after losing heart

Chapter 117 [137] He killed the city

Chapter 117 [137] He killed Qiancheng

Emperor Wen yelled, "Third brother! Get back!"

However, Su Mofeng still looked like he didn't care and was willing to go all out, his eyes were angrily wringing Su Mochen tightly, and his wrists pressed against each other.

Su Mo Shen was not afraid, and met his gaze directly.

Two by two look at each other, two by two confront each other.

For a time, a thousand layers of waves were stirred up.

Emperor Wen slapped the table with a dark face and roared, "Third brother, go back to your seat!"

Seeing this, Su Mohong on the side hurried forward and forcibly pulled Su Mofeng away.

"Why do you treat Qiancheng like this?" Su Mofeng roared like a wounded beast.

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, "What do you mean by what third brother said?"

"What do you mean? You know what you have done yourself!" Su Mofeng made a gesture to step forward again, but was caught by Su Mohong who was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He called two more people and forced him back to his seat together.

"Third brother, if you go crazy again, I will let you get out!" Emperor Wen's face was ashen, his voice trembling, and he seemed to be on the verge of fury.

Hearing that he was about to go out, Su Mofeng pursed his lips reluctantly, but his eyes were still like knives, twisting Su Mochen bitterly, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

Su Mo lowered his brows and bowed to Emperor Wen, "I have seen my father!"

Emperor Wen ignored him with a dark face, turned his head to the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment and said, "Let's start!"

"Yes!" Shang Shu nodded in acceptance, then turned his head to look at Su Mochen.

"Excuse me, Fourth Prince, is Madam Qian still alive?"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, "I don't understand the meaning of Shangshu, so I ask Shangshu to speak bluntly!"

Shang Shu glanced at Emperor Wen, pursed his lips, and said, "Someone reported that the fourth prince killed Mrs. Qian!"

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then sneered to himself as if hearing a funny joke, "What did you say? This king killed Qiancheng?"

"Dare to ask the Fourth Prince, where is Mrs. Qian now?"

"She..." Su Mo hesitated slightly, "She has something to go out for a few days."

"Going out? Where did you go? When did you come back? Do you have evidence?"

Shangshu is not forgiving.

Su Mochen was neither slow nor sick, neither angry nor annoyed, "Then Shangshu said that the king killed Qiancheng, but is there any evidence?"

"Of course!" Shang Shu smiled slightly, and ordered a small official next to him, "Submit the evidence!"

The little official went down, and in a short while brought up a tray. Inside the tray was a bloody coat and a silver needle, which Ye Qiancheng had exchanged in Tsinghua Garden that day.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer, "It seems that the person who reported it really took great pains, and I don't know how he went to my Fourth Prince's Mansion to get these things?"

While speaking, a pair of frosty eyes swept across Su Mohong and Su Mofeng sharply.

Su Mohong's eyes flickered slightly, and Su Mofeng looked at each other hatefully.

"The Fourth Prince only needs to answer the question, is this Madam Qian's clothes? Is this Madam Qian's blood on it?"

Shangshu waved his hand, and the little official retreated.

Su Mo bent his lips and smiled, "So what? Shangshu won't judge me guilty just because of this?"

"Yes, what does this explain?" Fourteen sneered disapprovingly, and Lao Jiu quickly followed suit, and everyone whispered and discussed.

Emperor Wen coughed dryly twice, and everyone fell silent again.

The Shangshu continued, "This is just physical evidence, and I still have personal witnesses."

"Witness?" Su Mochen slightly narrowed his eyes, his eyes were deep.

"Yes!" Shang Shu turned around and shouted to the outside again: "Bring a witness!"

Under the leadership of the little official, a woman walked in tremblingly with her head hooked. When she reached the center of the hall, she knelt down and did not dare to look up at everyone from the beginning to the end.

The people mourned.

Su Mo pursed his lips, and cast his deep gaze on the woman, finally, he recognized her.

It was her!

Xiaomei, Xilingxue's maid!

He remembered that he once had someone pour hot soup over her right hand.

"Xiaomei, tell me everything you know!" Shang Shu closed his eyes and said majesticly.

"Slave... Slave..." The woman raised her eyes and glanced at Su Mochen. She was frightened by his ruthless look, and turned her gaze away, "Slave..."

