after losing heart

Chapter 102 [120] Could it be him

Chapter 102 [120] Could it be him

When Qian Cheng came out of Yunguangxuan and returned to Tsinghua Garden, he acted like a thief, afraid of being seen.

However, God did not allow her to get what she wished, the more people she didn't want to meet, the more people she met one by one.

As soon as she went out, she met Yang Hen, or, he had been at the door of Yun Guangxuan all along.

Standing in the sun with a long sword in his waist, he looked at her strangely.

She didn't know how much he had heard about the movement in the room last night, and she felt embarrassed in her heart, so she just nodded at him with a blushing face, and fled in a hurry.

After leaving Yunguangxuan, I met Tong Suqing again, she was walking with her maid's hand.

Qiancheng saw the look in her eyes, and thought that she was pretending to be blind in front of everyone anyway, so, as if she didn't see it, she walked the other way.

"Master, it seems that Madam Qian just came out from the prince's Yunguangxuan. I heard that she was in Yunguangxuan last night."

But Ling Dang, the maid who was holding Tong Su's hand, couldn't help but speak.

Tong Suqing didn't say a word.

Of course she knew, she saw this woman go in last night.

Then, the sound of ping ping, and the sound of men and women making love sounded all night, how could she not know?
She hid in the darkness, her nails dug out the blood from her palm, and her teeth bit her lips to draw blood, how could she not know?

In fact, she had known for a long time that Su Mochen had a crush on this woman, but she didn't expect it to be this far.

That day, in the study, when the woman drank the medicine, she saw the panic and pain in Su Mochen's eyes. At that time, she had never seen the emotion in that man's eyes, never before.

Last night at Emperor Wen's birthday banquet, he didn't hesitate to sacrifice his well-thought-out plan, he didn't hesitate to be criticized by Emperor Wen, and he didn't hesitate to be ridiculed by his officials, just to save this woman.

At night, he also left this woman in Yun Guangxuan.

No woman has ever spent the night in Yunguangxuan, not even her. In the past, even when he loved her the most and the love ended, he would let her go back to her Wangchunyuan.

Today, this woman enjoys this honor.

Moreover, if it wasn't for this woman, if it wasn't for this woman, she and Su Mochen wouldn't be where they are now.

So, she hates her, very much!

Sooner or later, she will get rid of her.

If the old lady hadn't warned her, she must not act rashly for the time being, and absolutely must not touch this woman again, otherwise, Su Mochen's absence from the palace during this period would be an excellent opportunity.

It is night, summer insects chirp, and the night is as cool as water.

There are no lamps in the house.

Qiancheng was wearing a middle coat, standing in front of the window, quietly looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, motionless.Qinghui came in through the window lattice and cast on her little face, cold and lonely.

One day, one day passed.

For the first time, she discovered that the day was actually so long.

Is this what life feels like?
What about January?What about March?

How sad should it be?
In fact, Su Mochen was often not in the mansion before, even if he was, he would come to Tsinghua Garden at most once a day, and there were not many opportunities for the two of them to meet.

For some reason, this time, she was very concerned about it.

Perhaps because of guilt.

Or maybe he was thinking about what he was going to do.

Feed the pigeons and feed the horses!

Such an excellent and proud man, to do this?

He can endure, she knows, but what about the suffering behind the forbearance?

How many people know?

A gust of night wind came in through the window, Qiancheng couldn't help shivering, wondering where he lived over there?what to eatAfter all, he is a prince, so he shouldn't be so bad, right?
Raising her hand, she wanted to close a window. Suddenly, a bird flew over, circled twice in front of the window, landed gently on the window sill, flapping its wings.

Qiancheng was taken aback for a moment, stopped his hands, and looked over.

The bird has white hair and is not stained with dust. It is actually a white dove.

Pigeon? !
She closed her eyes, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart. She quickly reached out to hold it up, turned around, lit up the candle on the table, and looked at it carefully.

It was a homing pigeon, with smooth and shiny feathers, and a healthy and strong body. It could be seen that it was well-fed, especially when Qiancheng saw the yellow color on the pigeon's feet, Qiancheng almost forgot to breathe.

Really, really doves from the palace.

Because only the feet of royal pigeons can and dare to be painted with the bright yellow that represents the royal family.

Royal pigeon?
How could a royal pigeon fly to her?

Will it be him?

Could it be Su Mochen who released it?

A heart thumped as if it was about to jump out of her throat, surging uncontrollably. She carefully looked for any notes or other things on the pigeon.


Usually carrier pigeons are tied to their legs to send messages. Not only are there no legs, but she has searched all over its body, but it is still not there.

Feeling a little lost in my heart, I held the pigeon for a long time, but I still couldn't believe it. I searched again, but there was still nothing.

Is it not him?
But this pigeon came too strangely!

She thought for a while, picked up the writing brush on the table, wrote a small note, tied it to the pigeon's feet, walked to the window, and let the pigeon out.

A sleepless night, she waited.

But she waited all night, but the pigeon never came back.

Smiling wryly, it seems that she is being self-indulgent.

Think about it too, how could a man like him do such a romantic thing?Even if she can do it, the object is definitely not her.

Feeling lost in his heart, he fell into a drowsy sleep all day long.

However, at the same time of the night, the same thing happened again, and the pigeon came again.

She couldn't believe it, and the strong feeling in her heart surged up again.

For some reason, she felt that it was him, it must be him, she felt very sure.

Can't wait to grab the pigeon in her hand, she found that it was still the one from last night, because the mark she made with a brush under one of the pigeon's paws was still there.

The little note she had tied to the pigeon's leg was missing, apparently taken away.

However, there was still no reply, still the same as last night, nothing.

She was surprised, since she received the note, why didn't she write back?

What's the point of another empty pigeon if you don't reply to her letter?
After thinking about it, she picked up the brush, wrote another note, tied it to the pigeon's leg and let it go.

Last night, she wrote, is that you?Tonight, she wrote, how are you?

Hope, this time the other party responds!
It was another long wait, and finally one day passed.

After having dinner early, she dismissed Chunlan and Xia Lian, and waited in the room alone.

Sure enough, the pigeon came again.

Same time, same pigeon, same way, same took her note, same nothing left.

She also asked it to bring a note back.

This time, she wrote, I know it's you!
It was like this for several nights in a row.

Gradually, she got used to it, as if this hour of the night was all she looked forward to in a day.

It doesn't matter if there is no reply, as long as the pigeon comes, as long as she sees the pigeon, she will be happy, she will feel at ease, and she can feel that she is very close to that man, very close.

She still asked him to bring a note back every time, and it was unshakable.

On this day, she suddenly thought, if...

Imperial Palace Beiyuan, Horse Farm

Inside the room, there was a candlelight, and under the candlelight sat a pale blue figure, tall and straight.

Although the clothes are made of coarse cloth, it is still difficult to hide his dignified temperament. Under the dim candlelight, his sword eyebrows are long and flying, and his lips are bright and thin. They are incomparably handsome.

He lowered his brows and looked intently at the small notes in his hand, his thin lips slightly curved.

There was a strange current in the air, and a white pigeon flew in. He raised his head, his eyes flickered, and stretched out his hand. The pigeon circled around the room twice, and then landed gently on his palm, flapping its wings.

He habitually looked at the pigeon's legs, and suddenly his expression changed.

There are updates~~~
Thank you [Qiannai], [jojoalps], and [Muyi Shuangshuang] for the monthly pass.
(End of this chapter)

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