after losing heart

Chapter 108 [126] Little girl Xueyan

Chapter 108 [126] Little girl Xueyan
Seeing through the bright purples and reds, Qiancheng narrowed his eyes and quickly searched every corner of the hall.

The hall was full of people.

Above the stage, several dancers in minimal clothes were dancing various hot and provocative dances.

The pink light was hazy, hitting the faces of all the excited and bewildered men and women in the hall, and it was overwhelming.



still none.

She thought, since Su Mohong is here, then Su Mochen will definitely not show his true colors to others, he will either hide somewhere, or he will definitely change his appearance.

Either way made it harder for her to find.

"My lord, look, are we going to watch the performance in the hall? Or go upstairs and open another Accord?"

The woman leaned lightly on Qiancheng's body, her winking eyes were like silk, and a pair of towering breasts on her chest rubbed against her arms intentionally or unintentionally.

My god, Qiancheng has goosebumps.

Resisting the churning in her stomach, she held the folding fan in her hand and gently raised the woman's chin, and smiled evilly: "It's you! Go upstairs with me!"

Since Su Mochen's goal is Su Mohong and the envoys from the border countries, if they find Su Mohong and the others, they should be able to find Su Mochen.

A prince, an envoy from a border country, who wants to conduct secret transactions, will definitely not be in the hall.

VIP Accords are all upstairs, aren't they?

"Okay!" The woman was weak and boneless, her face full of shyness.

The other women scattered in all directions with expressions of envy and hatred.

Lange, full of luxury

At the round table made of nanmu wood, two men sat facing each other, both dressed in brocade clothes and imposing manners.

On the table, there is a table full of delicious food and wine, and the two of them push the cups and set the cups, talking happily over the wine.

In front of the two of them, a woman sat upright, with a Yaoqin in front of her, and her slender fingers moved flexibly, bringing out strings of melodious and moving notes.

The woman is wearing a plain dress, with exquisite figure and water-pink carmine makeup. Although the face is covered by a light gauze, the specific appearance cannot be seen clearly, but the skin is snow-covered and the eyebrows are picturesque, especially the exposed ones. A pair of water eyes are clear and boundless, seem to be able to speak, seductive.

The woman's vermilion lips were lightly opened, and the breath of orchid sprayed on the gauze, and the gauze moved slightly, and a beautiful song flowed out like a spring, accompanied by the melodious sound of the piano, like the sound of nature, which seemed to be lingering.

"Six princes, it seems that the soil and water in your country is more suitable for supporting people. Look, the women in your country are more beautiful than the other ones." One of the men wore a felt hat and was dressed in a foreign country, with a rosy face. Looking at the stunning woman playing and singing in front of her, her eyes were shining brightly, as if she was slightly drunk.

Su Mohong pursed his thin lips, and smiled happily, but the absurdity did not reach his eyes, "As long as Mr. Xiao likes it, you can choose any woman in our country."

Hearing this, the border country man was overjoyed, "Really?"

"Of course!" The smile on Su Mohong's lips deepened, and he suddenly seemed to think of something, "By the way, what Young Master Xiao wants, I brought here."

As he spoke, he took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to the man.

"Oh? The Sixth Prince is really fast!" The man raised his eyebrows, still in disbelief. He stretched out his hand to take it, and he couldn't wait to shake it off, but was held down by Su Mohong.

"Young Master Xiao will take a closer look after you go back!"

He smiled evilly, and while talking, he lifted his eyes slightly, and his black eyes looked at the woman who was playing the piano and singing softly with a little research.

The woman also happened to raise her eyes, and her eyes met. The woman was not in a hurry, and most of all, she smiled shyly with her head down and her eyes down, as if it made everything in the world lose its color.

The man from the border country also happened to see this movement of hers, and his heart felt as if it had been scratched by a feather, itching unbearably.

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go back and have a look. It's such a beautiful day, and there are so many beautiful things to eat. Why do you need to look at her?"

The man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, retracted his gaze from the woman, and slowly put the scroll in his sleeve.

The woman's expression froze slightly imperceptibly, and a hint of disappointment flashed in her watery eyes.

Su Mohong narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the graceful figure of the woman, his dark eyes were deep in thought.

At the end of the song, the woman stood up, bowed slightly to the two of them, a section of her white pink neck was exposed, dazzling the eyes of the two men.

"What's your name?" Su Mohong asked, his black eyes hovering over the woman's head.

