after losing heart

Chapter 116 [136] No if

Chapter 116 [136] No if

After entanglement and entanglement, in the end, the two parties compromised and slept in the same room.

It's just that one sleeps on a bed and the other sleeps on a bench.

The night is long and relatively sleepless, so I have to find something to break the embarrassment.

"Sikong Wei, does this courtyard belong to you?" Qian Cheng turned over, propped his head on one hand, and looked at the man lying on the bench.

This man didn't even take off his mask when he was sleeping.

"Hmm!" The man lay flat on his back, his voice calm.

"Then why is there no one? What about your family?"

It seemed that her words reminded the man of something. The man was silent for a long time before saying, "Heishamen has houses all over the world, and this is just one of them."

"That's right!" Qiancheng nodded, thinking of the man's wedding in Damo Oasis in the desert that day, even if he had no relatives, at least he still had that woman, didn't he?

Her hands were a little sore, she rolled over and lay down on her back: "It's just such an empty house, no one lives in it, and there is no food, yet mice can still grow. I wonder what those mice usually eat?"

The man's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't speak.

Of course he would not tell her that there is actually a large warehouse underground in this house, which has stored a large amount of food.

"Sikong Wei, I have no place to go now, so just let me live with you, and I can pay your rent. You have a lot to do every day, you go to your own, and don't worry about me!"

"Are you really planning to never go back again?" The man seemed to move, and the bench creaked.

"Yes, never go back!"

"Then what if Su Mochen comes to look for you?"

"Looking for me?" Qiancheng smiled wryly, "Even if I die, he won't look for me."

He has so many hidden guards, and he is so omnipotent, if he really wanted to find her, he would have found her long ago.

It can only be explained that whether she leaves or not leaves no trace of ripples in his heart. Perhaps her departure just took advantage of his intentions. After all, she knows his secret.

"What if? I mean, what if, what if he comes to you and asks you to go back?"

This time it was Sikong Wei's turn to put his elbows on her and stare at her, there was a hint of urgency in his deep voice.

"No if," Qiancheng shook his head, and said quietly, "Even if he comes to look for me, I will definitely not go back with him, at worst, I will die!"

She can't continue to indulge in her own obsession and die like this.

After a while, Sikong Wei let out a soft sigh and lay down,

For a long time, neither of them spoke.

Just when Qiancheng was in a daze and was about to fall asleep, the man suddenly said, "Are you waiting for Xiao Han?"

The word Xiao Han pierced the eardrum, Qiancheng was startled suddenly, and suddenly lost sleepiness.

"How do you know him?"

The man snorted coldly, "When you were unconscious last night, you kept calling his name."

"Oh" Qiancheng suddenly realized, feeling sad for a moment, pursed his lips, and didn't want to say more.

"Does he have anything to do with Su Mochen?" The man straightened his voice, and finally asked the question that had been in his heart for a long time, and he had thought about it thousands of times.

"Relationship? No!" Qiancheng smiled wryly, "I thought there was too! Actually, no!"

"Who is he?"

"You don't even know... go to sleep!"

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and the black pupils were slowly covered with frost.

When the first light of dawn shone in through the window lattice in the morning, Qiancheng woke up.

There was no one in the room, and the mess she made last night had already been tidied up.

Speaking of these two days, Si Kongwei really took her by surprise.

She thought he would force her and threaten her to go back to the Fourth Palace like before, but no!
Moreover, a dignified head of the Heisha sect even cooked food for her, and even went to buy her clothes for women.

Although sometimes he was a little nervous and liked to take advantage of her, but generally speaking, it was okay, at least the two of them slept in the same room last night, and he didn't overdo it.

In fact, such a man is good to be a friend.

Taking a deep breath, she got up, got out of bed, and went out.

There is no one in the yard.

There was no one in the other rooms either.

There was no one in the kitchen, but rice porridge and side dishes were already set on the table.

She stepped forward to check the temperature, and it seemed that she had been cold for a long time.


Thousands of cities bulged their mouths.

It's really a day-to-day job!

When Su Mochen returned to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, the entrance of the Fourth Prince's Mansion was full of people, all guards with weapons, all guarding the gate.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, walked over, and climbed up the steps, wearing a purple robe.

