after losing heart

Chapter 112 [131] He can't wait anymore

Chapter 112 [131] He can't wait anymore
For some reason, while walking, he actually came to Tsinghua Garden, which was already pitch black.

Already asleep?
Su Mo lowered his eyes and bent his lips, laughing at himself, thinking that she would not be able to sleep tonight!
He turned around and was about to leave, but for some reason, he thought for a while, then paused, and after a moment of silence, he turned around and walked straight into Tsinghua Garden.

The evening scent in the courtyard was in full bloom, the dark fragrance was mixed with the moisture of the night, and it was fragrant. Su Mo took a deep breath, raised his hand, and tried to push the door of the wing room.

Surprisingly, there was no bolt inside the door, and he pushed it lightly, and the door opened.

He suddenly thought, did the owner of the wing room forget to close it, or did she not bother to close it?

My heart speeded up inexplicably.

The cold moonlight poured into the house along with the opened door, and suddenly, it brightened the originally dark room a little, and it was possible to discern things vaguely.

A thick smell of blood came to his nostrils, and Su Mo's heart trembled.

How can there be this smell?

He walked straight to the bed in two steps in three steps. When he saw that there was no one on the bed, his expression changed.

what happened?

"Qiancheng!" In the darkness, he tried to shout, and only after he shouted did he realize that his voice was trembling, as if it wasn't his voice.

Only the silence of the night and the boundless darkness responded to him.

His heart was beating uncontrollably, he hurried to the table, trying to light the candle, but his hands were shaking inexplicably, and it took him a long time to hold the candle.

The room suddenly became brighter, and the sight became clear.

Sure enough, no one!
The quilt on the bed was well folded, and after thinking about it, she never went to bed at all.

It's so late, where did you go?

That night, when he rushed back from the racecourse, she was not there, but at least the candles were still burning in the house, and in the end, she went to the palace racecourse to look for him.

What about tonight?

He is in the mansion, where is she going?
For some reason, he suddenly had a very bad premonition, very strong, and that strong feeling wrapped him tightly, making him unable to breathe.

He quickly looked around at everything in the house.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the scattered clothes on the ground under the table, and he couldn't look away.

The clothes were messy, obviously the owner of the clothes changed in a hurry.

There were two pieces, one dark cloak, he recognized it, it belonged to Yang Hen, and she put it on when she returned to her room tonight.

The other is a men's green robe, which he also remembered, it was worn when she sneaked into the red painting boat tonight.

But, what is that big piece of red on the chest of Qingpao?
Is it blood?
A fear that he had never felt before rolled over to him, his breath was stagnant, he bent down to pick up the green shirt, and stretched out his hand to touch it, his hand was smooth and bright red.

If it's not blood, what is it?
what happened?He pursed his lips, shook off the green shirt, and found that it was the seat for his heart.

Did she hurt her chest?
He quickly looked around again, and found that there were still blood stains on the ground, and the bluestone ground was mottled like small blooming roses, which was shocking.

Next to the blood stains, there is something, under the flickering of the candle, glowing with a cold blue light.

He bent down and picked it up, it was a silver needle.

He knew this kind of silver needle, it belonged to Yun'er, he gave it to her, asked her to carry it with her, and used it for self-defense, the silver needle was poisoned, a poison that made people bleed endlessly.

Tonight, in the Accord of the red painting boat, he saw it stuck on the table, and he thought it was Yun'er's envoy to deal with that border country, and it just failed.

But why is it here again?

Suddenly, his pupils closed, and a certain scene in the Accord at night returned to his brain again.

It turned out that this woman blocked the silver needle for him.

At that time, his mind and heart were all about Yun'er, so he couldn't care less about other things, nor could he think so much.

This silly woman, why didn't this silly woman say anything?
He also deliberately wrapped a big cloak to prevent them from seeing it.

Su Mochen only felt that his heart seemed to be gouged out by something, and the blunt pain was overwhelming, not very strong, but very dense, so dense that he could hardly breathe.

So where did she go now?

Where can she go when she is seriously injured?
"Su Mochen, if you don't kill me tonight, don't regret it tomorrow!"

