after losing heart

Chapter 111 [130] Don't Regret

Chapter 111 [130] Don't Regret

Lifting her lips, she smiled softly, "Princess Seven, do you still remember what I said that day in Yuxiangfang? I said, you better not call me Sisao. Today, I still say the same thing. "

Xie Yunxi pursed her lips, but said nothing.

Swallowing the bitterness in her heart, she turned around and continued to climb the stairs, without even looking at the man next to the woman.

"and many more!"

The man's voice was cold.

She froze for a moment, pretending not to hear, since he didn't call someone's name anyway, so she assumed he was calling someone else.

"Didn't I tell you to stop?"

The man sounded angry, obviously losing patience.

Oh, are you that impatient with her?Just two sentences.

After thinking about it, she still stopped in her tracks, but the stabbing pain in her chest became more and more intense, which almost made her unable to stand still. She didn't turn her head back and held back, "If Fourth Master has something to tell Qiancheng, No need, what should not be seen, what should not be said, Qiancheng still has a sense of proportion, of course, if the fourth master is still worried, he can kill people to silence the story."

Straightening his voice, Qiancheng spoke calmly, trying his best to look calm.

She knows their secret, doesn't she?

Twice for this woman, he wanted to kill her, didn't he?

There was deathly silence behind him.

There were obviously three people, but there was no sound at all.

It was as if she was the only one in the vast world.

She suddenly wanted to turn around to see the expression on the man's face at this time, but she held back after all!
Out of sight, her heart may feel better; out of sight, she may still have the last bit of self-esteem.

She was wrapped in a cloak, straightened her back, and stood on the bluestone steps, reclusive and independent.

The night wind blew past, bringing her black hair and the hem of the cloak to fly wantonly together, lonely and desolate.

After a long period of silence, I suddenly heard the voice of a person kneeling on the ground, "Fourth Master..."

It's Yang Hen!
Is this pleading for her?Is that man really going to make a move?

"Shen..." Xiao Qi also spoke out, calling him softly.

Is she pleading for her too?

Qiancheng bent her lips, and suddenly thought, isn't it just death, she has never been afraid before!Pursing her lips, she was about to turn around and face that person, when she suddenly heard that person's voice coming through the dark night.

"Yang Hen, send Master Qian back to Tsinghua Garden first, Xiao Qi, follow me to Yunxuan Pavilion!"

"I'd better go back!" Xiao Qi's voice.

"your injury"

"No problem!"

"No! There's so much blood!"

Qiancheng smiled wryly, it seemed that she had to thank Xiao Qi, thank her for her plea, and thank her for her injury.

After a while, Yang Hen had come to him, "Master Qian, let's go!"

Qiancheng lowered his eyes, climbed up the steps, took two steps, paused again, and said in a deep voice: "Su Mochen, if you don't kill me tonight, don't regret it tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he went straight into the gate of the mansion.

Yang Hen followed her unhurriedly all the time, watching her staggering footsteps, tried to reach out to help her several times, but they fell in mid-air and then hung down again.

"Yang Hen."

When he arrived at the gate of Qinghuayuan, the woman suddenly called him.

Yang Hen was stunned, his heartbeat staggered, because of that sound of Yang Hen.

Every time she called him Commander Yang, it was the first time, the first time she called him that.

"Master Qian..." he asked cautiously, but his heart was beating uncontrollably, almost jumping out of his chest.

"Thank you!"

Qiancheng turned around and smiled at him. Under the night, he discovered again that her eyes could really speak.

"I...I didn't...didn't do anything."

Yang Hen was like a big boy, unable to speak in embarrassment.

"Anyway, thank you!"

Qiancheng looked at him, still smiling, but something sparkled in his eyes.

Whether it was his sneaking medicine that night, or his pleading in Yunxuan Pavilion that day, or wearing a cloak tonight, this man has given her warmth, silently warming her in his own way.

she knows.

Maybe she will never see her again, but she is grateful to him, from the bottom of her heart.

Yang Hen scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled naively.

"Okay, let's go back! I'm going to rest too!"

"En!" Yang Hen nodded, but did not leave.

