after losing heart

Chapter 113 [133] Just disappointed

Chapter 113 [133] Just disappointed

Putting on soft shoes, she went out.

This is a farmhouse with a single family and a single courtyard. The courtyard is full of hypericum, which is in flowering season. The golden flowers are shining and dazzling in the sun.

Qian Cheng squinted his eyes for a while, then turned around and went to the other rooms to continue looking for someone.

No, not a single person.

There are kitchens, wing rooms, small courtyards, and pavilions, but it seems that no one has lived there for a long time.

Because if someone has lived in it, it must be a bit popular. This house is like a specially collected artwork, neatly organized and spotless.

There was nothing to eat in the kitchen except a basket of walnuts.

It was only then that Qiancheng remembered that he hadn't eaten all day and night, he was really hungry and didn't care too much, so he left the kitchen with a handful of walnuts.

When Sikong Wei walked into the yard, he saw such a scene.

A woman with black hair and a long dress looks like the wind blowing snow, but... but her movements...

She didn't know what to put in the crack of the door, and stretched out her hand to pull the door, only to hear a crisp "click", she stretched out her hand to take the thing out of the crack of the door again.

Sikong Wei slightly frowned, walked over, "What are you doing?"

Qiancheng focused on the movements in his hands, and was startled when he heard the sound of people. He turned around and saw that it was him, he was relieved, and said coldly, "Didn't you see it? I'm peeling walnuts."

"Peeling walnuts?" The man was startled, and when he saw her spread out her palms to separate the crushed walnut shells from the walnut flesh, he finally understood, and couldn't help laughing, "It's thanks to you for thinking of this method. "

With a cold face, Qiancheng ignored him, and continued to focus on the half-crushed walnut in his hand. Suddenly, he let out a soft cry.

"What's wrong?" Sikong Wei's expression changed.

Qian Cheng looked down at his hands, and there was bright red blood oozing from Bai Bi's fingers, damn it, it's so hard to eat a walnut.

Suddenly, there was heat on her wrist, and someone wrapped the back of her hand.

She was startled, and was about to withdraw her hand, but was held tightly by the other party.

She thought he was just looking at the wound, until the man's fingers were gently sucked into his mouth, and the warm, slippery tip of his tongue lightly touched the wound above, she suddenly woke up with a start, and her face changed dramatically.

"Let go of me, you bastard!"

The man didn't bother her too much, he stared at her with black eyes and smiled lightly, then let go of her hand, "It's getting better soon!"

"I want you to take care of it!" Qiancheng's expression turned ugly, and he suddenly remembered what happened last night.

"Sikong Wei, although you saved me, I'm not grateful to you!"

"I know." The man was not annoyed with his thin lips. He leisurely took a few walnuts from her hand, leaned on the door lintel, and twirled his fingers leisurely, only to hear a crisp "click" , The walnut core is the core, and the meat is the meat.

Qiancheng was dumbfounded.

The man smiled, and handed her the undamaged walnut meat, she was not polite, took it and ate it.

He went on to spin the next one.

"Also, if your purpose of saving me is to let me go back to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, you should die of that heart as soon as possible, and I will never go back even if I die."

The man's hand paused slightly.

"Even if you threaten me with Yun Kou's life or the life of someone from Yuxiangfang, it's useless. I can't control my own life, so how can I control others!"

The man didn't speak, and continued to move his hands.

"If you insist on sending me back to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, then, let me tell you, what you send there will only be my corpse."

The man was startled, and slowly raised his eyes to look at him, "You hate him that much?"

Qiancheng slowly chewed the walnut in his mouth, and chewed the word repeatedly.

hate it?she asked herself.

"No hate!" Swallowing what was in her mouth, she looked at the man calmly, "It's just disappointment!"

disappointment? !
The man's eyes flickered slightly, and he felt that those two words deeply hurt the eardrums. He lowered his eyes and increased the strength of his fingers. Suddenly, a good walnut turned into fine powder.

Qian Cheng saw it, and thought he was angry because she refused to go back to the palace, smiled coldly, turned and entered the room.

Sikong Wei leaned against the door by himself, remained silent for a while, then turned and left.

Palace back garden

Fourteen walked slowly along the flower path, pursing his lips slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

A woman in front of her was holding a tray in her hand and she was walking towards this direction with her head hooked.

