Chapter 974

Chapter 974

The elders of Tianlan felt that no matter what, they had to test it out to see what the Qin family was like.

Because of the target against Emperor Yan, as well as the original hatred and entanglement with the Qin family, the elders of Tianlan were restless.

"Our Vulcan crows disappeared collectively. There must be a reason. Now that the Vulcan crows have appeared, let's go and have a look." This is the elder with a moderate attitude.

"The Vulcan Crow must have been tricked by the Qin family, so it's understandable for us to snatch it back!" This is the arrogant elder.

Ministers of Tianlan are even more direct:
"Yes, we still have to hold the Qin family accountable. Emperor Yan bullied me too much."

The fact that Emperor Tianlan was once blackmailed by Emperor Yan for [-] spirit stones has long been spread in the circle of Emperor Tianlan.

Therefore, the resistance against Emperor Yan within the Tianlan Empire is very strong.

The elders and ministers staying around the emperor's forest gathered, and when they were about to trouble Qin Wuge aggressively, they were stopped by the third prince.

"go together."

The third prince led a large number of personal guards, and looked at the ministers and elders gathered in front of him expressionlessly.

The third prince who was always very gentle, now expressionless, made these people's hearts pound. The third prince who they had never looked down on before had risen to a level that made them fearful.

That large group of personal guards were the poor children selected by the third prince from the army.It's the third prince's private soldier, and he only listens to the absolute combat power dispatched by him alone. What does he want to do with so many personal soldiers here?

The ministers were apprehensive, and asked cautiously:
"Where to go?"

Luo Yunsheng saw these ministers pretending to be stupid, so he spoke directly:
"Of course I want to congratulate Emperor Yan, congratulations on the rise of the Qin clan!"

The ministers knew that the third prince was a "charm outsider". He was able to take power in the Tianlan Empire because of outside help, especially that of Qin Wuge. Therefore, seeing the rise of Emperor Yan and the Qin family, he Want to congratulate?
All the ministers were contemptuous in their hearts, but still respectful on their faces:

"Congratulations are the right thing to do, but shouldn't we ask about the Vulcan Crow?"

The third prince looked at the ministers indifferently:
"What happened to Vulcan Crow?"

When the ministers saw that the third prince asked questions knowingly, and his words contained protection for Emperor Yan, some people were not happy:

"Did the third prince forget? Those Vulcan crows should belong to the Tianlan Emperor Clan!"

More than ten years ago, during the Emperor Lin massacre, the Tianlan Imperial Clan snatched a lot of Vulcan Crows from the Qin Clan, but even earlier, the Tianlan Imperial Clan domesticated the Vulcan Crows. The Vulcan Crow is a gift from the Qin family.

But for so many years, with the strength of the Tianlan Emperor Clan, they are unwilling to admit being gifted, and say that they are all their own, especially after killing the Qin Clan, the Vulcan Crow completely belongs to Tianlan Imperial family.

Now, the Vulcan Crows have thrown themselves into Qin's arms, which naturally made the Tianlan Emperor Clan feel ashamed.

No one likes humiliating behavior, let alone the Tianlan Emperor Clan.

The ministers all felt that no matter how rampant the third prince was, he could not do things that would humiliate the face of the imperial family. Therefore, the third prince had to admit that the Vulcan Crow belonged to them.

However, when the ministers were disappointed, the third prince did not do what they wished. Luo Yunsheng looked at the minister in front of him with cold and unfamiliar eyes, and refused:

"I never thought that your ministers of the Imperial Clan would be such people who confuse black and white and are obsessed with obsession!"

The ministers were completely confused, but they heard the third prince continue:
"The Vulcan Crow belongs to the Qin family, it used to be, and it will be in the future!"

"Third Prince, are you ignoring the rights and interests of our Tianlan Imperial Clan?" The ministers were stunned.

"Precisely because we want to maintain the authority and dignity of our imperial family, we can't rob other people's things, and we have to act as despicable masters!"

The third prince exposed the previous atrocities of the Tianlan Imperial Clan without mercy, and directly shocked all the ministers to the point of stupidity. They deeply felt that the third prince was planning to rebel.

In other words, the third prince is completely running counter to Emperor Tianlan's previous behavior and attitude.

