Thousand Dragon Armor", but it had long been lost, and it was a magical treasure that disappeared on the mainland.

Where did Bei Mingye get it?

And the black dragon was also shocked, it stared at the seemingly inconspicuous treasure clothes, and there was a crazy and greedy look in the fiery red eyes:

"This is the treasure you found from Burning Realm? It turns out that Baoyi is really in Burning Realm!"

As a divine dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years, Heilong also knows the legend of the Wanlongjia. After refining, the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor made of countless dragon scales is covered.

Invulnerable to water and fire, indestructible!
But in the ancient times, this treasure caused the looting of all the creatures in the mainland. In the end, the Wanlongjia was lost, and it was unexpected that it fell into the burning realm.

Now it was found by Bei Mingye again. After tens of thousands of years of refining in Fen Territory, the dragon scales covering it had disappeared, but the precious clothes of Wanlongjia were unscathed, and instead became stronger after being refined.

When the black dragon scales covered the treasure clothes and completed the restoration.

The Wanlongjia, which surpassed countless divine soldiers, appeared again.

The introverted light is not dazzling, and there is no exaggerated momentum on the Wanlong Armor, so that you can't even see that it is a magic weapon.

But this is the treasure that makes countless people crazy.

Bei Mingye flew to the side of Wanlongjia, stretched out his hand and flicked, Wanlongjia flew towards Qin Wuge.

Before Qin Wuge could react, the Wanlong Armor had already been worn on her body, automatically adjusted to the most suitable size, and disappeared on Qin Wuge's body.

"Give it to me..." Qin Wuge didn't know what to say for a moment, she wanted Bei Mingye to wear the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, but the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor had already disappeared from her body, and she couldn't feel its existence at all.

"When you are attacked, the Wanlong Armor will automatically appear, and I have already used your breath to make a contract with the Wanlong Armor, so this Wanlong Armor cannot be worn by others."

Bei Mingye returned to her side, and smiled with a doting and gratified smile.

(End of this chapter)

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