Yang Hen was wandering anxiously at the gate, when he saw him suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he greeted him.

"What's going on?" Su Mo asked in a deep voice without stopping.

"I heard that the envoy from the border country has disappeared." Yang Hen followed step by step.

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he said coldly, "What does his disappearance have to do with this king?"

"The subordinates are not very clear. The sixth prince is still waiting for you in the mansion. He said that he was ordered to go to the palace for questioning by the sage. It seems to be related to this matter."

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then gave a soft "hmm", and then smiled coldly, "There are indeed unclean people hiding in the Fourth Prince's Mansion!"

Yang Hen was startled, and it took him a while to understand the meaning of his words.

Is it someone else's secret work in the palace?
In a pavilion in the courtyard, the Sixth Prince Su Mohong, Xilingxue and Tong Suqing were sitting together drinking tea.

He said he was drinking tea, but in fact, Su Mohong was the only one drinking it. Xilingxue's face was pale, and she couldn't hide her anxiety.

"Sixth Brother, what do you mean by Emperor Father? He asked Fourth Master to enter the palace for questioning. What exactly did he ask?"

Xilingxue frowned with concern.

Su Mohong bent his lips and smiled, and slowly put down the cup in his hand, "I don't know about that, I was just ordered to invite fourth brother."

"Please?" Xi Lingxue smiled wryly and shook his head, "How could there be so many guards to invite people? Sixth Brother, you don't want to cheat on Sisao, tell Sisao the truth!"

"I really don't know!" Su Mohong chuckled, the smile didn't reach his eyes.

As soon as Su Mochen stepped into the courtyard, Xilingxue was the first to spot him. Her eyes lit up, she lifted her skirt and ran over, "Fourth Master, Fourth Master, you can count yourself back. In the past two days, you can count on him to be back." Where did you go……."

Su Mochen smiled softly and shook her hand.

"Father asked the sixth younger brother to come and ask the fourth master to enter the palace for questioning, but there were many guards at the door..." Xi Lingxue was incoherent in a hurry.

"It's okay!" Su Mochen patted the back of her hand lightly to comfort her. Finally, he narrowed his eyes and walked towards the pavilion.

In the pavilion, Su Mohong had already stood up and smiled at him, "Fourth brother!"

He thought Su Mochen would ask him something, but he didn't, Su Mochen also smiled back at him with a gorgeous smile, and just said lightly, "I kept Sixth Brother waiting, let's go!"

Su Mohong was stunned for a long time, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

After entering the palace, Su Mohong brought Su Mochen directly to the Ministry of Punishment.

The lobby where the Ministry of Criminal Justice tried the case was already full of people, and there was no sound.

In consideration of the impact of today's events, Emperor Wen did not involve any ministers of the court except the Minister of the Ministry of Justice and the princes.

Emperor Wen sat at the top, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment sat at the bottom left of him, and the princes sat on the left and right below him, even the seventh princess Su Ningshuang was there.

As soon as Su Mochen stepped into the door, before he had time to salute, a figure suddenly rushed out from his seat and punched him in the face, "Bastard!"

Although it happened suddenly, they are all people with martial arts after all. He could have dodged this punch, but no, he did not evade it, and directly accepted it.

The fist fell like a hammer, and he was beaten to the side of the head, which shows that the opponent used a lot of force.

Suddenly, there was a broken muffled sound, the sound of a broken nasal bone.

Everyone was stunned, all stunned by this sudden scene.

Feeling a viscous liquid flowing out of his nostrils, Su Mochen raised his hand to wipe it off, and looked coldly at the man with scarlet eyes who looked like an angry lion in front of him.

The man raised his hand again, ready to punch again, but Su Mochen grabbed his wrist violently, and said in a cold voice, "Dare to ask third brother, what does this mean?"

At this time, everyone came back to their senses.

Some people watched the play, some were amused, and some were worried.

Su Ningshuang frowned slightly, and pursed her lips.

Emperor Wen yelled, "Third brother! Get back!"

Thank you [Red Ferrari 1], [Silky and fragrant zy] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [13812096909], [l5835] for the monthly pass~~
throw down~~
(End of this chapter)

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