after losing heart

Chapter 110 [129] Just a curtain

Chapter 110 [129] Just a curtain
At the end, Qiancheng suddenly leaned over slightly, and leaned close to the woman's ear, which was actually the ear of the two, because the woman was in the man's arms, and said in a voice that only they could hear: "Right? Xiaoqi! Pretending to be What kind of crime the princess will be, I believe you two people in the royal family should know better than me!"

Both of them were startled, and looked at her in astonishment.

She smiled lightly, straightened up, and said loudly: "You guys go away! Nothing has happened here! I believe this son who came from afar will not care about you and say anything about you. After all, in this kind of place, a king and a An envoy from a country, who will die or live for a woman, spread it, or spread it to a border country, no one will look good, right? This young man."

Qiancheng smiled and asked the man from the border country.

The man looked at her, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Su Mo's eyes became deeper and deeper.

The footsteps outside became more and more urgent and closer, Qiancheng looked at Su Mochen again, Su Mochen exchanged a glance with her, then grabbed the woman in his arms, and jumped out of the window.

At that moment, Qiancheng's heart was completely empty.

In fact, she did all this and let them go all the time. She was just pretending to be strong, or in other words, she still had a glimmer of hope.

In the end, he still left with Yun'er, leaving her behind?

Sensing the gaze of the man from the border country, she bent her lips and smiled bitterly, "It's sad, isn't it?"

The man said nothing, but she saw something called sympathy in his eyes.

The footsteps were getting closer, mixed with yelling, and seeing that the door was about to break in, she quickly thought about the countermeasures. Suddenly, her waist was heavy, and by the time she realized it, she had already been caught in her arms and walked out of the window.

With the whistling wind in his ears, and the familiar light sandalwood breath lingering at the tip of his nose, Qiancheng was a little dazed.

Why is he back again?

Are you reluctant to leave her behind?Or was he afraid that she would be discovered by everyone and implicate him?
She didn't ask.

She knew, and he wouldn't tell if she asked.

The two of them didn't speak for a while. The man held her between her and performed light kung fu, walking like flying. He didn't let her go until he reached the corner of the street, next to Yang Hen's carriage.

Yang Hen pursed his lips and looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

He opened the curtain to let the two of them in, and Qian Cheng found that Yun'er was already sitting in the carriage, so he smiled at Yang Hen and said, "I want to sit outside and watch you drive the carriage, and I also happen to have a look at the night view of the capital. "

Yang Hen was startled, and looked at Su Mochen with some embarrassment.

Su Mochen didn't speak, just bent down and entered the carriage.

Qiancheng smiled wryly, and Yang Hen frowned into mountains and rivers.

The carriage moved slowly, perhaps because the night was too late and there were very few pedestrians on the street.

The summer night is very windy and cool, with heavy humidity.

Qian Cheng leaned on the side of the carriage, motionless, his body swayed slightly with the bumps of the carriage, his black hair was lifted by the wind, hovering lonely.

Yang Hen sat next to him, pursed his lips tightly, and stared straight at the road ahead, not for a moment, but the light in the corner of his eyes could not be separated from the frail figure beside him.

After some hesitation, he untied his cloak and put it on Qiancheng.

Qiancheng was startled, but she didn't refuse. Instead, she gathered her cloak and wrapped herself tightly.

The helpless look made Yang Hen's heart ache, but he was helpless.

Perhaps the wind was so strong that it hurt his eyes, so Qiancheng slowly closed his eyes.

Just a curtain.

A curtain separates two worlds, and she is outside his world.

Inside the curtain, the two kept talking, oh no, they should have been arguing.

"Xie Yunxi, aren't you very capable? You have been hiding from me for the past two days, and you can't be found anywhere on the [-]th. Don't you just want to carry out this plan alone? But have you ever thought about it? Come a step late, if I come a step late..."

Su Mo's voice was cold, angry, and even gnashed his teeth.

"Yes!" Xie Yunxi threw herself into his arms, sobbing softly, "If you come one step late, if you come one step late, I will become the body of a willow."

Xie Yunxi, it turns out that Yuner's name is Xie Yunxi.

Qiancheng smiled wryly, unable to express the feeling in his heart, before his eyes flashed again, that Xiao Qi who smiled brightly and showed two small canine teeth, she was heartless and excited, she beat her chest and stamped her feet, cute Extreme look.

It turned out that it was all fake.

