Chapter 959
Chapter 959
Killing Qin Wuge is the victory of the Nether Clan's war!
Not only Suowo had such an idea, but Marshal Wo Kejie also supported it, so there was this strong killing against Qin Wuge.

No matter how heavy the casualties are, as long as she can be killed, the Nether Race will still have a future.

"The revival of the Nether Race, let's do it again!"

The marshals behind all shouted at them, looking up at the coming victory.

Suowo had already come in front of Qin Wuge, and he saw that she didn't have any effective resistance, but just let go of her wrist.

What is this operation?
In any case, I succeeded this time!

While Suowo couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, he saw a large white area appearing in front of his eyes.

After taking a closer look, I realized that those were all bones, and they still carried the power of the dead. They should be of the blood race!

The Nether race is not afraid of the god-blood race, because the blood of the god-blood race is not as pure as the god race, and the Nether race has pure magic power, so Sowo and others don't care about the impure power on the bones.

However, those bones actually moved!

And there are weapons in their hands, some are rusty swords, and some are bone spurs of various monsters. They seem to be released from a certain mysterious space, slanting out like flowing water endlessly.

In almost an instant, the skeletons several times larger than those of the Nether race appeared in front of them, and they rushed forward needlessly.

Suowo swept away the bones blocking the way with a cavalry spear, and smashed them into pieces in an instant. It can be felt that these bones do not actually have strong combat effectiveness, but there are too many of them.


Suowo made a decision the moment he touched the skeleton.

Because he saw that those bones were not controlled by Qin Wuge at all.Instead, he should have acted on his own. Countless bones are attached to the courage of his life, and even condensed into phantoms of eyes at the eye holes of the bones.

So, they are monsters with a will of their own!

Suowo also came to his senses at this time, how could Emperor Yan go to a dangerous place lightly, as cunning as her, he must have formulated a corresponding strategy, that's why he appeared here so meaninglessly, attracting them to come out of the Death Canyon, The self-righteous storm fell into her trap.

"Retreat! Quickly retreat!"

Suowo changed his riding pet, but the knights behind him swarmed, their blood still flowing in their bodies, carrying the desperate entrustment and hope of Marshal Vokojie.

Even after hearing Suowo's order, these knights did not retreat immediately, but continued to rush forward. The helpless Suowo could only move forward, but towards Qin Wuge's side, because he wanted to take the cavalry with him They broke through.

It was impossible to kill her, so he could only break through and preserve the vitality of the Nether Race.

The cavalry, which could fly, could only run forward because of the crowding. The tide-like bones slanted and turned into a sea of ​​white bones, submerging the Nether tribe cavalry in it.

While struggling and shouting, blood came out from the bones, or some bones were blown apart.

But these bones are meaningless, crazy, and they are exciting, because after their tragic death, they are used as chronic consumables. Now, they finally have the opportunity to go to the battlefield, and finally have the glory of real death.

Thousands of Nether race cavalry were annihilated under the frenzy of bones.

The excited Marshal Wo Kejie stood up from behind, watching his personal guards fall together in disbelief.

And those who were stunned were the human warriors. They looked at the frenzy of bones with horrified eyes. After submerging Suowo's cavalry army, they continued to push forward and pressed on the battlefield, but they could distinguish the enemy from us strangely. , only for the massacre of the Nether Race.

There are too many skeletons, tens of thousands.Boundless spread out to form a bone frenzy.

In shock, Marshal Wo Kejie issued an order to retreat. He was already in a panic and commanded the retreat himself. His tall body was shaking, and he was horrified to see the tide of bones rushing towards the Death Canyon.

Even after the cavalry retreated into the Death Canyon, the white death still spread in.

Like a devil, he grabbed the retreating Nether cavalry, and used all kinds of broken weapons, bones, teeth, and bone spurs.

This is the worst war, the most terrifying and strange scene that Wo Kejie has ever seen.

The bones that were supposed to be lifeless turned into demons who claimed their lives.

