after losing heart

Chapter 101 [117] The second road

Chapter 101 [117] The Second Way

Three Kings Mansion

Su Mofeng got out of the carriage and climbed up the steps. Fu Le, the housekeeper at the door, greeted him with a smile, "Master, the birthday banquet is over so soon?"

"En." Su Mofeng answered absently, and handed him the cloak in his hand.

"Master, do you have any good news for us?" Fu Le followed behind with a smile.

good news?
Su Mofeng was startled.

Where is the good news?It was the worst night for him.

He finally saw the person he was thinking about, but he was indifferent and distant, and ran away when he saw him.

At the banquet, the emperor almost thought it was the instigator of the fake spirit bird.

In the end, I also witnessed with my own eyes the deep love between the man in my heart and another man.

If you really want to tell good news, at most it is...

Seeing that Su Mofeng remained silent for a while, Fu Le understood, so he didn't ask any more questions, but just shook the cloak in his hand and put it on his shoulders, "Master, you just have the wind and cold, and it's cold at night, so pay attention to your body." .”

Su Mofeng was silent, gathered the cloak and continued to walk in, and the scene of the man unbuttoning the cloak in a panic and stuffing it into his hands appeared in front of his eyes, just like avoiding the plague.

Smiling wryly, how terrible is she? Does she want that?

Behind him, Fu Le exclaimed, "Master, your cloak..."

What happened to the cloak?
Su Mofeng was startled, lowered his eyes, and suddenly, his face changed.

In the dark night, the cloak shone brightly.

Luminous powder!
He was startled, and something slowly emerged from his mind.

It turned out that he was the one who really had the luminous powder. Qiancheng put on his cloak, so it stuck on him, but he didn't wear the cloak by accident. The place where the luminous powder is rubbed inside, so I can't see it.

It turned out to be the case.

It turned out to be so.

He was the one who was targeted by someone, but Qiancheng was made a scapegoat.

who is it?

Who wants to put him to death?

Is it Su Mohong?When everyone was convinced, it was he who shot down the bird.Only when you are absolutely sure that the spirit bird is fake, can you dare to kill it?
Or Su Mochen?He took the initiative to admit that these were his actions, just to save Qiancheng?Or did he do it?
A pair of black eyes narrowed slowly, Su Mofeng pursed his lips, and clenched his big hands into fists.

Was it his indisputability that made those people arrogant?
Four Princes' Mansion, Yunxuan Pavilion

One Bean Candle

In front of the desk, Su Mochen sat with his face covered in his hands.

It was the first time Fourteen got angry with him and asked him "Why, why?"

All their plans fell through because of him.

Yes, all of this tonight was done by him. He, the fourteenth, and the ninth child did it for the sole purpose of preventing their father from giving the crown prince to the third child.

He went to the bird market in the afternoon, found these magpies that could perform, and then smeared luminous powder on these magpies, and asked his own people lurking in the Three Kings Mansion to find a way to get the luminous powder on Su Mofeng.

The people from the Three Princes' Mansion came out with a letter saying that the matter had been settled.

Everything is going according to their plan.

The bird successfully flew over the Weiyang Palace, and successfully formed a three-character line.

Su Mohong's recklessness and ignorance in the middle helped them a lot. First, he shot down the bird directly, and found out that the bird was fake, which saved their people to come out and try to remind them; Filled with righteous indignation, they further disregarded their connection with this matter.

Everything goes smoothly.

His father was furious, and successfully suspected Su Mofeng.

At this time, their people extinguished the lanterns at the right time, leaving Su Mofeng in the dark. In order to prevent everyone from being suspicious, they extinguished multiple lanterns at the same time.

What they never imagined in their dreams was that in the end, everything was as usual in Su Mofeng, but Qiancheng was shining brightly.

The plan is messed up.

They were flustered, or rather, he was flustered.

The situation and urgency at that time did not allow them to think of a comprehensive strategy, and there were only two paths before them.

One, just sit back and watch.

This may sacrifice Qiancheng, but it will definitely bring out the third child.