Shang Shu walked in front of her and said slowly: "You just need to tell the truth, there is no need to be afraid!"

"That's right! Father is here, he will make the decision for you!"

The person who spoke was Su Mohong, and Su Mo's thin lips curled into a sneer.

All eyes fell on the woman.

The woman still lowered her head, bit her lips and hesitated for a long time before she said: "I heard what Si Ye and Mrs. Tong said with my own ears. He said that he had killed Mrs. Qian!"

Tong Suqing?
There was an uproar.

Emperor Wen's black eyes were deep.

The corner of Su Mohong's lips twitched imperceptibly.

Fourteen and Old Nine looked worried.

Su Ningshuang pursed her lips even more tightly.

Su Mofeng clenched his hands in his wide sleeves.

Su Mochen sneered slightly.

"This king has two questions to ask. First, if this king killed Qiancheng, what about Qiancheng's body? Did Xiaomei see where her body was? In addition, this king's motive, this king's What is the motive for killing Qiancheng?"

"The maidservant doesn't know where Master Qian's body is. The fourth prince and Master Qian disappeared the next day, and the Fourth Prince didn't come back until today."

The implication is obvious, Su Mochen went to dispose of the corpse in the past two days.

Su Mochen sneered even worse.

Xiaomei continued, "As for the motive, the servant girl is not very clear, just passing by the door that night, I overheard Master Qian say, what should not be seen, what should not be said, she has a sense of proportion, if the fourth prince is not at ease, you can You can kill her to silence her. Come to think of it, Fourth Master has something to hold onto Master Qian, right?"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, and the deep eyes were full of wind and clouds, and after a while, they returned to silence.

It turned out that the figure passing behind the night door was her!
Slowly raising the corners of his lips, he chuckled.

"How can this king have a grip on Qiancheng? Besides, this king and her are husband and wife, and they are of the same mind. What else can't she see or say?"

"That's not necessarily the case. It must be a big secret that can involve human life. It may not necessarily be related to the envoy from the border country. Otherwise, it would be such a coincidence that the three of you disappeared at the same time."

It was Su Mohong who made the sound, with a strange air of yin and yang.

"What do you mean by Sixth Brother?" Su Mo's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "You can't say that this king killed the envoy of the border country and was seen by Qiancheng, and then this king killed Qiancheng again Shut up, shall we?"

Su Mohong pursed his lips and shrugged, "I didn't say anything."

"I'll say it again, I didn't kill Qiancheng!"

"Then let the fourth sister-in-law come out and show her face!" Su Mohong frowned and smiled wickedly.

"This king has said that, she is on a long journey!"

"Is it the far door that never comes back?"

"Su Mohong—"

"Enough!" Emperor Wen jumped up against the case, his face extremely ugly, "What's the use of talking fast here? Everything is talking about evidence! Didn't the maid just say that she heard what the fourth child and Tong Suqing said with her own ears? ? Bring Tong Suqing up!"

Perhaps she had been announced into the palace long ago, after a while, Tong Suqing walked in slowly with the hand of a court lady, and bowed in the direction of Emperor Wen with her empty eyes.

"Okay, don't be too polite!" Emperor Wen waved his hands impatiently, "I declare that you came here because I have something to ask you to answer truthfully. Xiaomei, the maidservant of your fourth prince's residence, said that she heard the fourth son tell you with her own ears, He killed Qiancheng, is there such a thing?"

Tong Suqing's face turned pale, and she took a step back, if it wasn't for the support of the maid next to her, she almost fell down.

Seeing that she behaved abnormally and remained silent, Emperor Wen repeated in a deep voice, "Is there such a thing?"


"Yes or no?" Emperor Wen suddenly roared.

Su Qing was taken aback, and knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Father, calm down, fourth master... Fourth master was joking with Erchen because... because... Erchen... Erchen can't see him treating Qiancheng Okay, get angry with him, make trouble with him... Then, he joked with Erchen that he would kill Qiancheng."

Su Qing stammered, his words flickered, and his body was shaking with fright.

Emperor Wen had a panoramic view, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, "That means, he did say that, didn't he?"

Dear friends, don’t worry, the truth is always unexpected~~
In addition, dear ones don’t like to see sweetness and excessiveness. Suzi knows that birds and coffee leave messages, so Suzi will try to write as little as possible~
(End of this chapter)

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