Chapter 958 Lead the snake out of the hole
Chapter 958 Lead the snake out of the hole
The death canyon in front of him is like a raging sea in the middle of the night.

The dark wind roared and surged with the black mist, and a black tide of thick fog and black tide formed like a gathering, and rushed towards Qin Wuge and others outside the canyon.

"go with!"

The bones controlled by the old man with gold powder attacked under his command, but the fearless bones scattered when they touched the black tide.

Flesh and bones shattered all over the place, and the Kuroshio was like a violent meat grinder, blocking and killing gods.

Moreover, the Kuroshio kept rushing towards Qin Wuge and the others.

"There are ghosts inside, they are targeting us. Retreat!"

After the old man saw that the skeleton he manipulated was crushed, his tone was full of fear.

Xuan Mo also suggested:
"That's right, we have few people and we can't stop their counterattack."

Qin Wuge discussed with Bei Mingye beside him:
"Is now an opportunity?"

When the people around were at a loss, Bei Mingye knew exactly what she meant.

The target of the Nether Clan has always been Qin Wuge, so when they saw that Qin Wuge came to the canyon with only a few war repair masters, the Nether Clan thought it was a good opportunity to kill Qin Wuge.

Therefore, they will attack.

And Qin Wuge has life-saving means, she can enter the portable space at any time, and there is also a skeleton army in the portable space.

Without revealing the Skeleton Legion, the Nether Race can attack in such a way that they can be pulled along, exposing them and being surrounded by the Skeleton Legion.This is an excellent strategic plan, of course, there are dangers.

"Worth the risk."

Bei Mingye responded quickly and confirmed it.

He knew that Qin Wuge asked her just to get her own affirmation, because she already had plans and plans.

Perhaps, her plan is indeed risky, even a little unreasonable, regardless of Bei Mingye's worry about her feelings.

However, from the time she insisted on staying in Emperor Forest, Bei Mingye knew that she would coexist with danger.

And he just needs to give full support, just like he took the risk to release the black dragon from the abyss, isn't it just to make the black dragon form a life-and-death contract with her?
She is in danger, and the black dragon cannot stand by.


Hearing the decision of the two of them, the black dragon suddenly felt bitter. It felt that it had been tricked so hard. They wanted to take risks, especially Qin Wuge, who were afraid and had to bear joint and several responsibilities, didn't they!

"Emperor Yan, why don't you withdraw quickly?"

Xuan Mo was in a hurry, he admired Yan Huang and Bei Mingye for their calmness, the situation was so critical, they still had time to chat, was it worth the risk?What is worth the risk?They don't want to stay here and take risks?
Are there still few masters who died in the emperor's forest?
"Please help resist it, aren't we here to find out the details of the Nether Race?"

But Bei Mingye turned his head at this moment and spoke to them.

The dog prince has always been disgusted with others, who can get into the eyes of the dog prince, but now the dog prince actually talks to them in a pleading tone.

Although there is disgust and astonishment in my heart, these powerful people are still very useful.

Besides, the purpose of their coming here is indeed to investigate the Nether Race.

However, these powerful people soon regretted it, because they found that there were too many Nether Race.

The Nether tribe cavalry brought by the Kuroshio is powerful. The monster-like cavalry combined with the Nether tribe's swords and minions is like a storm of sharp blades. The monks who are slightly weaker can't stop it at all, and they die as soon as they touch it.

Although it barely blocked the impact of the Nether Race in the Kuroshio, more Nether Race emerged from the Death Canyon.

They came like a tide, crazy and reckless.

"Their target is Emperor Yan! Emperor Yan, retreat quickly!"

These people finally realized that the Nether tribe planned to come out in full force in order to be able to kill Emperor Yan?
"There are only a few thousand Nether people who escaped into the Death Canyon, so they all came out!"

"Hurry up and ask for help."

"What's the use of asking for help! The battlefield is right next to the Death Canyon, and these Nether tribes will retreat when they see something bad going on. As soon as they enter the Death Canyon, who can do anything to these Nether tribes!"

The Daxiu roared and argued, just wanting Qin Wuge to withdraw quickly.Because she is the target of attracting the wild attack of the Nether Race.

