after losing heart

Chapter 107 [125] He must go

Chapter 107 [125] He must go

It was the evening of the second day when I woke up again.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone into the room through the window lattice, and the whole place was as bright as fire and blood.Qiancheng was in a daze for a long time, feeling like he didn't know where he was.

She turned out to be sick.

According to Chunlan and Xia Lian, she was in a coma for a day, which alarmed many people.

Many people have come to see her, such as Eunuch Li sent by the emperor, such as Yun Kou sent by the queen, such as the fourteenth prince Su Moyu and the ninth prince Su Moyi, for example the seventh princess Su Ningshuang, and the imperial physician and medical girl from the imperial hospital...

Looking at the table of supplements and medicinal materials, she was a little confused.

It seems that I am not dreaming, those vague voices are real.

No wonder she couldn't open her eyes when she wanted to see, but couldn't hear clearly when she wanted to hear. It turned out that she was very sick and confused.

But, when did her body become so fragile?

It's just a little sad in my heart, how can I be in a coma for a day?
When it was getting dark, Su Mochen came.

He stepped into Tsinghua Garden as usual, and he had already changed out of the coarse cloth and rough clothes. He was dressed in a deep purple robe, and he looked more and more graceful and graceful like jade.

Ever since he appeared in sight, Qiancheng had been staring at him.

She found that when she woke up, there was no fluctuation, no excitement, no joy, not even a trace of surprise in his black eyes, as if she just fell asleep, instead of disturbing so many people's coma, and then As if everything was as he expected.

Thus, Qiancheng was confused, did he not care about her life or death at all, or did he completely control her life and death?
She would rather be the former, that's just not loving, not taking advantage of.

She thought, she probably knew why she suddenly fell into a coma, but she tried not to let herself think too deeply.

It is said that people are the most vulnerable and hypocritical when they are sick, and Qiancheng is no exception.

When Su Mo silently finished changing the medicine on her calf and was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly hugged him.

Yes, it's a woman. She hugged him.

Arms wrapped tightly around him from behind, face resting on his back.

Su Mo was startled, his body froze, and after a while, he turned around, hugged her in his arms, gently stroked her black hair with his big hands, and whispered to her ear with his warm lips, like The scene in her dream was the same.

Only this time, she heard it clearly, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Can you not leave tonight?"

She raised her head in his arms, looking at him with watery eyes, sparkling.

Maybe it was because she had never taken the initiative like this before, or maybe it was because she had never shown such a weak side in front of him, Su Mochen's heart really swayed.

He stared at her with lowered eyes, and suddenly felt that all the brilliance in the world was captured by this woman, so bright and charming, so breathtaking.

Bowing his head, he gently kissed her nose and the corners of her lips. While kissing, he exhaled softly, "Not tonight. I have something to do tonight. I'll come back to accompany you when the matter is over!"

Someone in the red painting boat has a deal tonight, and Yun'er has sneaked into the red painting boat, he can't let her be in danger.

He must go.

Qiancheng smiled softly and said, "Okay!"

In fact, it's weird for the two of them to behave like this now, it's really weird, she's weird, and he's also weird.

It was the first time she took the initiative to keep a man, just like a little woman coquettishly keeping a man.

For the first time, he coaxed a woman patiently, just like coaxing a woman for fear that the other party would be disappointed and sad.

It was as if they had never had a rift, as if they were really the most loving couple in the world, but, she knew, they were far from that level.

Although she fell asleep in a daze from last night to just now, she couldn't open her eyes, and couldn't hear the sound clearly, but just because she couldn't hear clearly, it didn't mean she couldn't hear at all. Occasionally, some sounds penetrated into her eardrum .

For example, he is going to the Red Boat tonight, for example, Yun’er is already at the Red Boat, and for example, tonight may be extremely dangerous...

She actually wanted to keep him.