Because no one would think that he would help the third child, because they were mortal enemies, but everyone would definitely believe that this woman would help the third child, because there were many stories about them.

Moreover, the third child will never stand idly by, just because he is willing to admit that the child of another man in her womb is his own, not to mention that the bird spelled three characters, he will definitely stand up and defend Qiancheng.

The other way is to save Qiancheng, voluntarily admitting that they did it.

In this way, Qiancheng is safe, but their plan will be shattered, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

Moreover, he will also leave criticism in the emperor's heart.

Reason told him that he should take the first path, he must take the first path, and with the protection of the third child, Qiancheng might not be in trouble.

However, for some reason, at the moment when the emperor Lihou brought the woman up, when he saw Su Mofeng seemed about to get up, he got up without hesitation and walked the second way without hesitation.

Because he was afraid, he was afraid at that time.

He was afraid that if Su Mofeng rescued her again, she would get farther and farther away from him and get closer to Su Mofeng.

He was afraid that the grudge between him and that woman was still alive, and if it remained like this this time, he might lose her forever.

He was actually afraid!
He even has times of fear.

So, he made a move, even if the plan failed, even if he was criticized by Emperor Wen, even if he would be severely punished, even if he was ridiculed by others, even if he was complained by Fourteen and Old Nine...
He left those behind.

Later, he said that he originally wanted to spell the word Wang, but later it became three. It was all temporary nonsense, but he didn't want the old fox to suspect his real motives, and he could also make the old fox panic, and fear that three would replace Wang. , does he want to give the position of crown prince to the third child?

This is also the only place where he can make up for it after his plan failed.

He knew that this would anger the emperor.


Just now Fourteen said he was crazy, he thought he was crazy too.

But he thought, he doesn't regret it, there will be many opportunities to fight Su Mofeng in the future, won't he?
It's just that he didn't understand why it was Qiancheng who was clearly painted on Su Mofeng's body with luminous powder?
After much deliberation, there are only three possibilities.

First, Su Mofeng already knew their plan, so he used his strategy to retaliate deliberately, and put the luminous powder on Qiancheng's body again, so that the spearhead would turn back to them.

However, he knew that Su Mofeng would not do this, not because he would not, but because he was reluctant. With his feelings for Qiancheng, he would never push that woman up.

That is the second possibility. Qiancheng knew their plan, and in order to save Su Mofeng, she applied the luminous powder on herself, intending to put her to death and survive, because she knew that with the luminous powder on her body, the Fourth Prince's Mansion would be pushed away. If they go up, they will definitely find a way to save themselves.

There is a third possibility, that is, Su Mofeng and Qiancheng didn't know the plan, but they had close physical contact, she got powder on her body, and he happened not to be wearing the powdered clothes robe.

After all, when he left the table, he also saw Su Mofeng holding a cloak in his hand

Of these three possibilities, the first has been ruled out, so there are only the latter two, and any of these two will drive him crazy.

This is also the reason why he just left that woman alone and returned to the mansion by himself.

He is angry!

He was not angry at everyone's ridicule, feeding the pigeons, sweeping the stables, but even angry at the relationship between that woman and Su Mofeng.

This realization shocked him.

Outside the door, Qiancheng looked at the candlelight in the house, hesitated several times, and finally pushed the door open and entered.

Xu Shi heard the noise, Su Mochen slowly moved away the hands that were propped on the face, looked up and saw her, his eyes moved slightly, but it seemed that there was no sound, his face was as sinking as water, and he looked at her quietly without speaking.

Qiancheng was a little embarrassed, cleared his throat, pursed his lips, and then said cautiously, "Su Mochen, I know how that luminous powder came about."

Suzi is weak and asks for a monthly ticket~~o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [Xiaotangtuan 1015] dear monthly ticket and Huahua~~
Thank you [Strawberry Woman], [Medusa 1978], [846212939], [Susu Shallow Sing]
[Huajianxi] dear, [Maple Leaf Caprice] dear, [Nie Haiyan] dear, [renlinggg] dear monthly ticket~~
Bear hugs, group~~
(End of this chapter)

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