Chapter 934 Life and Death Contract
Chapter 934 Life and Death Contract
"Bei Mingye, even if you want to give away the Wanlong Armor, wait until there is no one else. Now that everyone has seen it, you don't have to worry about others snatching the Wanlong Armor and putting Emperor Yan in danger."

Nalan Yu couldn't help but speak when she saw the tired look of the two of them.

Although it was a kind reminder, Nalan Yu's tone was still sour.

"Wanlongjia will appear as long as it is attacked, so others will know sooner or later. I will stay by your side to protect you." What Qin Wuge said.

It was his promise to Qin Wuge.

After returning from the abyss, Bei Mingye's own crisis has been eliminated, but he has not had any love words with her, and now besides presenting the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, the promise he made to her is his love words.

"Stupid mouth."

Qin Wuge could no longer say anything to reject the Wanlongjia. After wearing the Wanlongjia, it was as if it had become a part of his body.Hearing Bei Mingye's promise, she replied with a smile.

At the same time, she also understands: she owes Bei Mingye too much.

He forcibly kept the Nine Heavens Profound Fire that he discovered while exploring the secret realm together, and now the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor...

From Bei Mingye's point of view, no matter how much he gave her, he couldn't compare her importance to him.If it wasn't for her, he would have fallen into madness. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have persisted in the abyss.

She is his pillar, the support for him to become better and better.

When he was poisoned and demonized before, she was the one who firmly stayed by his side and pulled him back from the darkness.

If it weren't for her, Bei Mingye would have been demonized and died long ago.Although he had countless heartfelt guards, when he was demonized, those personal guards didn't know what to do. The only thing they could do was to trap him in the most basic way.

Only she was willing to take risks to stand by his side and open her arms to the demonized him.

Only under her warmth did he come out of the darkness.

Even though his body still carried the remaining coldness in the darkness, as long as he was by her side, the darkness and coldness would dissipate.

To him, she is the most important person.

"Wanlongjia can be plundered after the master dies!"

The thick and vast sound of the black dragon rang out. After it handed over the dragon scales, the Shura Guards of Beimingye had already gone up to rescue and stopped the Nether tribe. Under the claws.

The black dragon, who was no longer a threat, naturally had the leisurely heart to block Bei Mingye.

"If you give her the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, you will push her into the fire pit." The black dragon maintained its dragon shape, but smiled at Bei Mingye, the way its crimson eyes curled up was obviously mocking.

"That's why she needs to be protected." Facing the black dragon's ridicule, Bei Mingye was not angry at all, but raised his hand with a smile.

As soon as he saw Bei Mingye's move, Heilong felt bad.

Sure enough, the next moment countless Asura guards surrounded him, and Nalan Yu and Miaoxuan made their own moves, drawing the power of the magic circle contract.

"Life and death contract? Damn human, what are you going to do?"

The exhausted black dragon was about to collapse after seeing the contract and magic circle lines lit up around him.

The black dragon is too powerful to be tamed as a battle pet, and even after becoming a battle pet, the black dragon can easily backfire.Therefore, it is impossible to make it a battle pet. The only way is a life-and-death contract.

And it was one-sided, Qin Wuge had an accident, it died, and the black dragon had an accident, but she was fine.If Qin Wuge's safety is related to it, it must ensure her safety.

When Bei Mingye sent out the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor, he had already made up his mind.

"Asshole human! Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

The exhausted black dragon could not resist this trap at all, moreover, the two thousand Shura guards were the formation, with the power of the contract drawn by Nalan Yu and Miaoxuan, the power was enormous.

"Yanhuang, this is a gift from Haoranmen and Wanfozong." Nalanyu was very happy.

This unilateral contract circle is very precious, it is almost the treasure of Haoranmen and Wanfozong, and it is used now to repay Qin Wuge.

"Okay! Then thank you all!"

Qin Wuge did not refuse, she accepted it very calmly.

She could not let down the good intentions of Bei Mingye, Nalan Yu and the others, and the kindness could be reserved for repayment in the future. Moreover, after the contract magic circle was activated, it was indeed irreversible.