Her cold and decisive voice sounded in his ears again. At that time, he didn't understand, but now he finally understood what she meant.

she's gone, isn't she?

She said that even if he wanted to kill her tomorrow, she would be gone, right?

How can she go?
She doesn't want to die, does she?
His thin lips were tightly pursed into a cold straight line, he threw his hands, and the green shirt and silver needles in his hands were thrown on the table, and he turned and walked out the door.

The night is as cool as water, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse
Su Mo stood in front of the window with his hands behind his hands, his face was stern, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his deep black eyes were looking at the full moon in the sky, motionless, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Standing behind him, Yang Hen also had a condensed expression, not daring to show his breath.

That woman is gone!

She actually left!
No wonder she was so weird last night, no wonder she called him Yang Hen and thanked him!
But she is a woman, and she has not returned to Yuxiangfang, where can she go with no one to rely on?
Didn't she also experience a lot of pain and contempt in the past? She didn't even intend to move.

It seemed that this time she was really sad, not lightly hurt, and desperately hurt.

There was a throbbing pain in his heart, he didn't know what the man in front of him was thinking?

He also didn't understand why this man didn't know how to cherish him so much?
If it was him, if it was him...
"Yang Hen, send out all the hidden guards, search all the medical clinics in the capital, and find her before midnight!"

Su Mochen spoke in a deep voice suddenly, startling Yang Hen.

Because he was thinking wildly just now, when he first heard this, Yang Hen thought he heard it wrong.

"Send out all the hidden guards?"

Although, he was also very worried about that woman, but dispatching the hidden guards, and dispatching all the hidden guards, would definitely attract the attention of others.

Only the emperor can have his own hidden guard.

If a prince is found to have such a secret organization, he will die without a place to bury him.

"Yes! Go, she must be found before midnight!"

Su Mo turned his head back with a firm tone.


"No, but, the king has no time!"

Before Yang Hen could finish speaking, Su Mo interrupted him sharply.

He knows better than anyone the consequences of easily activating the hidden guard, but now, this is also the fastest way.It is also possible to mobilize people from the Heishamen, but the people from the Heishamen are scattered, and it will take at least an hour to mobilize them. Now, he can't afford to wait.

He really is out of time!

No, the woman is out of time.

Yang Hen led away, and he turned around slowly, looked up at the full moon, and pursed his thin lips.

Fifteen, tonight is fifteen!
It was already midnight when Sikong Wei found Qiancheng.

It was under a bridge hole.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, if he hadn't been familiar with her, if he hadn't known that the person was her, he would have hardly recognized her.

She was curled up under a bridge pillar, her body trembling in a ball, her body was covered with blood, the surroundings of her body were icy cold, and her hair was covered with silver threads.

Yes, it is silver thread, silver thread all over the head, and the moonlight hits it coldly, so white that it hurts people's eyes.

He only bought medicine to stop the bleeding in the medical center, and left in a hurry, not going back to Yuxiangfang, not staying in a hotel, preferring to lie alone under this icy bridge hole.

Qiancheng, how determined are you not to let us find you?
His heart ached so badly that he couldn't breathe, Sikong Wei stepped forward lightly, carefully hugged the frail figure into his arms, and called her tremblingly, "Thousand City".

The woman's body was limp, like a fallen leaf, she didn't resist, because her consciousness was a little blurred.

She lay in his arms with her eyes half open and half closed, and it took her a long time to react. When she realized it was him, she suddenly opened her eyes, tried her best to break free from his embrace, and got up to run.

But, at this moment, where does she still have the strength to run?Within two steps, she fell straight to the ground, Sikong Wei stepped forward and pressed her tightly in his arms.

Thank you [yuwenyange], [annoyed and irritated], [renlinggg], [焦语], [sisi0510], [vivianyue]
】Dear monthly ticket~~
Thank you [Xiaotangtuan 1015], [Xiaoyu Yanyan] for your purse~~
Thank you [Xinyou 0808] for your monthly pass and Huahua~~
Suzi is resistant to you~~
(End of this chapter)

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