Chapter 973 Divine Power Returns
Chapter 973 Divine Power Returns
The patron saint of the Weapon Tomb?
The first thing Qin Wuge thought of was the old man. Although there was only a phantom, and he didn't know where it came from, but in the huge weapon mound, only the old man was the strangest.

And the strange thing about the old man lies in his powerful ability, he can see through Qin Wuge's cultivation base and bloodline, but Qin Wuge can't see what kind of weapon spirit the old man belongs to.

It turned out to be the patron saint!
But Qin Wuge felt that this patron saint was cheating himself.

"These weapons are the test for us by the patron saint." Qin Wuge looked at Elder Qin who was a little flustered, and said solemnly.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Elder Qin was stunned for a moment, but soon the expression on his face began to change, and he became solemn and confident, like a trustee entrusted with a heavy responsibility, a thick and inexplicable force came from Elder Qin exploded.

"Okay! We will protect these weapons with our lives!"

Elder Qin solemnly agreed, and the clansmen he led also made the promise with practical actions.

Thousands of clansmen took the initiative to walk towards the weapons and stretched out their hands.

Although these weapons themselves are much stronger than those of the Qin clan, if it is not for the contract, if these weapons are only used as ordinary weapons, they will not be resisted and backlashed by the weapons.

Spread out equally, each member of the Qin clan needs to carry more than ten weapons.

Under such circumstances, if someone with malicious intentions robbed them, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, all the members of the Qin clan didn't feel that there was any problem. On the contrary, they were full of confidence and responsibility. Qin Wuge was proud to see a clansman like herself. She laughed and was very passionate:
"I believe in you! You can definitely do it."

It was just a simple word of encouragement, but it carried an inexplicable motivational force. Her shining eyes swept across the crowd, and the faces of the tribe became tough and passionate. The words of encouragement reached the ears of the tribe, making them straighten their backs.

Because everyone in the tribe knew that Emperor Yan was different, and the guardian spirit in the weapon mound only existed in legends, but Emperor Yan actually saw it!She really is so different.Represents the gods and beliefs of the god-blood race.

Almost in an instant, the faces of the thousands of clansmen took on a completely new look.Because they have found their own belief, the power of will, that is her!

This shocked Bei Mingye and others who were watching. They could clearly see that a powerful force began to condense among the thousands of surviving Qin's divine blood, an invisible but clearly felt power!

A kind of power that belongs to the mind, in these people is almost manifested in the image visible to the naked eye.

And Qin Wuge also discovered that the inexplicable power she felt just now seemed to be manifested among these people.

"This is the power of divine blood!"

Qin Wuge suddenly realized, she awakened like a divine enlightenment, and suddenly understood the source of power of the sacred-blood race and the strength of the sacred-blood race.

The divine-blood race is different from other races in the mainland, but what is the difference?It's hard for anyone to make it clear that even the organization that arrests, researches, and utilizes the blood of the gods like the Temple of Punishment, they haven't studied the difference between the blood of the gods and ordinary people.

However, the special features of the god-blood race do exist.

The god-blood race is more powerful, and the untapped power contained in their bodies is stronger than ordinary people.But now, Qin Wuge has discovered the difference of the blood of the gods. Under certain circumstances, the blood of the gods can stimulate the power hidden in the body, which is similar to the awakening of the blood.

However, the condition for awakening is faith!In other words, it is the cohesion and rise of the spirit.

Just like now, because of the cohesion, trust and pressure of the tribe, the tribe has inspired a strong spiritual power.The inexplicable power that Qin Wuge felt in his clan and himself just now was the awakening of this bloodline.

"Our strength is really increasing?" Elder Qin couldn't believe it when he heard Qin Wuge's words, but he was stunned when he felt the strength of his body grow.

Not only Elder Qin, but also the thousands of surviving clansmen, all of them have grown in strength. A large part of these survivors are old and weak. They used to be the weak protected by the clan, and they couldn't even practice, but now they all Feel the growth of your own strength.