However, the accident happened suddenly at this time, thousands of people raided in from outside, and the target was directed at Qin Wuge.

Mu Qingzhou's aura also appeared at this moment, and along with Mu Qingzhou, there were dozens of powerful figures from the Temple of Zhu.

With such a lineup, Bei Mingye and the others couldn't resist it at all.

"Who are these people?"

Meng Haiyin and Bei Mingqing stood beside Qin Wuge, one left and one right, looking at the thousands of battle cultivators pouring in, full of doubts.

In the area of ​​the Emperor's Forest, there are righteous monks and soldiers of the empire, so no enemies should break in, but these people are clearly here to deal with Qin Wuge.

too weird!

"The barbaric aura of the people of Northern Xinjiang, they are from the Longchen Empire."

Qin Xu couldn't see with his eyes, but his senses were sharper, and he could instantly distinguish the origins of these people.

"Long Jue hasn't been working in the Emperor's Forest recently, it turns out he's planning a conspiracy!" Meng Hai said angrily.The golden flood dragon on his forehead shot out, but was stopped by the leaders of the thousands of battle cultivators with their bare hands.

The man was wearing a mask and was tall. When he grabbed the golden flood dragon with his bare hands, his breath soared and his muscles were as vigorous as a thousand-year-old tree.

And after being found out, he didn't hide anymore, the mask on his face shattered, revealing Long Jue's rough and handsome face.

"Yan Huang, we have no malicious intentions, Mu Qingzhou came to arrest you, you follow me! I guarantee your safety!" Long Jue shouted at Qin Wuge without blushing.

"Hehe~ Yanhuang is not a fool. Since Prince Long Jue has cooperated with me, stop pretending to be a good person. This will make me angry!" Mu Qingzhou's figure gathered in front of everyone, and behind him were dozens of Famous top power.

This time, Mu Qingzhou mobilized almost all of the top combat forces in the Temple of Zhushen, determined to win.

Long Jue didn't hide any more, and said directly:
"Emperor Yan, as long as you marry me, Mu Qingzhou will stop chasing and killing you, and I will swear to protect your safety! The Longchen Empire is stronger than the Zhenyuan Empire!"

"Get out!" Qin Wuge shouted sharply.

And Long Jue seemed unable to see Qin Wuge's dislike and rejection of him, so he laughed and said:

"Since Emperor Yan disagrees, I can only use force for the time being. I believe that I will impress you with my sincerity in the future."

"Shameless!" Bei Mingqing scolded angrily.

Long Jue smiled calmly:

"What do you want face for? I want people!"

Long Jue, who no longer pretended to be, revealed his sinister and vicious thoughts.His goal is Qin Wuge, and he is bound to win.

And he cooperated with Mu Qingzhou, and he also negotiated the conditions.

Mu Qingzhou wanted Bei Mingye, and he wanted Qin Wuge.

Therefore, after the two parties cooperated, they pressed with all their strength, and Qin Wuge and Bei Mingye were surrounded with almost no resistance.

The contract circle on the black dragon is almost completed, but seeing Qin Wuge and others in trouble, it feels extremely happy:
"Quack~ First help break my contract formation! I'll help you deal with these two bastards."

After Long Jue glanced at Heilong, he shook his head:

"I agree with this contract. You can become Emperor Yan's patron saint. After all, I like Emperor Yan. I can't let Emperor Yan die. She needs to be protected."

And Mu Qingzhou also nodded in agreement: "That's right."

The black dragon is about to collapse, all the human races are dirty and despicable!It shouldn't have trusted these despicable humans from the very beginning.

"Did you expect that they were going to attack us?" Qin Wuge touched the Wanlong Armor on his body, looked at Bei Mingye who was standing beside him with no fear on his face, and felt full of security in his heart feel.

Facing the encroachment of Zhu Shendian and Long Jue's betrayal, Qin Wuge seemed to have no chance at all.

But, because of their mutual trust and protection, how could the two of them be unprepared?

"Wait for the black dragon to complete the contract with you first." Bei Mingye looked at her reassuringly, as long as he waited patiently.

He gave her the promise to protect her, so it was just talk.

(End of this chapter)

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