after losing heart

Chapter 109 [128] A jealous wife

Chapter 109 [128] A jealous wife

Su Mochen paused every word, especially the last three words. He almost gritted his teeth and burst out from between his teeth. With a movement of his wrist, the long sword in his hand pulled out a sword flower, and stabbed straight at the man.

"do not want!"

A yell passed through everyone's ears, coming from the door, followed by a dark blue figure.

Su Mochen was startled, and hesitated a little with the long sword in his hand. The man from the border country is also a man of kung fu, but he doesn't have a sharp weapon in his hand. Seeing this, he took advantage of the gap to dodge and narrowly escaped, and Su Mochen's long sword landed on the ground. On the side of the man, stab the air.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, and was about to make up a sword, but the dark blue figure rushed to him, "Su Mochen, you can't!"

Seeing that the point of the sword was about to hurt the visitor, Su Mo was startled, suddenly withdrew his strength, turned around, and landed lightly in the middle of the room, looking at the visitor coldly with his black eyes.

"How did you come?"

She was dressed in men's clothes, did he still recognize her at a glance?
Qiancheng didn't answer, he raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the woman next to him, Yun'er?

At this time, the woman just happened to look at her lightly.

The four eyes met, the woman dodged a little, and looked away in a little panic.

Qiancheng bent his lips, his eyebrows were picturesque, he was indeed a stunning beauty!

Heart astringent.

I don't know if it's because I've seen her figure twice from a distance. Although her face is unfamiliar, she still has a feeling of déjà vu.

But at this moment, she didn't think too much about it. She collected her thoughts and turned to look at Su Mochen, "You can't kill the border country to envoy!"

"Why not?" Su Mo said in a deep voice, with lingering anger in his voice.

"Because..." Qiancheng looked at the man from the border country, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Because this will cause disputes between the two countries!"

She couldn't say in front of this border country man that it was Su Mohong's plan, saying that Su Mohong deliberately released news to lure Su Mochen into taking the bait, and wanted to use Su Mochen's hands to kill this border country. It caused disputes between the two countries, and if Su Mohong knew that the plan had been leaked, he would definitely suspect General Ran.

For the good of her daughter, he gave her information, so she must not implicate this father.

"A dispute between the two countries?" Su Mochen sneered, "Could it be that you came to the red boat dressed like this to tell this king?"

Qiancheng was startled, it seemed that he hadn't called himself the king in front of her for a long time, he lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly smiled.

Also, who is Su Mochen?

How many people in this world have his exquisite thoughts, and how many people have his meticulous calculations?How could he not know the consequences of killing this man?

He knows better than anyone!

It's just that he wants to seek justice for some people, right?

Qiancheng looked lightly at the woman in the man's purple robe who was standing quietly, her hair was disheveled and her face was slightly pale. No need to think about it, she probably already knew what she had experienced.

No wonder, no wonder!

Such a quiet and introverted man, such a dormant and forbearing man, is so unstoppable!
Su Mochen, there is finally something that makes you uneasy. You thought you were invulnerable to all poisons, but you are a person with weaknesses after all!

Seeing Qiancheng but smiling without saying a word, Su Mo's eyes became darker, and he added, "Or are you following me?"


this word...

Qiancheng smiled lightly, "I'm sorry, I really don't have that leisurely mind."

"That's the best!" Su Mo snorted coldly, "Go back, this is not the place for a woman like you!"

She shouldn't have come?That Yun'er should come?
Qiancheng still smiled and said, "Okay! Anyway, I've already said what needs to be said. I just don't want Fourth Master to be emotional for a while and let so many years of hard work go to waste. Presumably Miss Yun'er doesn't want to do that either?"

I don't know if she didn't expect to be called by her name, or if she didn't expect her to say such a thing, the woman named Yun'er was slightly startled, pursed her lips, and looked at Su Mochen.

Qiancheng didn't want to be a helper, but, she thought, since she was willing to hide in the palace for this man, and was willing to sneak into the brothel for this man, she thought, this woman loves this man with all her heart, right?
Since you love him, you naturally want him well, right?
Sure enough, the woman said, "Shen..."

"Don't say any more, this man will be killed tonight!"

Su Mo interrupted her sternly, and pointed the long sword in his hand at the man from the border country.