The spiritual power that would not be produced no matter how much they practiced before, also began to gather in their bodies, and it was the blood in their bodies that drove the spiritual power to flow.

He could clearly feel that the blood in his body seemed to be warming up.

Because of the display of the power of the tribe, the aura of this side has also changed. The surviving Qin clan is no longer a weak person who needs to be protected, but a powerful race.

"The power that Emperor Yan gave us!"

Elder Qin knelt down again while being excited.

Hot tears had already covered Elder Qin's face full of gullies. He never thought that there would be a day when the clansmen would recover and rise in power, and it was Qin Wuge, whom he had never been willing to admit, who gave them strength!
They were not grateful for being rescued by Qin Wuge, even when they left Emperor Lin, they even rebelled and went to Tianlan Empire.For her, the tribe is ashamed!

At this moment, the people of the Qin clan realized how shameless and ignorant they were.

The power of the sacred-blood race is faith and the inheritance and support of the royal bloodline. When they are grateful to Emperor Yan and are willing to accept it sincerely, and are inspired by the sacred-blood royal family, their lost power will come back.

"It is the power that Emperor Yan gave us..."

Thousands of people were stunned at this moment, and there were also messy calls in the depths of the emperor's forest. It was like a mixture of countless ducks and birds, but this is the unique call of the Vulcan Crow. Voice.

When the Qin family regained the power of the divine blood, the Vulcan crows returned in groups. They used to hide in the cliffs and deep valleys far away from the Emperor Forest, but when they felt the call of the divine blood power, the Vulcan crows responded.Spiritual connection and divinity coexist, the power of Vulcan crow is closely related to the protoss.

The weapons guarded by the Qin clan also resonated.The long-lost clan blood power made these weapons excited, and some weapons even completed contracts with the holders on the spot.

In the past, it was necessary to explore in the weapon tomb, and it was necessary to complete the tests in the weapon tomb before being able to obtain the contract qualification, and the clan soldier contract with extremely low contract concerns, but now it is easy to complete, unprecedented.

"Emperor Yan, our Qin family will not be extinct."

Many members of the Qin clan cried bitterly on the spot. For more than ten years, they have been worried about whether their race will become extinct. Even if they return to the Emperor Forest this time and have Yan Kingdom as their backing, they still don't feel safe.

Until they recover the power of the divine blood and see the return of the Vulcan Crow, this is their real power, and the rise of the race is expected.

All kinds of power are mixed together, making the breath power in this space extremely powerful.

Even the God Wing Clan and Human Race Cultivators in God Wing City felt it.

But they are happy, because they feel that this powerful awakening force has no malice towards the human race. They are the guardians of the emperor's forest and the sword and shield against the Nether race.

Only some ministers of the Tianlan Empire were unhappy, and even worried:
"Is the information correct? Is it true that Qin's divine blood has recovered?"

If the Qin Clan is strong, the most worrying thing is the Tianlan Empire. They used to be the executioners who slaughtered the Qin Clan. Who knows if the Qin Clan will take revenge on them after recovery?

Moreover, as the Qin family's neighbor, Tianlan Empire naturally does not want to see a powerful race by its side.

Especially after Emperor Yan repeatedly showed his hostility towards Emperor Tianlan.

The elders and ministers of the Tianlan Imperial Clan know that Emperor Yan and the Qin Clan will not make peace with the Tianlan Imperial Clan. Since they are adjacent, they are enemies.

How to weaken the Qin family and Emperor Yan is what the Tianlan Emperors most want to do.

"Even our Vulcan Crow went to look for the Qin family, could there be anything wrong? The Vulcan Crow only follows the strong..."

Before the scout could finish his report, he was interrupted by an elder of the Tianlan Emperor Clan:

"Is that the Vulcan crow in the wild, or our lost Vulcan crow?"

"This..." The scout was dumbfounded, he couldn't tell if it was good or not.

"It seems that it is our lost Vulcan Crow, then we can ask the Qin family to return it!" The elder insisted, and looked in the direction of the Qin family's gathering place.Let the Qin family go?That is impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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