Qiancheng stopped talking and turned around.

Yang Hen stood behind him, watching her enter the garden gate, pass through the small courtyard, and enter the wing room.

Qiancheng quickly closed the door, leaning heavily behind the door, frowning, panting.

After a while, she lowered her head and slowly opened the cloak. The blood inside had already stained half of her chest, and the light blue clothes were soaked and mottled.

Damn, it's just a silver needle, but it can bleed so much blood!

If she hadn't been wearing this body for more than three years, and knew that this body was normal except for her heart disease, she would almost have suspected that Ran Qiancheng's body had sepsis.

It's just a silver needle.

After taking off the cloak, she came to the table, and by the candlelight, she gently twirled the tail of the silver needle with two fingers, clenched her teeth, and pulled it out suddenly.

With a muffled grunt, the silver needle brought out a spring of blood, she frowned, and stretched out her hand to press the wound.

The pain in body and mind haunted her deeply. She sat there panting and motionless, fine cold sweat oozed from her forehead. She closed her eyes tightly and raised her head high. There was still warm liquid from the corners of her eyes. It overflowed, and there were long water marks on the face.

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Three Princes' Mansion, One Bean Candle

Under the lamp, sitting a tall and straight figure of a man, dressed in white snow, with a handsome face.

The man lowered his eyelids, gently rubbing a string in his hand, so gentle and affectionate, just like rubbing the face of the most beloved woman.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly raised his eyelashes, his eyes full of pain.

Through the flickering candlelight, he seemed to have returned to the spring of that year.

He sat under the tree, caressing the Yaoqin, she stood among the green grass and flowers, her clothes fluttering.

"Qiancheng, you don't know martial arts, it will be very difficult to practice this sword dance."

She shook the long sword in her hand, with a sunny face on her face: "It's okay, I like it."

The sound of the piano is melodious, the sound of the sword is clanging, and the pear blossoms are dancing all over the sky.

"Brother Feng, I give it to you!"

She raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, and passed something over with the other hand, her smile was as bright as a lilac blossom.

He couldn't help but looked a little crazy, and it took him a long time to remember to look at her hands, "What is it?"

She spread out her white palm, and it was a zither string.

He was a little surprised.

She raised her eyebrows, stuffed the strings into his palm, and leaned against his shoulder, "Keep playing the Yaoqin, keep playing, there will always be a bad day, but I don't want it to break, so I give you the piano." The string, you have to carry it with you, and if it breaks, you replace it!"

But I don't want it to break!
The memory is so clear, as if it just happened yesterday.

But, Qiancheng, who broke the strings now?
What is all this for?
Suddenly, the candle flame flickered, and a strange current surged in the air.

The man narrowed his eyes, quickly withdrew his hands, and held the strings in his palms. A black shadow lightly fell in front of him and bowed slightly to him.

"Third Lord, the matter you asked your subordinates to investigate has been found out. It was the Sixth Prince who wanted to use the Fourth Prince's hand to kill the envoy of the border country on the red boat, or to put the blame on the Fourth Prince."

"The results of it?"

"As a result, General Ran brought a group of people there, but nothing happened. There was no sign of the Fourth Prince either."

Su Mofeng hummed lightly, and waved his hand to signal the visitor to step back. He slowly leaned on the back of the chair, unable to express the feeling in his heart, only feeling entangled and contradictory.

There are some disappointments. He thought he would benefit from the competition between jade and mussels, but it was in vain in the end.

But there was also some rejoicing, glad that Su Mo was fine, so Qiancheng didn't have to be sad.

For Qiancheng, he had to fight, but if he fought, sooner or later he would become an enemy with Su Mochen.

Will she hate him again?
If he hates, he would rather not fight.

After bandaging up Xiaoqi and sending it back, it was almost five o'clock.

Su Mochen walked slowly in the palace under the night alone, feeling a little disturbed in his heart.

Why, he couldn't say.

The night was cold.

For some reason, while walking, he actually came to Tsinghua Garden, which was already pitch black.

After the update, have a nice weekend, folks!

(End of this chapter)

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