"If you go back to the master, little girl Xueyan."

The woman lowered her eyelids respectfully, her vermilion lips parted slightly, her voice was like moist beads, and the lingering sound lingered, as if knocking on the heart of a person.

"Xueyan, what a name!" Su Mohong hadn't spoken yet, but the man from Bianguo took the first step, unable to hide his excitement, "A man lives up to his name, with icy muscles like snow and elegance like smoke, what a Xueyan!"

The woman smiled slightly, "Thank you for your compliment!"

"Are you new here?" Su Mohong asked suddenly.

The woman's heart trembled, but her expression remained calm. She had heard that this Su Mohong was a frequent visitor of the Red Painting Boat, and it was true.

"En." The woman nodded slightly, still keeping her eyebrows humble, "Xueyan just came to the Red Painted Boat yesterday. She used to be a street performer, and she was a homeless person. Fortunately, her mother took her in yesterday, so she was able to make a living in the Red Painted Boat."

Su Mohong curled his lips coldly, remained silent, picked up the wine cup on the table with his big hand, and took a sip with lowered eyes, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

The man from the frontier country on the opposite side shook his head and sighed, "Does this god have eyes? It's really aggrieved to let such a stunning beauty like you perform in the street."

The woman smiled sweetly again, "Thank you for your pity! How about, Xueyan play the piano and sing a soft song to help the two masters enjoy the wine?"

"Okay, okay!" The man from the border country laughed with his eyes narrowed.

Su Mohong stood up and said with a smile, "It's convenient for me to go out, Miss Xueyan, take good care of Young Master Xiao for me first!"

As he spoke, he picked up the jug and filled the wine cup of the man from the border country.

"Yes!" The woman nodded, with an imperceptible smile on her lips.

Zhengchou couldn't do it!Good time to go!

Su Mohong flicked the corner of his robe, turned around and went out, slowly narrowed his eyes in a direction that the two of them couldn't see, and a cold light flashed in them.

snow smoke?

Came here yesterday?
This is too coincidental, right?
He just released the news yesterday that he was going to have a secret meeting with Bian Guolai envoy in the red boat, and she came here, and she came here to serve them tonight?
No matter how you think about it, it's strange.

Whether she is Su Mochen's person or not, it's always good to have an extra heart, anyway, if you try her, you won't lose anything.

If not, it's just a woman, anyway, that Deng Tuzi has also taken a fancy to her, and he just treats it as a favor.

If it is, then it is a powerful pawn, which can just force Su Mochen to show up and greatly promote the completion of his plan.

another accord

The woman smiled coquettishly, picked up the wine cup, and handed it to Qiancheng's lips, "My lord..."

Qiancheng smiled wickedly, but didn't take it, but leaned forward slightly, held the wine cup in the woman's hand, and drank slowly, his eyes fixed affectionately on the woman's face, not for a moment.

The woman's face was full of spring, she smiled coquettishly, and went straight into Qiancheng's arms.

Suddenly, Qiancheng's smile faded, and with a wave of his hand, a faint fragrance wafted from the woman's nose in the wind from his sleeve.

The woman was startled for a moment, then closed her eyes for an instant, and limply lay down on the table, the wine cup in her hand fell to the ground with a "bang".

Qiancheng glanced at the woman, curled his lips, and quickly exited the Accord.

Time is running out and they must be found as soon as possible.

Before the end of the song, the sound of the piano and singing stopped abruptly, and the man from Bianguo who was listening vigorously was taken aback, "Why did it stop?"

The woman smiled sweetly, got up, moved lightly with lotus steps, and Yingying walked towards the man, "Just now the sixth prince said, let Xueyan take good care of you, the wine cup is empty, and you can play and sing after Xueyan fills up your wine." Not too late."

After the words were finished, the man had already walked to the table, picked up the jug with his slender hand, and poured him a glass of wine skillfully.

The man looked at her for a moment, and felt that every movement of her was almost perfect, and every movement fell on his heart so heavily.

"Grandpa, please use it slowly!"

The woman held the wine cup and handed it to him.

He was in a state of mind, and while reaching out to take the wine cup, he wrapped the woman's hand.

Sorry for the update late bird!

Yun'er finally appeared as a bird, do you want to know her true face in Lushan?I have to wait for the bird tomorrow~o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [Strawberry Woman], [wang010188] for the monthly pass, hugs, Suzi is patient with you~~
(End of this chapter)

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