She doesn't know what kind of psychology she is in?Is it because I heard that it was extremely dangerous and worried about him?Or did she hear that Yun'er was already at the Red Boat, and she wanted to test her weight in his heart?

she does not know.

However, he still left, and he left after dark.

As soon as he left, she got out of bed. Chunlan came in and saw that she was terrified, "Master Qian, you are not in good health, how can you get up?"

Qiancheng smiled and said nothing.

Only she knows what is wrong with her body?Except for her injured calf, she was in good health everywhere.

The so-called coma is nothing more than that man tampered with.

Because only when she was seriously ill and comatose, Emperor Wen would release him from the racecourse because of emotion and reason. He had to come out, didn't he?Because he was going to the Red Painting Boat.

Is it a pretense in exchange for freedom?

The night was getting darker.

Qiancheng was walking around the room in a middle coat, his heart was up and down, how could he not calm down?
For some reason, she always had an ominous premonition, and always felt that something was about to happen. That feeling was like a mountain pressing down on her, wrapping her tightly, making her breathless.

Sit down, stand up, walk around, sit down again.

Xiao Bai ran in from the outside, circling around her feet, rubbing against her soft shoes non-stop.

Distraught, she sighed slightly, bent down to hold it in her arms, and stroked its smooth white fur.

Suddenly, she felt a hard touch in the palm of her hand, and her breathing stopped.

Quickly flicking up Xiaobai's tail, sure enough, there was a small note stuffed in that specially made fur.

A letter from General Dye? !

She didn't use it all the time, and she almost forgot Xiaobai's usefulness.

Xiaobai is a specially trained white cat, who was brought from the General's Mansion to Yuxiangfang by her.

At that time, General Ran told her that because the father and daughter would be strangers in the future, he made a double layer of fur behind the little white tail. When she was homesick, or when she had any difficulties, or they When there is something urgent to notify her, Xiaobai can help them deliver the information.

At this time, he sent a letter, what is the urgent matter?
Her heart was beating wildly, she put down Xiao Bai, and eagerly opened the note. Suddenly, her expression changed...

Red Painted Boat, the largest blue boat in the capital.The building, built against the water, got its name because the style of the building resembles a giant painting boat.

Colorful curtains hang lightly around the painting boat, red lanterns are hung high, and the sky is full of neon lights.

At night, it's a good time for feasting and feasting.

The sound of silk, bamboo and string music is continuous, mixed with the singing of singers, and the voices of men and women flirting.

The sound came into my ears, and there was a hustle and bustle.

There are many women with hot bodies and very little clothes standing on the deck, making various seductive poses towards passers-by in a charming and coquettish manner.

At the door, a man in green shirt was holding a folding fan, his thin lips were slightly pursed, as if hesitating, a pair of clear eyes watched couples embracing men and women coming in and out, embarrassing embarrassment floated on his fat and jade-like face. Blushing, but it was hard to hide his impatience.

To enter, or not to enter?

must enter.

With a "swish" sound, the folding fan in his hand was put away, and the man bit the bullet and walked straight to the painting boat.

Looking at the man who came lightly, although he was a little thinner, he was also a handsome man with a peerless beauty. The eyes of Yingying and Yanyan on the deck lit up, and they scrambled to rush forward.

All kinds of pungent smells of makeup and powder came over his face, Qiancheng resisted the urge to gag, and smiled dryly.

I really don't know, why do those men like this kind of place so much?What's so good about it?
"Is this your first time, young master? Look at the face!"

Qiancheng smiled, noncommittal, but he was already surrounded by everyone and entered the gate.

"We guarantee that the young master will linger and go back and forth once..."

All kinds of whispers, all kinds of winks like silk, all kinds of flirting...

Seeing through the bright purples and reds, Qiancheng narrowed his eyes and quickly searched every corner of the hall.

The hall was already full of people.

Thank you [smallwingzhang], [xiaoyudiangood], [13812096909] for the monthly pass~~
so crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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