Moreover, there are too many of these skeletons, they don't need to breathe, relying on the remaining strength in the skeletons, after breaking into the death canyon, they run quickly, searching and killing the Nether tribe everywhere.

Wo Kejie was led away by his own cavalry.

Dozens of horned beasts are responsible for breaking the horned beasts, and the horned beasts can slap countless bones to death with one claw, but these bones are not afraid of death. They crawled on the horned beasts like ants, biting and killing them, dozens of powerful The Horned Beast was overwhelmed by the tide of bones.

In the end, the dozens of horned beasts were eaten by the bones and turned into skeletons.

"Then... what is that?"

"Then... was that released by Emperor Yan?"

"It's all's evil..."

The powerful people of the human race who stayed outside the Death Canyon were so shocked that they could not speak. Even when they wanted to say "sorcery", they didn't dare to say the complete words, and they looked at Qin Wuge with eyes full of words. terrified.

What kind of monster is a woman who can unleash a frenzy of bones and annihilate thousands of Nether people in an instant?

Even the dog prince standing next to her was underwhelmed. The dog prince once led the Asura Guards to wipe out the top sects, but Yan Huang wiped out thousands of elites of the Nether clan with a bone frenzy. Who is the best?

Miaoxuan came to her side in astonishment, feeling that she didn't even dare to recognize this apprentice.

The elders of the Zhenyuan Emperor Clan had already told the emperor the news. At the same time, they were deeply worried: the prince was with such a woman, wouldn't he be a poor little boy who was oppressed and bullied?
It's just that after the emperor received such news, the smile on his face couldn't be stretched anymore, he was so happy, okay?Someone taught his son a lesson, saving him the trouble of being a father.

Qin Wuge calmly faced all kinds of horrified and inexplicable eyes from the crowd, and she was also very helpless in her heart. She knew that once she released these bones, everyone would be afraid of her. Everyone would suspect that she was a monster. She has more backhands.

However, these bones are not her strength at all, and Qin Wuge has already released all the bones.

The bones played an extremely important role in this war, but the price was also huge.

Most of the bones have already "dead". When the bones shatter, the power existing on them also dissipates, and they are truly "dead".

However, Qin Wuge could feel the relief of those dead, and the tortured god-blood race could finally rest in peace.

Today, those skeletons are still hunting the Nether clan in the Emperor's Forest, and some of the skeletons returned to Qin Wuge's side to report the situation in the canyon.

Qin Wuge can understand the words of these skeletons, or through perception, understand what the skeletons want to express.

But in the eyes of the people around, Qin Wuge's appearance is a bit strange, even terrifying. Being able to communicate with bones and having so many bones as combat power, Emperor Yan is going against the sky.

Many people even thought in their hearts: Is the title of undead summoner suitable for her?

The skeletons withdrew from the death canyon one after another. They lined up in front of Qin Wuge, and instead of going back to her portable space, they reported various situations.

Qin Wuge informed the surrounding war repairers of the situation:

"The reason for the existence of the devilish energy in the Death Canyon is unknown, and the Nether tribe inside broke through under the pursuit of the loyal bones of the gods and blood."

"In addition, there are signs of the activities of the underground race. They helped break through the obstacles in the north...the direction of escape is the Longchen Empire."

After listening to Qin Wuge's words, all the powerful people present sighed. They all knew that Long Jue of the Longchen Empire had rebelled. It would be too much to count on the Longchen Empire now, and the area of ​​the Longchen Empire was too large.

The territory of the Longchen Empire, which occupies an extremely low ice field, has the largest abyss, as well as various unexplored and unexplored relics and ruins.

Obviously, the Longchen Empire is the second target for the Nether Race to establish a base.

The Longchen Empire is also called the Dragon Soul Empire and the Beichen Empire, because people in Central China like to call them the Beichen Empire. In fact, they have been called the Longchen and the Beichen Empire for thousands of years, but now they are called the "Northern Star Empire" after the emperor's registration. "Dragon Soul Great Emperor" is the title of the Dragon Soul Empire.

Just from the address, it can be seen how nonsense the Longchen Empire is.

(End of this chapter)

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