after losing heart

Chapter 115 [135] So similar

Chapter 115 [135] So similar

She was also polite, and reached out to take it, "By the way, did your face get hurt?"

The man was startled, and looked up at her with deep black eyes.

Seeing that he was silent, Qiancheng thought it was because he didn't want to say anything, so he waved his hand, "Forget it, I'm just asking, I wear such a heavy mask on my face all day long, and I'm exhausted for you. "

She even forgot that there are thousands of reasons in this world, and there are also thousands of reasons for wearing a mask, so why must she have been injured?
She herself is wearing a mask, so why bother to force others?

The topic stopped, and the two began to eat in silence again.

Qiancheng ate the last bite of the crispy skin of the roast duck wrapped in dough, and licked the sauce on his fingers. He felt that the roast duck was really delicious, and it was eaten in the same way as the modern Peking duck. He stretched out his hand to wrap another piece, and suddenly He felt a burning gaze on his face.

She was startled, looked up, and saw Sikong Wei's dark eyes were deeply twisting herself.

"What? Is there something wrong?" She raised her hand and touched her face, very puzzled.

"Don't move!" The man leaned over.

She was startled, and instinctively dodged back, but was held down by the man, who stretched out his big hand to hold her face.

She stared at him blankly, not knowing what he was going to do.The man suddenly lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips.

what's the situation?
Qiancheng's breathing was stagnant, and she quickly stretched out her hand to push him away, but when she realized that the man just gently licked the sauce off her lips, her whole body froze, as if she had been immobilized, and immediately lost all strength. Can't move a centimeter.

This feeling, this feeling...

I still remember that in modern times, whenever she or Xiao Han celebrates her birthday, Xiao Han likes to tease her with the cream on the cake, making it all over her face, and then kisses her again, licking the cream off her face , not too dirty.

this man...

Last night was so forceful to feed medicine with kisses, tonight is again...

how come?How could the two be so alike?
She was thinking in a trance, suddenly startled, and suddenly reached out to push him away.

Ran Qiancheng, what are you thinking?
Is it because you are too eager for warmth?Do you still feel that your life is not miserable enough?

Why do you keep fooling yourself like this over and over again?

Xiao Han is dead, your Xiao Han is dead, no one is him, no one is him! ! !

Being pushed by her, Sikong Wei was not annoyed, he put a little distance away from her, smiled evilly, his black eyes were as bright as stars in the sky, "The way you very tempting. people!"

"Rogue!" Qiancheng was ashamed and annoyed, his face was flushed, and the unfinished roast duck in his hand came out and threw it at him.

He smiled lowly, without avoiding it, stretched out his big hand, easily took the roasted duck in his hand, put it in his mouth, took a bite, and ate it gracefully, his black eyes like stones were still twisted with interest She doesn't let go.

Sure enough, the most humble person is invincible!
Well, she dyed Qiancheng clothes!
"I'm full, eat slowly!"

Standing up from her seat with a bang, she turned around and left after she finished speaking.

Sikong Wei didn't stop him either.

Qiancheng didn't understand which of her words or which of her actions pleased the man. When she walked to the door, she clearly heard the man's low laughter.

At this time, the palace was in chaos, and all the imperial guards were mobilized.

The same is true in the capital, where Jinyiwei in yellow vests can be seen everywhere on the street.

Because the envoy from the border country disappeared.

Today was the day for him to return to the country. Emperor Wen, the empress and all the ministers went to the gate of the palace to see him off. Yun Kou was also dressed in a new dress and sat quietly in a soft sedan waiting, but there was no sign of the envoy from the border country.

Emperor Wen sent someone to the post house to invite him, but there was no one in the post house, so he searched everywhere, but to no avail.

Everyone thought, maybe something has been delayed, just wait!
As a result, when it was dark and there were no people, Emperor Wen became anxious.

Bian Guo had been coveting Xi Cang for a long time, but suffered from the fact that there was no reason to start a war. Now, if the envoy has any mishaps in Xi Cang, that would be fine, and it would definitely lead to a bloody battle between the two countries.

Therefore, it was ordered that the imperial guards and Jinyiwei should all be dispatched, and they must be found to send envoys!

The night is as cool as water, and the moon is in the sky!
There are no lamps in the room, and there is a bronze mask on the table.