However, as if Qin Wuge couldn't hear their words, he insisted on not leaving under the protection of Beimingye and Heilong. Moreover, Meng Haiyin and Beimingqing had rushed over, and Nalanyu and Miaoxuan were even more powerful. After recovering, he came with the God Wing Clan.

The strength of the two sides has become equal.

The Nether tribe had the abyss and canyon behind them as a base and support, and they were unwilling to retreat. The two sides in the stalemate fought fiercely.

Xuan Mo and the others who came with Qin Wuge earlier were speechless, didn't they say they were investigating?How come it's fought, and it's a decisive battle between you and me.

It's a pity that the human race was not prepared enough, and because of the previous demonic storm, the human army retreated with countless casualties, and not many stayed in the city of God's Wing to recuperate.

Originally, the human race had an absolute advantage and could overwhelm the Nether tribe, but now they could only fight desperately against the Nether tribe.

"Marshal Vokejie! Follow me to kill their leader!"

During the fight, some great powers discovered the coach of the Nether Race, and Wo Kejie was commanding from behind the formation, and he came out of the Death Canyon. Killed like a sharp knife.

Shengsheng tore a hole in the army formation of the Nether clan.

Vokeje is within easy reach!
"Black Dragon, help them prevent horned beasts."

Seeing these mighty moves, Qin Wuge had no time to stop them, so he could only let the black dragon take action.

Although the black dragon was unwilling, it was just dealing with the horned beast that hadn't appeared, so he didn't need to do anything.Moreover, the black dragon also has a natural bloodline advantage over these horned beasts, and it is very easy to suppress the horned beasts.

And the horned beasts have already come out of the death canyon. They have huge bodies that are not inferior to black dragons. Although their movements are slow, they move like mountains. Grind underfoot.

The powerful men who rushed up to Marshal Wokejie before were forced by the breath of the horned beast and had to retreat.

The human race on the battlefield was crushed by the breath of the horned beast and lost their morale.

After the high-pitched dragon chant broke out, like a war drum beating on the human side, the black dragon circled out, facing the front horned beast with fangs and claws, tearing it apart instantly.

Because of the black dragon's confrontation, the human race was spared the pressure of fighting the horned beast.

As soon as the black dragon who turned into a giant dragon left Qin Wuge's side, the army formation of the Nether clan changed.

A cavalry general commanded a change of formation from the front line, and led the elite cavalry to kill Qin Wuge bravely.

Across the bloody and dark battlefield, Qin Wuge saw the face of the cavalry general, Suowo!

This pioneer of the Nether tribe, the leader of the Exile Legion, rushed forward desperately, and also showed his strong strength and commanding power.

The Nether tribe cavalry chiseled at Qin Wuge like an awl.

"Let the black dragon come back quickly, they deliberately lure the black dragon away, just to kill you!"

"Emperor Yan, retreat quickly!"

Xuan Mo and the others are about to cry, we all know that Emperor Yan is not afraid of death, so, don't be obsessed with it at this time, okay?
Even Bei Mingqing felt too dangerous:
"Emperor Yan, retreat first! Even if you stay a little farther away from Death Canyon."

"If I had been farther away, Suowo would not have rushed up with the cavalry without hesitation." Qin Wuge laughed.

Suowo, who was sprinting, stared at Qin Wuge with a pair of golden eyes. When he saw the smile on Qin Wuge's face, an ominous premonition spread in his heart.

But Suowo had no time to think about it, he had to seize this opportunity to kill Qin Wuge!

Behind him is the Death Canyon, where the concentration of demonic energy even surpassed that of the Demon Realm, which can completely block the entry of humans. Therefore, even if she has any conspiracy, Suowo can retreat back to the canyon with the cavalry.

Fighting beside the canyon, Suowo thought they were invincible.


Getting closer, Suowo even saw Qin Wuge's beautiful face clearly, and the movement of her pressing the other wrist with one hand.

"Your death is the beginning of our victory!"

Suowo raised his spear, and he confidently declared that even if he was stopped by the masters around her, there were still thousands of elite cavalry behind Suowo, who could completely submerge Emperor Yan like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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