after losing heart

Chapter 103 [121] Silence is better than sound

Chapter 103 [121] Silence is better than sound
He habitually looked at the pigeon's legs, and suddenly his expression changed.

There is nothing on the pigeon's legs.

He still couldn't believe it, so he grabbed the pigeon again with his big hand, and looked at it carefully, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face was condensed.

There are small notes every day, why not tonight?
what happened?

Is that woman sick?
Or something happened?
With a wave of his hand, the white pigeon flapped its wings and flew out.

He got up, walked to the door, and stood with his hands behind his back, his black eyes staring at the night outside, and his thin lips pursed.

Suddenly, he turned around, walked into the room, raised his hand to extinguish the candle on the desk, walked out again, gently closed the door, looked around vigilantly with his black eyes, and suddenly, tiptoed, Fly up.

In just an instant, that pale blue figure disappeared into the dim night.

Tsinghua Court

Qiancheng was lying on the table in his middle coat, looking at the dancing candles on the table with a dismal expression, and turning his head to look out the window from time to time.


The pigeon still did not come again.

She deliberately didn't put a small note on the pigeon's lap tonight, she wanted to see the man's reaction, who made him come with an empty pigeon all the time, without a single word, she just wanted to force him to say something.

She thought he would send pigeons to bring a letter to ask again, even if he didn't ask, at least send pigeons to come again.


She waited a long time.

She didn't understand, she had been receiving her notes all the time, and suddenly they disappeared overnight, so wasn't he worried?Why don't you think about her?

It seemed that she still overestimated her weight in his heart.

However, the reaction of normal people will think, right?
Could it be...the pigeon didn't go back?Something happened on the way?

Or... what happened to him?He has no time to take care of it?
still is……

There was confusion in her heart, she made various assumptions, and then made various denials.

She also finally understood what it means to be "there is nothing in the world, and nothing disturbs people". Originally, she left a note carefully, and saved so many random thoughts here now.

But now, she doesn't want to think about it, and she can't do it.


She beat the case.

Su Mo turned around and landed lightly in the courtyard of Tsinghua Garden. Seeing a candle burning in the room, his heart finally settled down a little.

He walked quickly to the door, but stopped abruptly, after several hesitation, he listened attentively, originally their martial arts practitioners had excellent hearing, but there was not a single sound in the room.

Are you asleep?

Or are you really sick?
Thinking of this, Dashou pushed open the door without any hesitation.

Surprisingly, there was no one in the house.

In the house, behind the screen, there is no bed!

The lights are on, no one is there, have you gone out?

The candle on the desk was flickering, and there was a cup of unfinished tea beside the candle. He picked it up, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and found that it was already lukewarm.

The thin lips were tightly pressed into a cold straight line, and he looked around again, seeing that the bedding on the bed was neatly folded, as if he hadn't slept in bed tonight.

No wonder there is no note tonight, it turns out that he is not in the mansion at all.

It's so late, and she's still going out, where can she go?And there are candles on, making the illusion of being there.

Is it trying to deceive others?

Leaving the house?Deception?

His pupils narrowed, could it be the third child?

The fist in the sleeve of the robe was clenched unconsciously. Su Mo closed his eyes, unable to express the feeling in his heart, but felt mixed feelings. With a loud "bang", his fist hit the table heavily.

The teapot and porcelain cup on the table made a ping-pong sound, and the black ink on the inkstone splashed even more, splashing on the table, everywhere, mottled.

He turned around and went out the door, stroking his palms lightly, a black shadow flitted across the air and landed lightly behind him.


The visitor bowed respectfully to him.

"Where did she go?"

Su Mo didn't look back, and spoke in a deep voice.

The visitor was startled, as if it took him a while to realize who he was referring to by her.

"One hour ago, Mrs. Qian left the palace dressed as an eunuch..."

What does the eunuch look like?
Su Mo narrowed his eyes, and remembered that she was like that in the study that day, but because of the abortion that day, he didn't ask why she was dressed like that?

Tonight, it's like this again!
He turned around and looked at the man in black coldly, "What this king is asking is, where did she go?"

The man in black broke out in a cold sweat. These hidden guards were not responsible for monitoring her whereabouts, and this man didn't order them to do so. How did he know where she had gone?

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Su Mo sternly yelled: "Go to the Three Princes' Mansion to find out and see if anyone has been there?"

"Yes!" The man in black took the order and left.

"and many more!"

The man in black stopped.

"If you are here..." Su Mo's deep and cold voice burst out from the depths of his throat. He paused, and then said, "If you are here, don't startle the snake! Just find out if you are there or not!"


Soon, the man in black disappeared.

Su Mochen looked back at the lit candlelit wing room again, the haze gathered in his black eyes, remembering that there was still something to do in the stable tonight, he tiptoed and flew up.

The eaves with flowing corners and eaves overlap, and a light blue figure flies over it like a butterfly.

Dodging the patrolling guards and the eyes of the eunuchs and maids, Su Mo landed lightly in front of the house where he lived in the racecourse.

There was a light on in the room.

His heart skipped a beat, has anyone been here?Obviously when he left, he swung out the lights.

Frowning, he cautiously pushed the door open without making a sound.

Sure enough, there was someone in the room, sitting on the desk.

He stared at that person, although the candle was dim, and even though the light and shadow were reversed, he still recognized the person with just one glance, and he forgot to breathe all of a sudden.

how is she?

How did she come here?

With an uncontrollable surge in his heart, he walked over silently.

She was wearing a loose eunuch uniform, lying on the table, her eyes were lightly closed, she seemed to have fallen asleep from exhaustion, the big eunuch hat was tilted on her head, covering half of her face, she looked lazy like The little white in Tsinghua Garden.

If he hadn't known that she was wearing eunuch's uniform tonight, if he hadn't been too familiar with her, he would really have thought that some little eunuch was too sleepy and came here to be lazy.

How did she come here?
How did she get in?

In such a place, in such an environment, she was still a person who disguised herself as a eunuch and sneaked into the palace, and she was able to fall asleep. I don't know if she is heartless or really sleepy.

With a slight movement in his heart, he raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek.

The other party seemed to be awakened, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, slowly opened his sleepy eyes, looked at him in a daze, and after a while, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and realized, "Are you back?"

"Why are you here?" Su Mochen raised his hand and swung the door.

"I..." Qiancheng pursed her lips. She thought he would be pleasantly surprised, but she was completely devoid of emotion, and she smiled wryly, "I just came to see if you are busy? Sure enough!"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting!" Qiancheng got up lazily, pouted his lips, his face was gloomy, "Seeing that you are so stingy with pen and ink every day, I'm afraid to leave a few words, so I think you must be very busy."

Su Mo lifted the corner of his robe and sat down, pulled her down with his big hand and sat in his arms. A touching smile bloomed from the corners of his thin lips, and his black eyes were as bright as stars.

"So, you deliberately didn't leave a single word tonight?"

The warm breath gushed into his ears, causing a numbness, Qiancheng shrank his neck, wondering if his words had pleased him, why his mood could change so quickly?
She thought for a while, and said: "I was thinking, maybe fourth master likes the artistic conception that silence is better than sound, so I'll be arty for a while and don't talk."

[-] characters, ah, [-] characters, please ask for a monthly pass~~
Don’t miss these chapters for children who say they haven’t seen Tianzao! !
(End of this chapter)

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