Now the third prince has a lot of power, but he doesn't have the capital to turn against Emperor Tianlan, what does he think?Dare to criticize Emperor Tianlan's behavior before?

Although they were puzzled, many ministers were also shaken, because the third prince dared to have such words and deeds, which proved that he had confidence. Therefore, the ministers couldn't help but doubt that the third prince was really strong enough to say goodbye to Emperor Tianlan Wrist"?
Then should these ministers choose to stand in line?
As ministers plan for the future and choose the support of their favorite successors, only after the successors are in power can they gain greater benefits, or maintain their current interests.

Otherwise, after the successors come to power, the only thing that can be done against them is "slaughter".

"The Vulcan Crow belongs to the Qin family. Now that the Vulcan Crow is back, we will go to congratulate and even return the Vulcan Crow we have now!" The third prince spoke again, speaking confidently, as if standing in front of them had already Not just the third prince, but the ruler of the imperial clan.

Either it was due to the coercion of the third prince, or some ministers had already chosen to stand in line. In short, someone supported the third prince's words:

"Yes, we should indeed show enough sincerity and apology to Qin."

The other ministers were not happy: they were so decisive as they said before, but what happened?Back off so soon?
However, under the pressure of the third prince, none of the ministers raised objections. In the end, all the ministers, led by the third prince, came to the gathering place of the Qin family.

The Qin Clan's gathering place was chosen near the Weapon Tomb. Now, the gate of the Weapon Tomb has been opened, and the heavy sword energy is raging around, and the spiritual power of the people of the Qin Clan is surging, so much so that within a hundred miles of here, everyone Full of restless power.

And Qin Wuge and the others were busy teaching the clansmen to practice. Seeing the arrival of the third prince and others, she handed over the teaching work to Qin Xu and the others. After releasing the Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation around, she walked up .

It can be seen that she is in a very good mood, with a smile from the heart on her face, and the aura of her whole body is smooth and positive, so that her whole body seems to be shining.

Looking at Qin Wuge like this, the third prince felt that his eyes were full of surprises. She was already pretty enough in the past, but when her aura changed subtly due to her mood, it gave people a different feeling. .

If it wasn't for the fact that Bei Mingye's gaze beside her was too cold and substantial, the third prince felt that he couldn't move his eyes away.

"Congratulations to Emperor Yan, congratulations to Qin Clan!"

When Qin Wuge came over, Luo Yunsheng led all the ministers to salute.

Qin Wuge was a little surprised, Luo Yunsheng was so polite, but Tianlan's ministers were so polite?It seems that although some of these ministers are not reconciled, since they came to express their congratulations, Qin Wuge will naturally not embarrass them.

"Hehe, thank you very much. The Qin family is indeed worthy of congratulations."

Qin Wuge looked back at her clansmen, and seeing those compatriots who had awakened their divine power, she only felt that her heart was filled, and because of the awakening and power growth of the clansmen, as a king blood, she also felt the growth of her own power .

Just like the ethnic characteristics of the Shenyi clan, as long as the clan's power becomes stronger and there are more clansmen, the power of Baidie, who is the king, will also become stronger.

There are also those Vulcan crows, which can be called giant birds. They are proficient in fire art, and after making a contract with the clansman, they will greatly enhance their clan's combat power.

"You came here for the Vulcan Crow, right?" Qin Wuge looked away from the Vulcan Crow, looked at the Third Prince and the others and asked.

"The Vulcan crows have belonged to the Qin family since ancient times, and we are here to return the Vulcan crows we have occupied." The third prince said solemnly.


Qin Wuge's eyes swept over the third prince and the ministers behind him, and it could be seen that some ministers were very unwilling, but after being caught by Qin Wuge's gaze, they avoided her eyes, feeling a little guilty look.

Hehe~ Interesting!
"Okay, since you are so sincere, then I will accept it."

Qin Wuge readily agreed, but Tianlan's officials were stunned, what?Emperor Yan accepted it without hesitation?Couldn't it be that their third prince was polite, and then Yanhuang generously refused, and everyone is well?

What kind of coquettish operation is Yan Huang?It's just too deceitful!
(End of this chapter)

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