Both women were shocked.

Suddenly he heard a sneer from a man from the border country, "What kind of hero are you to use a long sword against my defenseless man?"

"Heroes?" Su Mochen also sneered back, "Heroes only treat heroes, and it doesn't matter how bad they are to deal with scum like you."

After finishing speaking, he picked up his steps and walked in front of him. The white middle coat was snowy, and the sleeves of the clothes fluttered.

Qiancheng was anxious, and pulled out the dagger used for self-defense from the folding fan and pressed it against Yun'er's throat, "Su Mochen, if you dare to kill him, I will kill this woman!"

Yun'er was slightly taken aback, but did not move.

On the contrary, Su Mochen turned his head in disbelief, thinking that he had heard wrongly, his eyes lightly fell on the gleaming dagger on the woman's neck, then slowly moved away, staring at Qiancheng, his pupils slowly closed, "Do you know what you're doing?"

His voice was very soft, but it was as cold as the frost of the twelfth lunar month, icy cold to the bone.

Qiancheng remained silent, and met his gaze straight away, neither avoiding nor avoiding, his gaze was burning.

Of course she knew.

As if she was doing the last thing for him.

It doesn't matter if she is a jealous woman.

Su Mo pursed his lips tightly, his face dark and terrifying, but he still refused to take back the long sword in his hand.

Taking advantage of the internal strife between the three people here, the man from the border country moved lightly, raised his hand to remove the silver needle that he had inserted on the table earlier, raised his hand and shot at Su Mochen.

Su Mo turned his back to him, and his mind was no longer there, so he didn't notice it, but the two women who were facing the man noticed this change, their expressions changed, and they rushed over without hesitation.

Maybe the woman named Yun'er ran too fast before Qiancheng's dagger could be withdrawn, or maybe both of them were too flustered, anyway, the dagger in Qiancheng's hand sliced ​​straight across the woman's collarbone.

Two muffled grunts.

The woman raised her hand to cover her wound deeply.

Qiancheng raised his hand to cover his chest lightly.

Su Mochen only heard and saw the former.

Seeing the bright red blood flowing from the woman's shoulder blades, Su Mochen's expression changed, and he stretched out his arms to hold the woman firmly in his arms.

Sullen eyes shot sharply at Qiancheng.

Qiancheng knew that he had misunderstood. He must have thought that Yun'er was going to escape and ran towards him, but she refused to let her escape, chased her, and even hurt her.

She didn't want to explain, and the urgent situation simply couldn't tolerate any more nonsense.

Because there were already chaotic footsteps outside, it seemed that many people were coming along the wooden stairs to the second floor.

Qiancheng knew that it was the people brought by General Ran who came.

Because the last step of Su Mohong's plan is to ask General Ran to bring soldiers to take Su Mo's stolen goods and get them.

Of course the people in the room heard it clearly.

Yun'er's complexion changed, and the man from the border country was overjoyed, only Su Mochen still pursed his lips, his face was dark, his eyes didn't move, he stared at Qiancheng for a moment, not knowing the meaning in his heart.

"Hurry up and go!" Qiancheng growled at the two of them.

The woman pressed the bleeding wound and looked at Su Mochen quietly, but Su Mochen was indifferent.

What do you mean?
Qiancheng pursed his lips, what time is it, does he still have to find her to avenge the woman who hurt him?

"Don't leave, right? Good!" Qiancheng nodded, his tone burning, "As long as you are willing to let you, a shameless woman, die without a place to bury you, you can spend your time here!"

At the end, Qiancheng suddenly leaned over slightly, and leaned close to the woman's ear, which was actually the ear of the two, because the woman was in the man's arms, and said in a voice that only they could hear: "Right? Xiaoqi! Pretending to be What kind of crime the princess will be, I believe you two people in the royal family should know better than me!"

The update is complete!
Dear friends, don't worry, there are many things that have not been explained clearly. There is a reason why the fourth master fell into the trick, and I will write about it later.

Plus, the story begins to take a twist.

Thank you [yanshujuanz] for your monthly pass~~
Thank you for your coffee, messages, and long comments~~
The children who commented on it are so strong in writing, Suzi is ashamed~~~
Love you guys!Love you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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