She is just another woman wearing a mask to assume the identity of the Seventh Princess Su Ningshuang.

If she hadn't happened to see the cinnabar birthmark behind her ear when she held the dagger to her throat just now, she wouldn't have known that she was Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi has some, she has seen them before.

Qiancheng closed his eyes tightly, trying his best not to listen to the voice from the other side of the curtain, and also tried his best not to think about how Xiao Qi became the woman in Su Mochen's heart.

However, the night was so quiet, and they were so close at hand, those piercing voices always pierced her eardrums forcefully.

In the carriage, it was very dark. Su Mo's eyes were cold and cold, and he held the woman's shoulder, "Why are you so self-righteous? Su Mohong's simple trick to lure you into the urn, you rushed in regardless of the consequences?"

The collarbone was injured, and Su Mo made great efforts. The woman suffered from pain, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Are you blaming me?" She choked up, "Blame me for breaking your plan, blame me for not leading you to show up, right? You said it just now, I just want to implement this plan alone. It's about me alone, it has nothing to do with you, why did you show up? You don't have to show up!"

She couldn't stand it. When did this man talk to her in this tone?
He must be blaming her, must be, and she could hardly cry at the end.

The man sneered, "I don't show up? You can stay here safely if I don't show up? You know what you mean to me? Why do you want to take risks and act recklessly like this? Are you sure I will come out to save you?"

Xie Yunxi was shocked, and stared at him in the dark with his eyes open, still not believing that he would say such a thing, gritted his teeth, but tears flowed out even more violently, "You just look at me like this?"

"Isn't it? Obviously you know martial arts, but Qiancheng doesn't. Although she holds a dagger in her hand, how can she threaten you?"

"Yes! I did it on purpose!" the woman roared, "I stayed still on purpose and let her threaten me, because at that time, I thought the same as her, you can't kill that bastard, you can't self-destruct because of me future."

"Self-destructive future?" Su Mochen chuckled disapprovingly, "At that time, you thought too much. Before you hid for the past two days and prepared to go your own way, why didn't you think that I would self-destruct my future?"

"Su Mochen, I didn't ask you to save me!" The woman held her bleeding shoulder blade and smiled wryly.

"You know it's impossible for me not to save you!"

The man interrupted her sharply, paused for a while, and said again: "Xie Yunxi, I warn you, if you dare to do it again, I will ignore you!"

"I don't care if I don't care, I'll be clean when I die." The woman was angry, and suddenly opened the door curtain, and shouted at Yang Hen: "Stop!"

Yang Hen was startled, he heard the conversation between the two just now verbatim, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Turning his head, he looked at the man who was sitting in the carriage hidden in the darkness with inquiring eyes.

Qiancheng didn't move, still leaning there, smiling wryly.

Why bother?

No matter how bad the attitude, no matter how cold the words, it was just because of the word caring, he didn't want the woman to be in danger for him anymore.

She felt like an outsider at the moment, standing outside the crowd and watching other people's romance.

Others are in deep trouble, but she can see clearly.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from behind, it was Xie Yunxi, and she was pulled back into the carriage by the man again.

No, think about it, it should be in your arms.

Then I heard the sound of a woman sobbing, and a man's coaxing voice in a low voice. After a long time, there was no movement.

At the gate of the palace, as soon as the carriage stopped, Qiancheng jumped out of the carriage, and slowly climbed up the steps wrapped in Yang Hen's windbreaker.

It's time to go, Ran Qiancheng, she told herself.

"Sister-in-law four!" Xiao Qi's crisp voice came from behind.

Yes, it's Xiaoqi, Qiancheng was taken aback, she didn't understand, a person's appearance can be changed, why can his voice change so much?

When she turned her head, the two had already got off the carriage, and the woman had already put on a mask.

Xiaoqi's face.

Still clean and pure, still bright and lovely, but Qiancheng just felt as if he ate a fly, spit it out, couldn't spit it out, swallowed it, couldn't swallow it, and felt unbearably uncomfortable.

Thinking about how she had been kept in the dark by such a face these days, she only found it ironic and funny.

Lifting her lips, she smiled softly, "Princess Seven, do you still remember what I said that day in Yuxiangfang? I said, you better not call me Sisao. Today, I still say the same thing. "

Thank you 【Xinrui Baoer】Dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Gaolin Xiaoyu], [Xinyou 0808], [1017], [Yingying [-]] for the monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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