Sikong Wei stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the starry sky outside, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

The bright moonlight hit his handsome face, coating him with a cool color, like a god's residence.

Summer insects chirp outside the window, and from time to time, twinkling fireflies fly past the hypericum bushes.

The night in the suburbs is so quiet, it seems to be able to cleanse people's souls.

The heart seems to have become quieter as well.

She said, "I wear such a heavy mask on my face all day long, and I'm exhausted for you."

Why is he not tired?

But does he have a choice?No!There is no way out.

Through the window, you can clearly see the light from the next room through the window.

Is she still asleep?
what are you doing?

Just thinking about it quietly, suddenly, a loud crackling sound came from the next door.

what happened?

As soon as his face changed, he picked up the mask on the table and put it on his face, and went out.

When he couldn't wait to knock open the door of the next wing, what he saw was such a scene.

The woman, with black hair and white clothes, stands barefoot in the center of the room, holding a pillow in her left hand and a feather duster in her right hand.

There was a mess around her, thin quilts, tables and chairs, and various objects scattered all over the floor.

As if just experienced a catastrophe!
"What's wrong?" Sikong Wei was shocked.

The woman looked up at him in a daze, and then looked around herself. After a while, she calmly smiled, "It's nothing, I'm doing hygiene, that's all!"

"Hygienic?" The man frowned.

"Oh, it's just cleaning!" The woman suddenly remembered that the word sanitation might not have been used in ancient times, and she hurriedly explained with a sneer.

"Cleaning? Cleaning in the middle of the night?" The man narrowed his eyes, and looked at her with probing eyes, "Why do I feel that, on the contrary, you are messing up the house?"

"Make a mess first, then clean it up!" The woman looked away and spoke incoherently. Seeing the man staring at her in astonishment, she blushed, "Oh, it's fine anyway. Leave me alone and go back to sleep with you!"

As she spoke, she ran up to him barefoot and pushed him away.

"Okay, it's fine!" Although he was puzzled, seeing her like this, Sikong Wei didn't want to ask any more questions, turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a soft "creak creak" sound came from under the bed, and the woman screamed, stretched out her hands and grabbed his neck, jumped onto his body, lifted her feet off the ground, and hugged him tightly.

Sikong was startled, he didn't know why, when he saw a mouse running out from under the bed, he suddenly understood.

"Hahaha~" He laughed loudly, with unprecedented joy and wantonness, "So... so you are afraid of mice!"

Qiancheng rolled his eyes straight, "Is it funny to be afraid of mice? Do you want to laugh like this?"

"Of course it's funny. You are not afraid of the sky, the earth, and even death, but... you are afraid of a mouse?" The man's smile never stopped.

"What's so strange about this? In this world, some people just have some natural enemies, and my natural enemies happen to be mice!"

She knew he would laugh, so she was embarrassed to say that she smashed the rats and smashed everything in the house.

It's not just a matter of a day or two that she is afraid of mice, it's a shadow that falls in the 21st century.

At that time, she had just graduated from university and was renting that kind of private house outside. She saw with her own eyes a newborn baby next door being gnawed bloody by a mouse, which was horrible.

Since then, she has suffered from rat phobia, and rented a house as a small high-level executive who rented commercial housing. Later, she met Xiao Han, and Xiao Han bought her a luxurious big house.

After traveling to this time and space, there is always Xiaobai, so I don't have any worries about this, tonight, tonight is good!

"Then what should we do now?" The man stretched out his arms to wrap around her slender waist, his black eyes sparkled, and he jokingly said, "I don't mind holding you like this all the time!"

Qiancheng was startled, and then remembered that he was still hanging on the man ambiguously, his face suddenly became hot, he quickly pushed him away, and jumped off.

"Aren't you able to appear in the Fourth Prince's Mansion without a trace? Go and bring my Xiaobai here!"

"My eldest lady, you haven't woken up from the wine you drank at night, have you? This is Dongshan on the outskirts of the city, how far is it from the Four Princes' Mansion, do you know? There is no horse mount, wait for me to bring it here, it will be a day Bright."

"Don't you know how to do light work?"

"You know how to do light work, but light work is not about flying through the clouds like a god."

"Then what should we do?" The woman blinked her big eyes and looked at him resentfully.


Thank you [ruixiang Azure], [yan9421] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you【326330842】Dear flowers~~
(End of this chapter)

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