Maybe they both had something on their minds, or maybe they didn't look at the road, until the two bumped into each other in an unbiased manner, they suddenly realized it.

The woman let out a cry of surprise, and the tray came out of her hand. Her expression changed, and she hurriedly went to pick it up, but her feet staggered, and her body fell straight to the ground.

Fourteen was startled, and hastily stretched out his hand, and with his long arm, he held the woman firmly in his arms, and with his other hand, spread out, he narrowly caught the tray as well.

This jade tree facing the wind posture was maintained for several seconds before the woman blushed and broke free from Fourteen's arms, without looking at him, she quickly lowered her head and apologized.


Yun Kou raised her head, only then did she recognize Su Moyu, the Fourteenth Prince, and bowed slightly again.

"Yun Kou bumped into Fourteenth Master, please forgive me!"

"Get up!" Fourteen looked at her, "What made you so distracted that you didn't even look at the road?"

Although, although he was absent-minded just now, he is the master, isn't he?

"Back to Master Fourteen, maybe I didn't sleep well last night." Yun Kou lowered her eyes and nodded, speaking plainly, but Fourteen didn't ignore the melancholy in the corners of her eyes and brows.

He suddenly remembered something about her.

I heard that the envoy from the border country came to visit that day, and Emperor Wen and the empress received them in the Yingxing Palace. At the dinner, the envoy from the border country fell in love with Yun Kou, the maidservant next to the empress, and used the strength of wine to greet Emperor Wen and the empress. Facing Yun Kou, he moved his hands and feet.

Although Emperor Wen was displeased in his heart, he didn't show it on his face. Moreover, the other party was an envoy from the frontier country, and he was only interested in a court lady.

Therefore, Emperor Wen said that Yun Kou would be bestowed on the envoy so that he could bring it back to the border country.

Today is the day when the envoys from the border countries return home.

"Are you unwilling to go with that man from the border country?" Fourteen has always been a person who can't hide.

Yun Kou raised her eyes in astonishment.

Su Moyu was wearing a moon-white brocade robe today, with gold trim, high hair, and the ribbon of the light robe showed dignity in the morning sun, yet he was full of vigor.

"If you don't want to, you can tell your father!"

"Tell me?" Yun Kou bent her lips and smiled bitterly, "Not everyone is as lucky as the Fourteenth Master, who is born with honor and dignity. Some people are born as humble as ants, and they are born with a Being attached to others, you can never be in charge of yourself."

Su Moyu was startled.

He had never thought about this question.

Closing his eyes, he looked at the whispering woman in front of him.

Wearing a pale apricot-colored palace attire, long ink-like hair, a touch of gentleness, deep melancholy, and most importantly, the frowning eyebrows with drooping eyes and bowed head, as if everything in the world was infected by her emotions.

Su Moyu also let out a low sigh as his heart sank, but he didn't know what to say.

Because his body was so exhausted, Qian Cheng didn't bother to talk to Si Kong Wei, so he fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, it was already dark.

The house has been lit with candles.

She got up, and found a bundle beside the soft pillow, stretched out her hand to untie it, and found that it was all women's clothes.

Outer shirts, skirts, middle clothes, pajamas, fur trousers are all available, and there are even tube tops.

Only then did she remember that she was still wearing men's pajamas, and when she left the palace, she left in a hurry without bringing anything, and the one she was wearing was stained with blood again.

She was also going to buy it, but she didn't expect that someone had already bought it for her.

It's just, just, Sikong Wei, a big man to do this?

In particular, I also bought a tube top!
No matter what you think, why can't you stand it.

Change. State, change. State!
When Qiancheng walked into the kitchen neatly dressed, Sikong Wei was standing by the sink choosing dishes, his sleeves were lightly rolled up, showing his strong wrists.

The firewood was crackling in the stove behind him, and something was cooking in the pot, the aroma was overflowing and the mist was lingering.

Qiancheng couldn't believe his eyes.

Is this the famous master of the Heisha Sect, Sikong Wei, who made everyone in the world fear?

Thank you [Milk Chocolate Sorbet] and [Lulu Angel 1997] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Walk to be silly] dear magic pen~~
(End of this chapter)

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